Susan Serino

May 28, 2021

ALBANY, NY – In recognition of Lyme Disease Awareness Month, Senator Sue Serino this week urged her colleagues to help raise awareness by participating in the famous, ‘Take a Bite Out of Lyme,’ social media challenge. Senator Serino shared a lime and instructions for participating in the challenge with every member of the State Senate, and is pictured above participating in the challenge with members of her conference at the State Capitol. The State Senate this week also brought a resolution to the floor, co-sponsored by Senator Serino, that officially designates the month of May as Lyme Disease Awareness Month here in the State.

“With the weather getting warmer, and more of us spending more time outdoors than ever before, it is critically important to remember that we need to do all that we can to stay healthy and tick-free,” said Senator Sue Serino. “A little awareness goes a long way when it comes to ensuring our neighbors are taking the necessary steps to prevent a tick bite. The ‘Take a Bite Out of Lyme’ challenge is a fun and easy way to spread awareness about Lyme and tick-borne diseases and to remind others to stay as vigilant as possible when they are enjoying the outdoors, and we encourage community members to participate!”

To participate in the ‘Take a Bite Out of Lyme Challenge,’ take a picture or video of yourself as you take a bite out of a lime, share the photo along with a fact about Lyme disease on a social media post, and challenge three others to do the same. To learn more, click here.

The New York State Senate recently passed a resolution declaring the month of May as ‘Lyme Disease Awareness Month.’ To hear Senator Serino’s remarks on the topic, click here.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recently estimated that approximately 476,000 Americans are diagnosed and treated for Lyme disease each year, which is a significant uptick from  previous estimates.

For tips and tricks to help prevent the spread of Lyme and tick-borne diseases (TBDs) and for unique activities to share with young children, please click here, and you can find additional children’s educational activities here.
