HYDE PARK, NY – Senator Sue Serino released the following statement in response to the Governor’s 2021-22 New York State Budget Presentation:

“It is no secret that New York is facing an unprecedented fiscal crisis. While we certainly need responsible fiscal help from Washington—which I have joined my colleagues on both sides of the aisle in actively advocating for throughout the pandemic—the reality is that New York had a spending problem long before the COVID crisis struck.

While I was heartened to hear that the state fully recognizes the need to help support the industries that it hit the hardest with its closures, like bars, restaurants and the arts, I was sorely disappointed to see that today’s presentation came without a single mention of the need to seriously reevaluate our spending. I was even more disturbed to hear mention of Legislative pay raises—something that should be fully off the table when the state is facing a fiscal crisis like the one we are in now.

Now, more than ever, we have to redouble our efforts to cut waste, increase efficiency and make smart spending the top priority. The legacy we leave for our children and grandchildren in the wake of this devastating pandemic will depend wholly on the decisions we make today, starting with this state budget. We cannot mortgage their futures to pay for the decisions made solely by the Executive over the past 10 months.

As we move forward with the budget process this year, I will continue to work tirelessly to ensure the voices of our Hudson Valley neighbors are heard and their needs met.”

