Senator Stec Calls for End of School Mask Mandate and Executive Overreach
February 14, 2022
Senator Dan Stec (R,C-Queensbury) today joined his Senate Republican colleagues in calling for an end to the mask mandate on schools. Last week, Gov. Kathy Hochul lifted the “vax or mask” mandate on businesses, but maintained a mandate on schools with only a vague timeline for its end.
Multiple reports have shown the detrimental effect the long-term mask policy has had on children and their development. With this unconstitutional mandate finally lifted on adults, it makes no sense for it to remain in place for students, the group least vulnerable to COVID-19.
“Study after study has shown that masks have negatively impacted students' emotional, physical and educational development," said Senator Dan Stec. "It's long past time for the governor to follow the actual science, do what's right for our students and end the unfair and unpopular mask mandates on schools."
In an effort to end the governor’s use of unconstitutional mandates and bring closure to this specific issue, Sen. Stec voted for an amendment today that would put an immediate end to masks in schools and restore legislative checks and balances. The measure was defeated by Senate Democrats in a party-line vote.
“Voters didn’t elect an emperor; they voted for representation to make decisions that best represent their values,” Stec noted. “We must end the cycle of unconstitutional mandates coming from the governor’s office and restore the Legislature’s role as a necessary check. I voted to do exactly that today and it’s a travesty that my Senate Democrat colleagues refuse to show that same commitment to good government and all New Yorkers.”