Stec: Budget's Bail Reform Changes and College Tuition Assistance for Inmates an Absolute Disgrace

Daniel G. Stec

April 8, 2022

Senator Dan Stec (R,C-Queensbury) today criticized the changes to bail reform in the 2022-23 New York State Budget as weak and insubstantial. When paired with allowing prison inmates to apply for the state’s college Tuition Assistance Program (TAP), the much-discussed public safety reforms enacted by Democrats still prioritize criminals and convicts over the safety of law-abiding residents and their families.

 “Despite New Yorkers making their voices heard on public safety and the need to replace bail reform, Democrats still refuse to listen,” he added. “Instead of a full repeal and working with DAs, law enforcement and courts on common sense policies, they’ve presented a series of changes that add only two offenses to the list of bail-eligible offenses, made minor changes to repeat offenders and still fail to allow judges to consider dangerousness when considering bail.

“If this wasn’t enough, Democrats have also voted to give inmates access to TAP funding,” he added. “This is absolutely shameful. At a time when we face public safety and affordability crises, Democrats are rewarding inmates with taxpayer-funded college tuition and allowing dangerous, repeat offenders back into their communities. It’s a travesty and our law-abiding residents and taxpayers deserve so much better.”