Stec Calls for Capitol to be Re-Opened
February 16, 2022
- New York State Capitol
Video of Stec commenting on allowing visitors back into state Capitol can be viewed at: https://youtu.be/ZseQzsH3ZxI
Senator Dan Stec (R,C-Queensbury) today called on Governor Kathy Hochul to re-open the state Capitol and Legislative Office Building to the public. The spaces were closed in March 2020 by then-Governor Andrew Cuomo at the start of the coronavirus pandemic and have remained closed since.
With businesses, sports and entertainment venues and restaurants opened at full capacity, there’s simply no reason for residents to be barred from meeting with their elected representatives in Albany.
“New Yorkers can go to any place in this state they want, except for the state Capitol,” said Stec. “It’s been nearly two full years since residents could come to Albany and meet with their Senator or Assemblymember. This continued lack of access is government at its most trivial and arbitrary, and it needs to end.
“I urge the governor to do right by our democracy and for all New Yorkers and finally re-open the Capitol,” he concluded.