Gov. Hochul Enacts Senator Sanders Proposed Memorial Commemorating Anniversary of Insurrection at U.S. Capitol

Senator James Sanders Jr. commends Governor Kathy Hochul for commanding the lowering and hoisting of the American Flag today in commemoration of the one-year anniversary of the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. The move comes after Senator Sanders sent this request to the Governor in a letter, which was signed by 24 of his senate colleagues. 

Senator Kevin Thomas, one of those who signed on, said, “We must never forget the attack on our Capitol and our democracy that occured on January 6th, 2021. I thank Governor Hochul for commanding the lowering and hoisting of the American Flag today in commemoration of the one-year anniversary of the insurrection and in memory of those who lost their lives during the deadly attack. Today and every day, we must protect our democracy by rejecting political violence.”

Senator Alessandra Biaggi said: “One year ago, our country watched as domestic terrorists sieged the United States Capitol in a direct assault on our democracy. What we all witnessed was a violent attempt to violate the Constitution and a horrific display of white supremacy. We will never forget the bravery of the elected officials, staff, and Capitol Police who defended our democracy during moments of terror. I am grateful to my colleagues in the Legislature and to Governor Kathy Hochul for directing State flags to be flown at half-staff in honor of those who lost their lives defending our country last January 6th.”

State Senator John C. Liu said, "One year ago, our country suffered a perilous assault on our democracy with the insurrection at the United States Capitol Building. The shameful events of that day were tempered only by the incredible acts of courage and duty by officers like Brian Sicknick, who gave his life in defense of our hallowed halls and in protection of our elected leaders. Today we show our solidarity with all Americans, and we commemorate the incredible sacrifice of all who defend our values, our freedom, and our democracy."

 Senator Samra Brouk said:  "Like many Americans, I am grateful to those who defended our capital one year ago today, as fringe conspiracy theorists worked to overthrow our democracy. I applaud Governor Hochul’s decision to lower the flags on state buildings to half-staff in their honor. It is my hope—as a legislator and as a citizen—that January 6th will become more than a day when we reflect on a dark moment in our nation’s history, but a day when we recommit to preserving both our Republic and the democratic values that so many before us have fought and died to protect.”

Congressman Steny Hoyer of Maryland initiated the directive at the federal level by sending a letter to President Joe Biden with the same request applying it to federal buildings. Senator Sanders proposed it for state buildings.
Senator Sanders has also joined Senator Liz Krueger as Co-Prime sponsor of her bill, which would make this day an annual holiday called Democracy Day.
Senator Sanders said: "January 6, 2021 will live in infamy as a date when America was attacked by insurrectionists attempting to overthrow our cherished democracy. Let this be a warning to us all that we must not only protect the democracy we have but to expand and strengthen it. We must not allow the innumerable sacrifices made by countless people over many years since 1776 to have been in vain. Vigilance is the order of the day. This noble, although flawed, experiment must not perish from hateful people nor a neglectful citizenry. Democracy Day allows citizens to reflect on how far we have come and how far we have yet to go.”
Senator Krueger said: "One year ago today, the former president of the United States and his co-conspirators, including many leaders of the Republican Party, incited an armed insurrection against the government of the United States, with the express purpose of overturning the results of a free and fair election. "It was the first time since the Civil War that our country has not enjoyed a peaceful transfer of power. One Capitol Police officer died, over a hundred officers were injured, and four took their own lives in the aftermath of the attack. It is vital that we commemorate this terrible event to recognize their sacrifice and take a stand against the forces that threaten our democracy."