Griffo: Plan would make New York more affordable, expand economic opportunity and stop the exodus

Joseph A. Griffo

February 15, 2022

With joint legislative hearings on economic development and taxes taking place tomorrow, New York State Sen. Joseph Griffo, R-I-C-Rome, advocated today for a plan that would increase affordability and expand economic opportunity in New York while also stopping the mass exodus of families and businesses who are leaving the state for greater financial freedom and quality of life. 

The plan advanced by Sen. Griffo and the Senate Republican Conference includes:  

  • Cutting New York’s Highest-In-The-Nation Taxes:  

    • Enact a permanent, constitutional cap on runaway state spending;  
    • Repeal unfunded mandates that drive up local property taxes;   
    • Accelerate and expand the historic, Senate Republican-authored Middle-Class Tax Cut;  
    • Require a 2/3 vote of the state legislature for any tax increase; and  
    • Reject the Senate Democrats’ plans to dramatically increase gas, home heating, and everyday-living costs; and   
    • Temporarily suspending the state gas tax.  
  • Reducing the Cost of Living:  

    • Allow localities the option to offer state sales tax holidays on essential goods and services;  
    • Advocate for and protect the rights of property owners;  
    • Make childcare more affordable and available by examining costly regulations, expanding the Empire State Child Tax Credit and the dependent care credit, and increasing support for employer-provided early childhood education and care; and  
    • Mitigate the impact of the global energy crisis by providing nearly $300 million in energy tax relief.  
  • Improving the State Business Climate:  

    • Cut red tape and burdensome regulations;  
    • Reduce taxes on small businesses;  
    • Reform the way economic development – for years plagued by corruption – is done in New York;  
    • Reject Democrats’ plans to ban natural gas hookups in construction;   
    • Slash small businesses skyrocketing unemployment insurance tax rates by using federal pandemic relief funds to replenish the depleted unemployment insurance fund; and  
    • Cap unemployment taxes to protect businesses still struggling with pandemic recovery.  


"New Yorkers are fleeing the state at an alarming rate because they can't afford to live here,” Sen. Griffo said. “High taxes and other burdensome costs and regulations are preventing many New York residents from getting ahead. This plan offers an approach that would make the state more affordable, provide for much-needed tax relief, expand economic opportunities and curtail the continued population loss that we have witnessed over the years.”  

Additionally, Sen. Griffo has put forth several proposals, introduced legislation and advocated for ideas and initiatives that will stop the exodus. These include: 

  • Making New York safer. Sen. Griffo has proposed a $100 million ($80 million for additional police officers and $20 million for equipment) allocation to law enforcement agencies each year for the next three years; a complete repeal of the state’s bail changes made by the legislative majorities; changing discovery laws to include affirmative consent of witnesses; and instituting severe consequences for murdering a police officer – either mandatory life without parole or capital punishment 
  • Enacting government reform. Sen. Griffo has introduced legislation that includes term limits, initiative, referendum and recall and other good government reforms. 
  • Ensuring transportation and infrastructure parity. Sen. Griffo continues to be actively engaged to ensure that upstate cities, towns and villages are treated fairly and that they get the resources they need to address infrastructure-related concerns. 
  • Protecting the public’s health. Sen. Griffo has proposed legislation that would recruit and help retain doctors and medical professionals, especially in upstate communities and industry-wide nursing home reform. 


“These are concepts that could and should be considered because they can make a difference and bring about real change in New York,” Sen. Griffo said. “As this year’s legislative session moves forward, I will continue to advocate for and support these initiatives and legislation because I believe they will help to stop the exodus from our state, grow and strengthen our communities, enhance public safety and health and improve the lives of New Yorkers.”