Griffo: Secretive budget process continues to erode public confidence in government
April 1, 2022
New York State Sen. Joseph Griffo, R-I-C-Rome, released the following statement today criticizing this year’s budget process. The state Constitution mandates that the budget must be approved by April 1:
“The governor pledged that she would bring transparency to Albany and change the way that state government operates. However, this appears to be an empty promise. Throughout this year’s budget process, called one of the most secretive by the good government group NYPIRG, we have witnessed a lack of openness and transparency from the governor and legislative majorities. At a time when they have sufficient financial resources and total control of state government, they are responsible for a late and unsustainable budget negotiated behind closed doors that keeps New Yorkers in the dark when it comes to how their hard-earned tax dollars are spent. This inexcusable process, coupled with a partisan attempt to redistrict, have led to an unnecessary and disappointing erosion of the people’s confidence in their state government. While we live in the state of New York, we exist in a state of flux.”