Resolution of Senator Luis Sepulveda proclaiming the 178th anniversary of the Independence of the Dominican Republic in the State of New York.
Rusking Pimentel
February 9, 2022
It is with great joy, privilege, and honor that we celebrate the 178th anniversary of the declaration of independence of the Dominican Republic with our brothers and sisters afar. More than one million Dominicans call New York their home. In our state, this hard working community has contributed to our diversity with its culture, cuisine, music and brotherhood. On this date, all Dominicans around the world feel closer to their homeland, although afar.
New York State is proud of its Dominican community. Personally, I feel more and more united and committed to their roots, dreams and needs. For this reason, I am pleased to issue a resolution in the New York State Senate, J1803, proclaiming February 27th of 2022 as the 178th anniversary of Dominican Independence in the State of New York. Recognizing the values that unite us, their contributions to our society, the freedom and sovereignty of its people, I wish to recall a phrase that is engraved on its national coat of arms: God, Country and Liberty. These values unite us as brother nations and make us work for the common purpose of improving the lives of our people. Especially in the Bronx, I see with great joy how the Dominican community contributes to our society every day. I am proud to reiterate the representation of the Dominican Republic and its people in all sectors including in the labor, student, cultural and community areas. For all of the above, and for your great work in our community, I extend a hug and congratulations on such an important date.