Central Hudson Investigation Requested by Hudson Valley Representatives Hinchey, Ryan, and Cahill Concludes, PSC Report Reveals Utility Company in Violation of Service Standards
December 15, 2022

ALBANY, NY – Following an investigation requested by State Senator Michelle Hinchey, then-Ulster County Executive Pat Ryan, and Assemblyman Kevin Cahill, the New York Public Service Commission (PSC) today released its report affirming that Central Hudson demanded unjust and unreasonable charges from thousands of customers, failed to provide adequate and timely billing service and operated an estimated billing system in conflict with Public Service Law and Commission orders, among other findings.
Senator Hinchey said, “After months of investigation, today, the PSC rightfully found Central Hudson guilty of numerous violations that have directly caused economic harm to its customers. I’m proud that my office, along with Rep. Pat Ryan, Assemblyman Kevin Cahill, and our partners at PULP, have kept the pressure on to ensure an accurate investigation in support of ratepayers.
“In their findings, the PSC found that Central Hudson’s estimated billing practices are in breach of the state’s standards for customer quality and service, and I’m incredibly pleased that my bill to ban estimated billing and require monthly, accurate meter readings has officially been adopted as one of the formal recommendations moving forward. If there is anything this investigation has made clear, it’s that customers across the Hudson Valley deserve better and that passing my bill to protect customers into law has never been more important. It’s about time Central Hudson’s customers receive justice and answers for the hardships they’ve endured, and I’ll continue to fight to hold the company accountable for their negligent actions.”
At the start of the 2023 state legislative session, Hinchey will be reintroducing her bill (S9469) to ban estimated billing and prioritizing it for early passage.
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