Senator Helming Encourages Public Comment on Climate Action Council's Draft Scoping Plan
March 2, 2022

Senator Helming is encouraging constituents to make their voices heard and submit official public comment on the Climate Action Council’s (CAC) draft Scoping Plan. Public comment is open through April 30, 2022.
Senator Helming said, "Protecting our environment is a goal we all share. But we must be responsible in how we reach these goals to protect taxpayers and business owners who are already overburdened by higher costs. We must be especially mindful of the impact of these policies on our rural communities and residents who rely on natural gas, heating oil, and propane. I've heard from many of my constituents about rising gas prices and heating bills. As we pursue clean energy initiatives, affordability must be top of mind. Adding additional costs will only crush more families and businesses."
The Climate Action Council's draft scoping plan includes:
- No new gas service to existing buildings, beginning in 2024;
- No natural gas within newly constructed buildings, beginning in 2024;
- No new natural gas appliances for home heating, cooking, water heating, clothes drying beginning in 2030;
- No gasoline-automobile sales by 2035;
- Installing onsite solar or joining a community renewables program by 2040;
- Installing geothermal heating by 2040.