Senator Gallivan's Senate Votes for Week of April 4, 2022
Jim Ranney
April 8, 2022
- NYS Senate

The following bills were approved in the NYS Senate. Senator Gallivan's vote is noted.
S6828A This bill would require the Department of Labor to issue notice of initial determination for unemployment benefits within 30 days of the claimant furnishing the necessary documentation. If the commissioner is unable to issue a determination within such time frame, they shall inform the claimant of the new estimated time frame for the issuance of a determination. AYE
S6966 Repeals references to the Long Island Railroad Police; which has not existed as a police force since the 1990s. AYE
S8128 Exempts certain commercial lines insurance transactions placed by wholesale insurance brokers from the excess line diligent effort requirement. NOTE - Under current law, brokers must make a good faith attempt to seek coverage from a licensed insurer before turning to the excess line market. This is called a diligent effort. A diligent effort to be complete when three licensed insurers have considered and then rejected a risk. AYE
S1256B Establishes potable water testing standards at state or local parks. Periodic first-drawn tap testing must be conducted to monitor for lead contamination at each park and testing must be carried out and analyzed by an entity approved by DOH. Periodic testing also must occur once every three years. B PRINT - states that lead action levels are exceeded if the concentration is greater than .005 milligrams per liter. AYE
S2988 Authorizes the department of transportation to conduct a study pertaining to proposed improvements of State Route 9A in the towns of Ossining and Mount Pleasant. AYE
S4471A This bill would require IDAs to inform taxing jurisdictions of the end of PILOT agreements two years before the expiration of such agreement. AYE
S7106A JUSTICE CENTER DEPARTMENTAL - Requires certain entities to check the justice center's register of substantiated category one cases of abuse or neglect; prohibits certain providers of services from hiring employees who are on the register of substantiated category one cases of abuse or neglect. NOTE - Category one cases are former staff persons found responsible for serious acts of physical abuse, sexual abuse or other serious conduct by custodians. AYE
S2933A Directs the department of state and the public service commission to study and report upon the prevalence of the disclosure by public utilities, cable television companies and cellular telephone service providers to credit reporting agencies of late payments and defaults in payment of fees and charges by consumers. AYE
S2789 Adds to the definition of a victim of a sexual offense by including a victim of unlawful dissemination or publication of an intimate image. This bill allows for the expansion of the Address Confidentiality Program to include victims of the revenge porn law. AYE
S28A This bill amends the State Administrative Procedure Act (SAPA) to require that every agency with a substantial regulatory impact on small businesses establish a section of its website to be called the "Small Business Regulatory Nexus" of such agency. A PRINT - makes minor technical change. AYE
S1138 Authorizes the commissioner of general services to convey the North County Trailway, real property in Westchester county, to the county of Westchester. AYE
S6499 OCA DEPARTMENTAL - The bill amends the provisions of the Estates Powers and Trusts Law to provide that the trustees of charitable trusts shall be compensated on the same basis as trustees of private trusts. AYE
S554 Directs the office for the aging and the department of economic development to expand encore entrepreneurship in the state, to empower individuals fifty years of age or older to establish small businesses. AYE
S5938 Establishes a regional or county-based peer support services program for transgender and non-binary individuals that provides support services including but not limited to, peer counseling for mental illness including alcohol and substance abuse counseling, family support services, domestic violence, mental health and physical health. AYE
S252A This bill would authorize the Long Island Railroad and the Metro-North Commuter Railroads to install and operate a railroad grade crossing photo violation monitoring device at any railroad sign or signal within its jurisdiction. AYE
S8267 Authorizes the assessor of the town of Huntington, county of Suffolk, to accept from the Huntington Public Library an application for exemption from real property taxes. AYE
S2903A Requires courts, prior to accepting a plea to a misdemeanor or violation, to provide notice to the defendant that such plea and the acceptance thereof could result in deportation, removal from the United States, exclusion from the United States or denial of citizenship, if the defendant is not a citizen of the United States. AYE
S5237B This bill would make LIPA service providers responsible for the reimbursement of any spoiled food or spoiled medication after a residential home experiences a power outage lasting seventy-two consecutive hours or more. Additionally, the bill would make utility companies responsible for the reimbursement of spoiled food to local business owners. Maximum reimbursement is $540 and $10,700, respectively. AYE
S6172A Prohibits the disabling, removal or interference with emission control devices and the use of emission tampering devices; provides remedies for the violation of such provisions. Violations of this section are punishable by a civil penalty between $1,000 and $5,000 for initial violations and between $2,000- $10,000 for subsequent violations. All civil penalties collected to be deposited to the credit of the Environmental Protection Fund. Environmental Advocates of New York. B PRINT - changes date of the Act to 2022. AYE
S6510 Relates to allowing counties to prohibit hunting during a seven-day special late bow, special long bow and muzzle loader season in the southern zone. NOTE - In February 2021, DEC announced that they have adopted a new regulation to establish a "Holiday Deer Hunt" by extending the late bow and muzzleloader hunting seasons for deer from Dec. 26 to Jan. 1, in New York's Southern Zone. NAY (Will negatively effect hunters.)
S973 Requires nonpublic schools to follow the same rules and regulations as public schools regarding a pupil who suffers a concussion, regarding training to recognize the symptoms of a concussion, information to be provided to the parent or guardian of such pupil and the amount of time such pupil shall wait before resuming an athletic activity. AYE
S6871A This bill would create a tax checkoff box for Lyme and tick-borne diseases education, research and prevention and would establishing the Lyme and tick-borne diseases education, research and prevention fund in State Finance Law. A PRINT - makes technical changes. AYE
S4614A Authorizes every governing body of an assessing unit and every local assessor to accept a late application for a tax exemption related to having a disability for the 2020-2021 school taxes and the 2021 general taxes, provided that acceptance of such late application may occur only pursuant to local authorization by adoption of a local law in the case of a county, city, town or village, or passage of a resolution in the case of a school district other than a school district subject to article fifty-two of the education law. AYE
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