Senator Gallivan's Votes for Week of May 31, 2022
Jim Ranney
June 7, 2022
- NYS Senate

The following bills were approved in the NYS Senate. Senator Gallivan's vote is noted.
S2951A This bill would shorten the deadline for voter registration applications to 10 days before the election. This bill would provide that an application postmarked by no later than fifteen days before the next primary, general or special election, which is received no later than ten days before such election, or which is delivered in person at least ten days before such election to the county board of elections, shall entitle such applicant to vote at such election. NAY (Burdensome on the board of elections as it will be difficult for them to get all of the deadline applications into the poll book, in time for early voting.)
S4738A Requires that modular construction projects (whether units installed in buildings or new construction) comply with applicable municipal plumbing, gas piping, electrical, and fire suppression licensing requirements, whenever such final construction project is to be located in a city having a population of 1 million or more. NAY (Workers outside NYC must hold NYC license)
S7023A This bill requires the Commissioner of Health to conduct a study on the rates of reimbursement made through the New York state Medicaid durable medical equipment, orthotics, prosthetics and supplies program for rate adequacy and patient access. AYE
S660A Directs the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation, in cooperation with the Department of Environmental Conservation, to develop policies and procedures to encourage, train and assist the State and localities to use pollinator-friendly plant species in medians along highways. AYE
S1271A Provide that a first time offense for intentionally dumping snow onto a handicapped parking place shall not exceed one hundred twenty-five dollars and for a second or subsequent offense shall not exceed two hundred-fifty dollars. AYE
S694A Requires the annual report of the division of minority and women's business development to contain information on each contract identifying whether it is a contract for goods or services, whether the contract was awarded to a certified minority-owned business enterprise or a certified women-owned business enterprise, the name and business address of prime contractors and subcontractors providing services under such contract, and the dollar value of such contract. AYE
S6617A OSC DEPARTMENTAL - Provides that the comptroller shall cause, in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the comptroller, that a state employee's net salary may be deposited directly in a bank for any purpose to an account in the name of such employee. AYE
S5420 Expands volunteerism by making use of the databases of statewide aging organizations; institutes volunteer certificate programs which train volunteers and individuals in programs to use the volunteers. AYE
S1958A This bill would prohibit employers, labor organizations, or employment agencies from assessing points, occurrences, or otherwise disciplining employees for lawful absences from work. AYE
S1997A This bill would amend the Labor Law, section 167 relating to the restrictions on consecutive hours of work for nurses to assess a civil penalty of not less than one thousand nor more than ten thousand dollars, per violation upon an employer should such employer require a nurse to work more than such nurse's regularly scheduled work hours. The bill further provides that the employee shall receive an additional fifteen percent of the overtime payment from the employer for each violation. NAY (Civil penalties may be unnecessary.)
S813 This bill would increase the maximum age of receiving shelter services to twenty-four in certain situations. Current transitional independent living support programs service youth between the ages of 16 to 21. This bill would allow a youth to remain eligible for an additional three years until 24. NAY (Transitional independent living programs currently house youth 16 years of age and older. Housing a 24 year old with younger youth is problematic.)
S3081B This bill prohibits any party within the chain of distribution of any drug subject to a shortage to sell the drug at an unconscionably excessive price. AYE
S7854A Prohibits off-track betting corporation vehicles from being used as take-home vehicles by board members, officers, employees, contractors, subcontractors, consultants, or agents of such corporation or by certain family members of such individuals. AYE
S7864B This bill would amend subdivision 12 of section 239-bb of the General Municipal Law by adding title fiveB of article five of the Public Authorities Law. It would ensure that the South Nassau Water Authority and North Shore Water Authority would be eligible to receive one million dollars each in relation to the countywide shared services panels beginning with state fiscal year 2021-2022. AMENDMENTS - The amendment would ensure that the North Shore Water Authority shall remain eligible for the funding of such which was established in the 2021-2022 state fiscal year. AYE
S2841A Establishes a visiting program for incarcerated people, which gives incarcerated people opportunities for personal contact with relatives, friends, clergy, volunteers and other persons to promote better institutional adjustment and better community adjustment upon release. NAY (Fails to define "personal contact." The primary concern is that the as it is written may allow personal contact that could facilitate the concealed transmission of contraband.)
S8057A Amends the mental hygiene law by providing that OASAS in Consultation with OM H provide annual outreach services to other state and local entities, including but not limited to the division of veterans' services, the office of people with developmental disabilities, the office of children and family services, the department of corrections, or providers contracted by such agencies to provide assistance to the impacted populations to make them aware of the independent substance use disorder and mental health ombudsman program and the assistance they provide. AYE
S5333A Authorizes the state to convey certain forest preserve land; provides such sale shall be subject to legislative approval and the proceeds of such conveyance shall be used for acquisitions to the forest preserve. AYE
S7582B Requires the examination of current and the recommendation of future standardized building code requirements for flood mitigation; adds the commissioner of the department of environmental conservation and the director of the office of emergency management and an individual with significant professional technical experience in flood prevention and building code council. AYE
S6900 Establishes "Brendan's law"; requires child day care centers and certain other facilities installing new or replacement window coverings to install cordless window coverings; requires child day care centers and certain other facilities that have window coverings in place before the effective date of this section to meet safety standards established in ANSI/WCMA A 100.1- 2012 or any successor standard. AYE
S5472A Requires disclosure of information concerning flood insurance on property condition disclosure statements; relates to liability with respect to property disclosures. AYE
S7658B Prohibits an insurer from cancelling, refusing to issue, refusing to renew, or increasing the premium of a policy solely on the basis that one or more claims have been made against any policy during the preceding sixty months for a loss that is the result of a hate crime. AYE
S6211 Authorizes the state board of elections to reject the use of voting machines or systems on the grounds that such machines or systems are not proper, safe, or secure. NAY (Implies that the current voting machines are not secure and thus the election process is not secure.)
S7578C This bill makes various amendments to §162 of the State Finance Law which provides various provisions governing contracting for preferred source entities. This bill seeks to eliminate outdated language, clarify definitions, increase the contract amount of contracts eligible for expedited review. AYE
S8419B This is a sunshine bill that would require the Community Advisory Committees formed by the Empire State Development Corporation (ESDC) to be subject to the Freedom of Information Law (Public Officers Law Article 6) and the Open Meetings Law (Public Officers Law Article 7). ESDC would be required to post a list of all CAC members, meeting materials, agendas and minutes on its website at least one day in advance of the CAC meeting. AYE
S7862B This bill would amend State Finance law to remove any liability resulting from tuition, fees, room and board, educational benefit overpayments, student loans, or other charges incurred by a student due from the definition of "debt" owed to State Agencies that can be collected on with interest by the Attorney General's Office. AYE
S8363 This legislation provides for the creation of an online, searchable database which will catalogue workforce development programs in the state. Empire State Development Corporation in conjunction with the Department of Labor will be responsible for establishing and maintaining the online searchable database. AYE
S5891F This bill enacts the "New York collegiate athletic participation compensation act," which would allow college athletes to get paid through sponsorships . Fprint makes technical changes to the bill and provides that the bill shall apply to any contracted modified, renewed, or amended after the effective date. NAY
S3959B Requires the appointment of a transit dependent and a paratransit dependent representative on various transportation authorities. AYE
S8512 Designates a portion of the state highway system as the "Trooper Martin J. Kerins Memorial Bridge". AYE
S4778B Authorizes the assessor of the town of Brookhaven to accept an application for exemption from real property taxes from Al-Muneer Foundation, Inc., a not-for-profit religious organization. AYE
S7906A Authorizes the Chabad of Oceanside, Inc. to receive retroactive real property tax exempt status. AYE
S2532B This bill creates a new section within the public health law regarding chain restaurants; sodium content of menu items. Defines "chain restaurant" means a food service establishment, which is one of 15 or more locations that are operated under the same name, regardless of the type of ownership of the locations, and offering for sale substantially similar menu items. NAY (Selective nature of application to chain restaurants only.)
S158A This bill would add a new section 3154-a to the public authorities law to establish a mobile high technology training facilities program within the Foundation for Science, Technology and Innovation (which is commonly known as NYSTAR). AYE
S309B Requires local board of elections to purchase optical scan machines and establishes new requirements that voting machines must meet. NAY (Unfunded mandate.)
S4885A This bill would amend section 167 of the Labor Law pertaining to restrictions on consecutive hours of work for nurses. The bill would incorporate nurses that work in a home care setting into the existing standards for mandatory overtime applicable to other nurses. AYE
S8531A This bill would establish the "20 Station Drive, Wyandanch Design-Build Act". Within this act contains sections requiring the utilization of a project labor agreement, detailing the two step-method for selecting a contractor, requiring that professional services be rendered by licensed professionals, and provides for the preservation of collective bargaining rights. AYE
S4371D This bill would add a new section within Article 19, Title 3 of Environmental Conservation Law to require DEC to adopt fence-line monitoring regulations for toxic air contaminants by major emitters. NAY
S3873 Provides that family members of paid professional firefighters who died in the line-of-duty may obtain a "Survivor of the Bravest" license plate; provides for the annual service charge collected to be deposited into the department of motor vehicles distinctive license plate development fund. AYE
S4329 Authorizes life insurers to establish wellness programs in conjunction with the issuance of life insurance policies; provides for full or partial reimbursement for the cost of a device and associated subscription that can be used to track activity and/or biometric data; provides for discounts on life insurance and on products or services intended to incent positive behavioral changes. AYE
S9006 DPS DEPARTMENTAL - Requires Department of Financial Services (DFS) to share trade secret documents material or information with other local, state, federal and international regulatory agencies, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, its affiliates or subsidiaries and state, federal and international law enforcement authorities and any third-party consultant designated by the Superintendent of DFS. AYE
S8398B This bill would amend the Labor Law by adding a new Article 34 to provide for the certification of public employment for purposes of the federal public service loan forgiveness program. B PRINT - makes techincal changes. AYE
S3259 This bill would increase the fines for overnight parking of tractor-trailer combinations, tractors, truck trailers and semi-trailers on residential streets in the city of New York from $250 to $400 for the first offense. This bill would also increase the fine for any subsequent offense within a 6 month period from $500 to $800. AYE
S8037 Prohibits state contracts with contractors who do not provide health insurance which covers supplemental breast cancer screenings; authorizes the comptroller to promulgate any necessary rules and regulations. AYE
S8061 Prohibits state contracts with contractors who do not provide health insurance which covers services for transgender, non-binary, and gender expansive people. NAY
S8253 Facilitates the marketing of any issue of serial bonds or notes of the city of Buffalo issued on or before June 30, 2023. AYE
S2110A This bill prohibits a surrogate's court clerk or chief clerk from accepting filing papers with specific deficiencies including the following: 1) paper does not have a filing number; 2) petition or decree contains the words "et al" or does not contain a full caption; 3) paper to be filed with the clerk is being filed in the wrong court; 4) paper is not signed in accordance with the rules of the chief administrator; The bill requires the chief clerk to require payment of any fees before accepting a paper for filling, unless a court ordered the fees waived. AYE
S5137A Prohibits the formation of a subsidiary of a public authority without prior approval of the legislature; allows the formation of a subsidiary of a public authority without prior approval of the legislature if such public authority files a written notice sixty days prior to the organization of such subsidiary with the governor and the legislature. AYE
S9011A This bill would amend subdivision 1 of section 14 of chapter 560 of the laws of 1998 as amended by Chapter 514 of the laws of 2021, related to the application of certain provisions of law to certain crematoriums located in the town of Tonawanda. NAY
S5994C This legislation would require that prior to submitting a bid on a contract for public work or commencing work on a covered project under private contract, a contractor (including subcontractors) that performs any work related to construction, demolition, reconstruction, excavation, rehabilitation, repair, installation, renovation, alteration or custom fabrication must register in writing with the Department of Labor’s bureau of public works. NAY (Duplicative. DOL capable of oversight?)
S6446B Establishes the eating disorders in children task force to study and create a standardized approach to, and develop best practices and guidelines for awareness, recognition, and treatment of eating disorders in children. AYE
S8290A Authorizes and directs the Commissioner of Health to establish a portable diagnostics program that demonstrates the cost-effectiveness of medical assistance coverage of portable diagnostic services, including x-rays, electrocardiograms, echocardiograms and ultrasounds to patients enrolled in fee-for-service Medicaid and Medicaid Managed Care. A PRINT - makes technical corrections. AYE
S4870B This bill authorizes pharmacists to administer injectable medications for the treatment of mental health and substance use disorder, as prescribed or ordered by a licensed prescriber in NY and in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Commissioner in consultation with the State Board of Pharmacy. NAY
S7020B This bill adds histotechnologists to the definition of clinical laboratory practitioners under the education law. AYE
S8994A Provides for the electronic submission of certificates of residence by community college enrollees; prohibits a community college chief fiscal officer from requiring a person desiring to enroll in a community college as a non-resident student to disclose or furnish his or her social security number. AYE
S8389C This bill would amend the Labor Law by adding a new Article 34 to provide for the certification of public employment for purposes of the federal public service loan forgiveness program. AYE
S7173 OCA DEPARTMENTAL - This bill would allow the family courts, after an entry of a fact-finding order but prior to entry of a dispositional order, to order that the proceeding be adjourned in contemplation of dismissal (ACD). The Order may be granted by the court after the petitioner, respondent and attorney for the child have a right to be heard with respect the motion. However, the court may grant the motion without requiring the consent of the petitioner or the attorney for the child. NAY (Changes proof standards inappropriately.)
S8044 Establishes one citizens review panel in each of the ten economic development regions in the state instead of the minimum of three currently in law. AYE
S4960 Expands the manner in which the Public Service Commission (PSC) can fine a utility found out of compliance, and removes the maximum value of fines that can be imposed. Expands from violations of the statute or PSC orders to also include violations of regulation that can be fined in the event a public utility company or its agents or employees knowingly fails or neglects to obey with said regulation. NAY (Could be a very dangerous expansion of powers.)
S118 Establishes the misdemeanor of interfering in the election process by electronic means. AYE
S1032 Prohibits deceptive practices and the suppression of voters, and increases penalties for violations of the elective franchise to a class E and Class D felony. AYE
S8816A This bill would amend the Environmental Conservation Law in relation to increasing the standards of materials that may be used in filling borrow pits in Jamaica Bay. AYE
S3855A Allows victims of sexual violence to have their voter registration records sealed. AYE
S8202 Establishes the New York voting and elections database and institute within SUNY and CUNY to maintain and administer a central repository of elections and voting data available to the public from all political subdivisions within NY to foster, pursue and sponsor research on existing laws and best practices in voting and elections. The institute would provide a center for research, training and information and the institute would be empowered to, among other things: conduct classes; organize groups of scholars to research voting and elections in the state; and conduct seminars involving voting and elections. NAY (More appropriately situated within the NYS BOE. Unfunded mandate.)
S8861 Establishes a specialized health home program to serve certain individuals with physical disabilities who are Medicaid eligible adults eighteen years of age or older with a diagnosis of a neurological, muscular, or neuromuscular condition, and a mobility impairment; provides that a specialized health home shall be reimbursed on a fee-for-service basis and shall receive enhanced rates of payment. AYE
S9056 This bill provides a 3% increase to the special accidental death benefit that is paid to survivors of police officer, firefighters, and certain other employees who are killed in the line of duty. AYE
S9340 Permits the village of Pelham Manor to impose fines or penalties relating to owner liability for failure of operator to comply with traffic-control devices in such village. AYE
S9341 This bill amends the Judiciary Law to provide that retired Judges of the Court of Appeals and Supreme Court shall be certified to serve an additional two year term upon application, provided there is a finding that 1) such judge has the mental and physical capacity to perform the job; and 2) the services of such judge are necessary to expedite the business of the Supreme Court. AYE
S8744C Authorizes Ekklesia Long Island Center Ministries to file with the town of Brookhaven assessor an application for certain real property tax exemptions. AYE
S1003C This bill would authorize certain municipalities (city, town, or village in a county with a population of one million two hundred thousand plus) to adopt a permitting process based upon a certification from a registered architect licensed to practice in the state or a professional engineer licensed to practice in the state that the intended work meets the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building code requirements, excluding the inspection of fire service features and life safety measures, along with local adopted fire standards that are more restricted. AYE
S1480 Prohibits an employer, licensing agency or employment agency from requesting or requiring that a prospective employee disclose his or her age, date of birth or date of graduation from an educational institution on an initial employment application or during an interview, except in the case of a bona fide occupational qualification or need. AYE
S4707 Establishes a tax credit for farmers who maximize carbon sequestration potential through a "carbon farming" land management strategy; directs DEC to develop regulations related to certifying the amount of carbon sequestered or emissions reduced. AYE
S4860A Authorizes Janice Middlebrooks, the widow of William James Middlebrooks, to file a retirement option election on behalf of her deceased husband. AYE
S5602B Eliminates the limitation on hours of operation for photo speed violation monitoring systems (speed cameras) in school zones in New York City which is currently between 6:00 am and 10:00 pm on weekdays and extends the demonstration program three years until July 1, 2025. NAY (No hour limitation despite schools being closed.)
S5899A Requires the metropolitan transportation authority to install and reasonably maintain proper operation of surveillance cameras in areas frequented by passengers at all subway stations. AYE
S6274B Establishes a pilot program to create an assistance hotline for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and complex behavioral needs. AYE
S7202A This bill would require financial institutions (banks, trust company, savings bank, savings and loan association, credit union, mortgage broker, mortgage banker, or other investment entity whether headquartered within or outside the state, which provides an account to a customer shall provide written notice of fees charged due to overdraft of an account every 180 days. NAY (Would place a mandate on state chartered financial institutions.)
S7292 Clarifies the standard for disparate treatment claims by defining the terms "because of" and "because" for the purposes of disparate treatment cases. AYE
S7297 Designates a portion of the state highway system as the "Medal of Honor Recipient Francis S. Currey Memorial Highway". AYE
S7318 Expands the use of foreign fire insurance premium taxes by the Volunteer and Exempt Firemen's Benevolent Association of Lewiston Fire Company No. 2. AYE
S7620A Designates portions of the state highway system as "The Disabled American Veterans - New York Medal of Honor Highway" and the "New York Medal of Honor Highway"; renames the "Sergeant Jonathan Gollnitz Memorial Highway" as the "Sergeant Jonathan Gollnitz - New York Medal of Honor Highway". AYE
S7867A Directs the division of criminal justice services in consultation with the department of health, office of victim services, division of state police, and the New York State Coalition Against Sexual Abuse to develop and implement a statewide electronic tracking system for evidence collection kits used to collect and preserve evidence of a sexual assault or other sex offense. AYE
S7881 This bill would require insurance coverage for chest wall reconstruction surgery after a mastectomy or partial mastectomy. Under the bill, chest wall reconstruction surgery shall include aesthetic flat closure as defined by the National Cancer Institute. AYE
S8056 Designates a portion of the state highway system in the village of Spencerport, town of Ogden, county of Monroe, as the "Firefighter Robert Fowler Memorial Highway". AYE
S8082 Authorizes the West Hempstead Holiness Church of God to file with the county of Nassau assessor an application for a retroactive real property tax exemption. AYE
S8085C Designates a portion of the state highway system in the town of Hopewell and the city of Canandaigua, county of Ontario, as the "Ralph Calabrese Memorial Highway." AYE
S8344A Relates to the Fairmount Volunteer Exempt Firemen's Benevolent Association's purpose and the use of foreign fire insurance premium taxes. AYE
S8581A Designates a portion of the state highway system in Oneida county as the "Oneida County Korean War Veterans Memorial Highway". AYE
S8584 Provides for certain death benefits to county fire marshals, supervising fire marshals, fire marshals, assistant fire marshals, assistant chief fire marshals, chief fire marshals and division supervising fire marshals employed by Nassau county. AYE
S8594 Authorizes the widow of Peter Sistrom to file a retirement option election on behalf of her deceased husband. AYE
S8607 Designates the Southampton Village Ocean Rescue as an emergency rescue and first aid squad pursuant to the general municipal law; permits members to display green lights on motor vehicles when engaged in emergency operation pursuant to the vehicle and traffic law. AYE
S8677 This bill would expand the definition of provider or provider agency to include private, nonprofit incorporated agencies that meet the State Office of Children and Family Services Program standards for child advocacy centers. AYE
S8683A Authorizes the village of Voorheesville, county of Albany, by resolution to appoint the office of clerk, treasurer, clerk-treasurer, deputy clerk, deputy clerk treasurer, and building inspector who do not reside within such village. AYE
S8726A Designates a portion of the state highway system, route 283 from the town of Pamelia to the town of Le Ray, county of Jefferson, as the "Colonel Michael Plummer Memorial Highway". AYE
S8790 Waives the residency requirement for the information services director for Herkimer county by allowing a person holding such office to reside in a county adjoining Herkimer county. AYE
S8818 Permits the Oakwood Community Center to file an application for a real property tax exemption with assessor of the City of Troy. AYE
S8872 Authorizes the town of Brookhaven, county of Suffolk assessor to accept an application for a real property tax exemption from the Brookhaven Fire District with respect to the 2020-2021 assessment roll. AYE
S8931 OSC DEPEARTMENTAL - This bill is a proposed constitutional amendment to provide a 10 year extension on the exclusion of sewer debt from the constitutional debt limits on counties, cities, towns and villages. AYE
S8986 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - Authorizes the city of New Rochelle, county of Westchester to alienate and discontinue the use of certain parklands, in furtherance of an economic development interest of the state and/or city of New Rochelle. AYE
S9009 Relates to the distribution of surcharges on off-track winnings for the period of September 1, 2022 until August 31, 2027; allows for the allocation of specific surcharge revenues to the same racetrack to continue for another five year period. AYE
S9013 This bill technical corrections and remedies of metes and bounds to continue the operation of a distillery in Rochester to maintain its ability to hold a retail liquor license for on-premises consumption and continue the approval of an exemption on restrictions on manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers from sharing an interest in a liquor license. AYE
S9053 Establishes the Island Park LIPA power plant tax assessment challenge reserve fund to reserve against, lessen or prevent increases in the school district's real property tax levy and/or tax rate resulting from decreases in revenue or taxes or a significant shift in tax liability due to a tax certiorari settlement or judgment; defines terms; makes related provisions. AYE
S9054 Establishes the Oceanside LIPA power plant tax assessment challenge reserve fund to reserve against, lessen or prevent increases in the school district's real property tax levy and/or tax rate resulting from decreases in revenue or taxes or a significant shift in tax liability due to a tax certiorari settlement or judgment; defines terms; makes related provisions. AYE
S9068B Authorizes the city of New York to discontinue the use as parkland of a portion of real property in the county of New York and to grant easements to the metropolitan transportation authority so that it may make handicapped accessible improvements and upgrades to the New York city transit authority 168 Street transit station. AYE
S9092A This bill would provide an exemption from licensing restrictions prohibiting manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers of alcoholic beverages from sharing an interest in a licensed premises. AYE
S9146 Extends provisions which authorize the town of Islip to lease certain lands to a business corporation. AYE
S9316A This bill would exempt the Ardsley Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. from the requirement that the percentage of non-resident fire department members not exceed forty-five percent of the membership. AYE
S9328 This bill would authorize municipalities to adopt a sales tax exemption for clothing and footwear that costs less than $110 that would go into effect no later than August 1, 2022. This bill would sunset January 1, 2023. AYE
S9333 DOS DEPARTMENTAL - Replaces the terms "alien" and "illegal alien" with the terms "noncitizen" and "undocumented noncitizen". NAY
S9336 SED DEPARTMENTAL - Establishes a juvenile justice education task force to address effective coordination and programmatic coherence in the provision of educational opportunities and services to students in juvenile justice settings; provides for repeal of such provisions 60 days after submission to the governor and the legislature of the task force's report. AYE
S9348 Directs the superintendent of financial services to study overdraft fees and prepare a report to be delivered to the governor, the temporary president of the senate and the speaker of the assembly. AYE
S9350 Permits the electronic appearance of a defendant in the county of Saratoga. AYE
S9357 Establishes the North Shore LIPA power plant tax assessment challenge reserve fund to reserve against, lessen or prevent increases in the North Shore central school district's real property tax levy and/or tax rate resulting from decreases in revenue or taxes or a significant shift in tax liability due to a tax certiorari settlement or judgment; defines terms; makes related provisions. AYE
S9358 Establishes the Northport-East Northport LIPA power plant tax assessment challenge reserve fund to reserve against, lessen or prevent increases in the school district's real property tax levy and/or tax rate resulting from decreases in revenue or taxes or a significant shift in tax liability due to a tax certiorari settlement or judgment; defines terms; makes related provisions. AYE
S9359 OVS DEPARTMENTAL - Gives victims of identify theft the option to report the crime to law enforcement or though a filing made by the victim to the Federal Trade Commission ID Theft Victim's reporting process in order to pause collection activities by the creditor. AYE
S9360 OSC DEPARTMENTAL - amends Section 103 of the abandoned property law by adding two new subdivisions (h) and (i) defining the terms "virtual currency" and "virtual currency business activity.". AYE
S9371 The purpose of this bill is to allow for an establishment on Hertel Avenue in the city of Buffalo, Revolution Gallery, to be able to obtain a retail license for on premises consumption even though they are located within two hundred feet of a building occupied as a school or place of worship. AYE
S9372 This bill would amend section 1803-a of the Real Property Tax Law to authorize the local legislative body (New York City Council) to amend the cap on the maximum class growth rate so long as there is not increase beyond 5 percent for FY 2023. AYE
S9380 EXTENDER BILL - Extends the effectiveness of certain provisions relating to the establishment of certain water charges for hospitals and charities in New York city. AYE
S9383 This bill would authorize businesses located at 123 Greenwich Street in New York City to apply for a liquor license despite being located within 200 of Trinity Church. AYE
S9385 This bill would authorize buildings located at 111 and 115 Broadway in Lower Manhattan to be eligible for a liquor license despite being within 200 feet from a school. AYE
S9390 Extends provisions related to the assessment and review of assessments in the county of Nassau. AYE
S9398 Extends the effectiveness of the estate tax treatment of dispositions to surviving spouses who are not United States citizens to July 1, 2025. AYE
S9399 This bill would authorize New York City to provide a rebate of a portion of the real property taxes on owner occupied residential real property where the income of the owner is $250,000 or less, for the fiscal year commencing on the first of July, two thousand twenty-one. AYE
S9400 DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES PLANNING COUNCIL DEPARTMENTAL -The bill renames the council the "state council on developmental disabilities." AYE
S9405 Establishes the "advanced building codes, appliance and equipment efficiency standards act"; adds the promotion of clean energy and the implementation of the climate agenda set forth in the New York state climate leadership and community protection act to the state energy conservation construction code; increases the efficiency standards of appliances and equipment by the state energy conservation construction code; increases the energy efficiency standards of appliances and equipment. NAY (Increase the cost of construction.)
S470 Authorizes the commissioner of health to conduct a study and issue a report examining the unmet health and resource needs facing pregnant women in New York and the impact of limited service pregnancy centers on the ability of women to obtain accurate, non-coercive health care information and timely access to a comprehensive range of reproductive and sexual health care services. NAY (Data collection targets pro-life entities.)
S1046E Establishes the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act of New York. Establishes a state-level pre-clearance system that requires certain jurisdictions with a history of racial discrimination in their elections to seek approval from the state attorney general's office or a local court before making changes to their election administration. NAY (AG is a political office.)
S9039A This bill would enact the "Freedom from Interference with Reproductive Health and Endocrine Health Advocacy and Travel Exercise Act" or the "FIRE HATE ACT." Creates a new cause of action of Unlawful Interference with Protected Rights. NOTE - The bill essentially allows a person to sue another person who initiates a criminal or civil proceeding in another state, pursuant to that state's laws, against a person who receives or provides an abortion or gender-affirming treatment in New York State. NAY (Anticipatory. Creates cause of action for potential legislative action in another state. Trying to regulate conduct in another state.)
S9077A This bill creates several protections for doctors who legally perform abortions within New York State who are targets of civil or criminal investigations or proceedings in other states. NAY (Anticipatory. Other states cannot regulate conduct in NY.)
S9079B This bill prohibits professional misconduct charges against licensed medical professionals for providing abortion and reproductive health services (including emergency contraception and medical, surgical, counseling or referral services relation to the human reproductive system) to patients who reside in states where such services are illegal. NAY (Anticipatory. Already cannot be guilty of professional misconduct for lawful activity.)
S9080B This bill would prohibit a medical malpractice insurer from taking any adverse action against an abortion or reproductive health care provider who performs an abortion or providers reproductive health services that are legal in NY on someone who is from out of state. NAY (Prohibitions on rate increases if increased risk for insurers is unfair.)
S9288 Relates to the description of lands for which the Commissioner of General Services is authorized to grant an easement to the Central Hudson Gas and Electric Corporation. AYE
S9384A This bill would add abortion providers and patients to the list of individuals that can participate in the address confidentiality program. NAY (No reason to believe they fit in the same category as others in program. HIPPA already protects patient info.)
S6085 Removes certain requirements for prospective purchasers of manufactured home parks. AYE
S6210B Directs the state fire prevention and building code council to update the state fire prevention and building code and the state energy conservation construction code within 18 months of the publication of any updated or revised edition of the international and national codes relating thereto, so as to ensure that the state's codes reflect such revisions and updates. NAY
S3390A Requires post completion certifications to be completed, under penalty of perjury, that the MWBE performed the work, performed the services, or delivered the materials; requires that the division of minority and women's business development create an internet registry, and perform inspections of MWBEs to weed out fraud and abuse; requires that additional regulations be adopted related to revocations of certifications for felony convictions for fraudulently misrepresenting the status of an MWBE; permits a court to issue fines double the amount that should have been paid to an MWBE upon conviction for felony fraud related to the MWBE program. AYE
S3391 Requires all contracting state agencies to develop a three growth plan that determines their proposed means of promoting MWBE participation, and to then submit it to the Governor and legislature as part of New York State's yearly annual report. This report should also specify the number of actual contracts issues to MWEE's for that year. AYE
S1408 Puts on hold the statute of limitations for an offense when the defendant is the President of the United States. The statute of limitations would begin to toll when the President leaves office. NAY (Political.)
S6721 Would allow residential tenants or the local commissioner (who enforces the local housing code) to move in a special proceeding for the appointment of an administrator and an order directing rents be deposited into the court where the administrator would then be tasked with using the rents to remediate or resolve the certain conditions. NAY (Onerous for landlords.)
S6901B This bill removes mention of the term "sex" when it comes to party positions and replaces it with the term "gender." AYE
S3736 This bill requires the director of the division of minority and women's business development to promulgate rules to require all contracting agencies to promptly provide specific information to all unsuccessful bidders that are certified minority-owned or women-owned business enterprises. AYE
S707 Directs the empire state development corporation to conduct a study on the feasibility of a minority and women-owned business enterprise capacity mentorship program. AYE
S8278 Includes within the health care and wellness education and outreach program under the NYS Department of Health the physical, sexual and psychological impact of nonemergent medical procedures performed on individuals with variations in sex characteristics who have not themselves consented to the procedure. NAY (Limits parental discretion.)
S2534A Requires the NYS DOH, in consultation with SED, to develop a training program unit focusing on working with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender populations, as part of the state approved education and training programs required for certification of home health aides, personal care aides, personal care staff and certified nurse’s aides. AYE
S8989A Authorizes the manufacture of beer, spirits, cider, wine and mead at the Culinary Institute of America. AYE
S6501B Establishes the LGBTQ+ advisory board to make recommendations, conduct research, and more regarding the LGBTQ+ community in New York state. AYE
S8271A This bill amends the Workers Compensation Law related to compensation for permanent or temporary total disability due to an accident or disablement that results from an occupational disease. NAY (builds in perpetual cost increases.)
S7618 This bill permits the department to establish a sexual health education program to be provided to local social service districts. The program is to provide knowledge to Medicaid plan members about pre-exposure prophylaxis. NAY (Unfunded mandate.)
S8978 The SUPPORT Act prohibits states from terminating Medicaid eligibility for an individual under age 21 or former foster care youth up to age 26 while incarcerated and requires states to re-determine eligibility prior to release with- out requiring a new application and restore coverage upon release. AYE
S541B This bill broadens the definition of small business for purposes of the state's MWBE laws such that during a declared state disaster emergency the limit of up to 300 employees to be deemed a small business only applies to employees who work 30 or more hours per week over 52 weeks, with a total of over 1,560 hours worked. AYE
S9069 Relates to a license to sell liquor at retail for consumption on certain premises in the town of Marion, county of Wayne. AYE
S9351 Increases the dollar threshold for purchases from businesses certified as minority or women-owned that can be made without a formal competitive process in the City of New York. AYE
S688 This bill requires health insurance coverage for the cost of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for the prevention of HIV and post-exposure prophylaxis to prevent HIV infection. NAY (Increased cost imposed on fully-insured plans which will fall on small businesses.)
S2089B COSPONSOR Relates to the issuance of a New York State Vietnam War Commemorative Medal. AYE
S3192 Relates to authorizing the village of Lewiston to reduce the speed limit to 25 miles per hour on Center Street. AYE
S3897 Increases state funding for construction and improvement by the department of transportation where the municipality agrees to fund a complete street design feature as a component of the project. AYE
S4025 Provides that state lands within the Eastport-South Manor Central School District are subject to taxation for school purposes. AYE
S4987 Relates to establishing distinctive "Alzheimer's Awareness" license plates; provides that the funding for such be deposited in the "Alzheimer's disease assistance fund". AYE
S5040 Increases the value of homesteads which are exempt from civil judgments from one hundred fifty thousand to two hundred fifty thousand dollars. NAY (Does not apply to all counties.)
S6313C Authorizes the county of Niagara to transfer ownership of certain parkland to the town of Lockport. AYE
S7029 Authorizes municipalities in the county of Orange to add unpaid housing code violation penalties, costs and fines to such municipalities' annual tax levy in accordance with applicable law. AYE
S7030 Authorizes municipalities in the county of Ulster to add unpaid housing code violation penalties, costs and fines to such municipalities' annual tax levy in accordance with applicable law. AYE
S7286A Authorizes William Schumaker and Mark Hennessy to receive certain service credit under section 384-d of the retirement and social security law. AYE
S7531 Permits the Canastota central school district to establish an insurance reserve fund. AYE
S7900 Permits the electronic appearance of a defendant in the county of Sullivan, provided that the chief administrator of the courts has authorized the use of electronic appearance and the defendant, after consultation with counsel, consents on the record. AYE
S8024 Designates a portion of the state highway system as the "Trooper Theodore A. Dobbs Memorial Bridge" in the town of North Hempstead, county of Nassau. AYE
S8130 This bill would decrease the length of the suspension period applicable to certain striking workers who seek to obtain unemployment insurance benefits from two weeks to one week and permits the one week waiting period to be served during the suspension. Under current law the waiting period is specifically prohibited from being served during the suspension. AYE
S8156 This bill expands health insurance requirements for mammography screening for occult breast cancer to require an additional screening including a mammogram where the provider finds risk and makes the recommendation. AYE
S8218 This bill would include workers compensation certificates of disability for disabled homeowners property tax exemption programs. AYE
S8472B Provides that the department of transportation shall not require a survey from any fiber optic utility for permitting or continuance of the use and occupancy of a state right of way for the purposes of installing, modifying, relocating, repairing, operating, or maintaining fiber optic facilities, under certain circumstances. AYE
S8587 Establishes an administrative adjudication hearing procedure for code and ordinance violations for the city of Newburgh. AYE
S8829A This bill would provide that for the purposes of the Empire State Film Production Credit, a television series that changes the title of the series and/or the principal cast prior to March 31, 2023, shall be considered to remain in continuous production for each season, provided the series films at the same location as prior seasons, is produced by the same entity, and retains at least eighty percent of the staff from the prior season. AYE
S9019 Establishes a Caumsett State Park fire readiness study to evaluate the adequacy and coverage of fire services within the park. AYE
S9023 Designates a portion of the state highway system as the "Trooper Edward J. Sweeney Memorial Bridge" in the town of Hempstead, county of Nassau. AYE
S9028 Designates a portion of the state highway system in the town of Greece, county of Monroe, the "Sergeant Gary Beikirch Memorial Highway". AYE
S9029A This bill would authorize local social service districts to extend the length of time that child care assistance is available to eligible families from 12 months to up to 24 months. AYE
S9126 Authorizes the assessor of the town of Islip, county of Suffolk, to accept an application for exemption from real property taxes from the East Islip Fire District with respect to the 2021-2022 assessment roll. AYE
S9140 Establishes the Flax Pond tidal wetlands sanctuary; prohibits the use of motor boats in the Flax Pond tidal wetlands sanctuary. AYE
S9408 Replaces an instance of the office of alcoholism and substance abuse services with the office of addiction services and supports when referring to developing the veterans stigma campaign; makes such provisions relating to the veterans stigma campaign permanent. AYE
S954 Establishes distinctive "Long Island Sound" license plates and the "Long Island Sound Environmental Fund" AYE
S1358A Directs the council on the arts to establish criteria and guidelines for the establishment of state designated arts and cultural districts. AYE
S1553D The legislation would provide a two-step process of first automatically sealing and then expunging conviction records. The bill would seal and expunge around 2.3 million criminal records across the state. NAY (Violent crimes can still be sealed. Public Safety Concerns.)
S1903A Designates a portion of the state highway system in the town of Woodbury, county of Orange, as the "Detective Brian C. Mulkeen Memorial Bridge". AYE
S2045 Relates to the full-time status of the district attorney of Hamilton county. AYE
S3164A Authorizes the New York state department of financial services to oversee the planned closing of bank branch offices by federally chartered banking organizations. AYE
S3212A Permits commercial feed manufacturers to use the term "human food grade" for certain pet food if it conforms to certain state and federal standards. AYE
S3449 Includes the Durham Valley scenic byway in the New York state scenic byways system. AYE
S3722A Authorizes the county of Orleans to offer an optional twenty year retirement plan to Kevin Colonna, a deputy sheriff employed by such county. AYE
S4869A Grants retroactive membership with Tier II status in the New York state teachers' retirement system to Lori Cohen. AYE
S5013A Provides procedures relating to the adoption and submission of an annual budget by the Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonality of the town of Southampton. AYE
S5406A Authorizes Harvey Eilbaum to file a request to nominate an additional beneficiary with the New York state and local employees' retirement system. AYE
S6223A Authorizes Thomas Collins to file a request for change of benefit coverage with the New York state teachers' retirement system. AYE
S6224A Authorizes Jodi Manne to receive a refund from the New York state teachers' retirement system. AYE
S6453C Implements the "New York State Build Public Renewables Act"; requires the New York power authority to provide only renewable energy and power to customers; requires such authority to be the sole provider of energy to all state owned and municipal properties; requires certain New York power authority projects and programs pay a prevailing wage and utilize project labor agreements. NAY (lead to even higher energy costs.)
S6544C GALLIVAN Designates a portion of the state highway system in the town of Holland, Erie county, as the "Kalinowski Brothers Memorial Bridge". AYE
S6589A This bill would exempt income earned by a head of household or any person in the household, who participated in a program under the Federal workforce innovation and opportunity act (P.L. 113-128) or any successor act or public assistance employment, training or skills certification program from the calculation determination of need for public assistance programs for a period of six months. AYE
S7199A This bill would prohibit a contract or agreement between a health plan and a health care provider, other than a residential health care facility, to include provisions that contain a most-favored nation provision or restricts the ability of a health plan, an entity that contracts with a health plan for a provider network or a health care provider to disclose (i) actual claims costs or (ii) price or quality information required to be disclosed under federal law including the allowed amount, negotiated rates or discounts or other claim-related financial obligations, including but not limited to patient cost-sharing covered by the provider contract to any insured or entity receiving health care services or to any public compilation of reimbursement data such as the NY all payer database, provided no disclosure shall include protected health information. NAY (Disproportionately impact community, safety net hospitals)
S7240A Authorizes retroactive Tier III membership in the New York state and local employees' retirement system to Steven R. Grice. AYE
S7413 Expands the use of foreign fire insurance premium taxes by the Sanborn Volunteer and Exempt Firemen's Benevolent Association, Inc. AYE
S7739C Authorizes the county of Suffolk to transfer ownership of certain parkland under the James Creek to the town of Southold for management and administration. AYE
S7746B Directs the New York State Office for People With Developmental Disabilities to establish a voluntary training and certification program for employers that have taken the Employability Pledge. AYE
S7857A Directs the commissioner of taxation and finance to study the frequency of residents who are being assessed library taxes for more than one library and to make recommendations to address the double taxation of residents; provides for the repeal of such provisions upon expiration thereof. AYE
S7903B Designates a portion of the state highway system in the town of Walton, county of Delaware, the "1LT Stephen H. Doane Memorial Bridge". AYE
S8031A Limits the liability of operators and owners of first response emergency vehicles for monetary penalties for certain traffic violations committed while responding to a medical emergency in a city with a population of one million or more persons. AYE
S8033A Establishes the "diaper initiative affordability for parents and elderly remedy (DIAPER) act". This bill would exempt diapers from State sales and use taxes. AYE (Does not impact local sales tax collection.)
S8113 This bill amends the definition of "clinical peer reviewer" in regards to the individuals employed by health plans that make utilization review (UR) determinations. A clinical peer reviewer must be a physician who: (a) possesses a current and valid non-restricted license to practice medicine; (b) is board certified or board eligible in the same or similar specialty as the health care provider whose service is under review; (c) has been practicing in such area of specialty for a period of 5 years; (d) in determining substance abuse treatment, specializes in behavioral health and has experience in delivery of substance use disorder courses of treatment; (e) for determinations involving mental health conditions, specializes in behavioral health and has experience in delivery of mental health courses of treatment; and (f) is knowledgeable about the health care service or treatment under review. NAY (Expertise already built into review process.)
S8146A Authorizes municipalities in a pilot emergency repair program to add unpaid emergency repair charges and housing code violation penalties, costs and fines to such municipalities' annual tax levy. NOTE - bill would not apply to owner occupied residential dwellings. AYE
S8430A Provides an owner or lessee access to adjoining property to make improvements or repairs for certain circumstances. AYE
S8451 Requires the department to establish an online database using statewide labor market data and other data sources to present data showing regional labor market shortages and surpluses and regional skills gaps that will enable the public, teachers, employers and training providers to make informed decisions and address regional labor shortages and anticipated shortages in regional labor markets. AYE
S8474 This bill would amend section 37-0119 of Environmental Conservation Law to decrease the permitted amount of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) allowed in coal tar pavement products from 10,000mg/kg to 1,000 mg/kg. NAY
S8477 Relates to establishing a twenty year retirement plan for members or officers of law enforcement; includes every non-seasonally appointed sworn member or officer of the division of law enforcement in the department of environmental conservation, a forest ranger in the service of the department of environmental conservation, a police officer in the department of environmental conservation, the regional state park police, and university police officers in such twenty year plan. AYE
S8516 Establishes the fentanyl abuse and overdose prevention task force to conduct a comprehensive study on fentanyl abuse and overdose prevention and to report on the findings and recommendations of the task force. AYE
S8523A This bill would allow utility workers to use a restroom belonging to a business that is open to the public for the sale of goods or services during normal business hours if the utility worker is lawfully on the property performing utility related work. AYE
S8527 Requires the New York state thruway authority to submit quarterly reports to the legislature of all purchases, procurements and expenditures related to contracts entered into by such authority. AYE
S8536A Requires a school that has an airway clearance device on-premises to develop policies for the use of airway clearance devices by school nurses and school employees. AYE
S8553A Add the chief professional officer of 2-1-1 New York state to the disaster preparedness commission. AYE
S8678 The bill requires operators of truck stops to prominently display information concerning services for human trafficking victims in public restrooms. AYE
S8689B Authorizes the county of Nassau assessor to accept an application for a real property tax exemption from Gurudwara Shaheedan, Inc. with respect to the 2019- 2020 assessment roll for a portion of the 2020 general taxes and the 2020-2021 assessment roll for all of the 2020-2021 school taxes and all of the 2021 general taxes. AYE
S8710 Requires information concerning services for human trafficking victims in airports; provides that such provisions shall not apply to any airport operated by a bistate authority; defines terms. AYE
S8736A Authorizes the Syracuse regional airport authority to designate its appointed security officers as peace officers or police officers pursuant to the criminal procedure law. AYE
S8763A This bill revives and extends, for 18 months from the effective date, the statute of limitations for water suppliers to commence an action involving an emerging contaminant. As drafted, this bill may also be interpreted to extend and revive the statute of limitations for any action involving an emerging contaminant, not just claims brought by a water supplier, involving an emerging contaminant. AYE
S8837 This bill would include coverage of medical marihuana under Medicaid (regardless of federal financial participation so long as the dispensing site is certified by the Commissioner), Child Health Plus, Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage (EPIC), Essential Plan programs (unless it will result in the loss of federal financial participation) and workers compensation. NAY (Still illegal federally. Entire cost would be borne by NYS.)
S8862 Directs the metropolitan transportation authority, in consultation with the New York city department of transportation and New York city department of housing preservation and development, to study the transportation and housing needs of Randalls and Wards Islands. AYE
S8887A This bill would amend subdivision 8 of section 239-bb of the general municipal law regarding the countywide shared services initiative (chapter 294 of the laws of 2021), by making previously proposed initiatives to be eligible for state matching funds. AYE
S8930 Authorizes and directs the department of transportation to conduct a study on proposed improvements of state route 303 in the town of Orangetown, county of Rockland. AYE
S8956C Relates to the Syracuse regional airport authority; requires the authority to only give notice to the city of Syracuse before beginning certain projects exceeding ten million dollars. AYE
S8985 Relates to residency requirements for stenographers in the county of Westchester; provides the district attorney may appoint someone residing in any county of the ninth judicial district. AYE
S9060A Authorizes the imposition of an occupancy tax in the village of Nyack, county of Rockland. NAY (New tax.)
S9093 This bill would allow certain retail licensees to also hold an interest in a craft manufacturing licensee, and vice versa. AYE
S9098 This bill will allow the Erie County Water Authority the ability to raise their current threshold for requiring bids or proposals by corresponding with the provisions of both General Municipal Law sections 101 and 103. AYE
S9102 This bill would direct the Department of Civil Service to conduct a study on airport-related titles including airports whose hiring procedures are subject to provisions of the civil service law and provide a report with recommendations to the Governor and Legislature within 180 days of the effective date. AYE
S9106 This bill provides that applicant for or recipients of public assistance who are exempt from work activities shall be eligible to receive home visiting services. If not exempt from work activities the home visit shall count toward the work requirement. NAY (Unfunded mandate.)
S9121 Postpones the effectiveness for grace periods for the use of credit card reward points for one additional year to December 10, 2023. AYE
S9128A This bill would increase the rates for pilotage on the Hudson River. AYE
S9131 Provides all local governments with the option to provide a property tax exemption to volunteer firefighters and volunteer ambulance workers. AYE
S9138 Expands the boundaries of the residential parking system in the village of Pelham in Westchester county. AYE
S9162A This bill provides that any officer appointed to a county position in the state of New York as of December 15, 2021 through January 31, 2022, who failed to take or file their oath of office or official undertaking within the statutory prescribed period shall be permitted to continue to serve in such capacity for the duration of their term upon the taking and filing of their required oath of office or official undertaking consistent with sections 10 and 11 of the public officers law within 30 days of the effective date of this act. AYE
S9163 This bill would increase fines for leaving the scene of an accident without reporting to $750 for a class A misdemeanor and no more than $3000 for a class E felony. AYE
S9170A This bill would amend the Not-For-Profit Corporation Law to allow abandoned city cemeteries to merge with solvent not-for-profit cemeteries and have access to funds for maintenance of abandoned cemeteries. AYE
S9172 COSPONSOR Renames the state aid for certain independent institutions of higher learning to the Leonard P. Stavisky student success grants; requires certain institutions and colleges to submit a report on the use of the state aid apportionment received including how it supported student success. AYE
S9177B This bill would establish the New York Asian American and Pacific Islander Commission. The commission would be made up of 13 members, and would be tasked with developing policies to improve the community, economic and social well-being, and the health and educational needs important to Asian American and Pacific Islanders. AYE
S9185 This bill renames the Office of Minority Health to the Office of Health Equity. It establishes a definition for "underserved populations" to mean those who have experienced injustices and disadvantages as a result of their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability status, age, immigration status, and/or socioeconomic status, among others as determined by the commissioner of health. NAY (The definition of "underserved populations" includes "immigration status", it is likely the resources of the office will be used to fund initiatives for undocumented immigrants.)
S9310 Authorizes the City of Troy to lease sub-surface park land property referred to as Riverfront Park for district geothermal wells and distribution lines. AYE
S9318 Increases the rate of hotel and motel taxes in Suffolk county from three percent to five and one-half percent; provides for the distribution of revenue from extending the authorization for the hotel and motel taxes in Suffolk county; makes related provisions. NAY (New tax.)
S9367 Requires motor vehicle liability insurance policies to include supplemental spousal liability coverage unless the insured declines such coverage in writing. AYE
S9369A Authorizes the Community Outreach Center to file with the town of Ramapo assessor an application for certain real property tax exemptions. AYE
S9370 Relates to presumptive evidence for individuals who participated in the World Trade Center rescue, recovery and clean-up operations; provides that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention World Trade Center Health Program Certification shall be deemed to be presumptive medical evidence of a causation of a qualifying condition. AYE
S9374 Relates to the residency requirements for village justice of Chestnut Ridge; requires such person to be a resident of Rockland county. AYE
S9403A Directs the New York state public employment relations board to establish and promulgate rules authorizing an electronic filing program to provide informative materials for employees and employers on its website. AYE
S9413 Relates to the taxation of property owned by a cooperative corporation in the Town of Greenburgh, Westchester County. AYE
S9419 This bill would amend Environmental Conservation Law to extend through 2024 the ability of DEC to fix by regulation the management of all crabs (including Horseshoe) and further fix by regulation the limit of Jonah Crabs that may be taken for commercial purposes by holders of Commercial Lobster and Crab Licenses. AYE
S9423 This bill requires the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision to create an advisory board to provide recommendations regarding the development of a emergency management release plan within state prisons to be used in the event of a state disaster emergency. NAY
S9424 Provides for paid family leave after a stillbirth. AYE
S9427A Requires employers to disclose compensation or range of compensation to applicants and employees upon issuing an employment opportunity for internal or public viewing or upon employee request. NAY
S9432 This bill would relate to the metropolitan commuter transportation authority establishing and implementing a policy for responsible management of vegetation and other railroad activities that impact neighboring properties in order to preserve the safety and efficiency of commuter rail operations by implementing guidelines for removal and management policies. AYE
S9445 The bill would provide a new section within Article 26 of Agriculture and Markets Law to restrict the surgical devocalization of a dog or cat to only instances when the procedure is medically necessary to treat or relieve a physical illness, disease, injury, or correct a congenital abnormality. AYE
S9446 This bill would exempt the income earned by election inspectors, poll clerks, or election coordinators from Federal adjusted gross income (AGI) for State income tax. AYE
S9450 This bill would require that an employer recognize, within five business days, the establishment of a workplace safety committee created pursuant to the HEROs Act. Violations would result in a civil penalty of at least $50 per day. NAY (Anti-business.)
S932A Requires the emergency response plan of an electric corporation or the Long Island power authority to include plans for how the communication and coordination of efforts shall occur between the various parties involved in implementing such emergency response plan. AYE
S947A Creates a new crime of operating a vessel while impaired by the consumption of alcohol while a child who is 15 years of age or less is a passenger in such vessel (a class E felony). AYE
S1020 Authorizes a personal income tax credit for solar energy systems purchased and installed at a residence. AYE
S1039 This bill exempts public schools from being designated as early voting polling sites. The bill authorizes county BOEs to designate buildings owned by an entity receiving more than $1 million in annual state grant funding as early voting polling sites unless the owner can demonstrate that such use is significantly incompatible with the primary function of the entity. Under current law, the county BOE can only chose a building that is exempt from taxation. Finally, the bill also authorizes places of business licensed to sell alcohol as early voting sites. NAY (Should be local decision. Imposition on businesses. Voting should be public.)
S1151C Establishes the "hunger-free campus act" to address food insecurity among students at public and private higher education institutions. Within amounts appropriated the commissioner shall award grants on a competitive basis to public and private institutions of higher education which are designated by the commissioner as hunger- free campuses. AYE
S1443B The bill would Racing Law to provide exemptions for key casino employees to no longer be denied their license based on prior crimes, provided they have met the needs under Article 23-A of Correction Law. The bill further provides relief to vendors that provide less than $25,000 worth of goods or services at Casinos. AYE
S1810A Authorizes the town of Chester to establish community preservation funds; establishes a real estate transfer tax with revenues therefrom to be deposited in said community preservation fund. NAY (New tax.)
S1852A Establishes the commission of the deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing; requires the commission of the deaf, deafblind, and hard of hearing to transmit complaints in matters affecting the deaf, deafblind, and hard of hearing communities to the vulnerable persons' central register; repeals provisions relating to the New York state interagency coordinating council for services to persons who are deaf, deaf-blind, or hard of hearing. AYE
S2239 This bill will require state contractors to disclose data on employee compensation by gender, race, ethnicity, and other relevant data. NAY (Overly burdensome. Discrimination already prohibited. More power Governor.)
S2924A COSPONSOR Enacts the accessible electronic information act for blind and disabled persons; creates a new fund in the state finance law; authorizes a not-for-profit entity to administer the program. AYE
S2935A Authorizes Robin Garfinkle, the widow of Howard Mahler, to file a retirement option election form on behalf of her deceased husband. AYE
S3080A Directs the New York state energy and development authority to establish a ride clean rebate program for electric assist bicycles and electric scooters. AYE
S3520 Makes a community center physically located within a New York city housing authority facility eligible to apply for and receive funding from the nonprofit infrastructure capital investment program. AYE
S3532A COSPONSOR Allows for the use of green lights or alternating green and amber lights on municipal vehicles being used for snow removal; relates to the operation of vehicles when approaching such a parked, stopped or standing hazard vehicle. AYE
S3932 This bill would establish specific procedures for the closure and/or decertification of assisted living residences. Such procedures include 120 days notification to the regional office of a plan to close which is subject to the approval of the Commissioner. NAY (Requiring the facility to remain open and providing staff for a small number of residents would likely only exacerbate the financial difficulties)
S4104A This bill require original equipment manufacturers (OEM) to make diagnostic and repair information for digital electronic parts and equipment available to independent repair providers and consumers if such parts and repair information are also available to OEM authorized repair providers. AYE
S4142 Prohibits smoking in public parks; sets $50 fine; defines terms. NAY (Further restriction on a legal product is incongruous.)
S4339B This is a sunshine bill that would require Department of State to electronically transmit a copy of every certificate of incorporation that has been filed on behalf of a municipal corporation, state or local authority or district. NAY (Limits local decision making related to LDCs.)
S4479A Authorizes the New York state energy research and development authority to prepare a report on the feasibility, costs and benefits of establishing a renewable energy laboratory; requires such report to examine partnerships with businesses and educational institutions; determine whether a New York renewable energy laboratory would facilitate the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies and practices, advance related science and engineering, create jobs, promote economic development and manufacturing, and transfer knowledge and innovations to address the state's energy and environmental goals; and consider how such laboratory may achieve the goal of involving minority students, scientists, engineers and minority and women owned business enterprises in its programs. AYE
S4871B Establishes an online insurance verification system for proof of insurance; allows the use of third-party vendors and providers; requires motor vehicle insurers to provide policy information to the online verification system; establishes an online insurance verification advisory council; requires certain information to be confidential and propriety information which is not subject to disclosure. AYE
S5097A This bill adds the question, "Has the Property Been Tested For Indoor Mold? Yes, No, Unkn (If Yes, Attach a Copy of the Report)" to the Property Condition Disclosure Statement. NAY
S5456C Expands the veterans tuition awards program to allow the transfer of unused benefits to a spouse, survivor or child; defines terms. AYE
S5542 Provides employment protections during the performance of state active duty by members of the national guard; makes technical corrections. AYE
S6028 COSPONSOR Allows insurers to dispense with or defer inspections of private passenger automobiles prior to the provision of coverage for physical damage thereto. AYE
S6093A This bill clarifies that any condition of impairment of health caused by a disease of the heart, resulting in disability, shall be presumptive evidence that such disability was incurred in the performance and discharge of duty and the natural and proximate result of an accident. AYE
S6156 Designates a portion of the state highway system as the "Sergeant Gregory Wahl Memorial Highway". AYE
S6348A Authorizes and directs county public welfare districts to accept paperwork electronically. AYE (Not permissive. Could be unfunded mandate on districts to implement.)
S6385B Requires that court ordered forensic evaluations involving child custody and visitation be a licensed psychologist, social worker or psychiatrist who has completed a training program developed by the New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence. AYE
S6598B Describes the role of the ignition interlock monitor as well as requirements of people charged with violations that require the installation of an ignition interlock device to comply with court orders. AYE
S6665 This legislation would license and regulate laser hair removal technicians. The licensing would be performed through the Department of State. Currently, DOS has a licensing structure in place for those that practice a nail specialty, waxing, natural hair styling, esthetics and cosmetology. AYE
S6789A Replaces certain instances of the term mentally retarded or variations of such term with the term developmentally disabled or variations of such term. AYE
S6842A This bill would provide a new Title within Article 9 of Environmental Conservation Law to create a Memorial Lands Facility permit, which is a property, other than a cemetery, that is primarily used for the respectful disposition of cremated remains. AYE
S6857 Provides that an accusatory instrument or supporting deposition consisting of factual allegations by a deponent with limited English proficiency is not sufficient unless accompanied by a sworn statement from an interpreter affirming the accuracy of the English interpretation. NAY (Onerous on law enforcement agencies.)
S6949 Provides for joint and survivorship accounts, provides that absent indication to the contrary, funds remaining in such an account upon the death of the depositor shall be deemed part of the depositor's estate. AYE
S7042B Enacts the "New York Land-Home Property Act" establishing a process for converting a manufactured home from personal property to real property. AYE
S7224A Designates a portion of the state highway system in the town of Putnam Valley over the Taconic Parkway as the "Putnam Valley First Responders Bridge". AYE
S7313A Requires written notice to a defendant of his or her right to complete court ordered alcohol or substance use treatment in a nonreligious treatment program. NAY
S7377 Establishes the statewide group home families working group; provides that duties include informing and advising the commissioner as to matters of importance for persons with developmental disabilities residing in group homes and their families and guardians, providing recommendations for statewide and regional priorities and goals for individuals residing in group homes and families and guardians of individuals residing in group homes, advising the commissioner on such other matters related to group homes as the statewide group home families working group deems relevant, holding regional public meetings to solicit and receive input from residents of group homes and family members and guardians of residents of group homes, and any matter relating to the performance of their duties with relation to individuals in group homes and on policies, goals, budget and operation of group homes. AYE
S7445B This bill would amend section 883 of the general municipal law (Conflicts of Interest) to prohibit individuals of an IDA (board member, officer, employee, or independent contractor) to take a position, paid or unpaid, with any business or entity which is applying for or receiving financial assistance or any other benefit granted by the IDA within two years after termination of employment or services. AYE
S7493A Allows a person who has suffered interference with the use and enjoyment of private property or public parkland by a rotorcraft used in a manner that creates an unreasonable level of noise at ground level to have a right of action against a person who caused or contributed to the use of such rotorcraft in such manner; relates to the use of certain heliports in the city of New York. NAY
S7585 Establishes the sanitary retail food store grant program to provide funding to retail food stores that fail inspections to correct deficiencies if such stores are unable to sustain the costs to immediately correct critical deficiencies, are located in food deserts, and would otherwise be unable to stay in operation due to their inability to meet and maintain sanitary standards. AYE
S8157 Provides that coverage and access to non-invasive prenatal testing under Medicaid shall not be limited based upon the age of the pregnant patient. AYE
S8369B This bill would amend Article 6 of the Labor Law related to Payment of Wages to establish labor protections specific to freelance workers that are not in the construction trade, attorneys or medical professionals. NAY
S8381B Relates to the membership on the Nassau health care corporation board; provides that the board of directors shall select the chair and the chief executive officer. AYE
S8409A Reduces number of signatures needed from the city school subdistrict from 500 to 200 and the number of signatures from the city of Buffalo from 1,000 to 400. AYE
S8482 Relates to including the village of Owego in the definition of municipality that can apply to the public service commission to order costs for infrastructure maintenance and access to be charged to all customer classes located in such municipality. AYE
S8505 Authorizes Nicholas Moore, Joshua Golden and Nathan Kasprzak to participate in the special twenty year retirement plan. AYE
S8551 Authorizes the town justice of the town of Van Etten, county of Chemung, to be a nonresident of such town. AYE
S8884A Establishes the transgender and gender non-binary (TGNB) wellness and equity program; establishes a fund for such program. NAY
S8893 Directs the department of health to create an informational pamphlet regarding the laparoscopic power morcellation surgery technique. AYE
S8895A Authorizes the village of Mineola, county of Nassau, to alienate certain parklands for use in the village of Mineola public water supply system and replace such alienated parkland with a new, dedicated parkland. AYE
S8922A This bill would amend the Labor Law by adding a new Article 21-A Establishing The Warehouse Worker Protection Act. The purpose of the bill is to reduce injuries that arise from intense quotas that employees in just-intime delivery ware houses must adhere to. According to the sponsor warehouse injuries are 4.0 cases per 100 compared to the national average of 1.7 cases per 100. NAY (Anti-business. Duplicative.)
S9026 Grants retroactive tier IV status to Kimberly Kinblom. AYE
S9112 Authorizes Donald Kane of the village of Mohawk, county of Herkimer to take the competitive civil service examination for the position of police officer and be placed on the eligible list for employment as a full-time police officer for the village of Mohawk police department. AYE
S9132 The legislation clarifies that, as it pertains to special act school districts and schools for the disabled (853 schools, Special Act Public School Districts, and 4410 Programs), funds may be retained based on expenses prior to the application of the reconciliation process. AYE
S9134 Requires certain tuition reimbursement interim rates to include the annual growth amount for such rates approved for the two thousand twenty-two--two thousand twenty-three school year and annually thereafter pending certification of the prospective rates for such school year and subsequent years. AYE
S9354 Adds Black Meadow Creek to the definition of inland waterways. AYE
S9377 Increases the monetary jurisdictional limits of the New York city civil court from $25,000 to $50,000 in the corresponding statutes following the constitutional amendment in November 2021. AYE
S9382 Directs the commissioner of general services to include requirements in any procurement for the manufacturing or retrofitting of zero emission vehicles and charging or fueling infrastructure that the components and parts used or supplied in the performance of the contract or any subcontract thereto shall be produced or made in whole or substantial part in the United States, its territories or possessions and that final assembly of the zero emission vehicles and charging or fueling infrastructure shall occur in the United States, its territories or possessions. AYE
S9409A Establishes the New York city public housing preservation trust for properties owned or operated by the New York city housing authority; provides for the issuance of certain bonds, notes or other obligations of the New York city housing development corporation. NAY
S9414 Requires energy brokers and energy consultants to register with the public service commission. NAY
S9425 Authorizes the commissioner of general services to transfer and convey by a 99-year lease certain unappropriated state land to the Sing Sing Prison Museum; requires the department of corrections and community supervision shall enter into a management agreement with such museum that would include, but not be limited to, requirements for operating such museum, the ongoing needs of the Sing Sing Correctional Facility with regard to safety and security, and a description of the property boundaries for the leased property and easement; makes related provisions. AYE
S9428 This bill relates to the maintenance of records of ownership of catalytic converters as a major component part; provides a penalty (class A misdemeanor) for failing to report such records every sixty days, the court may order such defendant to pay an amount fixed by the court, not to exceed double the amount of such defendant's gain from failing to produce records of the number of catalytic converters they take in; requires all new motor vehicle dealers and qualified dealers to stock and offer etching kits that are capable of etching a traceable serial number onto the catalytic converter to any person purchasing a new motor vehicle. AYE
S9438 Requires schools that maintain epinephrine auto-injectors onsite to provide teachers with written informational material on the use of such auto-injectors that has been created and approved by a health care professional. AYE
S9439 Authorizes the county of Nassau assessor to accept an application for a real property tax exemption from the Nassau Cemetery Association with respect to the 2020-2021 assessment roll for part of the 2020-2021 school taxes and part of the 2021 general taxes and the 2021-2022 assessment roll for all of the 2021-2022 school taxes and all of the 2022 general taxes for the parcel conveyed to such organization located at 6 Beechwood Avenue, town of North Hempstead, county of Nassau. AYE
S9441 Enacts the New York state buy American salt act to ensure all rock salt, or sodium chloride, used or supplied in the performance of a government contract or any subcontract thereto within the state shall be mined or hand harvested in the United States. AYE
S9449 This bill would allow mental health counselors, marriage and family counselors, and psychoanalysts the ability to diagnose and to make assessment-based treatment plans. AYE
S9452 Authorizes the commissioner of taxation and finance to revoke the certificate of registration of the sale of adult-use cannabis; increases certain penalties relating to the sale of illicit cannabis; authorizes the commissioner of taxation and finance and the duly authorized representatives of the office of cannabis management to provide enforcement; makes it a class A misdemeanor for a distributor of adult-use cannabis products or a retail seller of adult-use cannabis products to sell any such products while not registered to do so. AYE
S1120 Requires the court to increase the amount of the award to a person who initiates a qui tam action where such action includes disclosure of information related to the use of government funds during a state of emergency. AYE
S1964A Authorizes boards of cooperative educational services in Suffolk and Nassau counties to establish workers' compensation reserve funds. AYE
S2021A Authorizes cities, villages and towns to reduce the speed limit to twenty-five miles per hour. AYE
S3520 Makes a community center physically located within a New York city housing authority facility eligible to apply for and receive funding from the nonprofit infrastructure capital investment program. AYE
S3882A Requires the Commissioner of Transportation to maintain an interactive website or webpage where users may report the locations of defects (potholes) on state highways and bridges and then receive, at such person's request, notification when repairs to the reported pothole have been completed. The Commissioner shall also post the locations of each reported pothole on such interactive website until such time as such pothole is repaired. AYE
S4285B GALLIVAN Deems an application filed with the New York state and local police and fire retirement system by the widow of Lawrence Lakeman as timely filed. AYE
S6692B Requires electric vehicle charging stations to be installed at gasoline stations when new gas dispensing motor fuel pumps are being installed at such gasoline station; prohibits building permits from being issued when there is not at least one electric vehicle charging station being installed at such gas station. NAY (additional mandated cost for gas station businesses)
S7162C Relates to authorizing service credit for unpaid or reduced paid child care leave for members of the state police twenty year retirement plan. AYE
S7319 Expands the use of foreign fire insurance premium taxes by the Volunteer and Exempt Firemen's Benevolent Association of Lewiston Fire Company No. 1. AYE
S7341 Establishes November twenty-sixth of each year as a day of commemoration known as "Sojourner Truth Day". AYE
S7365A Provides a one-time tax credit for a newly constructed principal residence not to exceed $2,750 or for a renovated principal residence of 50% of the amount expended, not to exceed $2,750, for universal visibility. AYE
S7419 Requires the disclosure of insurance information, including the name of the insurance company, the amount of coverage and what is covered under their plan, on permit applications for the construction of pipelines upon any freshwater wetlands. AYE
S7475B Provides for regulating immigration bail businesses including restrictions on who may operate such a business; provides for who may bring an action against an immigration bail business. NAY
S7506 Requires certain health and casualty insurers to provide coverage for prenatal vitamins. AYE
S7613 Prohibits public officers from using their authority to compel or coerce subordinates to use their official time to perform activities intended to benefit a private business or for other compensated non-governmental purposes. AYE
S7671 Adds spent fuel rods to the already existing spent fuel pools and dry cask storage systems related to the statutory provisions that were codified in 2020 that included spent fuel that is pending further or final disposal from a nuclear power station following the permanent cessation of power of operations of such station within the definition of real property. Pertains to Indian Point. NAY (The local fiscal impact of the closure is devastating and enormous.)
S7685B Authorizes Suffolk regional off-track betting corporations to host up to 2000 video lottery gaming devices; provides that in the Nassau region such facility shall not exceed one thousand video lottery gaming devices. NAY (Disrupts parity between Suffolk/Nassau.)
S8063A This bill would amend the Labor Law, which governs mandatory overtime for nurses, to require that the limitations on mandatory overtime be reinstated after a health care disaster and not exceed three consecutive days and after a declared emergency and not exceed 30 consecutive days. The bill specifies that an emergency does not include routine staffing needs that arise due to typical staffing patterns. NAY (Civil penalties unnecessary.)
S8326A Establishes the independent developmental disability ombudsman program for the purpose of assisting individuals with developmental disabilities to ensure their access to services and preservation of their rights. AYE
S8401 Provides that Tier 6 members of the Police and Fire Retirement System (PFRS) whose employer had previously elected a 1 year final average salary (FAS) pursuant to paragraph d of subdivision 9 of section 302 of RSSL shall be able to retain such 1 year FAS for retirement benefits. AYE
S8448 Provides for certain death benefits to correction officers, correction officer-sergeants, correction officer-captains, assistant wardens, associate wardens or wardens employed by Westchester county. AYE
S8454 Authorizes Kimberly A. Cooney of the village of Cambridge to take the competitive civil service examination for the position of police officer and be placed on the eligible list for employment as a full-time police officer with the Cambridge Greenwich Police Department. AYE
S8524C This bill amends the vehicle and traffic law by allowing mobile crisis response staff members to use a green light on their motor vehicle when engaging in an emergency operation. AYE
S8534 Establishes the "small water utility transparency act"; requires the public service commission and the department of environmental conservation to conduct audits of certain private water companies; requires certain private water companies which are under certain investigations to file public updates on the status of compliance with such orders. AYE
S8682 This bill would allow the County of Monroe to adopt a special twenty-five (25) year retirement plan for Deputy Sheriffs. AYE
S8701 Modify section 3602 of the Education Law by adding a sentence to the definition of "adjusted gross income" indicating that any lottery winnings in excess of twenty-five percent of a district's adjusted gross income shall be excluded from such district's adjusted gross income for the year. AYE
S8796 Extends the time period for the Suffolk county water authority to file its annual reports. AYE
S8827A To clarify eligibility considerations for general hospitals that are safety net providers as it relates to potential appropriations in the New York state fiscal year 2022-2023 Aid to Localities Budget bill (Chapter 53 of the Laws of 2022). AYE
S8844 Allows contractors who submitted bids to the State of New York or a public benefit corporation prior to April 1, 2020 to receive an adjusted contract on materials costs where the price escalated in excess of five (5) percent upon invoice or purchase of said materials from the original bid. AYE
S8892 This bill provides that when a trustee of a trust signs a power of attorney that allows the agent to affect the trust, and the agent is not a co-trustee of the trust, then the principal must notify in writing all other co-trustees of the the signing of the power of attorney and identify the assigned agent. AYE
S8896 Authorizes the incorporated village of Mineola, county of Nassau, to establish and operate a commercial sanitation district and levy a separate tax on properties within such district to fund the expenses and obligations of such district. AYE
S8940A Authorizes the assessor of the county of Nassau to accept from the Mineola Union Free School District an application for exemption from real property taxes for part of the 2020- 2021 school year and all of the 2021-2022 school year and the 2021 and 2022 general assessment rolls. AYE
S8951 Authorizes Donald Quehl, who has been continuously employed by the village of Pulaski as a part-time police officer, to take the competitive civil service examination and be placed on the eligible list for appointment as a full-time police officer for such village in the county of Oswego. AYE
S9047 Amends the not-for-profit corporation law to explicitly allow unanimous consent of members to act without a meeting by electronic means in addition to "electronic mail"; to allow for a director appointed or elected to fill a vacancy to hold office until the end of the term the director as appointed or elected to fill; to clarify language ensuring that conflicted directors who leave a meeting are still present for purposes of a quorum. AYE
S9167A Creates a temporary commission to conduct a comprehensive study on the current utilization of paid family leave, make recommendations on how to increase access and the visibility of the program. AYE
S9209 Amends the General Obligations Law by adding a new subdivision 5 to Section 51501B to clarify that powers of attorney executed by the principal in a manner prescribed by law in effect at that time of execution are valid and enforceable, even if signed by the agents of the principal at a later date, including, but not limited to, after June 13, 2021. NAY
S9309 To allow for certain positions in the Village of Scarsdale to be filled by individuals residing outside of the Village. AYE
S9317 Authorizes the county of Suffolk to convey to the Hampton Bays Water District, an easement in Meschutt Beach County Park for installation of a subaqueous water pipe crossing, provided that the county of Suffolk dedicate an amount equal to or greater than the fair market value of the easement interest being alienated pursuant to section one of this act to the acquisition of new parklands and/or capital improvements to existing park and recreational facilities. AYE
S9347 Amends the Civil Service and Labor laws to allow employee organizations to use extrinsic evidence to determine intent for retiree health insurance during contract negotiations. AYE
S9387 Amends Public Health Law § 4004 (3) to prohibit the Public Health and Health Planning Council of the Department of Health from approving new applications for establishment, construction or increased capacity by for-profit hospice entities. Existing for profit hospice will remain approved but may not expand capacity. NAY
S9402 Relates to requirements for licensure and certification of applied behavior analysts; clarifies for graduate students seeking to complete supervised experience and/or examination requirements for certification and their supervisors the proper process in which to follow to provide such services. AYE
S9422 Establishes the "utility thermal energy network and jobs act" to promote the development of thermal energy networks throughout the state and to provide jobs to transitioning utility workers who have lost or are at risk of losing their employment. AYE
S9434 Expands the Rockland County Solid Waste Authority's purposes, powers, and responsibilities to include providing animal management services through a wholly-owned subsidiary; relates to public authorities providing shelter services for the care of unwanted animals or a subsidiary of such public authority that is wholly created for the sole purpose of providing such services. AYE
S9468 To include station customer assistants, ticket or revenue collections on trains or bus, maintainers, repairer, cleaners, and their supervisors employed by a transit agency, as well as their assigned duties, in the existing 2nd degree assault provisions found in Penal Law section 120.05(11). AYE
S978C This bill would clarify that a vacancy in public office occurs when a public officer enters a guilty plea in federal court. AYE
S5451C Directs the department of public service to prepare written reports on the effect the COVID-19 state of emergency has on certain utilities of electric, gas, water, wastewater, and telephone service to commercial and residential customers in the state and on the affordability of services. NAY (Costs associated with this study will be borne by utilities, and, ultimately, ratepayers.)
S1271B Provides for new fines for any firm, corporation, partnership, or association engaged in the conduct of any business, trade or commerce, or in the furnishing of any service in this state who knowingly dumps, shovels or plows snow onto a parking place thereby rendering such spaces unusable for parking purposes. AYE
S409A This legislation would create the Problem Gambling Advisory Council with the purpose of making findings and recommendations to the governor and legislature on how to treat problem gambling. AYE
S6488 This bill is intended to improve the regulation and supervision of Mitchell-Lama cooperatives. Currently, agencies have discretion of deciding whether or not to remedy problems. Agencies are not required to demand issues are fixed. NAY (Gives more power to Commissioner and can lead to overburdened courts.)
S4327C This bill requires insurers to send policyholders a notice as to the "good faith increases of premium rates" for the policy over the next 10 years. NAY
S6069 Establishes a voluntary registry of individuals with autism, Alzheimer's or dementia who may be at risk of wandering away from home; creates a standardized form available that may be submitted to local law enforcement agencies by family members and caregivers of such individuals that would include identifying information and may include a photograph of the registrant. AYE
S7855A This bill would amend Racing, Pari-Mutuel Wagering and Breeding Law by providing a new section that will dissolve the Board of Directors of the Western Region Off-Track Betting Corporation (WROTB) and appoint a new Board based on weighted voting. NAY
S5010 Authorizes municipalities in the county of Rockland to add unpaid housing code violation penalties, costs and fines to such municipalities' annual tax levy in accordance with applicable law. AYE
S6534C This bill establishes a primary care reform commission to review, examine, and make findings on the level of primary care spending by all payers in the context of all health care spending in the state and publish an annual report on the findings, and also make recommendations to increase spending and strengthen primary care infrastructure in the state, taking care to avoid increasing costs to patients or the total cost of health care. NAY (Requiring the submission of extensive and duplicative information, this bill would impose significant financial and administrative burdens on insurers.)
S164 Prohibits state reimbursement of campaign and political committees, or legal defense funds, for payments made on behalf of the criminal defense of a state employee. AYE
S6664A Establishes a state-level program of all-inclusive care for the elderly for persons 55 years of age or older, qualifying for nursing home levels of care who wish to remain in their community; makes a technical correction to the social services law. AYE
S8183 Requires the state fire prevention and building code council to conduct and complete a study of successfully implementing current International Swimming Pool and Spa Code should an act of the legislature become law requiring such code be enacted. AYE
S8405B Enacts the "fossil fuel facilities replacement and redevelopment blueprint act." Requires NYSERDA, in consultation with PSC and DEC to develop a study of strategies to facilitate the replacement and redevelopment of NYs older and most-polluting fossil fuel facilities and their sites by 2030. NAY (getting ahead of the Climate Action Council's scoping plan which is still out for public comment)
S7743 This bill would authorize the sale of prepared liquor drinks for on-premises consumption that have been mixed and emulsified inside a sealed PET vessel, having a capacity of not less than a gallon, which are dispensed via pressurized draft system. AYE
S2873 KAVANAGH The bill would amend §383 of Executive Law to require that the building and fire regulations generally applicable in any locality within the State shall also apply to all building and structures owned by or in which space is leased by state agencies and authorities. AYE
S7406C Requires electric vehicle charging stations and electric vehicle capable parking spaces at certain residential and commercial buildings. NAY (Unfunded mandate.)
S995 This bill adds to the provisions of law governing private actions by patients of residential care facilities when such facility deprives such patient any right or benefit to be held liable for injuries sustained as result of said deprivation, generally, the authority of a patient’s legal representative or patient’s estate to also bring such action against the residential care facility. AYE
S8426 The bill would amend section 192-E of Agriculture and Markets Law to allow homeowners leasing propane containers to receive emergency deliveries from any suppliers during times of urgent need and periods of high demand when their regular suppliers could not fulfill the request. AYE
S8813 This bill requires including in record requirements on adult care facilities and assisted living programs the resident's race or ethnicity. AYE
S8750A Authorizes the county of Suffolk to alienate certain lands used as parklands to enable Sunrise Wind, LLC to construct, maintain and operate a subterranean conduit and electrical distribution cable system, together with subterranean transition joint bays and link boxes, on county of Suffolk parkland located at Southaven County Park, Smith Point County Park and Smith Point County Marina and appurtenances thereto. AYE
S1962A Requires children's non-regulated camps to register annually with the department of state; imposes civil penalties for violations; requires the department of state to submit a report to the department of health that includes a list of all registered children's non-regulated camps within the state; the location of each children's non-regulated camp; how many children attend a children's non-regulated camp; and a list of all entities that committed a violation of this section for the previous calendar year. AYE
S8793A This bill allows occupancy of joint living-work quarters for artists in certain manufacturing buildings converted to joint living-work quarters for artists, without requiring a certified artist to occupy such unit. NAY
S3535C Requires that no later than January 1, 2029, every public transportation system eligible to receive operating assistance from the Statewide Mass Transportation Operating Assistance Program (STOA) shall be required to purchase only zero-emission buses and related equipment and facilities as part of the normal replacement of its fleet. NAY
S3587C This bill establishes that any public authority that operates a toll highway, bridge, and/or tunnel facility authorized to promulgate toll collection regulations and to impose monetary liability for failure to comply with such regulations is authorized and empowered to operate a demonstration program for utilization of cashless tolling facilities, cashless tolling monitoring systems, and a tolls by mail program and to impose monetary liability on the owner of a vehicle for failure to comply with the toll collection regulations of such public authority so long as each public authority complies with the provisions of this bill. AYE
S6839 Authorizes the town of Hempstead, in the county of Nassau, to establish a speed limit of less than 30 miles per hour on certain highways in the community of East Atlantic Beach. AYE
S8828A Requires the department of environmental conservation to authorize and encourage the use of nature-based solutions as the preferred alternative for stabilizing tidal shorelines in the state; provides such solutions should be considered when promulgating and implementing rules and regulations relating to such. AYE
S8826 This bill would permit the sale or promotional gifting of certain complementary products for wine and spirits by retail licensees. AYE
S3275 This bill would require that all state disaster preparedness plans and local comprehensive emergency management plans include an exemption to allow essential personnel as determined by the state disaster preparedness commission, such as public and private utility workers, to travel during and immediately after a declared emergency. AYE
S8767 Adds to the criteria for eligibility to be appointed to the Board of Parole having worked at least 10 years in criminology, administration of criminal justice, law enforcement , sociology, law, social work, corrections, psychology, psychiatry or medicine. AYE
S8792 This bill amends the prompt contracting provisions for state contracts with not for profit organizations to require state agencies to register contracts with such organizations within 30 days of the start of any such contract. AYE
S670 Allows credit unions, savings banks, savings and loan associations and federal savings associations to accept and secure deposits from municipal corporations. NAY
S981 This bill would amend section 532 of the Real Property Tax Law to subject the Caumsett State Historic Park Preserve in Suffolk County and Planting Fields Arboretum State Historic Park in Nassau County to taxation. AYE
S7383 This bill prohibits employees, or those who work under supervision, of the Governor from serving on the Board of Trustees. There is an exception for ex-officio members and classified civil service employees. AYE
S7586A Designates a portion of the state highway system in the town of Hempstead, county of Nassau, as the "Assemblyman Harvey Weisenberg Parkway". AYE
S8927A Designates a portion of the state highway system in Nassau county as the "Trooper James R. Gohery Memorial Bridge". AYE
S6524 Requires a gas corporation, electric corporation, water corporation, steam corporation, telegraph corporation, telephone corporation or a municipality to notify property owners prior to beginning certain services if the service may interfere with the property owner's ability to enjoy, use or access such property owner's property. AYE
S4511A Requires social media networks to provide and maintain mechanisms for reporting hateful conduct on their platform. AYE
S8741A This bill would expand the annual farm recognition awards, state procurement process training for small businesses, and the excelsior jobs program to include animal and plant fiber textiles. It was additionally expand state agency procurement purchasing to include animal and plant fiber textiles. AYE
S4685 This bill amends the Family Health Care Decisions Act (codified under chapter 8 of the laws of 2010) in relation to Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) health care decisions for adult patients by surrogates and without surrogates. NAY (this bill gives to much discretion to medical professionals and not enough discretion to the patients who will be most affected in such matters.)
S8609 Relates to designating a portion of the state highway system as the "Patrolman David 'DW' Smith Memorial Highway" in the village of Johnson City, county of Broome. AYE
S8180 This bill would amend section 10 of the town law, as amended by chapter 229 of the laws of 1970 to include the town of Ulster as a first class town. AYE
S8246A Allows for the county of Albany to impose an additional ninety-five cent surcharge per access line per month on the customers of every wireless service supplier within Albany county to pay for costs associated with maintaining the 911 emergency telephone system. AYE
S8390 Authorizes the city of Newburgh to impose a hotel and motel tax of up to five percent. NAY (New tax.)
S8396A Provides for the taxation of all lands owned by the state, exclusive of the improvements erected thereon by the state, in the city of Beacon and the town of Fishkill in Dutchess county. AYE
S8549 Requires health insurers to provide coverage for procedures relating to the diagnosis and treatment of uterine fibroids and related conditions, including pain, discomfort and infertility resulting therefrom. AYE
S8743B Authorizes the alienation of certain parklands in the city of Elmira, county of Chemung, and the sale of such parkland to Cerulean Holdings, Inc. for fair market value. AYE
S8752B Authorizes Gurudwara Shaheedan, Inc. to file with the Nassau county assessor an application for certain real property tax exemptions. AYE
S8845A Authorizes the village of Highland Falls, in Orange county to adopt and amend local laws imposing a tax on persons occupying a room for hire in any hotel in an amount not to exceed 5% of the per diem rental rate for each room; provides for the expiration and repeal of such provisions on December 31, 2025. NAY (New tax.)
S9120A Authorizes the city of New York to discontinue a portion of real property in the county of the Bronx as parkland and to grant easements for improvements to the railroad right-of-way to bring Metro-North railroad service to four new stations in the Bronx and to Pennsylvania Station in the county of New York. AYE
S9145A Authorizes the town of Brookhaven, county of Suffolk assessor to accept an application for a real property tax exemption from Word of Truth Church, Inc. with respect to the 2021-2022 assessment roll for all of the 2021- 2022 school taxes and all of the 2021 and 2022 general taxes. AYE
S9323A Authorizes discontinuing the use as parkland of certain real property in Brooklyn and the transfer of such lands to the metropolitan transportation authority, to enable the New York city transit authority to construct in such areas new permanent at-grade station improvements and pedestrian bridges. AYE
S621B Enacts Carlos' law; relates to crimes involving the death or injury of a worker; establishes higher fines for corporations who commit such crimes; establishes the crimes of endangering the welfare of a worker in the third, second and first degrees. AYE
S1608 This bill amends the process related to the appointment and promotions of certain personnel of the Sanitation Department of the City of New York and authorizes the promotion of personnel to the positions of General Superintendent 2 and General Superintendent 3. AYE
S3723A Authorizes the county of Orleans to offer an optional twenty year retirement plan to Ryan Flaherty, a deputy sheriff employed by such county. AYE
S8113 This bill amends the definition of "clinical peer reviewer" in regards to the individuals employed by health plans that make utilization review (UR) determinations. A clinical peer reviewer must be a physician who: (a) possesses a current and valid non-restricted license to practice medicine; (b) is board certified or board eligible in the same or similar specialty as the health care provider whose service is under review; (c) has been practicing in such area of specialty for a period of 5 years; (d) in determining substance abuse treatment, specializes in behavioral health and has experience in delivery of substance use disorder courses of treatment; (e) for determinations involving mental health conditions, specializes in behavioral health and has experience in delivery of mental health courses of treatment; and (f) is knowledgeable about the health care service or treatment under review. NAY (Expertise already built into review process.)
S8297A This bill establishes an exception to the hearsay rule for civil cases to allow evidence that a party alleging discrimination reported such discrimination or facts giving rise to an inference of discrimination to another person to be admitted into evidence to support the allegation that discrimination occurred. AYE
S8676 Grants retroactive tier IV membership in the New York state and local employees' retirement system to Mark Pavlak. AYE
S8757 Authorizes the town of Webster, county of Monroe, to alienate certain lands used as parkland and to dedicate certain other lands as parklands for use by the Webster central school district for the purpose of using such parcel in conjunction with the sports field already purchased for the benefits of the students of such school district. AYE
S8775 Allows certain elected officials in the town of Clarkson, in the county of Monroe, who failed to take or file their respective oaths of office for the three-year term beginning January 1, 2020 to continue serving in their respective capacities provided they take and file their oaths of office within thirty days from the effective date. AYE
S8831 This bill would establish light duty during pregnancy and parental leave for certain commuter rail employees at Metro North. AYE
S8832 Authorizes the town board of the town of Islip, county of Suffolk, to transfer funds from the Kismet street improvement district to a special fund for the collection and removal of trash from the hamlet of Kismet upon approval of such town board. AYE
S8864 Authorizes the assessor of the town of Brookhaven, county of Suffolk, to accept an application for a real property tax exemption from the Selden Fire District with respect to the 2021-2022 assessment roll. AYE
S8874 This bill authorizes the Department of State to fine real estate appraisers up to $2,000 for any disciplinary violations provided for in §160-u of the Executive Law. Under current law, a license can be revoked or suspended for these violations, but a fine is not allowed. AYE
S8881A Authorizes the Spring Valley Church of the Nazarene to file with the town of Ramapo assessor an application for certain real property tax exemptions. AYE
S8934 COSPONSOR Directs the department of economic development, in conjunction with other departments and entities, to conduct a comprehensive study of public and private museums, including taking a census of public and private museums in the state, and to report the findings and recommendations of such study. AYE
S8953 Authorizes the village of Floral Park in the county of Nassau to establish a residential parking system. AYE
S8957A This bill makes a number of technical corrections to the Campaign Finance law that was passed in 2020. NAY
S8959 This bill would authorize a transfer of an employee of SUNY in a position within PEF bargaining unit, who is a member of the optional retirement program and a Registered Nurse who first became an employee between January 1, 1996 and December 31, 1999 and is still an employee to transfer to the NYSLERS. AYE
S8972A Requires that any electronic benefit transfer services for supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP) benefits shall ensure that two electronic benefit transfer credit or debit cards are issued for use by any recipient household having more than one parent or guardian residing in the household on a full-time basis. AYE
S9036 Requires a petition in a summary proceeding to recover possession of real property in the city of Albany to allege proof of compliance with local laws requiring rental residential property registration and licensure. NAY (Amounts to another inspection before a property owner can begin eviction proceedings)
S9193 Increases the timeline for completion and amount spent on emergency home repairs for low-moderate income senior citizens through the RESTORE program. AYE
S9196 Authorizes the Bais Torah U'tefillah to receive retroactive real property tax exempt status. AYE
S9207 This bill would require notification to the public whenever the Commissioner of Health makes changes to the terms, conditions or time frames contained in the model contract with managed care providers providing Medicaid in the state. AYE
S9272 Exempts the Salina Consolidated Fire District #2, in the town of Salina, county of Onondaga from the forty-five percent limit on non-resident members. AYE
S9293A This bill relates to civil actions involving public petition and participation, and expands the Anti-SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation) Law to include actions initiated based on an internal discrimination complaint or allegation made to an employer. AYE
S9327 This bill would allow certain members of the New York City Police Pension Fund (POLICE) to borrow from contributions. AYE
S9345 Prohibits the hunting of wild deer in the town of Southampton, county of Suffolk on state lands adjacent to a licensed wildlife rehabilitation facility. AYE
S9418 This bill amends Local Finance Law to establishing that a lead service line replacement program has a thirty year period of probable usefulness as a capital asset. AYE
S9409A This bill establishes the New York city public housing preservation trust for properties owned or operated by the New York city housing authority; provides for the issuance of certain bonds, notes or other obligations of the New York city housing development corporation. NAY
S7671 Adds spent fuel rods to the already existing spent fuel pools and dry cask storage systems related to the statutory provisions that were codified in 2020 that included spent fuel that is pending further or final disposal from a nuclear power station following the permanent cessation of power of operations of such station within the definition of real property. Pertains to Indian Point. NAY (The local fiscal impact of the closure is devastating and enormous.)
S67A Requires that certain information be provided to patients and health care practitioners regarding sudden unexpected death in epilepsy. AYE
S89B Establishes the crimes of making a threat of mass harm and aggravated threat of mass harm (a class B and A misdemeanor, respectively). AYE
S145B The bill would require stores where gift cards are sold to post a notice alerting customers about gift card scams. NAY (imposes a sign mandate for businesses.)
S772A Establishes a blue alert system to aid in the identification, location and apprehension of any individuals suspected of killing or seriously wounding any police officer. AYE
S2091C COSPONSOR Relates to the issuance of a New York State Korean War Commemorative Medal. AYE
S4116A Requires semiautomatic pistols manufactured or delivered to any licensed dealer in this state to be capable of microstamping ammunition. An individual that willfully defaces a microstamping component or mechanism of a semiautomatic pistol is guilty of a class D felony. NAY (Most criminals get guns through unregulated channels that would not be affected by a micro-stamping requirement. Lack of technology.)
S4436 This bill would amend section 277 of the General Municipal Law, as added by chapter 626 of the laws of 1991 to includes lakes in the Adopt-A-Municipal Park, Shoreline, Roadway or Lake Programs. AYE
S4970A This bill requires state and local law enforcement agencies to report any gun unlawfully possessed, recovered from a crime scene, or that is reasonably believed to have been used in or associated with the commission of a crime, to the criminal gun clearinghouse no more than twenty-four hours after the agency has taken possession of the gun. Additionally, every report to the criminal gun clearinghouse will result in the timely submission of a request to the ATF's National Tracing Center. NAY
S6022B Relates to discharged LGBT veterans; adds veterans who have qualifying conditions or who are discharged as LGBT veterans to certain provisions that apply to veterans who have been honorably discharged or released from military service. AYE
S7046 Permits certain defendants in a criminal action in Chemung, Schuyler, or Yates county to appear electronically, with the approval of the court. AYE
S7141 Establishes a commission to be known as the "New York seawall study commission" which will study the feasibility, costs, impacts, and best locations for construction of a seawall or sea gate being created to protect the city of New York from sea level rise and storm surge along the entire coastline. AYE
S7532 Authorizes the county of Madison to impose an additional real estate transfer tax of up to two dollars per each five hundred dollars. NAY
S7572A Requires the website of each contractor and vendor who provides services pursuant to a state contract to conform any website provided pursuant to such contract with the most current version of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines adopted by the World Wide Web Consortium for accessibility, or any successor standards. AYE
S7915 This bill shall authorize Orange County to apply for state reimbursement for local enforcement of navigation laws on waterways within local jurisdiction. AYE
S8291A This bill would amend section 37-0117 of Environmental Conservation Law to prohibit the sale of any cosmetic product or personal care product containing mercury after June 1, 2023. AYE
S8378C The bill would amend Environmental Conservation Law by providing a new section to allow local governments the ability to further restrict application of pesticides to wetlands it regulates. NAY (already regulated at the Federal and State level)
S8443 Authorizes the county of Broome to offer an optional twenty year retirement plan to Joshua Quinn, a deputy sheriff employed by such county. AYE
S8559 This bill provides an option to employers to provide 3/4 accidental disability retirement for deputy sheriffs. The benefit for an accidental disability would be three-quarters of final average salary minus workers' compensation. The current benefit is two-thirds of final average salary minus workers' compensation. AYE
S8655 This bill would modify the retirement program for Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Members to a twenty-year retirement program. AYE
S8863 Authorizes the assessor of the town of Brookhaven, county of Suffolk, to accept an application for a real property tax exemption from the International Baptist Church with respect to the 2020-2021 assessment roll. AYE
S8910A Provides a tax exemption on real property owned by members of volunteer fire companies or voluntary ambulance services in counties with a population of more than 30,000 but less than 35,000. AYE
S8996 Permits the village of Cold Spring, in Putnam County, to impose a hotel and motel tax of up to five percent. NAY (New tax.)
S9016 This bill would amend section 334 of Racing, Pari-Mutuel Wagering and Breeding Law to remove the requirement that 2 & 3 year old colts and fillies participating in the New York Sire Stakes races must be dropped from a mare bred in this state. AYE
S9032B Relates to enacting legislation related to Battery Park city; relates to authorizing eligibility for SCRIE and DRIE for tenants of properties located in Battery Park city (Part A); relates to authorizing eligibility for the senior citizen homeowners' exemption (SCHE) and the disabled homeowners' exemption (DHE) for property in Battery Park city (Part B); directs the battery park city authority to extend its lease with the city of New York until June 18, 2119 (Part C). AYE
S9113A This bill amends the state's Red Flag Law (also known as the extreme risk protection order law) to allow the following healthcare workers, counselors and therapists to apply for an extreme risk protection order(temporary and/or final) against another individual they have examined which, in part, prohibits such other individual from purchasing, possessing or attempting to possess a firearm, and further requires such individual to promptly surrender any currently possessed firearms: 1) licensed physicians; 2) licensed psychologists and psychologists; 3) registered nurses; Certified clinical nurse specialist; certified nurse practitioner; registered professional nurse; 4) licensed clinical social worker; licensed master social worker; 5) licensed mental health counselor; 6) licensed clinical marriage or family therapist. NAY
S9229A This bill makes changes to the ban on large-capacity ammunition feeding devices. This bill repeals the crime of Unlawful Possession of a Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device and makes possession of all large-capacity ammunition feeding devices a class D violent felony, instead of some falling within a class A misdemeanor. NAY
S9230 This bill amends the uniform partition of heirs property act (§993 of the RPAPL) to clarifies that for property to qualify of property of an heir("heirs property"), such property must be used for residential or agricultural purposes. AYE
S9346 Grants Peter Guarino retroactive membership with Tier IV status in the New York state teachers' retirement system. AYE
S9407B Prohibits the purchase of a body vest; establishes that the purchase of a body vest shall be a class A misdemeanor for a first offense and a class E felony for each subsequent offense; establishes that the unlawful sale of a body vest shall be a class A misdemeanor for the first offense and a class E felony for any subsequent offense; creates a civil penalty for the unlawful sale or delivery of body vests. AYE
S9447 Expands the definition of the offense of sexual conduct against a child in the third degree to include at least one act of specified types of sexual contact. AYE
S9454 NYC FINANCE DEPARTMENTAL - This bill excludes certain grants as taxable income for certain business taxes. This is a result of grants giving to small businesses during the COVID19 pandemic. AYE
S9456 This bill would expand the definition of "firearm" within the Penal Law to include any other weapon that contains any component that provides housing or a structure designed to hold or integrate any fire control component that is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by action of explosive. Possession of such weapons would be illegal unless such possession fell within one of the exemptions listed in section 265.20 of the Penal Law. NAY
S9458 This bill would require anyone who purchases a semiautomatic rifle after the effective date to obtain a license to purchase or take possession of such rifle before they can actually obtain the rifle. In doing so, this bill raises the age of purchase for such weapons from 18 to 21 and requires an extensive investigation and background check before the issuance of such license. NAY
S9459 This legislation extends mayoral control of New York City schools for two years (June 30, 2024), increases the size of the Panel for Education Policy (PEP - The NYC School Board), requires greater parental representation on the PEP, requires six hours of training for members of the PEP, requires each public school in NYC to have a parent coordinator, and requires the Chancellor to respond to provide written responses to resolutions passed by the citywide education councils and community district education councils within 30 days of receipt. AYE
S9460 Requires the New York City School district to develop a plan in collaboration with the collective bargaining units representing teachers and principals, and signed off on by the Chancellor and the presidents of each bargaining unit to cap class sizes at 20 students for kindergarten through third grade, 23 students for fourth through eighth grades, 25 students for high school, and 40 students for all physical education and performing groups. AYE
S9461 Enacts into law components of legislation that relate to live event ticket sales; institutes civil penalties for utilizing ticket purchasing software; increases civil penalties currently in place and institutes new penalties for second offenses for licensees (Part A); requires full ticket prices to be disclosed prior to a customer purchasing such ticket; requires such price to remain the same during the purchase process (Part B); prohibits the resale of a ticket if such ticket was initially offered to the public at no charge (Part C); requires online resale marketplaces to clearly and conspicuously disclose the established price charged by the operator of a place of entertainment that is printed or endorsed on the face of each ticket (Part D); allows reasonable and actual costs to be charged for the physical delivery of certain tickets (Part E); extends the effectiveness of certain provisions relating to tickets to places of entertainment (Part F). AYE
S9462 Establishes the special joint legislative commission on affordable housing to make recommendations to the legislature on how to preserve and maintain existing affordable housing, to support the development of new affordable housing in the state of New York, to strengthen and grow diverse and stable communities, and to maximize the impact of private, state, local and federal resources by ensuring long term affordability. NAY (No minority leader representation)
S9463 GOVERNOR'S PAY BILL - This bill would implement the terms of a collectively negotiated agreement between the State of New York ("State") and Council 82, the employee organization representing members of the collective negotiating unit designated as the Security Supervisors Unit (the "Unit"), entered into pursuant to Civil Service Law ("CSL") Article 14 (the "Agreement"). AYE
S9464A GOVERNOR'S PROGRAM BILL - This bill amends the facilitated enrollment program language to correct the income eligibility level from 275% to 300% federal poverty level. This is required to comport with statutory language that increased eligibility to 300% FPL. AYE
S9465 This bill creates a Task Force on Social Media and Violent Extremism. The task force would be within the Attorney General's Office. AYE
S9466 Expands the number of judges in certain judicial districts and the family courts of New York city and Nassau and Saratoga counties. AYE
S9467 Allows for eligibility of green CHIPS projects in the Excelsior tax credit program. AYE
S9470 Authorizes special proceedings to convey title to abandoned commercial and industrial property to a city, town, or village; provides for certification of abandonment, notice to the owner of record, commencement of proceedings and the decision and judgment of the court; provides for the repeal of such provisions upon expiration thereof. AYE
S8343 Establishes the New York state cryptocurrency and blockchain study task force to provide the governor and the legislature with information on the effects of the widespread use of cryptocurrencies and other forms of digital currencies and their ancillary systems, including but not limited to blockchain technology, in the state. AYE
S74A COSPONSOR This bill extends the statute of limitations to file a wrongful death action after the death of the decedent to three and a half years from two years. Where the decedent's death was caused by the September 11th, terrorist attacks, the statute of limitations is extended from two and a half years to four years. This bill would expand the types of damages that may be awarded to persons for whose benefit an action for wrongful death is brought from just pecuniary (economic) damages. AYE
S922C Provides that the Commissioner of Education shall not approve the plans for the construction of any new schoolhouse within 500 feet of a controlled-access highway unless the Commissioner determines that space is so limited that there is no other site to build such a schoolhouse. NAY (Overly broad, has the potential to increase the cost of both roadway and school construction.)
S2238B This bill would establish a reserved bed day policy for veterans, spouses of veterans, widows of veterans, Gold Star Parents and their dependents who are cared for at the New York State Veterans' Home. The FY 18 Enacted Budget eliminated Medicaid bed hold payments for non-therapeutic hospital stays in nursing homes. This bill would restore the payments for Veteran nursing homes. AYE
S4155A Requires the superintendent of financial services to conduct a review of the classification used by authorized insurers in this state issuing auto insurance coverage for commuter vans, ambulette or paratransit vehicles, including coverage in the assigned risk plan; makes related provisions. AYE
S4594B This bill enacts the tenant dignity and safe housing act. Would create a new summary proceeding to allow tenants to bring a summary proceeding against a landlord in a certain courts for a judgment directing repairs of conditions and/or other relief in residential real property. NAY
S5265 To create the penalty of aggravated sexual contact in the first degree as a class D felony and to include public lewdness while a passenger on public transportation as a class A misdemeanor and provide for elevated sentencing levels as the result of conviction for a designated crime. AYE
S5946B This legislation would remove the restriction on the assessment of condominiums and cooperatives in municipalities and school districts, excluding the City of New York and Nassau County, requiring that the assessment of real property owned or leased by a cooperative corporation or on a condominium basis not be assessed at a sum exceeding the assessment of the whole of the properties so associated. NAY (would result in significant tax increases for residents of newly constructed condos and co-ops)
S6486D Establishes a moratorium on cryptocurrency mining operations that use proof-of-work authentication methods to validate blockchain transactions; provides that such operations shall be subject to a full generic environmental impact statement review. NAY
S6541A This bill restricts vaccine registry information from discovery and other process; requires the commissioner of health and the New York City commissioner of health and mental hygiene to develop regulations to protect patient vaccine information from disclosure. AYE
S6680A Excludes certain works and individuals from violations of the right of publicity. The legislation excludes certain works from the violation of the right of privacy regardless of the means or medium of transmission. AYE
S6742 COSPONSOR Establishes a license to sell liquor at retail for consumption on premises in a cigar lounge; defines "cigar lounge"; requires cigar lounges to provide written notification warning employees of the dangers of exposure to tobacco smoke. AYE
S6895A Ensure that formerly incarcerated individuals have access to public housing. AYE
S8025 Relates to payments for certain school, fire, fire protection, and ambulance districts for lands exempt from real property taxation for purposes which implement the Peconic Bay community preservation fund. AYE
S8048B Authorizes the county of Suffolk and the town of Smithtown, located in the county of Suffolk, to exchange certain parklands. AYE
S8216 Replaces instances of the words inmate or inmates with the words incarcerated individual or incarcerated individuals. AYE
S8268B This bill would amend the real property tax law and add a new section 485-w titled Newly constructed single-family and multi-family residential exemption; certain villages. People who live in a Single-family and multi-family residential properties, in a village with a population greater than three thousand six hundred fifty and less than three thousand six hundred sixty, shall be exempt from village taxes after a public hearing and local law is passed the village. Exemption would be (25 percent in year one) down to 5 percent in year 5. AYE
S8449B Establishes a temporary state commission to conduct a feasibility study to evaluate and make recommendations concerning the formation and control of a state public bank; provides if such study finds that the state bank is feasible, the legislature shall consider legislation to create a state public bank for New York. NAY (taxes would have to be raised to fund capitalization and operational costs)
S8530C The bill authorizes rental car companies to charge a "vehicle cost recovery fee" to customer for actual costs incurred from the title, registration, plate and inspection of vehicles as determined by a annual audit for the rental car company. The additional fee must be disclosed to customers. AYE
S8541A Authorizes the village of Freeport, county of Nassau, to alienate and discontinue the use of certain parklands. AYE
S8558A This bill provides a heart disease presumption for Correction Officers, Correction Supervisors, Deputy Sheriff Patrol or Deputy Sheriff Patrol supervisors and is a member of the NYS and Local Employees retirement system. AYE
S8846 Relates to the allocation of net collections from the additional one percent rate of sales and compensating use taxes in the county of St. Lawrence. AYE
S8850 Amends a provision of the COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program of 2021 to eliminate a restriction that limits eligibility and delays rental assistance to occupants of federal- or state-funded public housing authorities and certain other federal or state funded subsidized housing. NAY
S8889A This bill would require that funds received by the New York state Energy Research and Development Authority that are related to renewables development on agricultural lands to be used for farmland protection programs. AYE
S8987A Authorizes the commissioner of the office of general services to convey certain unappropriated state land to KIPP: Albany Community Public Charter Schools for the purposes of improving traffic flow at an appurtenant public school facility for the benefit of the school and the neighborhood and to provide adequate public parking and trail access in support of the adjacent Tivoli Lake Preserve owned by the city of Albany. AYE
S9049 This bill would authorize an off-premises catering establishments to apply to SLA for a license to sell liquor at retail at specific sites applied for. AYE
S9059A Authorizes the imposition of an occupancy tax in the village of Briarcliff Manor. NAY (New tax.)
S9083 Relates to the number and description of courses in the right of way easement granted by the village of Saugerties to the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, Inc. This bill is a chapter amendment that would make a correction to Chapter 463 of 2000 that will fully close the metes and bounds for this parcel. Section one adds a 7th course that fully encloses the metes and bounds for this parcel. AYE
S9085 Amends section 208-F of the General Municipal Law to all for the Special Accidental Death Benefits, which are proved in cases of Line of Duty Deaths (LODD) to include to the deceased member's parents if the member has no widow, widower, children under the age of eighteen, or a student under the age of twenty-three. AYE
S9086 Requires the office for people with developmental disabilities to produce and publish a report to assess the staffing and other issues causing the continued displacement of individuals with developmental disabilities from various state-operated institutions under the jurisdiction of the office for people with developmental disabilities. AYE
S9119 Relates to extending the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID19) benefit for public employee death benefits until December 31, 2024. AYE
S9141 Authorizes the county of Clinton to offer an optional twentyfive year retirement plan to Tanner Hooker, Timothy Schwartz, and Ian Vanier, deputy sheriffs employed by such county. AYE
S9149 This bill would remove the ability for courts to apply " collateral estoppel" which prevents an injured worker from seeking a judicial remedy from the courts after an administrative judge for the WCB denies or rules unfavorable on a claim. AYE
S9349 This bill would allow the State Medical Care Facilities Finance Agency to sell part of the Kingsboro Psychiatric Center. The price would be at below fair value provided the Office of Mental Health and Commissioner of Housing and Community Renewal can agree on a price. The property would have to be used to provide affordable housing and support for individuals with mental disabilities. AYE
S9352 Relates to requiring notice to neighboring landowners within one thousand feet of intention to develop in wetland areas; requires a public hearing on a wetland application. AYE
S9448 This bill provides exceptions from registration requirements for nonresident pharmacies in certain cases. Specifically, the bill permits an out-of-state pharmacy, not registered with SED, to ship, mail, or deliver prescription drugs or devices to registered NY pharmacies in cases of a specific patient need or declared public emergency. AYE
S9469 Requires utility corporations and municipalities within six months to submit to the Public Service Commission a model procedure for the calculation of estimated bills that incorporates best practices and technology and accounts for barriers to the use of actual meter readings. AYE
S9471 This bill clarifies S. 6903 (which passed unanimously 3/22/22) that in NYC private housing that exited the MitchellLama program prior to the effective date of this bill are eligible for the DSCRIE and DRIE programs. Also provides that NYC may provide that the effective date of such certificate shall be May 31, 2022 for any applicant found eligible within 180 days of the effective date. AYE
S9478 GOVERNOR'S PROGRAM BILL - this bill would implement the terms of a collective bargaining agreement ("the Agreement"), entered into pursuant to Article 14 of the Civil Service Law ("CSL"), between the Executive Branch of the State of New York ("the State") and the Civil Service Employees Association, Inc., on behalf of members of the collective negotiating units designated as the Administrative Services Unit, the Institutional Services Unit, the Operational Services Unit and the Division of Military and Naval Affairs Unit ("the units"). AYE
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Senator Gallivan Calls for Repeal of the HALT Act
February 25, 2025