Senator Rob Ortt Joins Niagara Educators & Parents to Call for End to Child Mask Mandate
February 12, 2022
- Mask Mandates

NIAGARA FALLS, NY – New York State Senate Republican Leader Rob Ortt today joined Niagara Falls High School educators and parents to call for an end to New York’s mask mandate for school children.
“Children have suffered under the heavy-handed mandates of Albany for far too long. I hear from countless parents, families, and educators all fed up that their children continue to be masked. The science tells us that children are less vulnerable to physical sickness, but more susceptible to emotional damage thanks to these destructive mandates. New Yorkers have had enough. We need Albany to listen to us – we need to end the mask mandate for school children NOW,” said Senator Ortt.
“It is my belief that our COVID cases are dropping significantly. It’s time for mask wearing to be a personal choice, not one of a mandatory nature. Parents and guardians should be able to choose at this point to mask their children, or not,” said Niagara Falls City School District Superintendent Mark Laurrie.
“I have fought against the mask mandate from the beginning, because I am concerned for my grandchildren and how the mandate will impact their short and long-term health and education. I have spoken out against masks at Board of Education meetings and wrote letters to Albany requesting the mandate be lifted,” said Lisa Dugan, a concerned Niagara Falls Grandmother.
Senator Ortt and his fellow Republicans have fought against statewide pandemic-era rules and regulations for years. These efforts include ending disgraced ex-Governor Cuomo’s emergency powers, organizing communities in opposition to mandates, forcing legislative votes to repeal various emergency rules and regulations, and further pressuring the current Governor and others to end the era of extreme government overreach.
This week, Senator Ortt and his fellow Republicans penned a letter to Governor Kathy Hochul, requesting the metrics and thresholds she claims her administration will use to determine when to end the mask mandate in schools.
“I stand with the parents, grandparents, teachers, and local officials who are pushing for a much-needed return to normal. No government should ever again have the ability to make these choices for somebody’s children,” concluded Senator Ortt.