Senator Brouk on Senseless Firearm Attack Against RPD Officers

Samra G. Brouk

July 22, 2022

“My thoughts are with the family of the fallen officer who was senselessly gunned down in our community. They are yet another local family living with a void in their lives where there was once a person, another family enduring the painful lifelong ache of mourning. I also wish a speedy recovery for the wounded officer and a bystander who were injured in last night’s attack. 

“We must put an end to the horrific gun violence that plagues Rochester—our children should not fear going to school, our families should not fear going to the grocery store, and public servants should not fear patrolling our streets. I stand ready to work with Mayor Evans and our Rochester Delegation during this gun violence emergency.

“We are one community, united in mourning and bound by a powerful responsibility to act.”