Susan Serino

July 1, 2022

ALBANY, NY – Senator Sue Serino today released the statement below following the conclusion of an ‘Extraordinary Session’ called by the Governor:

“Albany dysfunction was once again on full display this week as the Governor convened an Extraordinary Session, wasting time and taxpayer dollars with hours of delays only to ultimately rush through legislation that once again leaves no time for substantive public review.

In my extensive travel of the Hudson Valley, everywhere I go, I am hearing from people who are desperately trying to make ends meet. That is the real emergency our state is facing, yet nothing was done during this ‘extraordinary’ session to provide much needed financial relief for a single New Yorker. Albany lives in a bubble, and its Supermajority is proving once again how out of touch it is with the real needs of struggling residents. This special session has only reaffirmed my commitment to redouble our efforts to bring balance back, and ensure that our neighbors have a strong, independent voice on their side.”
