Senator Stec outlines 2023 Legislative Session priorities
January 6, 2023
- 2023 legislative session
Affordable housing and economic development must also be taken up this year. Recently, the state released a report on closed correctional facilities and their reuse. I will be pushing to ensure that the closed Moriah Shock facility is put into reuse sooner than later. From commercial space to apartments, there are numerous possibilities for the site and it is crucial that we make use of these opportunities and ensure the former Moriah Shock benefits our residents.
I will also continue carrying constitutional amendments for Camp Gabriels and Debar Pond Lodge. Much like Moriah Shock, the Camp Gabriels site offers great economic potential and allowing the state to sell it would create a needed economic boost for the region. Offering a land exchange with the Debar Pond Institute would enhance the size and beauty of the forest preserve in the Adirondacks. Additionally, ensuring affordable broadband access for everyone remains a focus. We took steps toward making it a reality last year by eliminating the costly fiber-optic tax. I will be using my role as Ranking Minority Member on the Senate Internet and Technology Committee to ensure we meet that important goal.
Given the economic and social uncertainty a majority of New Yorkers are feeling, we must use this year’s Legislative Session to meet the challenges ahead. I’m confident we can and I look forward to working with my colleagues and all our residents to ensure we achieve smart, proactive solutions to the issues we face.