Statement from Senator George Borrello on Court Of Appeals Ruling to Redraw Congressional Districts
December 13, 2023

“The Court of Appeals decision that the congressional maps drawn by an independent expert should be thrown out and replaced with gerrymandered maps created by New York’s Democratic machine is deeply disappointing. The ruling confirms that Democrats have successfully weaponized our courts and tainted the last truly independent branch of state government.
It is also a veiled message to New Yorkers that the ‘will of the people’ won’t be honored unless it aligns with the will of New York’s corrupt ruling class. The accountable, transparent redistricting process that state residents voted for has been thrown aside. It has been defeated by brazen political ambition and corruption.
Here in New York, where the wreckage of their radical policies surrounds us, Democrats know they can’t win on a level playing field. That is why they have and will continue their efforts to rig the system through the courts and through slanted and often unconstitutional electoral laws and processes."
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