NYS Senator Luis Sepúlveda Congratulates Senator Alexis Victoria Yeb on His Appointment as Majority Spokesperson of the Senate in the Dominican Republic
August 16, 2023
- Dominican Republic

Senator Victoria Yeb (left) Senator Luis Sepúlveda (right)
August 16, 2023 – Senator from the State of New York, Luis Sepúlveda, takes great pleasure in warmly congratulating Senator Alexis Victoria Yeb on his well-deserved appointment as Majority Spokesperson of the Senate in the Dominican Republic, as well as President of the Senate, Ricardo de los Santos and Vice President Faride Raful on assuming their new role. These distinctions stand as a testament to the unwavering dedication, professional capabilities, and exemplary integrity of these leaders.
Senator Victoria Yeb has consistently demonstrated his commitment to public service and his ability to effectively address challenges and opportunities in the Dominican Republic. His focus on representing and working for the benefit of citizens both in the Dominican Republic and the Dominican community in New York has been inspiring and of great value.
President of the Senate, Ricardo de los Santos also deserves sincere recognition for his leadership and dedication to public service. Senator Sepúlveda applauds his commitment to the progress and prosperity of the nation. At the same time, Senator Sepúlveda would like to recognize Vice President Faride Raful for her arduous advocacy in her legislative role.
Senator Luis Sepúlveda and Senator Alexis Victoria Yeb have maintained a fruitful and successful collaboration on various matters of common interest, leading to positive outcomes for both communities. Their friendship has strengthened the ties between the Dominican community in New York and the Dominican Republic, fostering a solid and beneficial relationship across all spheres.
Senator Sepúlveda congratulates Senator Victoria Yeb, Senate President Ricardo de los Santos, and Vice President Faride Raful on behalf of the Dominican community in New York and reaffirms his commitment to working together to further strengthen the bonds between the two nations and provide tangible benefits to their citizens.