Posthumous Tribute to Private First Class Luis A. Moreno in the Senate of the Dominican Republic

Rusking Pimentel

June 22, 2023

PFC Luis A. Moreno Family at Dominican Republic Senate

Family members of PFC Luis A. Moreno at Dominican Senate

Today, June 22, 2023, a posthumous tribute ceremony was held at the Dominican Senate in honor of Dominican Soldier Luis Moreno, who served in the United States Army. This solemn event brought together distinguished guests, including the father of soldier Luis Moreno and several members of his family, including Michelle Moreno, Manuel Antonio Moreno, Manuel Moreno, Bartolina Mercedes, and Flabia Mercedes. This tribute is part of the collaborative efforts under the historic agreement between the New York State Senate and the Senate of the Dominican Republic.

The tribute was attended by the President of the Dominican Senate, Eduardo Estrella, as well as Senators Luis Sepúlveda from New York and Alexis Victoria Yeb from the María Trinidad Sánchez Province in the Dominican Republic. Their presence highlighted the importance of recognizing and honoring Dominicans who emigrate and contribute both in New York and the Dominican Republic through their sacrifices.

First Class Soldier Luis A. Moreno was born in the Dominican Republic and emigrated to the United States with his family in 1991. He grew up in the Bronx, New York, with a desire to become a police officer. Luis was known as a loving brother and son, always finding time to call his family from Iraq.

Luis Moreno was assigned to Battery A of the 4th Field Artillery Battalion based in Fort Riley, Kansas, and served during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Tragically, on January 23, 2004, while carrying out his duty, he was shot and wounded. Although he received prompt medical attention at the Lakenheath Medical Treatment Center in the United Kingdom, he unfortunately passed away on January 29, 2004, due to his injuries.

After graduating from high school, Luis decided to enlist in the Army and was stationed in Baghdad, where he served for three months before his tragic death. In recognition of his sacrifice and dedication, Soldier Luis Moreno posthumously received a certificate of U.S. citizenship in a solemn ceremony at City Hall. Mayor Bloomberg, addressing Luis' grieving family, emphasized the importance of citizenship and the example that Luis set. Luis' citizenship, granted by President Bush at the mayor's request, is retroactive to the date of his passing.

Furthermore, on June 10, 2023, a street renaming ceremony was held in the Bronx in honor of First Class Soldier Luis A. Moreno, thanks to the efforts of Council Member Pierina Sánchez. This act seeks to honor his memory and recognize his sacrifice.

The legacy of First Class Soldier Luis A. Moreno endures and is honored to this day. The street that bears his name serves as a reminder of his bravery and represents the community's gratitude for his dedication. His example will continue to inspire future generations, and his name will forever be associated with honor and respect.

Senator Luis Sepúlveda stated, "This tribute is a reminder of the importance of recognizing and valuing the sacrifices of Dominicans who emigrate and contribute both in New York and the Dominican Republic. Soldier Luis Moreno demonstrated exceptional bravery and commitment, and he is an example to all of us."

Senator Alexis Victoria Yeb emphasized, "It is essential to honor the memory and service of Soldier Luis Moreno. His dedication and sacrifice represent the strength and commitment of our community. Recognizing those who have left their mark in history and our Dominicans abroad is an obligation we all have as lovers of Duarte's homeland."

This tribute and recognition are part of the joint efforts between the New York State Senate and the Senate of the Dominican Republic to strengthen ties and recognize the contributions of the Dominican community. Both senators reaffirmed their commitment to continue working collaboratively to promote inclusion, respect, and recognition of individuals who, like Soldier Luis Moreno, have left a significant legacy.

The story of First Class Soldier Luis A. Moreno is a touching testament to courage, dedication, and love for family and country. His memory will continue to be a symbol of inspiration and gratitude in both New York and the Dominican Republic.