Expanding Childcare
The Senate budget includes $600 million to expand child care eligibility up to 103% of the State median income level in 2023 and proposes increasing child care eligibility to 129% of the State median income level in 2024. The Senate budget also proposes expanding the Empire State Child Tax Credit to Include Children under the age of four.
Eliminating the Effects of Inflation on the Minimum Wage
The Senate budget proposes raising the minimum wage to account for inflation and then indexing it to inflation going forward. This would ensure that New Yorkers earning a living wage can support their basic needs and the needs of their families.
Supporting Homeowners
The Senate budget restores a proposed full removal of funding for the Homeowner Protection Program (HOPP) and increases its funding to $40 million. HOPP provides free legal services to prevent homeowners facing mortgage and tax foreclosure from losing their homes.
Improving Access to Healthy Foods
The Senate budget proposes $3 million to support the Double Up Food Bucks Program, which provides New Yorkers who utilize the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) with a $1-for-$1 match to buy fresh, New York-grown fruits and vegetables at participating small retail, grocery, and farm direct sites.
Supporting Human Services Agencies
The Senate proposes an 8.5% cost of living adjustment for all workers the New York Office of Mental Health (OMH), Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS), Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS), and Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD).
Refugee Resettlement and Supporting AAPI
The Senate budget adds $30 million for the Office of New Americans and proposes a record $7 million for the New York State Enhanced Services to Refugees Program (NYSESRP), reversing a proposed cut in the Executive budget. This funding helps resettlement agencies throughout New York provide essential services such as housing, job training, and childcare, which help speed up refugees’ economic integration and progression to self-sustainability.
The budget also restores $20 million for Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) equity budget coalition priorities, and adds an additional $12.25 million for a total of $32.25 million.