Sen. Gounardes: New Lockdown Drill Regulations are an Important Step Toward Keeping Kids Truly Safe, But Too Many Drills Still Mandated

Senator Andrew Gounardes joins parents, experts and lawmakers at a press event in Albany to reform harmful school lockdown drills.
New regulations follow Gounardes’ proposed legislation to right-size harmful lockdown drill mandate and align with nationally-recommended best practices.


New York State Senator Andrew Gounardes released the following statement today in response to new regulations governing school lockdown drills adopted by the New York State Board of Regents:

“Our current approach to school lockdown drills does more to traumatize kids than keep them safe. The Board’s newly-adopted regulations are an important step toward changing that. They ensure drills happen in a trauma-informed, age-appropriate way that includes accommodations for students with disabilities, PTSD, and other needs, and they give parents advanced notice before drills happen.

“We also need to right-size the lockdown drill mandate to align New York with other states. State law currently requires schools conduct four drills a year—more than 46 other states. My bill implements nationally-recommended best practices by changing the minimum to two, while giving schools the complete freedom to conduct more if they want to. Other states, including Connecticut and New Jersey, have taken similar steps.

“As a father, I’m proud to have started this important public conversation and am deeply committed to ensuring our children’s schools are truly safe. Reforming our approach to lockdown drills is part of a holistic strategy to make that happen.”

Press Contact:

Billy Richling

Communications Director

State Senator Andrew Gounardes


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