Stec Bill to Assess Cost of Green Energy Conversion Blocked by Senate Democrats
May 7, 2024
- clean energy mandates
A bill sponsored by Senator Dan Stec (R,C-Queensbury) to address the cost and viability of the state’s green energy plans was defeated by Senate Democrats on the Senate’s Energy Committee in a party-line vote. Senate bill S.2030 would direct a statewide cost-benefit analysis of the technical and economic feasibility of renewable energy systems and compare it to the cost and efficiency of other methods of electricity generation.
With third party estimates of the state’s climate agenda citing a cost of at least $280 billion to implement renewable energy, Stec notes that it is just common sense for the state commit to determining the real financial and consumer impact before implementing a conversion that could have a devastating economic and reliability impact on New Yorkers.
“It’s absolute insanity to charge ahead on fundamentally changing and overhauling our state’s infrastructure and energy grid without first determining how much it will cost and the impact it will have on energy users,” said Stec. “Democrat leaders have committed to spending hundreds of billions of dollars, apparently without any real interest in knowing the financial and day-to-day impact their policies will have on power supply and usage.
“My legislation would simply call for a cost-benefit analysis and comparison of these plans to existing electricity generation methods,” he added. “We can’t just issue a blank check for these expensive policies. Failing to do our due diligence on them could lead to a serious case of buyers’ remorse and serve as a massive financial drain on ratepayers.”