First-in-Nation Legislation Limiting Social Media Algorithmic Reach Passes Senate

State Senate lobby.
New Regulations Require Parental Consent for Curated Feeds for Users Under the Age of 18

The New York State Senate today passed legislation regulating how social media companies use content algorithms on children and utilize their data. The Stop Addictive Feeds Exploitation (SAFE) for Kids Act will prevent social media companies from showing algorithmic feeds to minors under the age of 18 and will prohibit overnight push notifications for addictive feeds, unless they receive parental consent. The Child Data Protection Act will limit the personal information that media companies can collect, sell, and use to create targetted advertisements and curate addictive algorithmic feeds. Both bills will “place power back in the hands of parents” and protect New York kids “from addictive, exploitative practices,” according to the Senate Majority.

Read the Senate Majority press release.

Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, said, “As we navigate the threats social media poses to our youth in today’s ever-evolving technological landscape, I’m proud that, under my leadership, the Senate Majority created the Senate's Internet and Technology Committee to focus on these issues. I applaud Senator Gounardes for his diligent work in authoring these bills and collaborating with stakeholders and colleagues to reach an agreement that best supports our youth in achieving healthier social media usage. Together, we will continue to take all necessary actions to protect the mental well-being of our children.”

Bill Sponsor, Senator Andrew Gounardes, said, “Today, the New York State Senate took the simple yet deeply significant step of prioritizing the well-being of our kids over Big Tech’s profits, and it’s a huge deal for the entire county. This would not have been possible without the extraordinary collaboration of Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Governor Kathy Hochul, and Attorney General Letitia James. And as the father of two young children, I am particularly grateful to the young people, parents, educators, and organizations across the state who fought back against the industry's lobbying and lies. A safer digital world is possible and we refuse to accept the cynicism that says otherwise.”

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Senators Involved

35th Senate District

26th Senate District