Senator Rivera's Day Care Bill Passes The Senate
June 4, 2024
- Daycare
- Healthcare
State Senator Gustavo Rivera released the following statement after his legislation (S7815A/A8966) passed the State Senate to protect New York children from opioid exposure at childcare facilities. This bill was introduced following the tragic passing of Nicholas Feliz Dominici in the Bronx on September 15, 2023.
“Last year, our community was left in deep mourning after the tragic death of one-year-old Nicholas Feliz Dominici as a result of a negligent exposure to fentanyl at a childcare facility in my district. From the moment I learned about this devastating tragedy, I knew that something needed to be done legislatively to prevent tragedies like this from happening again.
“That’s why I am incredibly proud that my bill (S7815) passed on the floor of the Senate today. This measure will provide education and training for providers on overdose prevention, enhance training for inspectors on how to identify illicit drugs, and most importantly, will empower parents, who are by far their children’s strongest advocates, by ensuring they are informed about avenues for inquiries and complaints to the State’s Office of Children and Family Services, as well as their rights to inspect childcare facilities. These new government protocols will give parents the reassurances they need that their children will be taken care of in a safe, drug free environment.
"I urge my colleagues in the Assembly to pass this bill given that this comprehensive public health approach will help us fight back the devastating rise of cases where minors and young children are inadvertently coming into contact with opioids, leading to overdoses. Our communities, especially our most vulnerable, must be protected at all costs and this bill will help us do that.”