Senator Rivera's Local Input in Community Healthcare Act Passes Both Houses
June 6, 2024
State Senator Gustavo Rivera released the following statement after his legislation (S8843A/A1633B) passed the Assembly today. The bill passed the Senate on Tuesday.
“I am proud that the Local Input in Community Healthcare Act (S8843A/A1633B) passed both houses and I’m grateful for the support of our strong coalition of stakeholders. This legislation will address gaps in the state’s current review of proposed hospital and critical unit closures. It will also make our communities key stakeholders in a decision-making process with serious impacts on health equity by requiring community forums.
“I want to thank my partners, Assembly Member Simon and the coprime sponsors of this bill, Senators Kavanagh, Gonzalez, Myrie, Hinchey, and Webb. I hope that this bill will be signed into law soon to ensure communities have a say in their local healthcare access."