Griffo and Miller legislation signed into law
August 29, 2024
New York State Sen. Joseph Griffo, R-C-Rome, and Assemblyman Brian Miller, R-C-New Hartford, announced today that legislation they sponsored on the behalf of the Village of Canastota has been signed into law.
The legislation (S.9772/A.10516-A) allows an individual to seek an age-based waiver to take the competitive examination to become a full-time officer with the village's police department, as approved by the mayor and chief of police.
After being made aware of the issue right before this year’s legislative session was scheduled to end, Sen. Griffo and Assemblyman Miller were able to get their bills passed by their respective chambers.
Once the village let the legislators know of an upcoming deadline for the individual to apply for the exam, they were successful in expediating the legislative process and getting the bill signed into law by the governor.
“I am pleased that this legislation has been signed into law by the governor,” said Sen. Griffo. “After the Village of Canastota approached Assemblyman Brian Miller and I about this issue just a week before session ended, we immediately got to work. Thanks to longstanding and respected relationships that I have developed on both sides of the aisle during my time in office, I was able to get this bill passed in the Senate while Assemblyman Miller did the same in his chamber. When village officials made us aware of an upcoming deadline to apply for this position, I once again leveraged the relationships that I have built to have this bill moved quickly through the legislative process and eventually signed into law. I thank the Senate Majority and the governor and her administration for their willingness to expedite this request and to assist with this matter.”
"I am thrilled that the legislation sponsored by Sen. Joseph Griffo and myself, on behalf of the Village of Canastota, has been signed into law,” said Assemblyman Miller. “By working together, we were able to address this issue swiftly and effectively. This new law will help the village maintain a qualified and dedicated police force, reflecting our commitment to public safety and supporting our communities. I also want to thank the village administration for reaching out to our office to pursue this legislative pathway and making public safety a priority. I want to extend my gratitude to Sen. Griffo for his leadership and collaboration on this joint effort. Thank you to the Governor and the executive branch for acting swiftly and signing this legislation.”
“The Village of Canastota wishes to sincerely thank Sen. Joseph Griffo and Assemblyman Brian Miller for their hard work on such a short notice,” said Canastota Mayor Rosanne Warner. “Their ability to work with the village to draft legislation, move it through the various committees, bring it to the floor for approval and finally assist with getting it signed by Gov. Hochul was just short of amazing. We are very grateful for their diligence in helping to ensure that this individual is afforded the chance to take the civil service exam and move forward as a candidate for fulltime employment as a police officer. In today's atmosphere, many are choosing not to enter the law enforcement field, which is causing a hole in a vital service in all communities including Canastota. We sincerely thank both the senator and assemblyman for all of the assistance and looking out for the community that they serve.”