Griffo: One-time payments are insufficient; permanent cost reductions will make New York more affordable
December 10, 2024
New York State Sen. Joseph Griffo, R-C-Rome, released the following statement today regarding the governor’s proposal to give New Yorkers “Inflation Refund” checks next year:
“New Yorkers continue to feel the effects of inflation and other economic pressures that make it difficult for them to afford necessities such as groceries, heat and housing.
While I am pleased that the governor recognizes that this is a problem, I am concerned that her proposal – an attempt to win popularity because of low poll numbers – does not go far enough.
People deserve a break all the time, not just one time.
Instead of insufficient one-time payments, we should look for ways to permanently reduce the costs overburdening New Yorkers, including enhancing and expanding the School Tax Relief (STAR) program and making permanent cuts to New York’s taxes and fees.
This approach, as opposed to political posturing, is how we can make New York more affordable now and for future generations.”