Senator Walczyk's Executive Budget Proposal Reaction
January 16, 2024
FOR RELEASE: Immediate, January 16, 2024
“On January 9th, the Governor stood before the Legislature and said that Albany can’t keep spending and spending. Just seven days later, the Governor unveiled her budget proposal, coming in at a whopping $233 billion.
The Governor isn’t serious about curbing spending. She’s proposing $4 billion in new spending, compared to last year's budget. While everyday New Yorkers struggle to make ends meet, the Governor sees fit to spend $47 million to plant trees and propose $160 million for floating pools in the Hudson River. Meanwhile, the Governor’s budget proposal includes billions of dollars to prop up the New York City subway, even after they received billions more from the federal government.
The Governor wants to close more prisons and continue her soft on crime stance. She wants to keep throwing your tax dollars at ‘affordable housing,' while making building new or renting more expensive. She’s proposed cutting rural school funding while sending $2.4 billion to the illegal immigrants sent to sanctuary cities.
This budget proposal isn’t in line with the priorities of struggling New Yorkers. What’s the one thing at the forefront of everyone’s mind? Affordability. Is this budget affordable? No.”