Senator Ryan Advances Budget Proposal that Prioritizes Central New York Families, Puts Money Back in Workers’ Pockets
March 18, 2025
The Senate Majority’s One House proposal includes stronger Working Families and Earned Income Tax Credits
Sen. Christopher J. Ryan last week voted for a Senate budget proposal that would prioritize working families in Central New York by putting money back in their pockets to support their children and cover essential costs.
The Senate One House Resolution includes proposals to expand the Working Families Tax Credit to a maximum of $1600 per child, per year. The Senate’s proposal would also expand eligibility to ensure that even those with the lowest incomes could qualify, while also indexing the credit to inflation. In total, this proposal would result in a 16% reduction in child poverty throughout the state. With Syracuse holding one of the highest child poverty rates in the country, the expansion of this tax credit will have significant positive impacts for the communities in Senate District 50.
The Senate One House also includes an expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit to better support all working New Yorkers, acknowledging the significant cost burden placed on many single adults and families without children. This enhanced version would extend to those as young as 19 years old, helping even more people cover the cost of essentials.
“Working and middle class New Yorkers deserve to catch a break. These are the men and women who show up every day to get the job done. But they are shortchanged on covering their own basic needs, in a region that has some of the worst poverty rates in the United States,” said Sen. Ryan. “I fought, and proudly voted for, a budget proposal that finally puts them first with the Working Families Tax Credit to support parents and their children, and an enhanced Earned Income Tax Credit for single adults. In Albany, I will continue to be their voice in the room throughout negotiations to make sure pro-working class policies like these are included in the final State Budget.”
By championing a fair tax system that keeps rates at 70-year lows for middle-income earners, the Senate Democrats have crafted a budget that helps get money to the most in need.