Senator Gallivan's Votes for the Week of February 3, 2025
Jim Ranney
February 6, 2025
- NYS Senate

The following bills were approved in the NYS Senate. Senator Gallivan's vote is noted.
S737 CHAPTER AMENDEMNT - Directs the department of state, in consultation with the division of homeland security and emergency services and the New York state energy research and development authority, to develop and maintain safety resources, information, and protocols in regard to fire hazard prevention relating to, but not limited to, lithium-ion batteries, second-use lithium-ion batteries, bicycles with electric assist as defined in section one hundred two-c of the vehicle and traffic law, mopeds, and micromobility devices. AYE
S738 CHAPTER AMENDEMNT - Would require retailers of micromobility devices, bicycles with electric assist, limited use motorcycles powered by lithium-ion batteries, and lithium-ion batteries intended for use in such devices or bicycles to provide customers with an operating manual. The operating manual must include instructions on storing and charging batteries and management when problems arise. AYE
S740 CHATPER AMENDMENT - Establishes the retail worker safety act requiring retail worker employers to develop and implement programs to prevent workplace violence; directs the department of labor to produce a model workplace violence prevention training program; requires employers to provide training on such programs; requires the installation of panic buttons at certain workplaces or wearable or mobile phone-based panic buttons to be provided. AYE
S743 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - Requires firearms dealers to post and provide written warnings to purchasers of dangers posed by access to weapons in the home. Amends the underlying bill by removing the word "weapon" from the posted warnings and instead adds the words "rifle" and "shotgun", adding a reference that aligns the criminal provisions with those in place for the safe storage warnings, and adding a severability clause. NAY
S744 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - This bill places a new requirement on firearms dealers to: take reasonable steps to prevent the installation and use of a pistol converter, as defined in section 265.00 of the penal law, on qualified products. NAY (Dealer has already taken necessary preventative action by complying with current law prohibiting sale of and resale.)
S745 CHAPTER AMEMDMENT - This bill would introduce regulations regarding merchant category codes for firearms and ammunition businesses, requiring payment card networks (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express) to provide a specific code for businesses selling firearms and ammunition to merchant acquirers (companies that handle payments for these merchants) by November 1, 2024. NAY
S746 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - Directs that statewide resources and information relating to safe storage of firearms, child access prevention and firearm violence prevention and information on county and local specific laws and regulations related to child access prevention and the safe storage of firearms shall be provided to individuals at the time of issuance of a firearm license; directs the commissioner of the division of criminal justice services to develop and implement a public awareness campaign on the safe storage of firearms, rifles and shotguns and child access and prevention. AYE
S748 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - Requires that functional epinephrine auto-injector devices be made available in places of public assembly and that at least one employee or volunteer of such place of public assembly who is trained in its proper operation and use and be present at each facility function. AYE
S751 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - Requires landlords and lessors provide notice to tenants about bed bug infestation within twenty-four hours of having knowledge of such infestation. NAY
S752 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - This bill would add a new section 8-414 to the election law to establish a program of absentee ballot drop-off locations. Permits both absentee and early mail ballots to be deposited in secure drop boxes managed by county boards of elections. NAY (Undermines ballot integrity. Concerns re. drop box security.)
S754 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - Overhauls the current composition and procedures of the Republic Airport Commission by making substantial changes to how members of the commission are selected and where they should be from by simplifying the nomination and appointment process. NAY
S755 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - This would expand eligibility for claims for mental injury premised upon extraordinary work-related stress incurred at work to all workers. Currently it only applies to first responders. AYE
S756 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - This bill would require health insurers to provide coverage for testing for suspected dyslexia. AYE
S774 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - Provides coverage for scalp cooling systems used to preserve hair during cancer chemotherapy treatment. Amends the underlying chapter to apply to large group insurance policies. AYE
S782 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - Relates to the eligibility of enrolled members of the East Hampton Volunteer Ocean Rescue and Auxiliary Squad for the tax exemption on real property authorized by section 466-a of the real property tax law, as added by chapter 670 of the laws of 2022. AYE
S758 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - This bill would require maternal health care facilities provide expecting and new mothers access to their doulas; allow a pregnant person to designate a doula to have full access to them during delivery and/or inpatient care post-delivery. AYE
S760 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - Requires health insurance plans to provide coverage for epinephrine auto-injector devices; caps the cost to an insured at $100 per year. Amends the underlying chapter to make clarifying and technical edits related to insurance coverage for epinephrine auto-injector devices. AYE
S763 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - This bill requires information related to congenital heart defect births, including treatment recommendations, be included within information provided to maternity patients by hospitals and birth centers. AYE
S764 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - Requires the Department to establish and maintain an annual heat mitigation plan to ensure incarcerated individuals and correctional facility staff have options available to stay cool, hydrated and safe during high heat temperatures. AYE
S765 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - This bill amends provisions relating to certificates of qualifications for clinical laboratories and blood banks to authorize more general certificates of qualification rather than specialized ones specific to a type of testing. AYE
S767 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - Requires the development of a "what mortgage applicants need to know" pamphlet on residential mortgages; provides such pamphlet shall be posted and printed in the 6 most common non-English languages spoken by individuals with limited English proficiency in New York state. AYE
S768 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - Provides incarcerated individuals housed in both State and local correctional facilities, as well as facilities operated by the State of New York or local government where individuals are detained or confined by a law enforcement agency with access to breast cancer screenings every two years, at no charge. AYE
S775 CHAPTER AMEMDMENT - Establishes a maximum temperature in school buildings and indoor facilities; provides a definition of extreme heat condition days and the standard to measure room temperature. AYE
S265 This bill would amend the unconsolidated law to authorize and direct the state board of real property tax services to conduct a study on real property tax saturation. AYE
S2124 This bill would authorize the pass-through or transfer of the New York State Historic Tax Credit for rehabilitation of historic properties, and authorizes the allocation of the credit in a separate manner from any federal certified historic tax credit. AYE
S3190 This bill would expand eligibility for participation in the low interest rate mortgage program of the State of New York Mortgage Agency to include graduates of post-secondary education or comparable apprenticeship or workforce training programs. AYE
S228 Requires manufactured home park owners to provide a written justification for rent increases in excess of three percent of the current rent; provides that increases in costs to justify such rent increase for ordinary maintenance or repair to meet the warranty of habitability obligations must be shown to be necessary. NAY (Difference in bill from 2021 requires owner to justify rate increase above 3% and to demonstrate that the rent increase was no more than necessary to cover the actual and reasonable cost of the work performed.)
S1157 COSPONSOR Establishes the New York state first home savings program to authorize first time home buyers to establish savings accounts to buy their first home. AYE
S2534 Provides retroactivity to the original date of eligibility for the senior citizens rent increase exemption (SCRIE) and disability rent increase exemption (DRIE) in the City of New York. AYE
S2627 Establishes the homeowner protection program; provides that the department of law shall establish the homeownership protection program to ensure the availability of free housing counseling and legal services to homeowners for the purposes of mitigating threats to homeownership; provides that the department of law shall provide grants to eligible not-for-profit housing counseling organizations and legal services organizations to provide services under the program. AYE
S769 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - This bill updates the law regarding physician profile information collected and made public by the Department of Health (DOH). AYE
S771 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - This bill seeks to increase the number of properties eligible for the coastal market assistance program by providing eligibility to properties within one mile of the shore. AYE
S772 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - This bill would amend the social services law to authorize low-income subsidy data transmitted from the social security administration to local departments of social services shall be treated as an application for the Medicare savings program, without requiring submission of another application. AYE
S776 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - This bill would require DOH to allow medically fragile young adults who reside in pediatric specialized nursing facilities to remain at such facility after reaching the age of 21 and until they reach the age of 36. AYE
S785 CHAPTER AMEMDMENT - This bill would add medical information and health insurance information to those services that are covered under identity theft. AYE
S790 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - This bill directs the women veterans coordinator to administer a veteran maternity care program to provide various numerous services including providing information to maternity care providers and expectant veterans regarding identifying and treating common mental and physical conditions experienced by veterans that can heighten the risk of pregnancy complications. AYE
S791 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - Establishes the staff sergeant Alex R. Jimenez New York state military immigrant family legacy program within the department of veterans' services. AYE
S796 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - Relates to the automatic identification of elderly pharmaceutical insurance coverage program enrollees who are eligible for HEAP and automatic enrollment of such eligible enrollees in HEAP. AYE
S799 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - Prohibits conflicts of interest among board of elections employees; prevents a board of elections employee with the exception of members of a county committee and district leaders from remaining on the board of elections payroll while also a candidate for an office who has an election overseen by the board at which they are employed; allows for a member to remain on the board until 90 days before the general election if there is no primary for such office. AYE
S800 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - Requires NYS DOH and OPWDD to conduct a study on the delivery of services provided to individuals diagnosed with TBI. AYE
S802 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - Directs the commissioner of health, in consultation with the office of mental health and other relevant stakeholders, to develop guidance and standards for routine maternal depression screenings, referrals, diagnosis and treatment, and to provide training and materials on issues related to maternal depression. AYE
S808 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - Establishes the warehouse worker injury reduction program; requires employers to establish an injury reduction program designed to identify and minimize the risks of musculoskeletal injuries and disorders among workers involved in performing manual materials handling tasks. NAY
S809 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - Requires maternal healthcare facilities to permit doulas to be present in the operating room while a cesarean section is being performed. Amends the underlying chapter to eliminate duplicative language and align the provisions with Chapter 550 of the Laws of 2024. AYE
S812 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - This bill would amend section 28-b (Credit needs of local communities) by adding a new subparagraph 10-a which would include participation in a banking development district as a factor when assessing an institution's record of performance. Clarifies that the Department of Financial Services may consider the participation in a banking development district for the purposes of assessing an institution's performance in meeting the credit needs of its community. NAY (Would impose significant requirements on banks. Not applicable to credit unions.)
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