Senator Gallivan's Votes for the Week of January 21, 2025
Jim Ranney
January 24, 2025
- NYS Senate

The following bills were approved in the NYS Senate. Senator Gallivan's vote is noted.
S36A Permits prescription labels for mifepristone, misoprostol, and their generic alternatives to include the name of the prescribing health care practice instead of the name of the prescriber at the prescriber's request. NAY
S135 This bill amends the Reproductive Freedom and Equity Grant Program, enacted pursuant to the FY 2025 state budget (see Chapter 56, Part PP), by adding a definition for “practical support” and that such support for individuals accessing abortion care be eligible for financial assistance under the program. NAY
S929 Establishes the New York Health Information Privacy Act to require that it is unlawful for a regulated entity (meaning such that controls the processing of regulated health information of an individual who is NYS resident, could also be a service provider) from selling an individual’s regulated health information to a 3rd party or otherwise process an individual’s regulated health information. AYE
S1438 This bill would establish the New York State abortion clinical training program by adding a new Article 25-AA to the Public Health law. The program is intended to train health care practitioners in the performance of abortion and related reproductive health care services. Requires the DOH, in consultation with SED, to adopt a uniform and comprehensive curriculum and materials for the training of such professionals in the performance of a full range of abortion and related reproductive health care services. Sets forth additional criteria to establish such training program. NAY
S1548 This bill would regulate ingredients in feminine hygiene products. An restricts the distribution of feminine hygiene products containing a restricted substance or using such restricted substance as a fragrance, colorant dye, preservative or other intentionally added ingredient. AYE
S1683 Enacts the "public university emergency contraception education act" requiring public universities to develop, produce and distribute informational materials related to emergency contraception. NAY
S1703 Authorizes pharmacists to administer injections for contraceptive use after a non-specific patient order from the Commissioner of Health, a licensed physician or a certified nurse practitioner. NAY
S1720 Establishes an awareness campaign on the use of hormone replacement therapy in treating the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. AYE
S1773 Prohibits state contracts with contractors who do not provide health insurance which covers supplemental breast cancer screenings; authorizes the comptroller to promulgate any necessary rules and regulations. AYE
S739 This bill amends article 8 of the Labor Law related to Public Work. The bill requires contractors and subcontractors working on covered projects submit their payrolls or transcripts to the commissioner. AYE
S741 This bill would amend sections of the Real Property Tax Law so that the due dates for the payment of real property and school district taxes in installments are specified in a notice from the assessing unit to the owner of then taxable property without interest or penalties. Expands the applicability of the underlying chapter to all taxing jurisdictions that offer installment payments and to standardize the display of installment payment schedules on tax bills. AYE
S742 Requires certain health and casualty insurers to provide coverage for prenatal vitamins. NOTE - Coverage of the prenatal vitamins are subject to annual deductibles and coinsurance that are consistent with those established for a given policy. Amends the underlying chapter by ensuring that the coverage requirement would also apply to commercial insurance plans that do not offer prescription coverage and remove cost-sharing provision. AYE
S780 Amends Agriculture and Markets Law to include cannabis under the definition of crops, livestock and livestock products for the purpose of receiving agricultural assessments. Makes technical changes to the definition of agricultural products to include cannabis. AYE
S792 Prevents the displacement of call center workers who provide call center services for the government in certain circumstances; provides protections for call center workers when contracts with call center contractors are terminated; requires new call center contractors to hire existing call center workers; protects collective bargaining agreements. Removes the requirement that a state call center contractor must hire employees of a former call center contractor whose contract is terminated unless provided in the contract; makes provisions of new law applicable only to the state and its public authorities or public benefit corporations. AYE
S793 Requires the council on the arts to have members from each of the ten regions of the state; allows members appointed prior to the effective date to complete the natural end of their term before appointments shall be made in accordance with such requirement. Makes explicit that NYSCA shall retain its full powers despite any vacancies that result in a lack of full regional representation. AYE
S795 Expands the definitions of surplus agricultural products and processed products for the purposes of the Nourish New York program to include certain milk and other non-alcoholic farm produced beverages. Makes technical changes to the definition of surplus agricultural products and processed products to include milk and other dairy products. AYE
S803 Authorizes the town of Southampton, county of Suffolk, to enact by local law a homestead exemption; provides that such exemption shall not exceed $50,000 in full assessed value. Authorizes a town with a population between 69,000 and 69,500 as of the 2020 decennial census to enact a homestead exemption. AYE
S807 This bill would amend section 277 of the General Municipal Law, as added by chapter 626 of the laws of 1991 to includes lakes in the Adopt-A Municipal Park, Shoreline, Roadway or Lake Programs. Prohibits the department of environmental conservation from charging any application fee or any other fee for activities undertaken pursuant to a lake program. AYE
S821 This bill would enact "the climate change property tax assessment relief act". This bill would give municipalities the option of providing assessment relief to property tax payers after extreme weather events at local option. Includes additional definitions when it comes to assessment relief for victims of a local or major disaster in an eligible municipality. Repeals the text of the underlying chapter and adds a new section to the real property tax law to provide assessment relief for owner-occupied residential properties (3 or fewer) and small businesses affected by major or local disasters occurring on or after January 1, 2020. AYE
S824 This bill establishes the climate change adaptation cost recovery program to require companies that have contributed significantly to the buildup of climate-warming greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to bear a share of the costs of needed infrastructure investments to adapt to climate change. This chapter amendment broadens the capture of activity by companies who will be impacted by the underlying superfund legislation and makes several changes to the administration of the program that do not improve the underlying legislation. NAY
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