Statement From Senate Republican Leader Rob Ortt On Albany Democrats Walking Back Their Election Interference Bill

Press Conference
Albany Democrats tried to ram through a corrupt, backroom bill to silence the voices of hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers, but they failed. Their disgraceful scheme was exposed, and now their anti-democratic power grab has been halted.
New Yorkers should remember Governor Hochul and Senate Democrats were willing to trample over our democracy just to cling to power. They don’t care about fairness, they don’t care about representation, and they certainly don’t care about the voters. Their only concern is protecting their political power, rigging the system, and stopping President Trump’s Agenda that puts working class families first. 
While this bill appears to be defeated for now, we will remain vigilant against any effort to bring it back. The fact that Democrats even attempted this sham is proof of how corrupt and desperate the Albany swamp has become. Senate Republicans will continue to stand up for the people of New York, fight back against these disgraceful attacks, and put the needs of the people, not power-hungry politicians, first.