Costs and Benefits: Healthcare and Nutrition
A Virtual Town Hall recorded on Thursday, May 6th, 2021, with State Senator Liz Krueger, Michelle Berney, Director, and Leslie Bailey, Director of Training, Benefits Plus Learning Center, Community Service Society.
The PowerPoint presentation can be downloaded as a PDF by clicking here.
Links and Info Mentioned:
- New York Board of Elections https://vote.nyc/
- Rent Relief Program https://otda.ny.gov/programs/emergency-rental-assistance/
- Manhattan Enroller Assistance Organizations
Catholic Charities Community Services
University Settlement – For individuals living below 59th Street
Email: aechevarria@universitysettlment.org
- COVID Vaccine Incentives
For a free lottery ticket: get vaccinated at the Javits Center by May 28
For a free 7-day MetroCard, get vaccinated at Grand Central Station or Penn Station by May 29.
Vaccination incentives at City-Run sites: https://www1.nyc.gov/site/coronavirus/vaccines/vaccine-incentives.page
Full scholarship details: https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/governor-cuomo-announces-get-shot-make-your-future-vaccine-incentive-giving-12-17-year-olds
- NYC is expanding eligibility for the in-home vaccination program. Constituents can sign up for in-home vaccination by filling out the form at nyc.gov/homebound, or by calling 877-VAX4NYC.
- NYstateofhealth.ny.gov
- Enroll in Health Insurance: Community Service Society Navigator Network
888-614-5400 call to schedule an appointment
- For a complete listing of Navigators in NYS go to https://info.nystateofhealth.ny.gov/IPANavigatorSiteLocations
- CSS Benefits Plus Learning Center
This is the main number for everything we are discussing. Benefit Counseling Assistance: Public Benefit and Housing Information Line 212-614-5552 (must leave a message with name and phone number)
- NYC Health and Hospitals 1-844-692-4692
- findahealthcenter.hrsa.gov
- Benefits Plus Learning Center Website: https://bplc.cssny.org (SNAP Calculator and more)
- Affordable Dental Services https://www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/health/health-topics/oral-health.page