The Impact of Casinos on Urban Communities
A Virtual Town Hall recorded on Thursday, February 22nd, 2024, with State Senators Liz Krueger, Kristen Gonzalez, and Brad Hoylman-Sigal, and Assembly Members Harvey Epstein and Linda Rosenthal, as well as:
- Vicki L. Been, Member, Gaming Facility Location Board, and the Judge Edward Weinfeld Professor of Law at NYU School of Law, an Affiliated Professor of Public Policy of the NYU's Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service
- Lucy Dadayan, Principal Research Associate with Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center
- Les Bernal, Executive Director, Stop Predatory Gambling
- Tom Kirdahy, Producer, and Member of The Broadway League
- Vicki Been: http://www.lizkrueger.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/02-22-24-Presentation-Casinos-Process-vb-.pdf
- Lucy Dadayan: http://www.lizkrueger.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Dadayan_NYC_Krueger_FINAL.pdf
- Les Bernal: http://www.lizkrueger.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/PPT-Les-Bernal-Casino-2_22_24.pdf
5 Proposed Casino Location in Manhattan
Where Could a Casino Be Built in New York City? What We Know - The New York Times
Tax Revenues
“Op-ed: Do the benefits of casinos outweigh the societal costs? History says no.” Crain’s New York Business, November 21, 2022 https://www.crainsnewyork.com/op-ed/op-ed-casino-revenues-are-often-short-lived-and-not-sustainable-over-long-run
“Are States Betting on Sin? The Murky Future of State Taxation.” Urban Institute, October 2019 https://www.urban.org/research/publication/are-states-betting-sin-murky-future-state-taxation
“The Blinken Report: State Revenue from Gambling: Short-Term Relief, Long-Term Disappointment.” Rockefeller Institute of Government, April 2016 https://rockinst.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/2016-04-12-Blinken_Report_Three-min.pdf
“Powerball Fever: State Budget Bonanza? Or False Hopes?” With Donald J. Boyd, Rockefeller Institute of Government, January 2016 https://rockinst.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/2016-01-By_Numbers_Brief_No3.pdf
“State Revenues from Gambling Show Weakness Despite Gambling Expansion.” Rockefeller Institute of Government, March 2015 https://rockinst.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/2015-03-23_Data_Alert.pdf
“For the First Time, a Smaller Jackpot: Trends in State Revenues from Gambling.” With Robert B. Ward, Rockefeller Institute of Government, September 2009 https://rockinst.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/2009-09-21-No_More_Jackpot-1.pdf
“From a Bonanza to a Blue Chip? Gambling Revenue to the States.” With Nino Giguashvili and Robert B. Ward, Rockefeller Institute of Government, June 2008 https://rockinst.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/2008-06-19-from_bonanza_to_blue_chip_gambling_revenue_to_the_states.pdf
Community Impact - Why Casinos Matter
New York's Promise, which may be the best thing written about government sanctioned gambling (specifically casinos) and New York.
"How Casinos Enable Gambling Addicts" from The Atlantic Monthly in Dec. 2016
Additional Links:
Proposed Gaming Text Amendment: https://zap.planning.nyc.gov/projects/2024Y0197
Email provided by Vicki: nycasinos@gaming.ny.gov
Example of town that rejected Casino: https://www.stoppredatorygambling.org/omaha-said-no-to-casinos-and-turned-horse-track-into-tech-park-employing-thousands/