Medicare Parts A, B, C and D: Changes You Can Make to Your Coverage in 2023
A Virtual Town Hall recorded on Tuesday, November 15th, 2022, with State Senator Liz Krueger and Eric Hausman, NYC Department for the Aging’s Health Insurance Information and Counseling Program (HIICAP).
Eric Hausman's PowerPoint presentation: http://www.lizkrueger.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Medicare-2023-Beneficiaries.pdf
NYC Vaccine Finder: https://vaccinefinder.nyc.gov/
Map of Senate District 28, as of January 1, 2023: https://latfor.state.ny.us/maps/senate2022/sen28.pdf
Phone number: 212.602.4180
Website: https://aging.ny.gov/health-insurance-information-counseling-and-assistance-program-hiicap
--City Retiree Health Benefits
Retiree Health Benefits Program, Office of Labor Relations
Phone Number: (212) 513-0470
Website: https://www.nyc.gov/site/olr/health/retiree/health-retiree-responsibilities-assistance.page
Mayor Issues Ultimatum on Retiree Health Care, Seeking End to Standoff (The City)
Adams and Unions Strike Deal on Shift to Cost-Cutting Medicare Plan (The City)
Medicare Standoff Threatens Cuts to Current City Workers’ Benefits (The City)
--IRMAA/Part B Premium (Life Changing Events)
--Medigap Plans/Rates:
--Medicare.gov Plan Finder:
--EPIC Application (Fillable):
--HIICAP/NYC Dept for the Aging (Including Medicare Orientation and A Closer Look at Medicare and Related Benefits for New Yorkers):
--Event survey: