Sen. Krueger's 2023 Roundtable for Boomers and Seniors, Session II: “Stay Put for the Long Term:The Senior Citizens Rent Increase Exemption Program"
Senator Krueger’s 2023 five-part Virtual Roundtable for Boomers and Seniors will focus on housing for older people. Access to safe affordable housing is critical to ensure that we are able to age well in the community.
On Thursday, February 9th we will share information about the Senior Citizens Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) Program.
If you--
Live in a rent regulated apartment;
Are at least 62 years of age;
Have an annual income of $50,000 or less;
Pay at least one third of your income on rent; and
Want your current rent to remain the same for as long as you stay in your apartment?
If the answer is yes to all of the above, and you do not already receive SCRIE, you should attend this virtual roundtable to learn more about accessing the program. SCRIE helps older adults be able to afford to stay in their homes. If you already receive SCRIE and have questions, hear answers from the experts about the program.
-- Kim Lerner, Director, Benefits Outreach Program, LiveOn NY
--Inie Park, Ombudsperson, Office of the Taxpayer Advocate, NYC Department of Finance
-- PowerPoint from Inie Park: http://www.lizkrueger.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/OTA-Rent-Freeze-Special-Topics-SCRIE-Only-2023-0209-1.pdf
-- PowerPoint from Kim Lerner: http://www.lizkrueger.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/SCRIEDRIE-Helping-you-age-in-your-home.pdf
--LiveOn NY, www.liveon-ny.org
Learn about LiveOn's Benefits Outreach Program and how we can help:
Contact us for a benefits screening or any questions:
--NYC Department of Finance
Rent Freeze Program Main Page: Freeze Your Rent (nyc.gov): https://www.nyc.gov/site/rentfreeze/index.page
Rent Freeze Program Forms and Resources: Rent Freeze Tools (nyc.gov): https://www.nyc.gov/site/rentfreeze/tools/tools.page
Rent Freeze General Inquiries: Dept of Finance Customer Service: https://nycdepartmentoffinance.powerappsportals.us/SignIn?ReturnUrl=%2Fcreate-case%2F%3Ftopic%3DDRIE
Contact the DRIE Ombudsperson: Contact Us - DRIE Ombudsperson (nyc.gov): https://www.nyc.gov/site/finance/about/contact-by-email/contact-us-drie-ombudsman.page
Contact the SCRIE Ombudsperson: Contact US - SCRIE Ombudsperson (nyc.gov): https://www.nyc.gov/site/finance/about/contact-by-email/contact-us-scrie-ombudsman.page