Expenditure Report and Member Travel Detail for Period Ending 2024-09-30

Expenditure Report

Published On: February 28, 2025

Date Range of Report: April 01, 2024 To September 30, 2024



Expenditure Report

The Report includes fields for the referenced office, expense type, payee (employee or vendor), payee beginning and end date with the Senate (in the event of a Vendor, the check date is the end date), title/description of service, paytype (see below), amount paid (for employees displays the amount paid over six (6) month period), note and Expenditure Report beginning and end date.

Expense Type Note: The expense type "Allocated Operational Expenses" shows the cost of any postage and supplies by each office. It is important to note that these costs are allocated back to each office after-the-fact based on what was used by that office. (Post Office for postage and Senate Supply for supplies). The costs shown under "Allocated Operational Expenses" are for informational purposes only.

Payroll Types:

Regular Annual (RA) - All employees who are appointed to work at least 1820 hours during a calendar year (including holidays and approved leave time) and who are anticipated to be on the payroll year round will be assigned to this payroll. (This is equivalent to a work week of 35 hours.) In addition, anyone commencing work after the first weekday in January will be assigned to this payroll if they have been appointed to work a minimum number of hours which, if prorated and projected for an entire year, would equal 1820 hours and they are anticipated to work 1820 hours in the next full calendar year.

Special Annual (SA) - Employees may be assigned to this payroll if they: are appointed to work less than 1820 hours for a full calendar year; OR are appointed for less than a full calendar year.

Temporary (TE: Hourly Rate) - Employees who work a very irregular schedule and who are paid an hourly wage will be assigned to this payroll.

Vendor - For the organizational simplicity of the Expenditure Report spreadsheet, Vendor payments have been placed in the "PayType" column. These payments are to contracted third parties. Their rates are negotiated on a per contract basis.

Member Travel Detail For Expense Checks

Under the NYS Constitution (Article III, Sec.6), Senate Members are eligible to receive payment of actual and necessary expenses for travel to and from Albany. Senate Members are eligible to receive a full or partial per diem equivalent to the most recent federal per diem rates published by the US General Services Administration in accordance with subdivision 2 of section 5 of the Legislative Law. A per diem is an allowance for lodging, meals and incidental expenses. Policies are set forth by the Temporary President of the Senate, to provide for reimbursement when the Legislature is not in session.

This report provides a six month accounting that details travel and per diem expenses incurred by Senate Members, processed and paid through the travel and expense component of the Statewide Financial System (SFS).

The Member Travel Detail Report will be issued by the Secretary of the Senate on a biannual basis as part of the Senate Expenditure Report and is available as both a .csv file and its original PDF format for download at the bottom of the page.

NOTE: The expense type 'Allocated Operational Expenses' shows the cost of any postage and supplies used by each office. It is important to note that these costs are allocated back to each office after-the-fact based on what was used by that office. The vouchers paying for the initial purchases are charged to and are shown under the appropriate central administrative office (Post Office for postage and Senate Supply for supplies). The costs shown under 'Allocated Operational Expenses' are for informational purposes only.
Expenditure Report - 2024-09-30 (CSV)
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Member Travel Detail - 2024-09-30 (CSV)
Check Date Member Name Begin Travel End Travel Destination Purpose Full Per Diem Partial Per Diem Personal Car Mileage Tolls Subway Taxi Fare Train Fare Parking Air_Fare Travel Other Conference Total
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