Made in America
Senator Helming's Made in America Plan
As State Senator, one of my top priorities is supporting job creation and economic development. Our children should have the opportunity to pursue a good job and rewarding career right here in Upstate New York. As the daughter of a steelworker, I understand that growing manufacturing jobs is important to the future of our communities and the success of local families.
That is why I have been working on legislation to require items purchased with taxpayer dollars to be made right here in America. Tax dollars paid by hardworking local residents should be used to purchase products that directly support American workers and American jobs!
My Made In America Plan would:
• Require a Made In America preference for all iron and steel purchased for state projects and possibly for concrete, cement, and aluminum products.
• Require state parks to source most products from American companies.
• Require that any American flag purchased by the state government must be made in the United States of America.
If you agree, help to make my “Made in America Plan” a reality. Sign my petition and join the fight!