Hey Governor, Leave Our Kids School Funding Alone!

The Governor’s Executive Budget proposal eliminates the “hold harmless” provision for school funding. If enacted, this change would result in $168 million reduction in education aid for 337 school districts across the state. This decision would have negative impacts on our schools and their fiscal stability. If this wasn’t enough, the Governor wants to change the foundation aid formula, which would reduce aid by an additional $245 million.
In a proposed budget that grows $5.9 billion in state operating funds for a grand total of $233 billion there are a lot of places that could have been cut or not added in the first place, like $2.4 billion for illegal migrants, $150 million for swimming pools, and $40 million for theft prevention because criminals run rampant in our state. It is clear the Governor is not interested in setting our kids up for success.
I strongly OPPOSE these cuts and will fight to ensure all schools get their fair share of education funding in this year’s state budget. Sign my petition and tell the Governor to get her priorities straight and to leave our schools alone!