Senator Ashby's Legislative Survey

Here to Serve You!

My job is to represent you. That’s why I’m listening! I’d really appreciate it if you could take a few minutes and take our 2025 survey.

If you have any ideas for legislation, feedback on any of my proposals or issues navigating state government, please reach out to my office and our team will help you as best we can!

Senator Jake Ashby

1. What is your impression of the spending priorities Governor Hochul outlined in her State of the State Address and Executive Budget Proposal?
2. What issues do you believe deserve the most attention from Senator Ashby during State Budget negotiations?
(Check those you feel most strongly about.)
3. Do you believe that state and local law enforcement agencies should be able to coordinate with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement?
4. Should New York pass a law requiring websites with sexually explicit material (i.e. pornography) to age verify users and prevent minors from accessing them?
5. Do you think Bail Reform and Discovery Reform need to be addressed this Legislative Session?
6. How do you feel about NYC’s congestion pricing program?
7. How do you feel about the Governor’s proposal to spend $400 million to revitalize downtown Albany?
8. How do you feel about the discussions surrounding the state helping to fund a $200-300 million soccer stadium in downtown Albany?
9. Do you support the Death with Dignity Act (also known as Assisted Suicide) for people with painful, terminal illnesses?
10. Do you support efforts to increase the child tax credit to help give hardworking families a break on their bills?
11. Would you support legislation providing municipalities who cut red tape on new housing development with access to clean water, broadband, cellular, and road and bridge repair grants?
12. Which party do you believe holds the majority of the seats in the State Assembly?
13. Which party do you believe holds the majority of the seats in the State Senate?
14. Which of the following statements best matches your views on the state’s energy policy?
15. Which of the following statements best describes your views on the Governor’s proposal to ban cell phone use in schools?
Your Information: