Funding FAQ

Senator Gonzalez's State Funding Frequently Asked Questions

Requesting funding from New York State can be a complicated process, so we wanted to address some of the questions that frequently are directed to our office. If you can not find the answer to your question here, please do not hesitate to contact us

1: What are the different types of funding requests?

There are three main types of funding requests:
Organizations can request support for their programming or capital projects through the New York State Budget. Each organization is asked to provide a Funding Request Letter (see example at the end of the FAQ), which will be considered for inclusion in Senator Gonzalez's Budget Letter. Each Senator submits a Budget Letter for consideration detailing to Senate Leadership what they would like to see included in the budget. For more information on the budget process, see Question #2. 
If there is money available following the New York State budget process, each Senator is provided with Discretionary Funds which they may put towards local requests. These requests are typically for programming and operating costs, and the average grant under this type of funding is around $10,000-$20,000. Recipients pay the money upfront and are reimbursed by the state. 

Typically, Discretionary Funding falls into three categories. 
  1. Human Services - These funds could be used for programs and initiatives that promote the health, safety, permanency, and well-being of children, families, and our communities.  Funds can also be used to meet the essential needs and economic advancement opportunities by providing stable employment, housing, and nutrition for children, families, and our communities.   

  2. Educational Services - These funds could be used for programs with the objective to enhance educational programming that would benefit students. Funds can be issued for projects and programs at individual public schools and libraries throughout the state. Examples include cultural programs with a focus on educating students, After-school, Extended-school, and summer programs. 

  3. Justice Services - These funds can be used for community safety and restorative justice programs that can offer support for: survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, gun violence, legal services, alternatives to incarceration, pretrial services, probation, and community supervision services. 
There is no set timeline for this type of grant and the average amount ranges from $100,000-$200,000. These grants may only be used to cover capital expenses for projects and have a more involved application process.
Type Size Important Dates
There is a wide range of funding available for both capital projects and operational/programming requests.

Some opportunties may be available for up to $50,000.

There is a wide range of funding available for both capital projects and operational/programming requests.

2: What is New York State's Budget Process?

3: If I am granted funding, how long will it take to receive it?

This depends on the type of funding you are applying for and the details of your project. Generally, it can take at minimum a few months to receive the funds upon approval of all paperwork. If you have previously received funding from the state, it may expedite the process. Discretionary funding disbursements may take additional time, and for Discretionary Funding, you will be required to provide the money upfront and be reimbursed by the state.

4: Are there any factors that make it more likely to receive funding?

All financial requests are considered equally, but applications are stronger when they display the following:
  • The project addresses a need of the district.
  • The resources generated from the project will serve and invest in historically ignored communities.
  • There is a demonstrated need in the project budget that the state can easily identify and fill.
  • There are little to no alternative sources of funding for the type of project being pursued.

EXAMPLE: Funding Request Letter

Senator Kristen Gonzalez
Legislative Office Building, Room 817
Albany, NY 12247


Dear Senator Gonzalez,

I am writing to submit a budget funding request of $XX,XXX in support of [my non-profit/agency].

• Tell us anything you want us to know about your org. If you have met with the Senator or a member of our team about this request or any other matter, please reference that also.

• Reiterate how much money you are requesting and detail what you intend to use the funding for.

• Please also give us a contact for who would we should be in touch with regarding your funding request should it be approved.

• We encourage you to write a concise letter; requests letters typically average 1-2 pages long.

• Remember to send this letter as a PDF attachment to


[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]