Senate District 52 Utility Survey

Senator Webb wants to hear from you about your experiences with your utility provider. Please take a few moments to answer the following questions.

Your answers are confidential and will help our office understand the needs of our constituents.

Thank you for your participation!

What county do you live in?
Who is your current Utility Provider?
Are you able to easily access your electric meter?
Do you have a Smart Meter installed in your home?
Have you made any energy efficiency upgrades to your home?
Has your utility bill increased?
Have you ever contacted your Utility Provider to adjust your bill?
What is the most frequent issue you face when dealing with your Utility Provider?
What level of financial hardships are you experiencing due to your utility bill?
If you receive any public assistances, please check the program best applies to you and/or household.
Have you participated in energy assistance programs, like the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)?
Do you believe there should be more oversight of Utility Companies?