In the News: SUNY Albany Students, Cindy Ogando and Erica Akpaka Share Their Internship Experiences

April 15, 2013

Kimberly Drofitz

Photo by Mark Schmidt, University at Albany


Senate, Assembly Internships a Capital Experience for University at Albany Students

ALBANY, N.Y. (April 8, 2013) – The University at Albany’s legislative program serves as a major pipeline for students wishing to gain practical internship experience in the New York State Assembly and Senate. According to representatives at the Assembly Intern Committee, UAlbany sent more students this spring than any other university or college, which resulted in a record number of acceptances to internships in the New York State Assembly.

One hundred and thirty three UAlbany undergraduates are currently interning in the state legislature. Nineteen students are assigned to the NYS Senate Internship Program, while another 114 students are session interns in the NYS Assembly, up from 65 just five years ago. The program growth is being attributed to increased awareness from faculty and former student interns.

“This is a huge number for us and we are very proud of the students who were selected,” said Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Education Karen Acosta McNeill. For more than 30 years, the program has created internship opportunities for thousands of students, paving the way for career opportunities in public administration, politics, and law. Today, 14 UAlbany alums serve in the New York State Legislature.

Read more at University of Albany.

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