Regular Session - March 25, 2009


         1                 NEW YORK STATE SENATE



         4                THE STENOGRAPHIC RECORD





         9                   ALBANY, NEW YORK

        10                    March 25, 2009

        11                       3:18 p.m.



        14                    REGULAR SESSION




        18  SENATOR NEIL D. BRESLIN, Acting President

        19  ANGELO J. APONTE, Secretary






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         1                 P R O C E E D I N G S

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

         3       Senate will now come to order.

         4                  I ask all to rise and repeat the

         5       Pledge of Allegiance.

         6                  (Whereupon, the assemblage recited

         7       the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.)

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

         9       invocation today will be given by the Reverend

        10       Peter G. Young, from Mother Theresa Church in

        11       Albany.

        12                  REVEREND YOUNG:    Thank you.

        13                  Let us pray.

        14                  The wisdom of God is beyond

        15       imagining, and God's goodness a boundless

        16       treasure.  You, O, Lord, unfailingly enlighten

        17       own minds to open up new and better means of

        18       sharing with each other here in this Senate

        19       chamber our constituencies' ideas, information

        20       and aspirations.

        21                  Last night we heard our President

        22       talk about the power that we have to create

        23       "green technology" that can be of great

        24       assistance to our citizens in New York and can

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         1       bring them the kind of financial help in the

         2       time of need for our needed resources and our

         3       quality of life.  We pray that we might be

         4       able to make this positive opportunity

         5       available.

         6                  Amen.

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Thank

         8       you, Father Young.

         9                  The reading of the Journal.

        10                  The Secretary will read.

        11                  THE SECRETARY:    In Senate,

        12       Tuesday, March 24, the Senate met pursuant to

        13       adjournment.  The Journal of Monday, March 23,

        14       was read and approved.  On motion, Senate

        15       adjourned.

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        17       Without objection, the Journal stands approved

        18       as read.

        19                  Presentation of petitions.

        20                  Messages from the Assembly.

        21                  Messages from the Governor.

        22                  Reports of standing committees.

        23                  Reports of select committees.

        24                  Communications and reports from

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         1       state officers.

         2                  Motions and resolutions.

         3                  Senator Klein.

         4                  SENATOR KLEIN:    I have a motion

         5       to recommit with instructions to strike out

         6       the enacting clause:  Print Number 140,

         7       Calendar 83, to the Committee on Veterans,

         8       Homeland Security and Military Affairs, at the

         9       request of Senator Sampson.

        10                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    So

        11       ordered.

        12                  Senator Klein.

        13                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Are there any

        14       substitutions at the desk?

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Yes,

        16       there are, Senator Klein.

        17                  The Secretary will read.

        18                  THE SECRETARY:    On page 8,

        19       Senator DeFrancisco moves to discharge, from

        20       the Committee on Insurance, Assembly Bill

        21       Number 317 and substitute it for the identical

        22       Senate Bill Number 764, Third Reading Calendar

        23       49.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    So

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         1       ordered.

         2                  Senator Libous.

         3                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Thank you,

         4       Mr. President.

         5                  On behalf of Senator DeFrancisco, I

         6       believe Senate Number 2046, Mr. President, I

         7       move that the following bill be discharged

         8       from its respective committee, Investigations

         9       and Government Operations, and be recommitted

        10       with instructions to strike the enacting

        11       clause, please.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    So

        13       ordered, Senator Libous.

        14                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Thank you,

        15       Mr. President.

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        17       Senator Klein.

        18                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Mr. President,

        19       can we at this time take up the reading of

        20       Senate Calendar Number 26.

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

        22       Secretary will read.

        23                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        24       59, by Senator Stavisky, Senate Print 1547A,

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         1       an act to amend the Vehicle and Traffic Law,

         2       in relation to requiring.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Read

         4       the last section.

         5                  SENATOR VOLKER:    Lay that bill

         6       aside, please.

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

         8       bill is laid aside.

         9                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        10       114, by Senator Valesky, Senate Print 2258, an

        11       act to amend Chapter 335 of the Laws of 2005

        12       amending the Education Law.

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Read

        14       the last section.

        15                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        16       act shall take effect immediately.

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Call

        18       the roll.

        19                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        21       Announce the results.

        22                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 53.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

        24       bill is passed.

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         1                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         2       115, by Senator Squadron, Senate Print 3099,

         3       an act to amend the Public Service Law.

         4                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Would you lay

         5       this bill aside for the day.

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

         7       bill is laid aside for the day.

         8                  Senator Klein, that completes the

         9       reading of the noncontroversial calendar.

        10                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Can we now go to

        11       a reading of the controversial calendar.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

        13       Secretary will please ring the bell.

        14                  Members are asked to come to the

        15       chamber for the reading of the controversial

        16       calendar.

        17                  The Secretary will read.

        18                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        19       59, by Senator Stavisky, Senate Print 1547A,

        20       an act to amend the Vehicle and Traffic Law.

        21                  SENATOR VOLKER:    Senator

        22       Stavisky, could I ask a couple of questions,

        23       please?  Through you.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

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         1       Senator Stavisky, through the chair, Senator

         2       Volker has asked if you would yield.

         3                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Yes.

         4                  SENATOR VOLKER:    Senator, could I

         5       ask you where this bill came from?  I mean,

         6       did it come from a law enforcement agency?  Or

         7       where did it come from?

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         9       Senator Stavisky.

        10                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Through you,

        11       Mr. President.  I have been interested in

        12       traffic safety for many years, and the

        13       correlation between using a cellphone and the

        14       number of accidents that have occurred I think

        15       is very apparent.  You are four times more

        16       likely to have an accident if you're using a

        17       cellphone than not.

        18                  It came from my desire to help

        19       improve traffic safety, but also to determine

        20       whether the statistical evidence shows that

        21       there really is a correlation.  The accident

        22       reporting information does not include

        23       reporting the use of a cellphone during an

        24       accident.

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         1                  SENATOR VOLKER:    Senator

         2       Stavisky -- Mr. President, could I ask another

         3       question?

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         5       Senator Stavisky, do you yield for an

         6       additional question from Senator Volker?

         7                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Yes.

         8                  SENATOR VOLKER:    The reason I ask

         9       you this question is, Senator, are you aware

        10       that in any accident report involving an

        11       accident, if there is any reason for an

        12       accident -- that is, if it contributes to an

        13       accident, whether it's a cellphone or

        14       somebody's distraction or anything of any

        15       kind -- it has to be reported?

        16                  And I guess the reason I am pretty

        17       aware of this is that I used to do a lot of

        18       reporting when I was younger, and even then --

        19       and I was in charge of accident investigation

        20       for the village that I was in.

        21                  And although there's nothing

        22       specifically on the form, according to the

        23       rules of law enforcement, if a cellphone -- at

        24       least as I understand it, if a cellphone is

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         1       part of the reason for the accident, it's

         2       supposed to be listed there whether you have

         3       it on your form or not.  At least that's my

         4       information.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         6       Senator Stavisky.

         7                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Through you,

         8       Mr. President.  2007 is the latest year for

         9       which we have data, and there were a total of

        10       323,106 accidents.

        11                  And let me find the number where --

        12       it's a very small number, I think it was 149,

        13       if I'm not mistaken -- I'm sorry, 400, where

        14       they claim that the use of the cellphone

        15       contributed to that accident.  And I am

        16       absolutely convinced that the number should be

        17       higher.

        18                  SENATOR VOLKER:    I understand.

        19                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    In other

        20       words, if there are 323,106 accidents in

        21       New York State, more than 400 were caused by

        22       the use of a cellphone while driving.

        23                  SENATOR VOLKER:    Mr. President,

        24       on the bill.

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         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         2       Senator Volker, on the bill.

         3                  SENATOR VOLKER:    I just want to

         4       say that I'm not really objecting to the bill

         5       except that I happen to know that the

         6       Department of Motor Vehicles originally

         7       opposed this bill.  The reason they opposed it

         8       is they say that -- just as I was just saying,

         9       that if there is an indication about the

        10       accident to a police officer that the

        11       cellphone had anything to do with the

        12       accident, he's duty-bound to report it on the

        13       accident report.  It's an integral part of the

        14       accident report, whatever the reason, whatever

        15       any kind of reason.

        16                  For instance, if speeding was one

        17       of the reasons for an accident, that's

        18       supposed to be listed in the accident report.

        19       And the same thing is true with cellphones.

        20                  And I happen to agree with you, I

        21       think cellphones contribute to an awful lot of

        22       accidents, probably more than is reported.

        23       The only question, I guess, is it's sometimes

        24       difficult for a police officer to determine

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         1       whether that's the actual reason for the

         2       accident or not.

         3                  And I would also question whether

         4       you could even report that there was a

         5       cellphone, because that might be considered to

         6       be something that is more than a law

         7       enforcement officer could respond to.

         8                  But one thing is for sure, that any

         9       police officer who believes that a cellphone

        10       contributed to an accident right now should

        11       certainly report it as part of the accident

        12       report.

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Thank

        14       you, Senator Volker.

        15                  Senator DeFrancisco, on the bill.

        16                  SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:    Would the

        17       sponsor yield to a question?

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        19       Senator Stavisky, would you yield to a

        20       question from Senator DeFrancisco?

        21                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Yes.

        22                  SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:    You know, I

        23       have a copy of MV-104A, which really lists how

        24       a police officer has got to complete the

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         1       various boxes on the accident report.  And one

         2       of the areas says "apparent contributing

         3       factors."  And not only does that indicate

         4       "cellphone, handheld," if it's a contributing

         5       factor, but also "cellphone, hands-free" if

         6       it's a contributing factor.

         7                  What additional benefit is it to

         8       put in a police report whether a cellphone was

         9       in use at the time of the accident if it was

        10       not a contributing factor?

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        12       Senator Stavisky.

        13                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    First of all,

        14       different jurisdictions have different rules,

        15       different police jurisdictions have different

        16       rules concerning reporting of accidents.

        17                  I have a copy of the MV-104A form

        18       also.  There's no mandate currently that they

        19       check that box.  And in fact, there is an

        20       underreporting, many people feel there is an

        21       underreporting of accidents involving

        22       cellphone use as a result -- which causes an

        23       accident.

        24                  SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:    All right.

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         1       On the bill.

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         3       Senator DeFrancisco, on the bill.

         4                  SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:    Presently,

         5       as I just mentioned, police officers, in

         6       completing a police report, have to list the

         7       apparent contributing factors.  And obviously,

         8       if cellphone use is a contributing factor,

         9       even if it's a hands-free device, it's one of

        10       the categories that has to be filled out.

        11                  Now, I'm not so sure what is the

        12       value of requiring police officers to put

        13       information that has nothing to do with the

        14       accident.  Should we have a statute that says

        15       apparently the individual was eating a

        16       sandwich at the time of the accident if it was

        17       not a contributing cause, or putting makeup on

        18       at the time of the accident if it's not a

        19       contributing cause?

        20                  In other words, what we're doing

        21       here is micromanaging a police activity.  And

        22       the police officer obviously wants to know and

        23       provide as much as information as possible to

        24       avoid future accidents and to tell what

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         1       contributed to the accident.

         2                  And so to get information about

         3       various and sundry things that may have been

         4       going on that the police officer believed has

         5       nothing to do with the accident, to me, is

         6       something that is not only not necessary, but

         7       we're micromanaging a police officer's role

         8       and getting away from the true purpose of an

         9       accident report.  It's not to gain general

        10       information about what people do when they are

        11       involved in an accident, but to find out what

        12       happened so we can avoid it again if the

        13       happening had various contributing factors.

        14                  So I don't think the bill is a good

        15       bill, and I think it leads us down a road of

        16       having police officers providing information

        17       that may be socially enjoyable or interesting

        18       in finding statistics about, but has nothing

        19       to do with the role of a police officer in an

        20       accident report.

        21                  Thank you.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Thank

        23       you, Senator DeFrancisco.

        24                  Why do you rise, Senator

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         1       Marcellino?

         2                  SENATOR MARCELLINO:    If Senator

         3       Stavisky would yield for a couple of

         4       questions.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         6       Senator Stavisky, will you yield to Senator

         7       Marcellino?

         8                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Yes.

         9                  SENATOR MARCELLINO:    Thank you,

        10       Mr. President.

        11                  Thank you, Senator Stavisky.

        12                  As you all know, I was the author

        13       of the hands-free cellphone bill in the past,

        14       and this chamber passed it and it became law.

        15       And I too am interested in the information

        16       that Senator Stavisky is seeking to find in

        17       this piece of legislation.

        18                  I would just ask you, Senator, how

        19       would the police officer who didn't witness

        20       the accident know there was a cellphone

        21       situation?

        22                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Through you,

        23       Mr. President.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

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         1       Senator Stavisky.

         2                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Yes.  If

         3       there's a cellphone on the seat, if he sees a

         4       cellphone.  And it's very easy to determine

         5       whether the cellphone was in use at the time

         6       of the accident.

         7                  There's no question that there is

         8       an underreporting of the numbers, and that is

         9       the purpose of this bill, to make sure that

        10       they check to see if there is a cellphone

        11       visible.  Nobody's suggesting anything else.

        12       But if there's a cellphone visible, then it

        13       should be so noted on the MV-104A form.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        15       Senator Marcellino.

        16                  SENATOR MARCELLINO:    Would the

        17       Senator yield again?

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        19       Senator Stavisky, will you continue to yield

        20       to Senator Marcellino?

        21                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Yes.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    You

        23       may continue, Senator Marcellino.

        24                  SENATOR MARCELLINO:    Thank you,

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         1       Senator.  Through you, Mr. President.

         2                  Senator Stavisky, are you

         3       suggesting that the police officer reporting

         4       to the scene of the accident pull the phone

         5       records of both parties to the accident?

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         7       Senator Stavisky.

         8                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    First of all,

         9       the cellphone is visible, and you can see

        10       whether a call has been made.  That does not

        11       require subpoena power.  Instead, they have

        12       the right to ask for an ID, a registration and

        13       an ID identifying the driver and the

        14       inhabitants of that vehicle.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        16       Senator Marcellino.

        17                  SENATOR MARCELLINO:    Would the

        18       Senator continue to yield?

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        20       Senator Stavisky, will you continue to yield?

        21                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Yes.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        23       Senator Marcellino.

        24                  SENATOR MARCELLINO:    The fact

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         1       that a cellphone may be visible does not

         2       necessarily mean it was used, number one.

         3                  And two, if it was being used in a

         4       hands-free situation, that is not a violation

         5       of law.  They would be in compliance with the

         6       law.

         7                  In order for you to look at that

         8       cellphone, shouldn't the police officer

         9       require some type of authorization, searching

        10       somebody's personal possessions?

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        12       Senator Stavisky.

        13                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    First of all,

        14       if he were to look at the cellphone, he can

        15       tell if -- if there were no calls made, then

        16       there's no question that the cellphone was not

        17       involved as a result of -- in connection with

        18       the accident.

        19                  However, they have the right to

        20       take a look at the cellphone and see whether a

        21       call was made.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        23       Senator Marcellino.

        24                  SENATOR MARCELLINO:    Through you,

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         1       Mr. President, would the Senator continue to

         2       yield?

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Will

         4       you continue to yield, Senator Stavisky?

         5                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Yes.

         6                  SENATOR MARCELLINO:    I am not an

         7       attorney, Senator --

         8                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Neither am I.

         9                  SENATOR MARCELLINO:    I know

        10       you're not either; we're both former teachers.

        11       So we are somehow at a loss for this.

        12                  But it would be my understanding,

        13       before a police officer can look at your

        14       personal property, that either a search

        15       warrant or some type of a court authorization

        16       is required.  I don't think they have a right.

        17                  If that cellphone, for example, was

        18       in a woman's pocketbook, does the police

        19       officer have the right to say, "Madam, do you

        20       have a cellphone?  Can I look at it?" or "I

        21       want to look at it"?

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        23       Senator Stavisky.

        24                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    The fact that

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         1       a cellphone is visible means that it's part of

         2       the accident scene and he has a right to

         3       investigate an accident.

         4                  Nobody is suggesting the

         5       constitutional rights to unreasonable search

         6       and seizure should be violated.  But at the

         7       same time, if a phone is visible, there's a

         8       presumption that it could have been in use

         9       during the time of the accident, at the time

        10       of the accident.

        11                  SENATOR MARCELLINO:    Thank you,

        12       Senator.  On the bill.

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        14       Senator Marcellino, on the bill.

        15                  SENATOR MARCELLINO:    Mr.

        16       President, the argument that -- the response

        17       that I got from the Senator, I appreciate it,

        18       but it makes no sense.

        19                  If the cellphone is visible, it

        20       does not mean it was in use.  It could be not

        21       visible and have been in use.  Perhaps

        22       somebody put it in their pocket.  What if the

        23       cellphone is in my breast pocket?  I was using

        24       it, but I put it away.  I turned it off and

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         1       put it away, got out of my car.  Is the police

         2       officer going to say, "Do you have a

         3       cellphone, sir?  Was it in use?  I want to see

         4       it"?

         5                  That's a search.  They're now

         6       searching my person, they're searching my

         7       possessions for an automobile accident.

         8                  I think what the Senator is seeking

         9       is laudable.  I'd love to know the

        10       information.  I think it would be a good idea.

        11       But I just think the way this bill is written,

        12       you're asking police officers to do something

        13       that I don't necessarily think you want them

        14       to do.

        15                  It just extends their purview, it

        16       extends their searches, it extends their

        17       imposition of their presence on someone's

        18       person more than they have to be, especially

        19       at a time of stress.  People involved in an

        20       accident are under stress.  They're upset,

        21       they're angry, they're nervous.  There's all

        22       kinds of problems here.  And now the police

        23       officer is going to start going in and prying.

        24                  As the Senator said, what if they

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         1       were coming their hair?  You're going to ask

         2       them for a comb?  What if they were eating a

         3       sandwich?  You're going to ask them if they

         4       were eating?  There's such a thing as

         5       distracted driving.  That's a violation also.

         6       You know, there's a whole host of things that

         7       you open up here, Senator, with this piece of

         8       legislation.

         9                  While I think your intent is

        10       worthy, I think the method you're seeking by

        11       mandating this is not.  I think the police

        12       officers, with their training, are fully

        13       capable of knowing and looking and asking the

        14       appropriate questions.

        15                  And if there's a determination that

        16       the cellphone was in use -- you know, if

        17       somebody witnessed it, that's one thing.  If

        18       there's an accusation by one of the parties,

        19       that's one thing.  If someone says, Well, he

        20       or she was on the phone when they hit me --

        21       well, okay, now you've got a reason to do

        22       something.

        23                  But just giving the police officer

        24       the authority to go in and start searching

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         1       people or searching their property or

         2       searching their possessions and then seeing if

         3       the cell was used, it makes no sense to me.

         4       And I think that's an imposition and invasion

         5       of privacy, in my mind.

         6                  So I think, Senator, the intent, I

         7       agree, is a good intent.  I think the

         8       information would be useful to help us with

         9       our traffic safety rules and laws.  But I

        10       think the way you're trying to get it is a bit

        11       intrusive on somebody's personal property and

        12       time and possessions.

        13                  Thank you.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Thank

        15       you, Senator Marcellino.

        16                  Senator Little.

        17                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Thank you,

        18       Mr. President.  Would the sponsor yield for a

        19       question, please?

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        21       Senator Stavisky, would you yield for a

        22       question from Senator Little?

        23                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Yes.

        24                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Thank you.

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         1                  Senator Stavisky, we certainly all

         2       want to see that we have safe drivers and that

         3       we have drivers paying attention when they're

         4       driving.  This cellphone issue is something

         5       that everyone hangs their hat on as being the

         6       major distraction for people driving.

         7                  I will tell you that I was hit from

         8       behind one time by someone tuning a radio,

         9       which I often wonder if maybe we should outlaw

        10       tuning your radio while you're driving.  We

        11       can't get to that.

        12                  Is your intention just to get a

        13       record of how many people have a cellphone in

        14       their car while they're driving?

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        16       Senator Stavisky.

        17                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Only if

        18       there's an accident.  But the answer to your

        19       question is yes.

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        21       Senator Little.

        22                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Okay, thank you.

        23       And through you, Mr. President.

        24                  I understand you're not going to

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         1       stop cars and ask if they have a cellphone.

         2       So you're trying to get a record of every

         3       automobile that has an accident, is there the

         4       presence of a cellphone in that car.  Should

         5       that cellphone be grabbable or reachable by

         6       the driver?

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         8       Senator Stavisky.

         9                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Only if

        10       there's an accident.  If there's no accident,

        11       then --

        12                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Right.  If there

        13       is an accident.

        14                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    If there's no

        15       accident, then it doesn't apply.

        16                  SENATOR LITTLE:    No, if there is

        17       an accident.

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Allow

        19       Senator Stavisky to answer.

        20                  SENATOR LITTLE:    All right.

        21                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    I think I've

        22       responded that if there is an accident.

        23                  This does not, obviously, apply if

        24       a police officer sees a cellphone on a seat;

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         1       this does not apply.  It only applies in the

         2       case of an accident.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         4       Senator Little.

         5                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Well, I think we

         6       determined that, Mr. President, in the first

         7       question, that we're only talking about

         8       getting a record of cellphone presence when

         9       there is an accident.

        10                  So the question was will the

        11       policeman have to note on the record, yes,

        12       there was a cellphone present, will he have to

        13       note whether it was reachable or grabbable by

        14       the driver?

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Do you

        16       yield for that question, Senator Stavisky?

        17                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    All the

        18       legislation requires is that the police

        19       officer report whether there was a cellphone

        20       in use at the time of the accident.

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        22       Senator Little.

        23                  SENATOR LITTLE:    My understanding

        24       was not, Mr. President, that it was whether it

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         1       was in use, but whether there was the presence

         2       of a cellphone in the car, when we first began

         3       this discussion.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Is

         5       this on the bill, or are you asking a

         6       question?

         7                  SENATOR LITTLE:    No, I'm asking

         8       another question.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Would

        10       you continue to yield, Senator Stavisky?

        11                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Yes.

        12                  Only if the cellphone was in use

        13       and there was an accident.  If there was an

        14       accident and the cellphone was not in use,

        15       then it wouldn't apply.

        16                  SENATOR LITTLE:    So there will be

        17       no -- nothing on --

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        19       Through the chair.

        20                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Thank you,

        21       through the chair.  So there would be --

        22       Senator Stavisky --

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Would

        24       you continue to yield, Senator Stavisky?

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         1                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Yes.

         2                  SENATOR LITTLE:    So there would

         3       be nothing on the report if the cellphone was

         4       not in use at the time of the accident?

         5                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    That's

         6       correct.

         7                  SENATOR LITTLE:    And who

         8       determines whether the cellphone was in use at

         9       the time of the accident?

        10                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        11       Through the chair.

        12                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Mr. President,

        13       through you.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Do you

        15       continue to yield?

        16                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Who would

        17       determine that they were in use?  Is it just

        18       through a question of the driver:  Were you

        19       using a cellphone?  Or does the policeman have

        20       to ask and check it out and verify it?

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        22       Senator Stavisky.

        23                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    The applicable

        24       section starts by saying every police or

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         1       judicial officer to whom an accident resulting

         2       in injury to a person shall have been

         3       reported.  That's line 4 of the bill.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         5       Senator Little.

         6                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Well, just to be

         7       a little more clear, if I could ask another

         8       question.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        10       Certainly.

        11                  Do you continue to yield to Senator

        12       Little?

        13                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Yes.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    You

        15       may proceed.

        16                  SENATOR LITTLE:    So my question

        17       was how does the policeman determine whether

        18       the cellphone was in use.  Does he ask to see

        19       it?  Does he ask the driver?  What happens

        20       here?

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        22       Senator Stavisky.

        23                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    This requires

        24       the judgment of the police officer.

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         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         2       Senator Little.

         3                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Thank you.  If I

         4       may, another question, Mr. President.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         6       Senator Stavisky, do you continue to yield to

         7       Senator Little?

         8                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Yes.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    You

        10       may proceed, Senator Little.

        11                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Since we have

        12       legislation that you have to use a cellphone

        13       hands-free, we're now going to determine -- do

        14       you include using OnStar in a car, or using a

        15       built-in cellphone in a car?  And supposing

        16       the policeman doesn't see a cellphone but

        17       there is one built into the car; how does he

        18       determine that?

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        20       Senator Stavisky.

        21                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    I happen to

        22       have OnStar in my car.  I've never used it,

        23       fortunately.  And I don't think there's any

        24       way they could determine except by contacting

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         1       OnStar to see if it was in use at the time of

         2       the accident.

         3                  But generally speaking, if there is

         4       an accident, OnStar will be notified

         5       automatically when there is an impact.

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         7       Senator Little.

         8                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Thank you,

         9       Mr. President.  Another question, if I may, to

        10       Senator Stavisky.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        12       Senator Stavisky, do you continue to yield to

        13       Senator Little?

        14                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Yes.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    You

        16       may proceed.

        17                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Thank you.

        18                  By the same token, if I'm driving

        19       my car and I'm using a built-in cellphone,

        20       there is no cellphone actually to be seen.

        21       Supposing my cellphone is in my pocketbook or

        22       something, and I have a Bluetooth in my ear.

        23       How does the policeman determine that a

        24       cellphone has been used then?

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         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         2       Senator Stavisky.

         3                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    He will not

         4       have seen the cellphone, and therefore he

         5       cannot determine whether the cellphone was in

         6       use.

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         8       Senator Little.

         9                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Thank you.  I

        10       have another question, because -- if I may.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        12       Through the chair.

        13                  Would you continue to yield,

        14       Senator Stavisky?

        15                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Yes, I do.

        16       And I'd like to respond in more detail when

        17       I --

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Go

        19       ahead, Senator Stavisky.

        20                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Let me just

        21       respond in a little more detail.

        22                  The existing statute says every

        23       police or judicial officer to whom an accident

        24       resulting in injury to a person shall have

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         1       been reported pursuant to the foregoing

         2       provisions of this chapter, shall immediately

         3       investigate the facts or cause the same to be

         4       investigated and report the matter to the

         5       commissioner forthwith, provided, however,

         6       that the report of the accident is made to the

         7       police officer or judicial officer within five

         8       days after such accident.

         9                  That is in the existing law, and

        10       that would cover the reporting of accidents.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        12       Senator Little.

        13                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Thank you.  If I

        14       may, also, I would like to ask the Senator --

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        16       Senator Stavisky, do you continue to yield to

        17       Senator Little?

        18                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Yes.

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    You

        20       may proceed, Senator Little.

        21                  SENATOR LITTLE:    I have a concern

        22       for the accident report, because it is now

        23       going to say that there was a cellphone which

        24       may have been used, if he could determine it.

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         1       Does he also indicate on that report whether

         2       you're using the cellphone in heavy traffic,

         3       whether the cellphone is being used on a rural

         4       road?

         5                  I typically drive the Northway and

         6       then, as many times, there are no cars ahead

         7       of me or behind me and I may be using a

         8       cellphone.  And it's not illegal.

         9                  So I have a concern that

        10       eventually, if there is an accident, that now

        11       we have a cause or something that legally they

        12       can go after that person with that maybe is

        13       not really factual.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        15       Senator Stavisky.

        16                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    I'm not sure I

        17       understood your question.

        18                  SENATOR LITTLE:    I did get a

        19       little confusing in my question, I'll admit.

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    You

        21       may repeat, Senator Little.

        22                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Thank you.  I am

        23       concerned that if the accident report says

        24       there is a cellphone that may have been used,

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         1       does it also add other factors -- heavy

         2       traffic, rural road, vacant area, stopped in

         3       traffic, got hit from behind -- so that the

         4       cellphone is not as big an indicator of

         5       inattention?

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         7       Senator Stavisky, with the aid of Senator

         8       Adams.

         9                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Always.

        10                  The MV-104 that we fill out if we

        11       have an accident, and the MV-104A that the

        12       police officer fills out, has all of these

        13       conditions noted in the report.  They talk

        14       about road conditions, they talk about the

        15       environment, they talk about glare and lane

        16       markings and all sorts of conditions that

        17       occur on rural roads as well as on city

        18       streets.

        19                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Thank you.

        20       Another question, if I may.

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        22       Senator Stavisky, do you continue to yield to

        23       Senator Little?

        24                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Yes.

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         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    You

         2       may proceed, Senator Little.

         3                  SENATOR LITTLE:    If there is a

         4       cellphone in use in the car, must it be the

         5       driver who is using that cellphone?  Or could

         6       it be a passenger or someone in the back seat

         7       or a passenger with the cellphone on

         8       speakerphone?

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        10       Senator Stavisky.

        11                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    All the

        12       legislation says is that the police officer

        13       shall determine whether a mobile telephone was

        14       in use.  It does not specify.

        15                  But presumably this is another

        16       judgment call on the part of the police

        17       officer.

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        19       Senator Little.

        20                  SENATOR LITTLE:    One more time I

        21       would just ask, if I may, Mr. President.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        23       Senator Stavisky, do you continue to yield to

        24       Senator Little?

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         1                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Yes.

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    You

         3       may proceed, Senator Little.

         4                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Shouldn't the

         5       legislation say who was using the cellphone?

         6       If the driver was using the cellphone, not the

         7       passenger?

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         9       Senator Stavisky.

        10                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    The purpose of

        11       the legislation is to determine whether the

        12       use of a cellphone was a contributing factor

        13       in causing the accident.

        14                  Now, if a passenger is using a

        15       cellphone and the person driving the car is

        16       listening to the conversation and perhaps,

        17       since it's going to be a hands-free device,

        18       then the person who is driving the car may be

        19       participating in the cellphone discussion with

        20       the outside party.

        21                  The point here is that we want to

        22       determine how accurate the data is in

        23       reporting accidents.  The use of cellphones in

        24       cars is totally underreported, as I indicated

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         1       earlier, and that's the purpose of the

         2       legislation.

         3                  I can think of a lot of instances

         4       where the person sitting in the passenger seat

         5       hands the cellphone to the driver and says

         6       "Here, you talk to them."  Obviously, the

         7       cellphone may belong to the person in the

         8       passenger seat.  But at the same time, that's

         9       what caused the accident, and that's what is

        10       determined in the police report.

        11                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Thank you.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        13       Senator Little.

        14                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Thank you.  One

        15       more question, if I may.

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    One

        17       more question, would Senator Stavisky continue

        18       to yield to Senator Little?

        19                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Yes.

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    You

        21       may proceed.

        22                  SENATOR LITTLE:    My fear here is

        23       that we are looking at coming to the

        24       conclusion that cellphone usage in a car by

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         1       anyone is a distraction.

         2                  And I would have to ask the Senator

         3       if you don't feel -- or do you feel that

         4       talking and having a conversation with someone

         5       in the passenger seat could be just as much of

         6       a distraction as talking, hands-free, to

         7       someone on a telephone?  What is the

         8       difference?

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        10       Senator Stavisky.

        11                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    We're

        12       obviously not going to require everybody to

        13       have one person in a car so there's nobody to

        14       talk to.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        16       Senator Little.

        17                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Thank you.  On

        18       the bill, if I may.

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        20       Senator Little, on the bill.

        21                  SENATOR LITTLE:    You know, I

        22       drive a lot, and many of us who live in rural

        23       areas drive a lot.  Certainly far more than

        24       people who live in Manhattan and the boroughs

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         1       of New York, I would guess.  And there are

         2       many distractions when you're driving.  But my

         3       fear here is that we're going pin cellphones

         4       as being the biggest distraction while you're

         5       driving a car.

         6                  Maybe just talking to someone in

         7       the front seat, talking to someone in the back

         8       seat -- I will have to tell you that I have

         9       six children, and at one time -- not now, but

        10       at one time -- I drove around with five

        11       children under the age of 8.  Now, if you

        12       don't think that's a distraction, you don't

        13       know what I was into.

        14                  But there are so many issues here.

        15       We should pay attention to our driving.  We

        16       need to be more attentive to our driving.

        17       Zeroing in on cellphones is inappropriate

        18       because we can have conversations, you can

        19       have -- you could be listening to a GPS,

        20       trying to find directions.  You could be on

        21       the OnStar.  You could be on a cellphone that

        22       is not in sight and you're talking.  You could

        23       be talking to yourself and be distracted.  So

        24       let's concentrate on getting people to pay

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         1       attention to their driving, and we will have

         2       safer driving.

         3                  But because of so many issues

         4       involved with this, and because of the focus

         5       on the cellphone presence in the car, I intend

         6       to vote no on this legislation.

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Thank

         8       you, Senator Little.

         9                  Senator Adams.

        10                  SENATOR ADAMS:    Thank you,

        11       Mr. President.

        12                  I think that we need to --

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    This

        14       is on the bill, Senator Adams?

        15                  SENATOR ADAMS:    On the bill, I'm

        16       sorry.

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    On the

        18       bill, Senator Adams.

        19                  SENATOR ADAMS:    We need a little

        20       clarification.

        21                  First of all, this is a good bill.

        22       It fills a loophole.  Talking to someone in

        23       the passenger seat, talking to someone behind

        24       the seat, having five children in the car,

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         1       that's not against the law.

         2                  It's against the law to talk on a

         3       cellphone while you're driving.  You could get

         4       a summons for that.  A summons is in lieu of

         5       arrest.

         6                  If an officer comes to the scene

         7       and there was an accident and he sees a beer

         8       can in the car, he can question someone about

         9       that beer can:  "Have you been drinking?"  If

        10       the person is talking on the cellphone to

        11       merely inquire --

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Excuse

        13       me, Senator Adams.

        14                  Senator Little, why do you rise?

        15                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Thank you.

        16       Would Senator Adams respond to a question,

        17       please, a clarification?

        18                  SENATOR ADAMS:    I will be more

        19       than willing to after I finish my thought.

        20       I'll be more than willing to yield to a

        21       question after my finish my thought, if it's

        22       all right.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Fine.

        24                  SENATOR ADAMS:    Okay?

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         1                  If a police officer comes to the

         2       scene and if the law is passed and he sees

         3       that there's a cellphone in the car, for him

         4       to inquire -- of course, no one is advocating

         5       that he should search a person who's in a

         6       crime.  But the main purpose of the crime is

         7       to -- I mean the accident is to determine the

         8       cause of the accident.  That's why on the back

         9       of the report you indicate the road

        10       conditions, you indicate everything that will

        11       allow us to determine what's the cause of the

        12       accident.

        13                  Now, what's the purpose of that?

        14       Because, particularly in larger police

        15       agencies like the NYPD, you gather all that

        16       information and you use that information to

        17       determine what new laws, what new procedures,

        18       what new practices should be put in place.  So

        19       it's more than just blaming the cellphone;

        20       it's trying to make the roadways safer.  And

        21       that information that's on that accident

        22       report is used to analyze how do we make the

        23       roadways safer.

        24                  If we have a disproportionate

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         1       number of accidents that are taking place due

         2       to cellphone usage, then clearly you should

         3       not allow the problem to exist without

         4       analyzing those problems.  Police officers on

         5       the front line, their job is to investigate

         6       and determine the cause of.  If it's an

         7       accident, if it's a crime, if it's an injury,

         8       that's their job.

         9                  And the more information you

        10       provide on the reports will allow you to do

        11       that in an appropriate fashion and will allow

        12       those who go back and analyze the information

        13       to determine how to prevent it from

        14       reoccurring.

        15                  And I will yield to any question

        16       that the Senator, my colleague, had.

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        18       Senator Little, Senator Adams has consented to

        19       yield.

        20                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Thank you.

        21                  Senator Adams, if I may -- through

        22       you, Mr. President -- you made a statement

        23       that it was not against the law to have five

        24       children in the car, et cetera, et cetera, but

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         1       that it was against the law to talk on a

         2       cellphone while you're driving.

         3                  That is not accurate.  It is not

         4       against the law to talk on a cellphone while

         5       you are driving.  It is against the law to

         6       hold the cellphone to your ear while you were

         7       driving.  You may have hands-free, Bluetooth,

         8       OnStar, built-in phone.  It is not against the

         9       law to talk on a cellphone while you are

        10       driving.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        12       Senator Adams.

        13                  SENATOR ADAMS:    Through you,

        14       Mr. President.  There was two things that I

        15       pointed out.  One, it's against the law to

        16       talk on a cellphone while you're driving --

        17       and my indication to be corrected is while

        18       holding it.  Two, it's important for police

        19       officers to be able to analyze the cause of

        20       the crime and go back and figure out how we

        21       prevent future -- cause of the accident so we

        22       can go back and figure out how to prevent

        23       future accidents from taking place.

        24                  So yes, it's illegal on the surface

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         1       to have a handheld device, but it's also

         2       imperative for us to continue to analyze what

         3       caused the accident.  And that information on

         4       that report will give us that information.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Why do

         6       you rise, Senator DeFrancisco?

         7                  SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:    I wonder if

         8       Senator Adams would answer a question.

         9                  SENATOR ADAMS:    Yes, I will.

        10                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        11       Senator Adams has agreed to yield.  You may

        12       ask your question.

        13                  SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:    Through

        14       you, Mr. President.  What I understand Senator

        15       Adams saying is that it's important for a

        16       police officer to do an investigation and

        17       determine contributing causes of the accident,

        18       and that's why this bill is important.

        19                  Is that basically the thrust of

        20       what you're saying?

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        22       Senator Adams.

        23                  SENATOR ADAMS:    Through you,

        24       Mr. President, I gave several reasons on why

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         1       it's important.

         2                  One, it's illegal to use a handheld

         3       device.  Two, the reason we have information

         4       on accident reports is so that after an

         5       accident it can be analyzed and determined how

         6       to prevent future accidents from taking place

         7       by finding out what are the reasons for the

         8       accident taking place.

         9                  SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:    Would

        10       Senator Adams yield to another question?

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Will

        12       you continue to yield to Senator DeFrancisco,

        13       Senator Adams?

        14                  SENATOR ADAMS:    Through you,

        15       Mr. President, yes.

        16                  SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:    And is it

        17       fair to say, then, the reason it's important

        18       for police officers to find the contributing

        19       causes of the accident and report them is so

        20       that you can help prevent future accidents?

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        22       Senator Adams.

        23                  SENATOR ADAMS:    Through you,

        24       Mr. President, I believe that is one of the

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         1       reasons, yes.

         2                  SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:    Okay.  And

         3       I think this is my last question.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Would

         5       you continue to yield to Senator DeFrancisco,

         6       Senator Adams?

         7                  SENATOR ADAMS:    Anything for

         8       Senator DeFrancisco.

         9                  SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:    Anything?

        10                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    You

        11       may proceed, Senator DeFrancisco.

        12                  SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:    Okay, maybe

        13       it will be two questions.

        14                  No, but the next question is

        15       basically this.  If after an investigation and

        16       the police officer determines that something

        17       was not a contributing cause, is it fair to

        18       say that there's absolutely no reason to have

        19       to report something that is not a contributing

        20       cause to the accident?

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        22       Senator Adams.

        23                  SENATOR ADAMS:    Through you,

        24       Mr. President.  Yes.

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         1                  And I don't believe the bill is

         2       stating that if it wasn't a contributing cause

         3       that it should be reported.  And it should be

         4       in the details of the accident report,

         5       whatever information, additional, that the

         6       police officer wants to provide.

         7                  SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:    On the

         8       bill.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Thank

        10       you, Senator Adams.

        11                  Senator DeFrancisco, on the bill.

        12                  SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:    As I said

        13       at the outset when I first got up to speak,

        14       the current police report requires an

        15       indication of cellphone use or cellphone --

        16       either handheld or not handheld -- be recorded

        17       if it's a contributing cause.  So that's the

        18       law as it now exists.

        19                  And I think Senator Adams is

        20       agreeing with me that if it's not a

        21       contributing cause, there is absolutely no

        22       reason to indicate whether there's a cellphone

        23       use or anything else if it's not a

        24       contributing cause.

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         1                  So by this bill we're asking police

         2       officers to put superfluous information in

         3       their police report when it's not even a

         4       contributing cause.  And that's precisely why

         5       I think the bill is not only unnecessary, but

         6       it micromanages police officers' obligations

         7       and requires them to put information that is

         8       really not relevant to anything other than

         9       maybe to a social scientist who might want to

        10       understand how many times cellphones are used

        11       while being driven.

        12                  So I appreciate that interchange.

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Thank

        14       you, Senator DeFrancisco.

        15                  Senator Stavisky.

        16                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Yeah, let me

        17       just summarize the purposes of the bill.

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        19       Senator Stavisky, on the bill.

        20                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    On the bill.

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Excuse

        22       me.  Excuse me, I'm sorry.  Senator Morahan,

        23       why do you rise?

        24                  SENATOR MORAHAN:    I was going to

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         1       ask Senator Adams if he would yield.

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         3       Senator Adams, will you yield to Senator

         4       Morahan?

         5                  SENATOR ADAMS:    Yes, I will.

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    You

         7       may proceed.

         8                  SENATOR MORAHAN:    Senator, I know

         9       you have personal experience and therefore you

        10       make a very good point and are able to clear

        11       up some of the concerns that Senator Stavisky

        12       has.

        13                  Senator Stavisky, in her opening

        14       explanation, indicated that there's two sets

        15       of data.  One says there's a good reason to

        16       believe -- I don't know how it was phrased

        17       exactly -- why that there is a greater use of

        18       cellphones related to accidents, and yet when

        19       you look at the data from the Motor Vehicles

        20       that it's only like 400 out of 300,000

        21       accidents.

        22                  So the implication is that the

        23       police officers aren't reporting those

        24       incidents where the accident may have been

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         1       contributed to by the use of a cellphone.

         2                  I wonder, Senator, if the reason

         3       for the difficulty in matching those numbers

         4       is because of the difficulty in determining

         5       whether a cellphone was or was not used and a

         6       contributing factor in the accident.

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         8       Senator Adams.

         9                  SENATOR ADAMS:    Well, through

        10       you, Mr. President.  And the reason that I

        11       articulated why I felt this bill was important

        12       is not because I only served as a patrol

        13       officer but, as you know, I moved up through

        14       the ranks from a patrol officer to a sergeant

        15       to a lieutenant and eventually to a captain.

        16       That I fully understand what the officers are

        17       doing where the rubber meets the road, and

        18       that's in the street.

        19                  Oftentimes when you don't have

        20       clear captions or clear discussions of what

        21       you expect from the officers, sometimes they

        22       miss it.  This bill is going to make sure that

        23       the officers clearly indicate, number one, if

        24       a person is using the cellphone when there was

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         1       an accident that's taking place.  I think that

         2       is underreported.

         3                  And by using this method that

         4       Senator Stavisky is pointing out, we're going

         5       to ensure we get an accurate reporting and we

         6       make our roads safer.  This information does

         7       not hurt the safety on the roads; it helps the

         8       safety on the roads.

         9                  SENATOR MORAHAN:    Will the

        10       Senator continue to yield?

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        12       Senator Adams, will you continue to yield to

        13       Senator Morahan?

        14                  SENATOR ADAMS:    Through you,

        15       Mr. President, yes.

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        17       Senator Morahan.

        18                  SENATOR MORAHAN:    So it's your

        19       contention, Senator, that the reason for the

        20       underreporting is that the police officers are

        21       not following what they ought to do and

        22       they're not reporting when the cellphone is

        23       truly part of the accident, and they're not

        24       reporting it because there's nothing on the

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         1       form?

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         3       Senator Adams.

         4                  SENATOR ADAMS:    Through you,

         5       Mr. President.  I am stating that -- officers

         6       are not neglecting their responsibilities, I

         7       am stating that Senator Stavisky is assisting

         8       officers by clearly indicating the information

         9       that we should collect, and that is if a

        10       cellphone was used in an accident.

        11                  And she's attempting to clarify to

        12       make our officers' job easier to properly

        13       report when a cellphone may be the

        14       contributing cause of an accident.

        15                  SENATOR MORAHAN:    Thank you,

        16       Senator.

        17                  Thank you, Mr. President.

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Thank

        19       you, Senator Morahan.

        20                  Senator Lanza.

        21                  SENATOR LANZA:    Thank you,

        22       Mr. President.

        23                  Mr. President, would the sponsor of

        24       the bill yield for a question?

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         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         2       Senator Stavisky, will you yield to Senator

         3       Lanza for a question?

         4                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Yes.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    You

         6       may proceed, Senator Lanza.

         7                  SENATOR LANZA:    Mr. President, I

         8       understand fully the motivation behind this

         9       bill.  I think anything we can do to

        10       reasonably restrict the sort of distractions

        11       that lead to automobile accidents in this

        12       state, we ought to do that.

        13                  And I had intended to support this

        14       and vote in favor of this legislation.  But in

        15       listening to the discussion this afternoon, I

        16       have some concerns that I would hope the

        17       sponsor would address.

        18                  And I'd like to go back to the

        19       issue of whether or not and how the police

        20       officer would determine whether or not a

        21       mobile phone was in use.  And I think Senator

        22       Stavisky stated that it would be in the

        23       judgment of the police officer as to how to

        24       determine that.

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         1                  So I'm asking the sponsor what that

         2       means.  If the police officer, in his or her

         3       judgment, believes that in order to make that

         4       determination that he or she ought to see the

         5       phone, would that be permissible under this

         6       legislation?

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         8       Senator Stavisky.

         9                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    There would be

        10       a number of ways in which the police officer

        11       could determine if a cellphone was in use at

        12       the time of the accident.

        13                  For one thing, if the police

        14       officer could visually observe the phone.

        15       Secondly, there may be witnesses.  He can

        16       certainly ask the witnesses what happened.

        17       There may be second- and third-party

        18       witnesses.  Perhaps the victim, the other

        19       party, if there are two cars involved, will

        20       say "I saw the person talking on the phone."

        21       There may be bystanders who may have witnessed

        22       the accident, and they can report to the

        23       police officer their observations of the

        24       accident.

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         1                  And, obviously, they can ask the

         2       driver directly:  "Were you on a cellphone

         3       when this accident occurred?"

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         5       Senator Lanza.

         6                  SENATOR LANZA:    Mr. President,

         7       would the sponsor continue to yield for a

         8       question?

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        10       Senator Stavisky, will you continue to yield

        11       to Senator Lanza?

        12                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    I think I have

        13       a call.  Yes.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    You

        15       may proceed, Senator Lanza.

        16                  SENATOR LANZA:    Thank you.

        17       Through you, Mr. President.

        18                  That's all fair.  I think those are

        19       all reasonable ways in which a police officer

        20       can determine whether or not a cellphone was

        21       in use.

        22                  But I go back to the one question

        23       of judgment.  If in the judgment of a police

        24       officer -- when you talk about visually

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         1       determining that a cellphone is in use, I'm

         2       just trying to understand what that means.  If

         3       a police officer sees a cellphone present,

         4       would a police officer then be able, under

         5       this legislation, to demand -- to see whether

         6       or not a phone is in use you would have to

         7       actually more than see the phone, you would

         8       have to take possession of the phone,

         9       arguably.  If the phone were off at that

        10       point, you would have to turn the phone on.

        11       You'd have to see whether or not a call was

        12       placed.  You would have to look at to whom the

        13       call was placed, at what time the call was

        14       placed.

        15                  And so I'm asking if the police

        16       officer at an accident scene determined

        17       visually that there was a phone present and

        18       the police officer requested to have

        19       possession of that phone, would the driver of

        20       the car be required to hand over possession of

        21       the phone to the police officer so that the

        22       police officers can then examine and

        23       investigate that telephone?

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

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         1       Senator Stavisky.

         2                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    I am not an

         3       attorney, and I don't know whether that would

         4       constitute self-incrimination.  However, there

         5       is a period of five days to follow up with an

         6       accident investigation.

         7                  Secondly, presumably the police

         8       officer, in the nature of being a police

         9       officer, will exhibit judgmental qualities

        10       that they can bring to bear, certain

        11       experiences in training and an experience as a

        12       police officer, so that they can determine if

        13       a phone was in use.

        14                  SENATOR LANZA:    Mr. President,

        15       would the sponsor continue to yield?

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        17       Senator Stavisky, will you continue to yield

        18       to Senator Lanza?

        19                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Yes.

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    You

        21       may proceed, Senator Lanza.

        22                  SENATOR LANZA:    Thank you,

        23       Mr. President.  Through you.

        24                  So I'm still trying to understand

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         1       this.  Assuming that this is an accident scene

         2       and not a crime scene, and taking the Fifth

         3       Amendment out of the equation here, if a

         4       police officer requested that the driver hand

         5       over possession of the phone to the police

         6       officer so that the police officer can then

         7       turn the phone on and view what calls were

         8       made and when they were made and to whom they

         9       were made, would the driver of the car at an

        10       accident scene be required, under this

        11       legislation, to turn that phone over to the

        12       police officer?

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        14       Senator Stavisky.

        15                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    I don't

        16       believe so.  All this legislation does is ask

        17       that the investigating officer determine if a

        18       phone was in use at the time of the accident.

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Thank

        20       you, Senator Stavisky.

        21                  Senator Lanza.

        22                  SENATOR LANZA:    On the bill.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        24       Senator Lanza, on the bill.

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         1                  SENATOR LANZA:    Thank you,

         2       Mr. President.

         3                  And I want to thank the sponsor,

         4       Senator Stavisky, for yielding to the

         5       questions and for engaging in this discussion.

         6       And again, I agree that anything we can

         7       reasonably do to remove distractions from

         8       drivers that would help decrease the number of

         9       automobile accidents is a good thing.

        10                  But the sponsor said that she was

        11       unclear with respect to whether or not a

        12       driver would be required to turn the phone

        13       over to a police officer at the scene of the

        14       accident.  And I'm unclear on that as well, in

        15       reading this legislation.  I think that's

        16       something that ought to trouble all of us.

        17                  I recall last year when legislation

        18       was proposed on this side of the aisle with

        19       respect to a police officer asking someone

        20       their name and that required that that person

        21       actually be truthful in giving that response.

        22       There was a lot of opposition, and in fact

        23       that bill did not pass here.  And I think

        24       there was a reasonable discussion on that

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         1       front.

         2                  So if this legislation would

         3       require -- remember, most accident scenes are

         4       not crime scenes.  The majority of accident

         5       scenes in this state are not crime scenes.

         6       And so I think it would be helpful to be able

         7       to gather information so that we can make

         8       better laws so that we can protect citizens so

         9       that we can reduce accidents.

        10                  But I'm concerned that this bill

        11       either is not practical, not workable, or goes

        12       too far.  And because of that concern, I would

        13       ask the sponsor to revisit this and tighten

        14       the legislation up to make sure that we just

        15       address this concern that I have that in fact

        16       we are turning accident scenes into crime

        17       scenes, authorizing police officers to go

        18       further than perhaps the state and the United

        19       States Constitution would allow.

        20                  And for that reason, I'm going to

        21       vote against this legislation.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Thank

        23       you, Senator Lanza.

        24                  Are there any other Senators

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         1       wishing to be heard?

         2                  Senator Stavisky, on the bill.

         3                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Very briefly.

         4                  There's no crime involved in this

         5       bill.  It simply is a reporting bill.  And I

         6       think that has to be made clear.  You're

         7       simply asking was the cellphone a contributing

         8       factor to the accident.

         9                  I quoted some numbers of 300 and

        10       some odd thousand accidents.  There were, in

        11       2007, almost 190,000 accidents in New York

        12       State alone where the human factor played a

        13       role in the accidents, and only 478 were

        14       reported as involving a cellphone.  Clearly,

        15       that number is underreported.  Clearly.

        16                  AAA last year stated that dialing a

        17       handheld device resulted in triple the odds of

        18       being involved in an accident.  Rochester

        19       Institute of Technology has done a lot of

        20       research in this.  They use the quadruple

        21       factor of a cellphone and the correlation

        22       between a cellphone and an accident.

        23                  Interestingly, the number of

        24       cellphones in use today has mushroomed.  Many

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         1       people do not have a land line anymore, they

         2       use the cellphone.  In 2001, for example, a

         3       study at the University of Utah said there

         4       were 160 million cellphone subscribers in the

         5       United States.  And in 2007, there were

         6       255 million cellphone subscribers.  That's a

         7       lot of cellphones.

         8                  And yet in New York State, we're

         9       only reporting 478 were a factor in an

        10       automobile or a vehicular accident.  And I

        11       think we've got to determine that this number

        12       is underreported.

        13                  This does not provide a penalty.

        14       It simply says -- simple question -- was a

        15       cellphone in use at the time of the accident.

        16       That's all.  They're not asking for anything

        17       else except was a cellphone in use.

        18                  Thank you for your patience,

        19       Mr. President.

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Thank

        21       you, Senator Stavisky.

        22                  Senator Craig Johnson.

        23                  SENATOR CRAIG JOHNSON:    Mr.

        24       President, will the sponsor yield for a couple

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         1       of quick questions?

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         3       Senator Stavisky, will you yield to Senator

         4       Craig Johnson?

         5                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Yes.

         6                  SENATOR CRAIG JOHNSON:    Thank

         7       you, Mr. President.  Through you.

         8                  Just, Senator Stavisky -- and I

         9       applaud you on this bill.  As you know, I am a

        10       cosponsor with you on it.  I just want to ask

        11       you a question.

        12                  For mobile telephone, does that

        13       include a Blackberry and the use of a

        14       Blackberry at the same time?

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        16       Senator Stavisky.

        17                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    My Blackberry

        18       has a telephone on it.  So the answer would be

        19       yes.

        20                  SENATOR CRAIG JOHNSON:    Okay.

        21       Thank you very much.  To explain my vote -- on

        22       the bill, thank you.  I get those confused

        23       sometimes.

        24                  And I want to thank all the members

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         1       from both sides of the aisle who have

         2       participated and offered some very important

         3       questions and some important insights on this

         4       piece of legislation.

         5                  But I'm supportive of this

         6       legislation.  And I applaud you, Senator

         7       Stavisky, on this important piece of

         8       legislation.  Because it's become too clear

         9       that oftentimes we have a number of accidents

        10       that are as a result of somebody talking on

        11       the phone.  As we drive up and back through

        12       the Thruway or some of us who, you know, take

        13       the time, we see and we can see people still

        14       haven't learned and are still driving while

        15       holding that cellphone.  Still can't invest in

        16       a Bluetooth or haven't purchased a new car

        17       that maybe has the actual Bluetooth within the

        18       car.  They still haven't gotten it.

        19                  Notwithstanding the fact that you

        20       can see oftentimes, on the nightly news, a

        21       tragedy that unfolds involving the death of

        22       somebody's loved one at the hands of a driver

        23       who was too busy talking on a mobile telephone

        24       while holding it.

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         1                  I don't think it's asking too much

         2       that in this small amendment, in this

         3       important piece of legislation to start

         4       creating a report and start getting that

         5       information so we as Senators, if we need to

         6       take appropriate steps, can do so.

         7                  Because that's what reports do.  We

         8       have reports done all the time, and the result

         9       of those reports oftentimes give this great

        10       body the insight and the information to pass

        11       tough crime laws.  Yesterday in the Senate

        12       Investigations Committee we heard testimony

        13       from the members of the SIC who talked about

        14       their report on methamphetamine and were proud

        15       of the fact that that report on

        16       methamphetamine had the State Senate enact

        17       tough laws prohibiting the sales of

        18       methamphetamine.

        19                  Same here, that hopefully, if need

        20       be, we can use the reports that maybe come

        21       out, these police reports that come out, to

        22       maybe pass even tougher laws, if necessary, to

        23       deal with -- I still feel it's a real problem

        24       when it comes to somebody driving while using

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         1       a handheld cellphone while holding onto it.

         2                  And so I applaud you, Senator

         3       Stavisky.  I support this great piece of

         4       legislation.  I thank the members for

         5       participating in this debate.  And I will be

         6       voting yes, Mr. President.  Thank you.

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Thank

         8       you, Senator Johnson.

         9                  The debate is closed.

        10                  The Secretary will ring the bell.

        11                  Read the last section.

        12                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        13       act shall take effect on the 180th day.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Call

        15       the roll.

        16                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        18       Senator Marcellino, to explain his vote.

        19                  SENATOR MARCELLINO:    Yes,

        20       Mr. President, thank you.  I wish to explain

        21       my vote.

        22                  This bill I think is a reach.  My

        23       original bill on the cellphone use requires

        24       the commissioner of motor vehicles to issue

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         1       the very report that Senator Stavisky wishes

         2       to obtain as to the number of accidents

         3       involving cellphone usage.  And that should be

         4       reported, and the commissioner is required to

         5       do so by that legislation.

         6                  What we are saying here is that a

         7       police officer should use his or her best

         8       judgment to as to whether this actually

         9       occurred.  Because the police officers

        10       99 percent of the time aren't at the scene

        11       when the incident occurs.  They're not

        12       witnesses to the act.  They didn't see it

        13       happen.  Rarely does an accident happen right

        14       in front of a police officer.

        15                  So either the police officer

        16       doesn't see it and he's going to rely upon the

        17       testimony of someone else as to the

        18       accuracy -- and we all know the accuracy of

        19       eyewitnesses is questionable at best.  So the

        20       determination based on -- the fact is based on

        21       someone else's second or thirdhand judgment at

        22       best.

        23                  I don't think anybody in this

        24       chamber would like to have their careers rest

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         1       on the judgment, the second or thirdhand

         2       judgment of some nonwitnessing agent as to the

         3       facts of a case or an incident that may or may

         4       not have occurred.

         5                  This is dangerous.  We're opening

         6       up a major can of worms here, and I don't

         7       think we want to go that far.  I don't think

         8       the bill's sponsor intended this bill to go

         9       that far.  But in fact it sets a precedent

        10       that makes me worry about the civil rights of

        11       individuals involved here.  They're going to

        12       have to go in and search phone records to make

        13       an accurate determination.  That is the only

        14       way you can determine if a cellphone was in

        15       fact in use at the moment of the accident.

        16       That is, if you can establish accurately the

        17       time that the accident occurred.

        18                  Mr. President, this bill has a

        19       problem and needs to be amended to fix the

        20       problem.  There are several of them, but it

        21       needs to be amended before it goes forward.  I

        22       recommend the sponsor do that.

        23                  I'm going to vote no on this

        24       legislation.  But I do look forward to it

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         1       being reintroduced in a corrected form so I

         2       can vote for it.  But in this case I have to

         3       vote no.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         5       Senator Marcellino to be recorded in the

         6       negative.

         7                  Senator DeFrancisco, to explain his

         8       vote.

         9                  SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:    Yes, I'm

        10       going to vote in the negative as well.

        11                  Right now the police reports

        12       require that if a cellphone is being used,

        13       either handheld or otherwise, that it's got to

        14       be reported if it's a contributing cause.  And

        15       if it's a contributing cause, then it's

        16       relevant, it has some usefulness for people to

        17       have with respect to future accidents.

        18                  To suggest that we just have to

        19       have the police officer make a guess whether

        20       or not a cellphone was being used -- and even

        21       if it was, if it's not a -- if it's a

        22       mechanical -- if it's one where you put on

        23       your ears, whatever that's called, and it's

        24       not -- and the Bluetooth does not contribute

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         1       to the accident, then what's the point?  It's

         2       legal to do it, so what's the point of

         3       recording something that's irrelevant?  It's

         4       like saying there were 17 people on the corner

         5       when the accident happened.  Who cares?

         6                  And lastly, and I think which is

         7       also important, now let's suppose we do this

         8       and police officers waste their time putting

         9       information on that's totally irrelevant to

        10       the accident.  Now we got that information,

        11       what are we going to do then?  Outlaw the use

        12       of cellphones, which are already outlawed?

        13       What are we going to do with the information?

        14                  So there's absolutely no reason for

        15       this bill, and it provides additional work

        16       that the police officer has to do for

        17       absolutely no reason.

        18                  Thank you.

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        20       Senator DeFrancisco will be recorded in the

        21       negative.

        22                  Announce the results.

        23                  THE SECRETARY:    Those recorded in

        24       the negative on Calendar Number 59 are

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         1       Senators DeFrancisco, Flanagan, O. Johnson,

         2       Lanza, Little, Marcellino, Robach, Seward and

         3       Winner.  Also Senator Larkin.  Also Senator

         4       Nozzolio.  Also Senator Leibell.

         5                  Absent from voting on Calendar

         6       Number 59:  Senator Hannon.

         7                  Excused:  Senators Alesi, Farley,

         8       and Saland.

         9                  Ayes, 46.  Nays, 12.

        10                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

        11       bill is passed.

        12                  Senator Klein, that completes the

        13       reading of the controversial calendar.

        14                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Mr. President,

        15       can you call on Senator Ruth Hassell-Thompson

        16       for a brief announcement.

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        18       Senator Hassell-Thompson.

        19                  SENATOR HASSELL-THOMPSON:    Yes,

        20       thank you, Mr. President.

        21                  I just would like to announce that

        22       immediately following session there will be a

        23       meeting of the Majority Conference in the

        24       Majority Conference Room, in Room 332.  Thank

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         1       you.

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         3       Senator Klein.

         4                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Mr. President, is

         5       there any further business at the desk?

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         7       Senator Klein, the desk is clear.

         8                  SENATOR KLEIN:    There being none,

         9       I move we adjourn until Thursday, March 26th,

        10       at 11:00 a.m.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    There

        12       being no further business to come before the

        13       Senate, on motion, the Senate stands adjourned

        14       until Thursday, March 26th, at 11:00 a.m.

        15                  (Whereupon, at 4:27 p.m., the

        16       Senate adjourned.)









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