Regular Session - March 26, 2009


         1                 NEW YORK STATE SENATE



         4                THE STENOGRAPHIC RECORD





         9                   ALBANY, NEW YORK

        10                    March 26, 2009

        11                      11:19 a.m.



        14                    REGULAR SESSION




        18  SENATOR NEIL D. BRESLIN, Acting President

        19  ANGELO J. APONTE, Secretary






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         1                 P R O C E E D I N G S

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

         3       Senate will please come to order.

         4                  I ask everyone to rise and recite

         5       the Pledge of Allegiance.

         6                  (Whereupon, the assemblage recited

         7       the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.)

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

         9       invocation today will be delivered by Father

        10       Peter Young, of Mother Theresa Church in

        11       Albany, New York.

        12                  REVEREND YOUNG:    Thank you.

        13                  Let us pray.

        14                  Senators, as we assemble today, we

        15       know that we've heard the adage "March comes

        16       in like a lion and goes out like a lamb."  As

        17       we think of the budget session, may we again

        18       ask God to pray for us.

        19                  Almighty and Eternal God, You have

        20       revealed Your glory with justice that comes to

        21       our Senators through Your authority with

        22       prayer, that Your laws are enacted and

        23       judgments are decreed, with our citizens

        24       benefiting from the dedication of our session

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         1       today.

         2                  Amen.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Thank

         4       you, Father Young.

         5                  The reading of the Journal.

         6                  The Secretary will read.

         7                  THE SECRETARY:    In Senate,

         8       Wednesday, March 25, the Senate met pursuant

         9       to adjournment.  The Journal of Tuesday,

        10       March 24, was read and approved.  On motion,

        11       Senate adjourned.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        13       Without objection, the Journal stands approved

        14       as read.

        15                  Presentation of petitions.

        16                  Messages from the Assembly.

        17                  Messages from the Governor.

        18                  Reports of standing committees.

        19                  Reports of select committees.

        20                  Communications and reports from

        21       state officers.

        22                  Motions and resolutions.

        23                  Senator Klein.

        24                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Mr. President, I

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         1       believe Senator Huntley and Senator Little

         2       have a resolution at the desk.  I ask that the

         3       resolution be read in its entirety and move

         4       for its immediate adoption and start off with

         5       Senator Little to speak on the resolution.

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

         7       Secretary will read.

         8                  THE SECRETARY:    By Senators

         9       Huntley and Little, Legislative Resolution

        10       Number 1032, expressing sincerest, heartfelt

        11       condolences to the victims of the devastating

        12       fire that took place at Riverview Individual

        13       Residential Alternatives (IRA) group home, and

        14       applauding all those who acted astutely and

        15       heroically in the face of danger.

        16                  "WHEREAS, This Legislative Body

        17       recognizes the tragedy of the devastating fire

        18       that took place at the Riverview Individual

        19       Residential Alternative (IRA) group home, and

        20       the loss of life and damage that have been

        21       sustained by the victims and their loved ones;

        22       and

        23                  "WHEREAS, On Saturday, March 21,

        24       2009, fire broke out at approximately

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         1       5:30 a.m. at Riverview IRA, a state-operated,

         2       24-hour supervised group home located in

         3       Wells, New York, in Hamilton County; and

         4                  "WHEREAS, This fatal tragedy

         5       claimed the lives of four of the nine

         6       developmentally disabled patients residing in

         7       the home who were involved in the fire.  The

         8       four residents who perished include:  Anthony

         9       Vitti, Theresa Williams, Gloria Bonilla, and

        10       Corey Desotelle; and

        11                  "WHEREAS, It is the sense of this

        12       Legislative Body to recognize the noble

        13       efforts of each and every staff member of both

        14       the Riverview IRA and Sunmount Developmental

        15       Disabilities Services Office (DDSO), all

        16       emergency personnel, investigators, neighbors,

        17       and community members, as well as Diana

        18       Jones-Ritter, Commissioner of the Office of

        19       Mental Retardation and Developmental

        20       Disabilities (OMRDD), and Helene DeSanto,

        21       director of Sunmount DDSO, who responded

        22       quickly and valiantly, coming to the aid of

        23       the residents; and

        24                  "WHEREAS, With a strong sense of

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         1       community, the outpouring of assistance and

         2       caring from the Wells, Speculator, and

         3       surrounding neighborhoods has been

         4       exceptional.  The people of this great state

         5       have opened their homes and have donated food

         6       and other necessities to those affected by

         7       this heartbreaking, tragic event; and

         8                  "WHEREAS, On behalf of the people

         9       of the State of New York, the members of this

        10       Legislative Body offer their deepest

        11       condolences to the families and friends of

        12       those who died; now, therefore, be it

        13                  "RESOLVED, That this Legislative

        14       Body pause in its deliberations to express

        15       sincerest, heartfelt condolences to the

        16       victims of the devastating fire that took

        17       place at Riverview Individual Residential

        18       Alternative (IRA) group home and to applaud

        19       all those who acted astutely and heroically in

        20       the face of danger; and be it further

        21                  "RESOLVED, That copies of this

        22       resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted

        23       to the families of Anthony Vitti, Theresa

        24       Williams, Gloria Bonilla, and Corey

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         1       Desotelle."

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         3       Senator Huntley.

         4                  SENATOR HUNTLEY:    Thank you,

         5       Mr. President.

         6                  I rise to give condolences to the

         7       families of the ones who perished in the fire.

         8                  I also would like to commend

         9       Commissioner Ritter for the job well done.

        10       She called me that Saturday morning -- in

        11       fact, I was shopping when she called me -- and

        12       right away my whole day became just a day

        13       where I was very upset, because I know that

        14       fire is such a tragedy when it happens in any

        15       household.

        16                  And I would also like to commend

        17       Senator Little for being on the scene,

        18       supporting the families, supporting the

        19       commissioner, the rescue workers.  I was very

        20       happy to hear that she was there, and I just

        21       think that we too owe her our gratitude and

        22       thanks for being there in that community and

        23       making things better.

        24                  So I would just like all of us just

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         1       to applaud for her.

         2                  (Applause.)

         3                  SENATOR HUNTLEY:    Is that

         4       applause?  I mean, can we see a little

         5       affection here?  Hello?

         6                  (Applause.)

         7                  SENATOR HUNTLEY:    Thank you.

         8                  This is an experience that no one

         9       wants to be around or involved in.  It's a

        10       heart-wrenching tragedy.  And to be standing

        11       on the scene and to be helping and to be

        12       looking, you can imagine what that does to a

        13       person.

        14                  So again, I would like to thank

        15       her, and I would like to say Commissioner

        16       Ritter did a fabulous job.  She keeps me

        17       informed; she called me all day.

        18                  And again, let's just pray that

        19       this does not happen again in any of our

        20       state-run facilities.

        21                  Thank you so much.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Thank

        23       you, Senator Huntley.

        24                  Senator Little.

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         1                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Thank you.

         2                  And thank you, Senator Huntley, for

         3       your comments, but also thank you for this

         4       resolution in sympathy to those who lost their

         5       lives that day.

         6                  As was mentioned, this was a real,

         7       real tragedy.  The community of Wells,

         8       New York, is located in Hamilton County.

         9       Hamilton County is one of the largest

        10       geographic counties in the state and the

        11       smallest county in the state, having a

        12       population of just over 5,000 people.  So we

        13       are really talking about a very small

        14       community.

        15                  And within that community there

        16       were three residential facilities --

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Can we

        18       have some quiet, please.

        19                  You may continue, Senator Little.

        20                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Thank you.

        21                  There were three residential

        22       facilities for the residents of Sunmount,

        23       which is a huge mental retardation,

        24       developmentally disabled facility located in

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         1       Tupper Lake.

         2                  This facility, when you got the

         3       call that such a thing had happened and you

         4       realize what a tragedy it was, I guess your

         5       first instinct is that this is a home that

         6       perhaps maybe they had done renovations to, or

         7       an older home.  This was a brand-new

         8       residence.  It was just built last spring; the

         9       residents moved in June 1st.  It was a

        10       beautiful setting, and it was totally

        11       destroyed by a very, very fast fire.

        12                  There were nine residents of this

        13       facility; five were saved.  There were two

        14       supervisors who were on duty from 11:00 to

        15       7:00 at night, and they worked very hard to

        16       get as many residents out of the facility as

        17       they could.  Unfortunately and tragically,

        18       four residents lost their lives.  And

        19       certainly my sympathy and feelings go out to

        20       their families, as does everyone's.

        21                  The thing that you think about is

        22       when you think of these people and these

        23       residents, many of them have lived in a

        24       developmental residence since they were born.

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         1       Many of them have lived there all of their

         2       adult life.  The director of the residence in

         3       Wells, New York, said he knew these people for

         4       21 years.

         5                  So our sympathies go out to their

         6       family.  But believe me, their extended family

         7       is very, very large.  Their extended family is

         8       all of those who are employed by Sunmount, by

         9       the developmental disability agency, all of

        10       the people of Wells, New York -- because these

        11       people were involved in the community, they

        12       were out at a day treatment facility every

        13       day, they attended events at the school and in

        14       the community.  Everyone in the community knew

        15       these people, and they were part of the Wells

        16       family.

        17                  It was very, very impressive that

        18       day, despite the tragedy, to see the

        19       outpouring of help and assistance.  The local

        20       fire companies from all around came that day.

        21       Two firemen lived across the street when the

        22       call came out.  And frequently there are

        23       smoke-detector fires and false alarms.  They

        24       put on their gear, looked out the window and

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         1       saw the flames, and went running across the

         2       street to the house to help get the people out

         3       of the house.

         4                  Everyone came to help.

         5       Commissioner Diana Jones-Ritter flew in that

         6       afternoon.  The director of Sunmount, Helene

         7       DeSanto, was on the scene when I got there

         8       shortly after 1 o'clock.  The pharmacies,

         9       which were at least an hour away, had

        10       everyone's medication there by 3 o'clock in

        11       the afternoon so people did not go without

        12       their medication.  People in the community

        13       were bringing food into the residence where

        14       the survivors were taken.  Clothing was being

        15       dropped off, all kinds of things to help these

        16       people and to help them.

        17                  So I guess when you have a tragedy

        18       like that, you certainly thank God for the

        19       help that comes together and the people and

        20       the outpouring of love and compassion for the

        21       people who endured this tragedy.

        22                  So I thank all of you for your

        23       concern and for your sympathy.  And, Senator

        24       Huntley, thank you very much for doing this

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         1       resolution.  It will be appreciated by the

         2       families as well as all the workers of

         3       Sunmount, OMRDD, and all of those who were

         4       involved in this terrible, terrible tragedy.

         5                  Thank you.

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Thank

         7       you, Senator Little.

         8                  Are there any other Senators

         9       wishing to be heard on this resolution?

        10                  The question is on the resolution.

        11       All those in favor please signify by saying

        12       aye.

        13                  (Response of "Aye.")

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        15       Opposed, nay.

        16                  (No response.)

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

        18       resolution is adopted.

        19                  At the request of the sponsor, the

        20       resolution is open for multisponsorship by the

        21       entire house.  Any member wishing not to be a

        22       multisponsor may so inform the desk.

        23                  Senator Klein.

        24                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Mr. President, I

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         1       believe Senator Morahan has a resolution at

         2       the desk.  I ask that the title be read and

         3       move for its immediate adoption and give

         4       Senator Morahan the opportunity to speak on

         5       the said resolution.

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

         7       Secretary will read.

         8                  THE SECRETARY:    By Senator

         9       Morahan, Legislative Resolution Number 1034,

        10       honoring Valley Cottage Library upon the

        11       occasion of celebrating its 50th anniversary

        12       on March 28, 2009.

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

        14       question is on the resolution.  All those in

        15       favor signify by saying aye.

        16                  (Response of "Aye.")

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        18       Opposed, nay.

        19                  (No response.)

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

        21       resolution is adopted.

        22                  Senator Klein.

        23                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Mr. President,

        24       there will be an immediate meeting of the

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         1       Rules Committee in the Majority Conference

         2       Room, 332.

         3                  Pending the report of the Rules

         4       Committee, may we please stand at ease.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    There

         6       will be an immediate meeting of the Rules

         7       Committee in the Majority Conference Room,

         8       Room 332.

         9                  The Senate will stand at ease

        10       pending the report of the Rules Committee.

        11                  (Whereupon, the Senate stood at

        12       ease at 11:32 a.m.)

        13                  (Whereupon, the Senate reconvened

        14       at 11:52 a.m.)

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        16       Senator Klein.

        17                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Mr. President, at

        18       this time can we return to the order of

        19       reports of standing committees.

        20                  I believe there's a report of the

        21       Rules Committee at the desk, and I move for

        22       its acceptance.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        24       Returning to the order of reports of standing

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         1       committees, there is a report of the Rules

         2       Committee at the desk.

         3                  The Secretary will read.

         4                  THE SECRETARY:    Senator Smith,

         5       from the Committee on Rules, reports the

         6       following bill direct to third reading:

         7                  Senate Print 3641, by Senator

         8       C. Johnson, an act authorizing the State

         9       Comptroller.

        10                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        11       Senator Klein.

        12                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Mr. President, I

        13       move we accept the report of the Rules

        14       Committee.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    All

        16       those in favor of accepting the Rules

        17       Committee report please signify by saying aye.

        18                  (Response of "Aye.")

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        20       Opposed, nay.

        21                  (No response.)

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

        23       report of the Rules Committee is accepted.

        24                  Senator Klein.

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         1                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Mr. President,

         2       could we at this time take up the reading of

         3       Calendar Number 27.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

         5       Secretary will read.

         6                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         7       55, by Senator Savino, Senate Print 2312, an

         8       act to amend the Retirement and Social

         9       Security Law, in relation to extension.

        10                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Read

        11       the last section.

        12                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 5.  This

        13       act shall take effect immediately.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Call

        15       the roll.

        16                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        17                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 60.

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

        19       bill is passed.

        20                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        21       117, by Senator Hassell-Thompson, Senate Print

        22       3401, an act to amend the Correction Law, in

        23       relation to enabling.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

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         1       Secretary will read the last section.

         2                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

         3       act shall take effect immediately.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Call

         5       the roll.

         6                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         8       Senator DeFrancisco, to explain his vote.

         9                  SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:    Yes, this

        10       is an excellent bill.  I believe the sheriffs

        11       around the state are supportive of this bill.

        12                  This bill being our 58th bill that

        13       we've passed so far in session, on the 33rd

        14       day of session this year.  So we're averaging

        15       a very healthy 1.75 bills per day of session

        16       day.  As compared to prior years, when we

        17       didn't come here on Thursdays -- less days --

        18       last year we had 263 bills passed, and in

        19       2007, 182 bills passed.

        20                  So I guess this is a wonderful

        21       bill.  We'd like to see more bills on the

        22       floor for vote and debate, especially budget

        23       bills, since we are now less than a week from

        24       budget time.  We've been here Thursdays, which

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         1       was a great idea when the Governor put his

         2       budget out back in December, so that we could

         3       work on the budget diligently.  But

         4       unfortunately, we don't have those bills

         5       either.

         6                  So I favor this bill.  I would also

         7       favor bringing some budget bills onto the

         8       floor so we could study them and actually

         9       debate the biggest issue facing the State of

        10       New York; namely, its budget.

        11                  Thank you.  I vote aye.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Thank

        13       you, Senator DeFrancisco.

        14                  Senator Hassell-Thompson, to

        15       explain her vote.

        16                  SENATOR HASSELL-THOMPSON:

        17       Senator DeFrancisco, first of all, let me

        18       thank you for your support of the bill.

        19                  Since this is my first bill in the

        20       Majority, of course, obviously, it means a

        21       great deal to me.  It means an even bigger

        22       deal that you didn't lay it aside, because I

        23       had all this wonderful speech that I had

        24       prepared.

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         1                  (Laughter.)

         2                  SENATOR MARCELLINO:    Lay it

         3       aside.

         4                  (Laughter.)

         5                  SENATOR HASSELL-THOMPSON:    Thank

         6       you, Carl.  I appreciate you as well.

         7                  But, you know, just to say that in

         8       this budget crunch we want to be sure that we

         9       codify and clarify what sheriffs can do.  And

        10       I just appreciate the support on this bill.

        11                  Thank you, Mr. President.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Thank

        13       you, Senator Hassell-Thompson.

        14                  The Secretary will announce the

        15       results.

        16                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 60.  Nays,

        17       0.

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

        19       bill is passed.

        20                  Senator Klein, that completes the

        21       noncontroversial reading of the calendar.

        22                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Mr. President,

        23       can you please recognize Senator Ruth

        24       Hassell-Thompson for a brief announcement.

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         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         2       Senator Hassell-Thompson.

         3                  SENATOR HASSELL-THOMPSON:    Thank

         4       you again, Mr. President.

         5                  Immediately following this session

         6       there will be a Majority conference in the

         7       Majority Conference Room, Room 332.

         8                  Thank you.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        10       Senator Klein.

        11                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Mr. President, is

        12       there any further business at the desk?

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        14       Senator Klein, the desk is clear.

        15                  SENATOR KLEIN:    There being none,

        16       I move that we adjourn at the call of the

        17       Majority Leader, intervening days to be

        18       legislative days.

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    There

        20       being no further business to come before the

        21       Senate, on motion, the Senate stands adjourned

        22       at the call of the Majority Leader,

        23       intervening days to be legislative days.

        24                  (Whereupon, at 11:57 a.m., the

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         1       Senate adjourned.)
























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