Regular Session - June 3, 2009


         1                 NEW YORK STATE SENATE



         4                THE STENOGRAPHIC RECORD





         9                   ALBANY, NEW YORK

        10                     June 3, 2009

        11                       3:26 p.m.



        14                    REGULAR SESSION




        18  SENATOR DAVID J. VALESKY, Acting President

        19  ANGELO J. APONTE, Secretary






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         1                 P R O C E E D I N G S

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

         3       Senate will please come to order.

         4                  I ask everyone present to please

         5       rise and recite with me the Pledge of

         6       Allegiance.

         7                  (Whereupon, the assemblage recited

         8       the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.)

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    In the

        10       absence of clergy, may we bow our heads in a

        11       moment of silence.

        12                  (Whereupon, the assemblage

        13       respected a moment of silence.)

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

        15       reading of the Journal.

        16                  The Secretary will read.

        17                  THE SECRETARY:    In Senate,

        18       Tuesday, June 2nd, the Senate met pursuant to

        19       adjournment.  The Journal of Monday, June 1st,

        20       was read and approved.  On motion, Senate

        21       adjourned.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        23       Without objection, the Journal stands approved

        24       as read.

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         1                  Presentation of petitions.

         2                  Messages from the Assembly.

         3                  Messages from the Governor.

         4                  Reports of standing committees.

         5                  Senator Klein.

         6                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Mr. President, I

         7       have three motions.

         8                  The first is a motion to reconsider

         9       substitution and amend a Senate bill.  On

        10       behalf of Senator Ruth Hassell-Thompson, I

        11       wish to call up Calendar Number 391, Assembly

        12       Print Number 3664.

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

        14       Secretary will read.

        15                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        16       391, by Member of the Assembly Aubry, Assembly

        17       Print Number 3664, an act to amend the Penal

        18       Law and others.

        19                  SENATOR KLEIN:    I now move to

        20       reconsider the vote by which this Assembly

        21       bill was substituted for Senate Print 4366 on

        22       May 26th.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Call

        24       the roll on reconsideration.

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         1                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         2                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 57.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

         4       bill is before the house and restored to its

         5       place on the Third Reading Calendar.

         6                  SENATOR KLEIN:    I now move that

         7       Assembly Bill Number 3664 be recommitted to

         8       the Committee on Codes and the Senate bill be

         9       restored to the order of Third Reading

        10       Calendar.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    So

        12       ordered.

        13                  SENATOR KLEIN:    I now offer the

        14       following amendments.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

        16       amendments are received.

        17                  SENATOR KLEIN:    The second, on

        18       behalf of Senator Foley, on page 30 I offer

        19       the following amendments to Calendar Number

        20       329, Senate Print Number 4025B, and ask that

        21       said bill retain its place on Third Reading

        22       Calendar.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    So

        24       ordered.

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         1                  SENATOR KLEIN:    The third, on

         2       behalf of Senator Montgomery, on page 21 I

         3       offer the following amendments to Calendar

         4       Number 179, Senate Print Number 3423, and ask

         5       that said bill retain its place on Third

         6       Reading Calendar.

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    So

         8       ordered.

         9                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Mr. President,

        10       are there any substitutions at the desk?

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        12       Senator Nozzolio, why do you rise?

        13                  SENATOR NOZZOLIO:    Thank you,

        14       Mr. President.

        15                  On page number 36, I offer the

        16       following amendments to Calendar Number 399,

        17       Senate Print Number 4201, and ask that said

        18       bill retain its place on Third Reading

        19       Calendar.

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    So

        21       ordered.

        22                  Senator Klein.

        23                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Are there any

        24       substitutions, Mr. President?

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         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Yes,

         2       there are substitutions.

         3                  The Secretary will read.

         4                  THE SECRETARY:    On page 19,

         5       Senator Diaz moves to discharge, from the

         6       Committee on Aging, Assembly Bill Number 1968

         7       and substitute it for the identical Senate

         8       Bill Number 1555, Third Reading Calendar 78.

         9                  On page 38, Senator Parker moves to

        10       discharge, from the Committee on Energy and

        11       Telecommunications, Assembly Bill Number 7736

        12       and substitute it for the identical Senate

        13       Bill Number 3712, Third Reading Calendar 417.

        14                  On page 39, Senator C. Johnson

        15       moves to discharge, from the Committee on

        16       Investigations and Government Operations,

        17       Assembly Bill Number 8175 and substitute it

        18       for the identical Senate Bill Number 3886,

        19       Third Reading Calendar 433.

        20                  On page 43, Senator Serrano moves

        21       to discharge, from the Committee on Cultural

        22       Affairs, Tourism, Parks and Recreation,

        23       Assembly Bill Number 7803 and substitute it

        24       for the identical Senate Bill Number 3351A,

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         1       Third Reading Calendar 469.

         2                  On page 43, Senator Serrano moves

         3       to discharge, from the Committee on Cultural

         4       Affairs, Tourism, Parks and Recreation,

         5       Assembly Bill Number 7432A and substitute it

         6       for the identical Senate Bill Number 5483,

         7       Third Reading Calendar 471.

         8                  On page 43, Senator Stewart-Cousins

         9       moves to discharge, from the Committee on

        10       Local Government, Assembly Bill Number 8501

        11       and substitute it for the identical Senate

        12       Bill Number 5661, Third Reading Calendar 472.

        13                  On page 44, Senator C. Johnson

        14       moves to discharge, from the Committee on

        15       Finance, Assembly Bill Number 1356A and

        16       substitute it for the identical Senate Bill

        17       Number 714A, Third Reading Calendar 477.

        18                  On page 44, Senator Serrano moves

        19       to discharge, from the Committee on Commerce,

        20       Economic Development and Small Business,

        21       Assembly Bill Number 4277 and substitute it

        22       for the identical Senate Bill Number 1329,

        23       Third Reading Calendar 480.

        24                  On page 44, Senator Stewart-Cousins

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         1       moves to discharge, from the Committee on

         2       Finance, Assembly Bill Number 4092 and

         3       substitute it for the identical Senate Bill

         4       Number 1787, Third Reading Calendar 483.

         5                  On page 45, Senator

         6       Hassell-Thompson moves to discharge, from the

         7       Committee on Finance, Assembly Bill Number

         8       4810 and substitute it for the identical

         9       Senate Bill Number 1799, Third Reading

        10       Calendar 485.

        11                  On page 46, Senator Squadron moves

        12       to discharge, from the Committee on Finance,

        13       Assembly Bill Number 7449 and substitute it

        14       for the identical Senate Bill Number 3638,

        15       Third Reading Calendar 493.

        16                  And on page 46, Senator Duane moves

        17       to discharge, from the Committee on Health,

        18       Assembly Bill Number 6858A and substitute it

        19       for the identical Senate Bill Number 3845A,

        20       Third Reading Calendar 496.

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        22       Substitutions ordered.

        23                  Returning to the regular order of

        24       business, let the record reflect that there

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         1       are no reports of select committees or

         2       communications and reports from state

         3       officers.

         4                  Senator Klein.

         5                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Mr. President, I

         6       believe there's a report of the Finance

         7       Committee at the desk.

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    There

         9       is.  Returning to reports of standing

        10       committees, there is a Finance Committee

        11       report at the desk.

        12                  The Secretary will read.

        13                  THE SECRETARY:    Senator Kruger,

        14       from the Committee on Finance, reports the

        15       following nominations:

        16                  As a member of the State Banking

        17       Board, Franz Leichter, of New York City.

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        19       Senator Kruger.

        20                  SENATOR CARL KRUGER:    Please move

        21       the nomination.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Are

        23       there any Senators who wish to be heard on the

        24       motion to confirm the nomination?

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         1                  Seeing none, the question is on the

         2       motion to confirm -- excuse me.

         3                  Senator Liz Krueger, on the motion.

         4                  SENATOR LIZ KRUEGER:    Thank you

         5       very much.  I rise briefly to speak on behalf

         6       of Senator Franz Leichter.

         7                  First off, welcome back to the

         8       Senate chambers, Senator Leichter.  I know

         9       we're all delighted to see you here today and

        10       to recognize that you are continuing your

        11       lifelong commitment to the people of New York

        12       by agreeing to serve on the Banking

        13       Commission.

        14                  I did not serve with you in the

        15       New York State Senate.  But for the seven

        16       years that I have been here, your name is

        17       spoken with great frequency.  And I believe,

        18       in the highest compliment, sometimes your

        19       colleagues on the other side of the aisle talk

        20       about missing Senator Leichter's very

        21       articulate if sometimes lengthy debate on the

        22       floor.

        23                  I always take it as a compliment on

        24       your behalf and am very proud to be able to

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         1       stand to recognize you today not only as a

         2       great previous Senator of the State of

         3       New York but now, very happily, as a

         4       constituent in my district.

         5                  So congratulations.

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

         7       you, Senator Krueger.

         8                  Senator Schneiderman, on the

         9       motion.

        10                  SENATOR SCHNEIDERMAN:    Thank you,

        11       Mr. President.  I also rise in support of this

        12       nominee.

        13                  I have to say that Senator

        14       Leichter, who was my predecessor, is a true

        15       trailblazer in terms of public policy in the

        16       area of banking, in the area of lending, but

        17       also really a trailblazer in terms of this

        18       house.

        19                  I mean, he was a great Senator and

        20       really the person who taught all of us what

        21       healthy and vigorous dissent should be like.

        22       It was really one of the proudest moments of

        23       my life when Senator Maziarz and others

        24       determined that I was such an irritant to the

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         1       then-majority that they led, at the Senate

         2       Club Dinner, when Franz entered, a chant of

         3       "Bring back Franz."

         4                  (Laughter.)

         5                  SENATOR SCHNEIDERMAN:    Thank you

         6       all, ladies and gentlemen.  And

         7       congratulations for your continued service.

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

         9       you, Senator Schneiderman.

        10                  Senator Farley.

        11                  SENATOR FARLEY:    Thank you,

        12       Mr. President.  I do rise in support of my

        13       friend Franz Leichter, who I've known for

        14       many, many years, I'll just put it that way.

        15                  You know, prior to me being the

        16       chairman of Banks, which I was chairman for a

        17       lot of years, he was the thorn in the side of

        18       every Banking chairman they ever had.  He was

        19       also considered one of the most loquacious

        20       senators that ever sat in this chamber.

        21                  But I'll tell you, he was a guy

        22       that did his homework.  He was a person that

        23       was very well-informed.  And you know, he's

        24       mellowed over the years also.  After leaving

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         1       here, he went to work in banking.

         2                  And you know, he does have the

         3       interest of the consumer at heart, he does

         4       have the interest of the state-chartered

         5       banking system at heart.  He'll be a good

         6       member.  He'll do his homework.  And we're

         7       lucky to have him.

         8                  And, Franz, congratulations, and

         9       you know that I do support you.  I know that

        10       you'll be a great member of the Banking Board.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

        12       you, Senator Farley.

        13                  Senator Volker, on the motion.

        14                  SENATOR VOLKER:    Mr. President, I

        15       also must commend the Governor for sending

        16       back the biggest pain the banks ever saw in

        17       the Senate.

        18                  I have to say that I debated Franz

        19       on many occasions.  Those were days of

        20       memorable debates.  Usually, they were civil.

        21       But one thing about Franz Leichter, he was

        22       always bright, knowledgeable, and ready to

        23       take the initiative.

        24                  And it's always good to see him

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         1       back.  Because some of the people who were

         2       here previously who knew exactly what they

         3       wanted to do, we miss him.

         4                  And so my very best to you, Franz,

         5       and good luck for the future.

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

         7       you, Senator Volker.

         8                  Senator DeFrancisco.

         9                  SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:    Yes, I rise

        10       to support the nomination of Franz Leichter.

        11                  And I want to say with all

        12       sincerity the years that I've been here -- and

        13       I can't believe it's been 17 -- that the years

        14       I've been here, I don't think I ever saw a

        15       more articulate, intelligent person serve in

        16       the New York State Senate.

        17                  We may have disagreed, and many

        18       times agreed to disagree.  But his arguments

        19       were exceptional, his command of the subject

        20       was always exceptional, and the Governor made

        21       a wonderful, wonderful decision in this

        22       nomination.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

        24       you, Senator DeFrancisco.

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         1                  Senator Onorato, on the motion.

         2                  SENATOR ONORATO:    Thank you,

         3       Mr. President.  I too rise to congratulate the

         4       Governor on this wonderful, wonderful

         5       nomination.

         6                  Having served with Senator Leichter

         7       and sharing many an evening at the dinner

         8       table with him, he's not only a good talker,

         9       but he's a pretty good eater.

        10                  But I do want to congratulate you,

        11       and I want to reminisce about the times that

        12       we spent in this chamber at 2 o'clock in the

        13       morning when you asked for an explanation for

        14       every bill that was presented, so we got out

        15       of here about 5 o'clock in the morning.  But

        16       you kept me awake with all of your questions

        17       and delving into those pieces of legislation.

        18                  I hope that you do the same thing

        19       now that you're on the Banking Commission.

        20       Congratulations and good luck.

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

        22       you, Senator Onorato.

        23                  Senator Padavan.

        24                  SENATOR PADAVAN:    Thank you,

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         1       Mr. President.

         2                  Let me echo the comments of Senator

         3       Volker and Senator Farley and others, and

         4       Senator DeFrancisco, relevant to the intellect

         5       and the ability of the nominee when he served

         6       here in the Senate.

         7                  I always found listening to him an

         8       education on whatever subject he might be

         9       dealing with.  And he was very erudite, to say

        10       the least.  He was ubiquitous, no doubt about

        11       that.  He was broad-based in his approach to

        12       things.

        13                  Every person in the City of

        14       New York should be grateful to Senator

        15       Leichter, if for no other reason than the

        16       Pooper Scooper Bill --

        17                  (Laughter.)

        18                  SENATOR PADAVAN:    -- where he

        19       stood on the floor waving a pooper scooper in

        20       the air, and passing that bill very narrowly.

        21       And we're grateful, because it's been with us

        22       ever since.

        23                  He was also sharp in terms of

        24       rising with a pointed question that would

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         1       bring the house down.  I recall a bill by

         2       Senator Stafford dealing with rogue bears,

         3       going on at great length why it was important

         4       to deal with these bears who were destructive,

         5       chasing them with dogs out of season.

         6                  And Senator Leichter got up and

         7       said:  "I have one question.  When the dog is

         8       chasing the bears through the forest, how does

         9       he know it's a good bear or a bad bear?"  And

        10       of course there was no answer to that

        11       question.

        12                  But on a personal basis, I was

        13       grateful, and always will be, for him reaching

        14       out to me during times of personal crisis that

        15       we shared, and for him demonstrating time and

        16       time again that he was a human being who had

        17       empathy and understanding.  And undoubtedly in

        18       his new position he will demonstrate all those

        19       qualities.

        20                  Thank you, Mr. President.

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

        22       you, Senator Padavan.

        23                  Senator Owen Johnson.

        24                  SENATOR OWEN JOHNSON:    Thank you,

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         1       Mr. President.

         2                  And I'd like to congratulate the

         3       Governor for choosing Franz Leichter to serve

         4       on that committee.  I'm sure he's going to do

         5       a fine job.  As everyone said, he has the

         6       intellect, he has the charm, he has the

         7       ability, and he has all those ingredients.

         8       And to think that we get his service for

         9       nothing is wonderful.

        10                  (Laughter.)

        11                  SENATOR OWEN JOHNSON:    Besides

        12       that, they say opposites attract.  Now, when I

        13       came into the Senate, I was kind of on the

        14       right side of things.

        15                  (Laughter.)

        16                  SENATOR OWEN JOHNSON:    And Franz

        17       was on the left side of things.  And we had

        18       many interesting conversations.

        19                  And I had one bill that he was

        20       opposed to year after year.  And then finally

        21       one year I mentioned the word that this would

        22       empower a woman to carry a spray in her

        23       pocketbook to defend herself against a mugger.

        24       He said:  "Oh, Owen, empowering somebody.

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         1       Yes, yes, I'm in favor of that."

         2                  So thanks a lot, Franz; your vote

         3       helped carry it through.

         4                  And all the best of luck to you.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

         6       you, Senator Johnson.

         7                  Senator Libous, on the motion.

         8                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Thank you,

         9       Mr. President.  I certainly rise and join all

        10       of my colleagues in praising the Governor's

        11       appointment here of Franz Leichter.

        12                  And Senator Leichter had that

        13       unique quality of you could debate him on the

        14       floor, and you would be at the opposite end of

        15       where he was.  And when the debate was over,

        16       you wanted to go over and shake his hand.

        17       That is a rare quality, and a quality that I

        18       wish existed more often.

        19                  But, Senator, I want to say thank

        20       you.  Because I watched your debating, and you

        21       taught me, you taught me how to debate from

        22       this side of the aisle.  Thank you very much.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

        24       you, Senator Libous.

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         1                  Senator Maziarz.

         2                  SENATOR MAZIARZ:    Thank you very

         3       much, Mr. President.

         4                  And, Senator Leichter, it's good to

         5       see you back here.  I wish you were here,

         6       because that means Senator Schneiderman would

         7       not be here, but --

         8                  (Laughter.)

         9                  SENATOR MAZIARZ:    But besides

        10       that, to finish or to make another point to

        11       follow up on what Senator Padavan said about

        12       that hunting story with the bear, Senator

        13       Stafford, who sat where Senator Kruger is

        14       sitting today -- at sort of toward the end of

        15       that debate, I think, Senator Padavan --

        16       Senator Stafford got a little anxious, and he

        17       turned to Senator Leichter, and he said:

        18       "Franz, have you ever hunted bear?"

        19                  And Franz said:  "No, I've always

        20       hunted with my clothes on."

        21                  (Laughter.)

        22                  SENATOR MAZIARZ:    This is a great

        23       appointment of a true gentleman.  And I'm sure

        24       he's going to do a great job for the consumers

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         1       in this state.

         2                  Thank you, Mr. President.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

         4       you, Senator Maziarz.

         5                  Senator Saland, on the motion.

         6                  SENATOR SALAND:    Thank you,

         7       Mr. President.

         8                  Mr. President, I rise to add to the

         9       chorus of accolades.  I have said this to

        10       Franz on more than one occasion.  Among the

        11       variety of attributes appropriately attributed

        12       to him, there's one other that I would, with

        13       the deepest respect, attribute to him, that

        14       Franz was always a true believer.

        15                  Franz did what he did because he

        16       truly believed in it.  He debated bills

        17       because he truly was either troubled by the

        18       purpose or the tone of the bills or because he

        19       genuinely sought answers.  He did it not

        20       merely to attempt to be in the face of his

        21       colleagues on the other side of the aisle.

        22                  And I've always felt that this

        23       would be a far better institution, as would

        24       any other legislative institution, if people

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         1       came to their task with the same devotion, the

         2       same commitment, and the same spirit --

         3       certainly with the same intellect that Franz

         4       brought to the task.

         5                  I commend the Governor for a very

         6       wise choice and wish Franz continued success.

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

         8       you, Senator Saland.

         9                  Are there any other Senators who

        10       wish to be heard?

        11                  Senator Foley.

        12                  SENATOR FOLEY:    Yes, if I just

        13       may speak briefly on a number of the

        14       appointees today.

        15                  They have stellar reputations, as

        16       was mentioned earlier.  Some are former

        17       members of this august body who comported

        18       themselves well over a period of close to 25,

        19       in fact, of 30 years.

        20                  So their appointments to the

        21       variety of boards that they intend to serve

        22       our state will do well for those boards as

        23       well as for the whole State of New York, and

        24       we are very, very pleased that they could be

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         1       with us here today.

         2                  And certainly their past example I

         3       think is an inspiration for all of us as to

         4       how we can work today and in the future doing

         5       the people's business here in the State of

         6       New York.

         7                  So I also want to just put on the

         8       record, as the chair, particularly, of the

         9       Banking Committee and a member of the Higher

        10       Education Committee, that we have fine

        11       outstanding New Yorkers who will do well in

        12       both of those fields in order to do well for

        13       the people of this state who see New York

        14       State as one of the finest places to live, to

        15       work and to educate our children.

        16                  Thank you very much.

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

        18       you, Senator Foley.

        19                  Senator Stavisky, on the motion.

        20                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Thank you,

        21       Mr. President.  I too want to congratulate

        22       Senator Leichter.

        23                  He likes to remind me that I grew

        24       up in an area just south of his old Senate

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         1       district.

         2                  And I too remember the days where

         3       he would get up, 3 o'clock in the morning, and

         4       discuss various arcane issues that I never

         5       even knew existed, on legislation and on other

         6       issues.

         7                  And if you take a look at the

         8       material in front of us, it says "Major

         9       Legislative Initiatives and Accomplishments of

        10       Franz S. Leichter."  Who else can talk about

        11       campaign finance reform, environmental issues,

        12       tenants rights?  He issued a report called:

        13       "MTA:  The Art of the Deal" -- I think we're

        14       ready for a revision.  So many different

        15       issues.

        16                  Franz was surely the renaissance

        17       man.  And the Governor, I think, has made an

        18       outstanding appointment to the Banking Board

        19       because he brings such a depth of knowledge on

        20       that and so many other issues.  And I'm sure

        21       he'll issue a report on the bears in the

        22       banking business.

        23                  So again, congratulations.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

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         1       you, Senator Stavisky.

         2                  Are there any other Senators who

         3       wish to be heard?

         4                  Seeing none, the question is on the

         5       motion to confirm the nomination of Senator

         6       Franz Leichter as a member of the State

         7       Banking Board.  All in favor signify by saying

         8       aye.

         9                  (Response of "Aye.")

        10                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        11       Opposed, nay.

        12                  (No response.)

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

        14       motion carries.  The nominee is hereby

        15       confirmed.

        16                  Senator Leichter is with us in the

        17       gallery.  Congratulations.

        18                  (Standing ovation.)

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

        20       Secretary will continue to read.

        21                  THE SECRETARY:    As a member of

        22       the Board of Trustees of the State University

        23       of New York, John L. Murad, Jr., of

        24       Jamesville.

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         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

         2       Senator Kruger.

         3                  SENATOR CARL KRUGER:    Please move

         4       the nomination.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Are

         6       there any Senators who wish to be heard on the

         7       motion to confirm the nomination?

         8                  Senator DeFrancisco.

         9                  SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:    Yes, I'd

        10       just like to compliment the Governor again for

        11       a fine appointment.

        12                  I know John Murad, and he's an

        13       outstanding attorney, extremely qualified

        14       person for this position, and a Central

        15       New Yorker whose voice is well-needed on this

        16       board.

        17                  And I congratulate him and the

        18       Governor for the appointment, and him for

        19       being willing to do this very important

        20       service for the State of New York in view of

        21       all the other things he does in his life.

        22                  So I strongly support this nominee.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

        24       you, Senator DeFrancisco.

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         1                  Senator Stavisky.

         2                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Very briefly,

         3       let me just comment together on the two SUNY

         4       nominees who are here today.

         5                  This is a very exciting time for

         6       SUNY.  We have a new chancellor; she visited

         7       the chamber on Monday.  We have new

         8       opportunities in higher education.  We have an

         9       economic situation that SUNY is going to

        10       participate in the resolving of some of our

        11       economic problems.  We have legislation that's

        12       going to be considered today and next week on

        13       SUNY.

        14                  And these are interesting times

        15       that require qualified people.  And I thank

        16       both gentlemen, Mr. Staller and Mr. Murad, for

        17       their willingness to participate in the new

        18       resurgence of SUNY.

        19                  SUNY is such a wonderful

        20       institution.  I'm very proud of it.  And I'm

        21       very proud that the Governor has chosen two

        22       individuals for the board with such remarkable

        23       credentials.

        24                  Thank you.

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         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

         2       you, Senator Stavisky.

         3                  Are there any other Senators who

         4       wish to be heard?

         5                  Seeing none, the question is on the

         6       motion to confirm the nomination of John L.

         7       Murad, Jr., as a member of the SUNY Board of

         8       Trustees.  All in favor signify by saying aye.

         9                  (Response of "Aye.")

        10                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        11       Opposed, nay.

        12                  (No response.)

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

        14       motion carries.  The nomination is hereby

        15       confirmed.

        16                  John Murad is with us in the

        17       gallery.  Congratulations, John.

        18                  (Applause.)

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

        20       Secretary will continue to read.

        21                  THE SECRETARY:    As a member of

        22       the Board of Trustees of the State University

        23       of New York, Cary F. Staller, of Old Field.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

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         1       Senator Kruger.

         2                  SENATOR CARL KRUGER:    Please move

         3       the nomination.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Are

         5       there any Senators who wish to be heard on the

         6       motion?

         7                  Senator LaValle.

         8                  SENATOR LaVALLE:    Mr. President,

         9       I rise to support the nomination of Cary

        10       Staller as trustee of the State University of

        11       New York.

        12                  He has a stellar background, both

        13       educationally and professionally.  And he is

        14       not new to State University.  He sits on the

        15       Foundation Board at State University at Stony

        16       Brook and also on the oversight board of the

        17       University Hospital.  And he will now be on

        18       the State University Board of Trustees.

        19       Heretofore, he has been acting from the

        20       university level up to the board.

        21                  And I know Cary will do just an

        22       incredible job for all of the people of the

        23       State of New York in his position as SUNY

        24       trustee.

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         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

         2       you, Senator LaValle.

         3                  Senator Foley.

         4                  SENATOR FOLEY:    Yes, I'd like to

         5       join with Senator LaValle in extolling the

         6       great work that Mr. Staller has completed

         7       during his time as a member of the Foundation

         8       Board over at Stony Brook.

         9                  In fact, his philanthropic efforts

        10       as well as his general concern for the Stony

        11       Brook area, the Three Village area, as well as

        12       education and higher education throughout the

        13       State of New York, now culminates in his

        14       appointment to the Board of Trustees.  We know

        15       that he'll do an outstanding job in that

        16       capacity.

        17                  And as much as he has focused his

        18       time, talent and energy with the Stony Brook

        19       University, we know that the state as a whole,

        20       from Buffalo to Stony Brook, will benefit from

        21       his tenure in office as a member of the Board

        22       of Trustees.  So I also heartily endorse and

        23       support this particular appointment.

        24                  Thank you, Mr. President.

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         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

         2       you, Senator Foley.

         3                  Are there any other Senators who

         4       wish to be heard?

         5                  Senator Flanagan, on the motion.

         6                  SENATOR FLANAGAN:    Thank you,

         7       Mr. President.  I apologize for the delay.

         8                  I just want to add my voice to

         9       those who have already spoken to congratulate

        10       Cary Staller, who is a constituent and someone

        11       who I think has distinguished himself as a

        12       truly dedicated public servant in the private

        13       sector, in the public sector.  His family is

        14       philanthropic almost beyond belief in many

        15       respects.

        16                  And he will be a welcome addition

        17       and someone who will be a passionate advocate

        18       and also remain a gentleman as a member of the

        19       Board of Trustees.

        20                  Cary, congratulations.

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

        22       you, Senator Flanagan.

        23                  Now, are there any other Senators,

        24       either inside or outside of the chamber, who

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         1       wish to be heard on the nomination?

         2                  Seeing none, the question is on the

         3       motion to confirm the nomination of Cary F.

         4       Staller as a member of the Board of Trustees

         5       of the State University of New York.  All in

         6       favor signify by saying aye.

         7                  (Response of "Aye.")

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

         9       Opposed, nay.

        10                  (No response.)

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

        12       motion carries.  The nominee is hereby

        13       confirmed.

        14                  Congratulations, Mr. Staller.  Best

        15       wishes.

        16                  (Applause.)

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

        18       Secretary will continue to read.

        19                  THE SECRETARY:    As a member of

        20       the State Banking Board, John M. Scarchilli,

        21       of Latham.

        22                  As a member of the Industrial Board

        23       of Appeals, LaMarr J. Jackson, of West

        24       Henrietta.

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         1                  As a member of the New York State

         2       Foundation for Science, Technology and

         3       Innovation, Russell W. Bessette, of Orchard

         4       Park.

         5                  As director of the State of

         6       New York Mortgage Agency, Naomi Bayer, of Rye

         7       Brook.

         8                  As a nonvoting member of the

         9       Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Ira

        10       Greenberg, of Sunnyside.

        11                  As a member of the Ogdensburg

        12       Bridge and Port Authority, Steven J. Barlow,

        13       of Ogdensburg.

        14                  As a member of the New York State

        15       Thruway Authority, Richard Simberg, of Oneida.

        16                  As a member of the State Banking

        17       Board, William C. McGarry, of Williston Park.

        18                  As a member of the Board of

        19       Trustees of the State University of New York

        20       College of Environmental Science and Forestry,

        21       Leslie Talbot, of New York City.

        22                  As a member of the Board of

        23       Trustees of the New York Higher Education

        24       Services Corporation, Charles Delaney, of

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         1       New York City.

         2                  As a member of the Correction

         3       Medical Review Board, Robert S. Kurtz, M.D.,

         4       of Riverdale.

         5                  As a member of the Stewart Airport

         6       Commission, Jon P. Decker, of Highland.

         7                  And as a member of the Citizen's

         8       Policy and Complaint Review Council, Reverend

         9       Jimmie Seright, of Niagara Falls.

        10                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        11       Senator Kruger.

        12                  SENATOR CARL KRUGER:    Please move

        13       all the nominations.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        15       Senator Farley.

        16                  SENATOR FARLEY:    Thank you.

        17                  I do support all the nominees, but

        18       I do want to just say a word to second the

        19       nomination of John Scarchilli, president and

        20       CEO of Pioneer Bank here, a state-chartered

        21       bank, also a former president of the Community

        22       Bankers, and one of the finest men I've ever

        23       known.

        24                  John has been truly an example of

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         1       somebody that can lead the upstate small banks

         2       to success.  They are respected, they're

         3       sound.  And I think it's so important that we

         4       have somebody on the Banking Board that really

         5       understands the value of a state-chartered

         6       institution.

         7                  And I enthusiastically support this

         8       nomination.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

        10       you, Senator Farley.

        11                  Senator Craig Johnson.

        12                  SENATOR CRAIG JOHNSON:    Thank you

        13       very much, Mr. President.  I rise to second

        14       the nomination of William C. McGarry to the

        15       New York State Banking Board.

        16                  Bill -- I can't think of a better

        17       nominee than Bill McGarry.  Bill is the

        18       chairman, president and chief executive

        19       officer of the Ridgeway Savings Bank.  He has

        20       more than 35 years' financial experience in

        21       the banking industry.  He is involved in his

        22       community, he is involved with various

        23       philanthropic organizations.

        24                  He would bring important expertise

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         1       to the Banking Board at a time when the

         2       Banking Board needs as much experience and as

         3       much insight as possible as we go through

         4       these problems in the U.S. banking system.

         5                  So I wholeheartedly support and

         6       second the nomination.  Thank you very much.

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

         8       you, Senator Johnson.

         9                  Are there any other Senators who

        10       wish to be heard?

        11                  Seeing none, the question is on the

        12       motion to confirm the nominations of

        13       individuals as previously read by the

        14       Secretary.  All in favor signify by saying

        15       aye.

        16                  (Response of "Aye.")

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        18       Opposed, nay.

        19                  (No response.)

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

        21       motion carries.  The nominations are hereby

        22       confirmed.

        23                  Senator Klein.

        24                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Mr. President, I

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         1       believe Senator Larkin has a resolution at the

         2       desk.  I ask that the title of the resolution

         3       be read and move for its immediate adoption

         4       and allow Senator Larkin to speak on his

         5       resolution.

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

         7       Secretary will read.

         8                  THE SECRETARY:    By Senator

         9       Larkin, Legislative Resolution Number 2224,

        10       commemorating the 65th anniversary of the

        11       D-Day Invasion on June 6, 2009.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        13       Senator Larkin, on the resolution.

        14                  SENATOR LARKIN:    Thank you,

        15       Mr. President.

        16                  Ladies and gentlemen, my

        17       colleagues, in three days we will celebrate

        18       the 65th anniversary of the invasion in

        19       Europe.  Now, some people are looking at it at

        20       different pictures today, but just so every

        21       member of the body -- I have placed two copies

        22       of some very important information, details

        23       that I hope you will use in the event this

        24       weekend you're with veterans or veterans

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         1       groups and talking about honoring them for

         2       service 65 years ago.

         3                  You know, this was one of the major

         4       battles that our country participated in

         5       jointly with our allies.  It was a great

         6       event, but it had trouble from start to

         7       finish -- the number of units, how many should

         8       we have, the number of ships, the number of

         9       aircraft, who would be in the chain of

        10       command, who would be the number-one hero, who

        11       would be the number one in air, navy, how

        12       would we have the control of all of these

        13       various elements.

        14                  You have to understand that there

        15       was over 200,000 troops who were in the first

        16       package.  There was 150 echelons long in nine

        17       locations.  In the first 24 hours, 9,000

        18       troops, U.S. troops were killed or wounded in

        19       combat.  So it tells you right away that we

        20       had something to do.

        21                  And you know that they took three

        22       months to decide what day they would actually

        23       attack, because they were talking about the

        24       water and the channel, the air coverage, the

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         1       rain that was coming.  As a matter of fact, on

         2       the 5th of June, when they were trying to put

         3       something in order, one-half of the fleet was

         4       in the channel and had to be called back

         5       because they were worried about the air drops.

         6                  There were 13,000 paratroopers

         7       dropped in advance of the divisions of the

         8       82nd and 101st Airborne.  There were some 1900

         9       gliders what we -- you know, some of you see

        10       today in glider parks, that were taking down

        11       the troops.  It was a horrendous battle.

        12       Ranger battalions, special battalions that

        13       today we call Delta Forces that were all

        14       involved in it.  You know, in the first wave

        15       there were 13,000 bombs dropped on the beaches

        16       of France -- 13,000, just think about it.

        17                  The invasion was a success.  But,

        18       you know, to make the invasion a success, a

        19       lot of things had to take place.  For example,

        20       we had floats that we blew up and looked like

        21       tank.  It looked like an airborne unit, it

        22       looked like assaults.  It looked all bigger

        23       than it was, and it was at another location.

        24       And that's where the Germans thought we were

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         1       going to make the greatest concentration,

         2       which we didn't.  We put it on the other

         3       beaches.

         4                  You know, I did some survey on

         5       thinking about the ages.  How many people in

         6       this room were born before the 6th of

         7       June 1944?  Oh, George, come on.

         8                  Well, on the 6th of June 1944, I

         9       don't know where George was, but at 5:30 in

        10       the morning we were raked out of our sack at

        11       Fort Dix, New Jersey, and they said:  "Have we

        12       got a challenge for you."  And we all knew

        13       that that was the end of basic training.  So I

        14       didn't know what the challenge was; I thought

        15       it was how quick do we get to a bus or a train

        16       station to go home.  And he said:  "D-Day has

        17       commenced."

        18                  There were 225 people in my company

        19       that day.  In December 1944, there were 50 of

        20       us left.  So you can see the spread.  Because

        21       they not only went to Europe, but they went to

        22       the Far East.

        23                  An experience I think that

        24       everybody here should take a few moments this

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         1       weekend, because you'll see it on the history

         2       channels and you'll see it on others.  Because

         3       we talk today about stress, we talk about

         4       traumatic brain injury.  All of those things

         5       were even worse during World War II because we

         6       didn't have the medical knowledge that we have

         7       today.  And a lot of our troops that died in

         8       World War II, had we had the same capabilities

         9       as today, a lot of them would have survived.

        10                  But when you start to think of what

        11       we did -- Eisenhower was made the

        12       commander-in-chief, Montgomery from the

        13       British.  We had troops all over.  Some of the

        14       great battles they talked about -- the Rhine,

        15       the Battle for Berlin after it -- but it all

        16       started at D-Day.  It all centered that if we

        17       did our work right, we would be marching

        18       forward and we wouldn't be hit in the

        19       casualties.

        20                  Our greatest casualties were

        21       because the Germans were defined, they were

        22       dead-in to what they were doing.  If you just

        23       look at some of the history channels that are

        24       coming out now about the size of the bunkers,

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         1       the concrete size of the bunkers, and what was

         2       it all about.

         3                  New York had one of the largest

         4       percentages of GIs in World War II.  There's a

         5       gentleman that came from Watervliet, New York,

         6       Dalessandro, Congressional Medal of Honor

         7       winner, and he served right here in this

         8       chamber.  Right, Tommy?

         9                  So, you know, just take a good look

        10       at -- you know, many of you get a lot of mail

        11       and you say, "Throw that in the garbage."  But

        12       for the people that fought in D-Day and gave

        13       their lives, take a moment and read that.

        14       It's not Bill Larkin's writing, it's writing

        15       by some individuals who had a direct knowledge

        16       of what went on.

        17                  And it might encourage you to

        18       discuss it with young people, because what

        19       went on in 1944 and the bravery of our men and

        20       women -- this morning Andrea Stewart-Cousins

        21       showed me a piece of paper about a black

        22       woman's battalion, the only battalion of black

        23       women that went as whole to Europe.  And the

        24       funniest thing about it, we were smiling and

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         1       she said, "Do you remember, Bill, they got the

         2       mail."  They had a mail crisis, M-A-I-L

         3       crisis.  And that unit separated all of the

         4       problems and resolved it.  Thank you, Andrea,

         5       for bringing it to my attention.

         6                  Ladies and gentlemen, we could talk

         7       for hours on D-Day.  I wasn't at D-Day; I was

         8       in New Guinea and the Philippines.  And I

         9       looked at my brave friends that were in

        10       Europe, and I thought:  Good wine, good

        11       cheese, good bread, make sure you keep your

        12       head low.  Because we in the Pacific were

        13       fighting mosquitos, rats, ants, and

        14       everything.

        15                  But the biggest thing is we

        16       survived as a nation because of the intensity,

        17       the commitment and the desire and the hope for

        18       America from them GIs.  May those who passed

        19       on, God bless them.

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

        21       you, Senator Larkin.

        22                  Are there any other Senators who

        23       wish to be heard?

        24                  Senator Craig Johnson.

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         1                  SENATOR CRAIG JOHNSON:    Thank

         2       you, Mr. President.

         3                  Thank you, Senator Larkin, for your

         4       service to our country and, today, this

         5       resolution.

         6                  I thank you because when I was a

         7       boy of 14 years old, I went and visited the

         8       beaches of Normandy.  And I would urge all of

         9       us in the chamber and all New Yorkers, if they

        10       travel abroad and they have an opportunity, to

        11       go see Normandy and visit the Utah and Omaha

        12       Beaches, where our soldiers of ages 17, 18,

        13       19 -- think about it, 17, 18, 19.  Young boys.

        14                  You can look around the room and

        15       see some of our young staff members -- young

        16       men younger than them, storming the beaches,

        17       on landing crafts that when the landing crafts

        18       opened, they faced machine gun bullets, they

        19       faced explosives and hand grenades.  Never to

        20       come home, many of them.

        21                  I urge you, when you go to visit,

        22       to walk the cemetery and look at the names on

        23       the gravestones, and recognize those men and

        24       women who gave their lives in that invasion

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         1       allow us to be here today to debate.  Those

         2       men and women who gave their lives did so for

         3       freedom, the freedom that we enjoy as we pass

         4       resolutions, as we second nominations, as we

         5       begin to debate bills today.

         6                  Senator Larkin, I thank you for

         7       championing this cause.  This date,

         8       June 6th -- you talked about it -- it's

         9       unimaginable what went through.  Things were

        10       so bad that the history books note that Dwight

        11       Eisenhower, then the commander of all allied

        12       forces, soon to be the president a few years

        13       later, actually prepared a statement to be

        14       read about the failure of the D-Day landing.

        15                  But it was the resiliency of our

        16       men and women on the beaches, on the ships, in

        17       the air, behind enemy lines, paratrooped over

        18       there, with our Canadian and British and

        19       French allies, who started the final push to

        20       victory over Nazi Germany.

        21                  So again, Senator Larkin, I thank

        22       you, from the bottom of my heart, as someone

        23       who never met a grandfather who served in the

        24       United States Air Force who passed away before

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         1       I could be born, who served in the European

         2       Theater, I thank you again for this

         3       resolution.

         4                  Thank you very much, Mr. President.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

         6       you, Senator Johnson.

         7                  Are there any other Senators who

         8       wish to be heard?

         9                  The question, then, is on the

        10       resolution.  All in favor signify by saying

        11       aye.

        12                  (Response of "Aye.")

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        14       Opposed, nay.

        15                  (No response.)

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

        17       resolution is adopted.

        18                  At Senator Larkin's request, it is

        19       open for multisponsorship by all Senators.

        20       Anyone wishing not to cosponsor the resolution

        21       should notify the desk.

        22                  Senator Klein.

        23                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Mr. President, I

        24       believe Senator Squadron has a resolution at

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         1       the desk.  I ask that the resolution be read

         2       in its entirety and move for its immediate

         3       adoption and allow Senator Squadron to speak

         4       on his resolution.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

         6       Secretary will read.

         7                  THE SECRETARY:    By Senator

         8       Squadron, Legislative Resolution Number 2382,

         9       honoring Christopher Rivera upon the occasion

        10       of being named as the 2009 Boys and Girls Club

        11       Youth of the Year.

        12                  "WHEREAS, Christopher Rivera was

        13       recognized today as a Boys and Girls Club

        14       Youth of the Year; and

        15                  "WHEREAS, Christopher was raised in

        16       Rutgers Houses, a public housing development

        17       as dynamic as the neighborhoods of Chinatown

        18       and the Lower East Side on which it borders,

        19       reflective of the rich history of New York

        20       City and the opportunity available to its

        21       youth; and

        22                  "WHEREAS, Christopher considered

        23       himself a shy and quiet youth before joining

        24       the Educational Alliance 'Edgies Teen Center,'

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         1       an official Boys and Girls Club program and a

         2       home away from home for teenagers in the

         3       community; and

         4                  "WHEREAS, In the Educational

         5       Alliance program and his involvement in

         6       community activities, Christopher found his

         7       voice and grew into a mature, engaged young

         8       man; and

         9                  "WHEREAS, Christopher has developed

        10       many talents, including capoeira, karate, and

        11       yoga; and

        12                  "WHEREAS, Christopher aimed high by

        13       applying to Fordham University and was

        14       accepted with a scholarship in recognition of

        15       his hard work and extraordinary potential; and

        16                  "WHEREAS, Christopher is already

        17       giving back to his Lower East Side Community

        18       with an evening Teen Club that he organized

        19       and created, giving teenagers in his

        20       neighborhood a better option than spending

        21       time on the street; and

        22                  "WHEREAS, Christopher has already

        23       accomplished an enormous amount but has much

        24       more to give in years to come; and

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         1                  "WHEREAS, Being named Youth of the

         2       Year is the highest honor a Boys and Girls

         3       Club member can achieve, an award that

         4       recognizes outstanding contributions to a

         5       member's family, school, community and Boys

         6       and Girls Club, as well as personal challenges

         7       and obstacles overcome; now, therefore, be it

         8                  "RESOLVED, That this Legislative

         9       Body pause in its deliberations to honor

        10       Christopher Rivera upon the occasion of being

        11       named as the 2009 Boys and Girls Club Youth of

        12       the Year, and to wish him continued success in

        13       all his future endeavors; and be it further

        14                  "RESOLVED, That a copy of this

        15       resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted

        16       to Christopher Rivera and to the Educational

        17       Alliance."

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        19       Senator Squadron.

        20                  SENATOR SQUADRON:    Thank you,

        21       Mr. President.

        22                  Yesterday we had the pleasure of

        23       hosting here members of the Boys and Girls

        24       Clubs from across the State of New York.  And

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         1       this is a resolution honoring Christopher

         2       Rivera, who was named yesterday here in Albany

         3       the Youth of the Year.  And it's meant to

         4       honor him, and by honoring him, to honor all

         5       of the Boys and Girls Clubs in this state, all

         6       of the people who make them work, all of the

         7       young people who find refuge and solace,

         8       capoeira skills and educational skills in Boys

         9       and Girls Clubs across the state.

        10                  Christopher's story is an

        11       incredible one.  He told me yesterday that

        12       early in high school he had been quiet.  He

        13       said he was in a shell that he didn't know how

        14       to break out of.  And by joining the Boys and

        15       Girls Club teen program, by being supported

        16       and mentored by the folks there, he was able

        17       to find himself and find his voice.

        18                  He told me that at one point he

        19       never imagined he would go to college, and

        20       then he imagined that if he went to college he

        21       would go to the same place that the few people

        22       he knew who had gone to college went to.  But

        23       the members of the Boys and Girls Club, his

        24       mentors, the people who taught him, pushed him

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         1       to apply to Fordham University, where he was

         2       accepted on full scholarship.

         3                  He said that he never could have

         4       imagined he ever would have applied or tried

         5       to be Youth of the Year.  And yet he did, and

         6       he was named Youth of the Year in his local

         7       Boys and Girls Club.  And he came up here

         8       yesterday and was awarded with the Youth of

         9       the Year Award, and now he's going to go on to

        10       the regionals and nationals on that.

        11                  And so the story of Christopher

        12       Rivera is a great story for the Lower East

        13       Side, it's a great story for our state, but

        14       it's a story that's much larger than

        15       Christopher.  It's a story that is about all

        16       of the young men and young women with

        17       incredibly long odds and major challenges who

        18       overcome them in order to succeed, who look

        19       beyond the easy or the obvious next step and

        20       aim high, are willing to risk losing or

        21       falling behind to do it.

        22                  So Christopher Rivera is absolutely

        23       worthy of our honor today, and all of the

        24       young men and women who are in Boys and Girls

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         1       Clubs in this state are worthy of our honor

         2       today.

         3                  And so I'd like to take a moment to

         4       congratulate Christopher on his award, to

         5       congratulate the other nominees, and to

         6       congratulate everyone who works to help young

         7       people expand their horizons and find success

         8       that seems otherwise impossible.

         9                  Thank you, Mr. President.

        10                  THE SECRETARY:    Thank you,

        11       Senator Squadron.

        12                  Are there any other Senators who

        13       wish to be heard on the resolution?

        14                  Seeing none, the question is on the

        15       resolution.  All in favor signify by saying

        16       aye.

        17                  (Response of "Aye.")

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        19       Opposed, nay.

        20                  (No response.)

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

        22       resolution is adopted.

        23                  Senator Squadron has asked that it

        24       be open for multisponsorship.  Any member

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         1       wishing not to multisponsor the resolution

         2       should notify the desk.

         3                  Senator Klein.

         4                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Mr. President,

         5       can we please move to a reading of the

         6       calendar.

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

         8       Senator Klein, before we get to the active

         9       list, I'd just like to take a moment to

        10       acknowledge the presence of a special guest

        11       here today.

        12                  We're joined by Michael Ford Mayer,

        13       who is the 91-year-old father of Shelley

        14       Mayer, who of course is the counsel to Senate

        15       Majority Leader Malcolm Smith.

        16                  Mr. Mayer, welcome.  Thank you for

        17       being here today.

        18                  (Applause.)

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

        20       Secretary will proceed with the

        21       noncontroversial reading of Senate Calendar

        22       Number 54.

        23                  THE SECRETARY:     Calendar Number

        24       53, by Member of the Assembly Bradley,

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         1       Assembly Print Number 3123, an act to amend

         2       the Tax Law, in relation to authorizing.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    There

         4       is a home-rule message at the desk.

         5                  Read the last section.

         6                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

         7       act shall take effect immediately.

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Call

         9       the roll.

        10                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        11                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 62.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

        13       bill is passed.

        14                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        15       292, by Senator Klein, Senate Print --

        16                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Lay it aside,

        17       please.

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

        19       bill is laid aside.

        20                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        21       300, by Senator Stavisky, Senate Print 1735B,

        22       an act to amend the Real Property Tax Law and

        23       the Administrative Code of the City of

        24       New York, in relation to authorizing.

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         1                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Lay the bill

         2       aside for the day.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

         4       bill is laid aside for the day.

         5                  THE SECRETARY:    In relation to

         6       Calendar Number 314, Senator Little moves to

         7       discharge, from the Committee on

         8       Investigations and Government Operations,

         9       Assembly Bill Number 7008 and substitute it

        10       for the identical Senate Bill Number 3427,

        11       Third Reading Calendar 314.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        13       Substitution ordered.

        14                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        15       314, by Member of the Assembly Duprey,

        16       Assembly Print Number 7008, an act to amend

        17       the Tax Law and Chapter 179 of the Laws of

        18       2007, amending the Tax Law.

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    There

        20       is a home-rule message at the desk.

        21                  Read the last section.

        22                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        23       act shall take effect immediately.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Call

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         1       the roll.

         2                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         3                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 62.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

         5       bill is passed.

         6                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         7       317, by Senator Winner, Senate Print 4096, an

         8       act to amend the Tax Law, in relation to

         9       extending the authorization.

        10                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    There

        11       is a home-rule message at the desk.

        12                  Read the last section.

        13                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 3.  This

        14       act shall take effect immediately.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Call

        16       the roll.

        17                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        18                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 62.

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

        20       bill is passed.

        21                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        22       339, by Senator Thompson, Senate Print 4916,

        23       an act to amend the Local Finance Law, in

        24       relation to the sale of bonds and notes.

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         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    There

         2       is a home-rule message at the desk.

         3                  Read the last section.

         4                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

         5       act shall take effect immediately.

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Call

         7       the roll.

         8                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         9                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 62.

        10                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

        11       bill is passed.

        12                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        13       368, by Member of the Assembly Barron,

        14       Assembly Print Number 7087A, an act to amend

        15       Chapter 514 of the Laws of 1983 amending the

        16       Private Housing Finance Law.

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Read

        18       the last section.

        19                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        20       act shall take effect immediately.

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Call

        22       the roll.

        23                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

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         1       Senator Espada, to explain his vote.

         2                  SENATOR ESPADA:    Thank you,

         3       Mr. President.

         4                  I rise to give thanks to the body

         5       for enabling the New York City Housing

         6       Development Corporation to continue to finance

         7       affordable housing in New York City.  Since

         8       1971, over 135,000 units of affordable housing

         9       have been the by-product of this effort, and

        10       now we extend it for two more years.

        11                  But I rise particularly because of

        12       a historic note.  We're joined today by

        13       Assembly colleague Assemblyperson Inez Barron,

        14       and this happens to be her first bill.  And I

        15       salute her, and I know we salute you for your

        16       fine work.

        17                  Thank you.

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        19       Senator Espada to be recorded in the

        20       affirmative.

        21                  Announce the results.

        22                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 62.  Nays,

        23       0.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

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         1       bill is passed.

         2                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         3       372, by Senator Huntley, Senate Print 3146A,

         4       an act to amend Chapter 667 of the Laws of

         5       2006 relating to providing for the

         6       establishment.

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Read

         8       the last section.

         9                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 5.  This

        10       act shall take effect immediately.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Call

        12       the roll.

        13                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        14                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 62.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

        16       bill is passed.

        17                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        18       376, by Member of the Assembly Cook, Assembly

        19       Print Number 4166, an act to amend Chapter 174

        20       of the Laws of 1968 constituting the New York

        21       State Urban Development Corporation Act.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Read

        23       the last section.

        24                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

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         1       act shall take effect immediately.

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Call

         3       the roll.

         4                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         5                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 62.

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

         7       bill is passed.

         8                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         9       387, by Member of the Assembly Pretlow,

        10       Assembly Print Number 2500, an act to amend

        11       the General Obligations Law, in relation to

        12       money deposited.

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Read

        14       the last section.

        15                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        16       act shall take effect immediately.

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Call

        18       the roll.

        19                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        20                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 61.  Nays,

        21       1.  Senator Ranzenhofer recorded in the

        22       negative.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

        24       bill is passed.

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         1                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         2       388, by Senator C. Johnson, Senate Print 2753,

         3       an act to amend the General Business Law and

         4       the Civil Practice Law and Rules, in relation

         5       to prohibiting.

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Read

         7       the last section.

         8                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 3.  This

         9       act shall take effect on the 60th day.

        10                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Call

        11       the roll.

        12                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        13                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 62.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

        15       bill is passed.

        16                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        17       390, by Member of the Assembly Englebright,

        18       Assembly Print Number 6784, an act to amend

        19       the Navigation Law, in relation to the wearing

        20       of personal flotation devices.

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Read

        22       the last section.

        23                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 3.  This

        24       act shall take effect on the first of

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         1       November.

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Call

         3       the roll.

         4                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         5                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 62.

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

         7       bill is passed.

         8                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         9       411, by Senator C. Johnson, Senate Print

        10       4234A, an act to amend the Tax Law, in

        11       relation to extending the authorization.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    There

        13       is a home-rule message at the desk.

        14                  Read the last section.

        15                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 3.  This

        16       act shall take effect immediately.

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Call

        18       the roll.

        19                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        20                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 62.

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

        22       bill is passed.

        23                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        24       429, by Senator Squadron, Senate Print 3639,

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         1       an act to amend the Real Property Tax Law, in

         2       relation to notice of commencement.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Read

         4       the last section.

         5                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

         6       act shall take effect immediately.

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Call

         8       the roll.

         9                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        10                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 62.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

        12       bill is passed.

        13                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        14       472, substituted earlier today by Member of

        15       the Assembly Silver, Assembly Print Number

        16       8501, an act to amend the General Municipal

        17       Law and others.

        18                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Lay it aside.

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

        20       bill is laid aside.

        21                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        22       487, by Senator Stachowski, Senate Print

        23       2020C, an act to amend the Education Law and

        24       others.

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         1                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Lay it aside,

         2       please.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

         4       bill is laid aside.

         5                  Senator Klein, that completes the

         6       noncontroversial reading of the active bills

         7       on Senate Calendar Number 54.

         8                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Before we move

         9       on, I do want to have one announcement,

        10       Mr. President.

        11                  One of our colleagues is

        12       celebrating his 56th birthday.  I hope you all

        13       can wish happy birthday to Senator Aubertine.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Happy

        15       56th birthday, Senator Darrel Aubertine.

        16                  (Applause.)

        17                  SENATOR KLEIN:    A Senator

        18       representing his district for many years to

        19       come.

        20                  (Laughter.)

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        22       Senator Klein.

        23                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Mr. President,

        24       can we now move to the controversial calendar.

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         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

         2       Secretary will ring the bells.

         3                  The Secretary will proceed with the

         4       controversial reading of the calendar.

         5                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         6       292, by Senator Klein, Senate Print 706C, an

         7       act to amend the Tax Law.

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

         9       Senator Padavan, do you request an explanation

        10       from Senator Klein?

        11                  SENATOR PADAVAN:    No, I'd like to

        12       speak on the bill.

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        14       Senator Padavan, on the bill.

        15                  SENATOR PADAVAN:    I think the

        16       bill is quite clear; it requires no

        17       explanation.  But what it's clear in is that

        18       once again, this body expands gambling venues

        19       in this state.

        20                  Just a little background for those

        21       who may have not been here when VLTs were

        22       first adopted.  They are slot machines which

        23       are hooked up to the lottery terminal.  When

        24       they first became a factor, a legal action was

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         1       initiated by the Chamber of Commerce, the City

         2       of Saratoga, along with a number of other

         3       complainants, including several legislators,

         4       myself included.

         5                  Our contention was and still is

         6       that slot machines are not permitted under our

         7       State Constitution and accepting the old adage

         8       of "if it talks like a duck, walks like a

         9       duck, it's a duck," these were slot machines.

        10                  We were successful at the

        11       lower-level courts.  But when it reached the

        12       Court of Appeals, State Court of Appeals, we

        13       lost the case.  They ruled because these were

        14       tied into our state lottery network, they were

        15       not slot machines.  In my view -- a split

        16       decision -- but in my view, an absurdity.

        17                  And so now we have these racinos

        18       around the state:  Saratoga, Yonkers, and

        19       others are of course on the drawing board,

        20       such as Queens County.  And what this bill

        21       will do is extend the number of hours that

        22       those racinos will be in operation.  Up to 20

        23       hours a day, with a four-hour break.  I guess

        24       the amount of time you need to clean up the

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         1       place.

         2                  And they will allow machines that

         3       replicate casino games -- roulette, blackjack,

         4       poker, baccarat.  So in effect what you have,

         5       in terms of the reality of what people are

         6       dealing with, is a full-fledged casino.  Which

         7       are not permitted under our State

         8       Constitution, other than those that have been

         9       allowed under Indian land grant claims and the

        10       like.

        11                  We have over a million people in

        12       this state who are either problem or

        13       compulsive gamblers.  And if you listen to the

        14       State Council on Problem Gambling and read

        15       their reports, they will tell you that the

        16       number increases every year.

        17                  And the more gambling venues we

        18       provide, the more expansion we provide, the

        19       more opportunities we provide in various

        20       communities around the state -- whether it's

        21       Aqueduct in Queens County or Saratoga up here

        22       in the North Country or wherever it may be --

        23       the more you provide those venues and the more

        24       hours those venues are available, the more

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         1       people get sucked into the whole gambling

         2       venue.

         3                  The fastest-growing crime in this

         4       state in terms of category are related to

         5       people who become gambling addicts.

         6       Embezzlement, theft to cover their gambling

         7       debts, social service programs -- families

         8       being disrupted, businesses being lost -- all

         9       directly related to this.

        10                  And New York State has the unique

        11       distinction, on a per-capita basis, of being

        12       the worst state in the nation.  Worse than

        13       Nevada, which is outrageous, but it is a fact.

        14                  So this bill again is an extension

        15       of what we've been doing year after year and

        16       obviously just adds further fuel to the fire.

        17       And I'm standing here to simply say once

        18       again, as I've done on other occasions

        19       unsuccessfully -- and there's no doubt I'll be

        20       unsuccessful today -- preventing something

        21       from happening that shouldn't.

        22                  Thank you, Mr. President.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

        24       you, Senator Padavan.

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         1                  Senator Bonacic.

         2                  SENATOR BONACIC:    Thank you,

         3       Mr. President.

         4                  I'm pleased that this bill is

         5       before us today.  The Monticello Raceway in

         6       the Sullivan County and the Catskill area is

         7       struggling, and our racinos are not

         8       competitive with the gaming in the states

         9       around us.  And we have to expand recreation

        10       activities to increase tourism for the tracks

        11       all over the state.

        12                  Whether you're for gaming or

        13       against gaming, that's not the issue.  Gaming

        14       is here.  And the issue is are we going to

        15       allow our racinos to survive, and the racing

        16       tracks around them.  These racinos bring jobs.

        17       They create economic vitality.

        18                  So I want to thank Senator Klein

        19       for sponsoring this bill.  I had done it last

        20       year, and I'm a coprime with Senator Klein.

        21       And I look forward to working with Senator

        22       Klein and Senator Adams in helping the racing

        23       and breeding industry in the State of

        24       New York.  I vote aye.

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         1                  Thank you, Mr. President.

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

         3       you, Senator Bonacic.

         4                  Senator Klein, on the bill.

         5                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Mr. President, on

         6       the bill.

         7                  I want to thank Senator Bonacic for

         8       supporting this legislation.  I know how

         9       important this bill is to his area in the

        10       Catskills.

        11                  If you look at the numbers, they're

        12       quite startling on how much money we raise

        13       from lottery.  Just last year, 13 percent of

        14       the education dollars that went to school

        15       districts around the State of New York were

        16       from the Division of Lottery, either the

        17       racinos or the actual lottery games --

        18       scratch-off lotteries, things of that nature.

        19                  Also, the total to education last

        20       year was $2.6 billion just from lottery.  If

        21       you just look at the video lottery facilities,

        22       the racinos around the state, last year they

        23       generated $480 million that went directly to

        24       education.

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         1                  According to the estimates on my

         2       legislation, we can generate an additional

         3       $150 million a year earmarked just for

         4       education with the expansion of the types of

         5       games we can play at the racinos as well as

         6       expanding the hours.

         7                  I think, unfortunately, during

         8       these fiscal times we need to do everything

         9       possible to generate increased revenue for the

        10       State of New York, especially education

        11       dollars.  And I think Senator Bonacic said it

        12       best.  If you look at the numbers, it's quite

        13       startling.  Twenty-three percent of the people

        14       who gambled in Atlantic City last year were

        15       New York State residents.

        16                  And if you do look at the numbers,

        17       even though with the expansion of racinos and

        18       the various scratch-off lottery games, we've

        19       seen a very, very tiny increase in gambling in

        20       New York State since the '70s.  And that was

        21       based on a Harvard study that was written a

        22       couple of years ago.

        23                  So I think this is a very important

        24       piece of legislation.  It allows us to be

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         1       competitive with neighboring states.  And if

         2       people choose to gamble, they should do it in

         3       New York to benefit education, and that's

         4       where the revenue is going.

         5                  So I'm happy this legislation is

         6       before us today.  I think this is an

         7       innovative and smart approach to generate

         8       additional revenue for our state.  And I hope

         9       the Assembly quickly follows suit and passes

        10       it and then the Governor signs it into law.

        11                  Thank you, Mr. President.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

        13       you, Senator Klein.

        14                  Senator Diaz.

        15                  SENATOR DIAZ:    Thank you,

        16       Mr. President.  On the bill.

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        18       Senator Diaz, on the bill.

        19                  SENATOR DIAZ:    I take this

        20       opportunity to express my position on the

        21       bill.

        22                  I have no doubt, I have no doubt

        23       that this bill, if it comes into effect, will

        24       bring money.  And I have no doubt and I know

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         1       that the State of New York is in a very

         2       difficult financial situation.  However, I'm

         3       always opposed to gambling.  I cannot vote for

         4       gambling.

         5                  And you could tell me:  "But,

         6       Senator, you're a Senator; you have to bring

         7       money to the state."  I have proposed two

         8       bills, two bills that bring money to the state

         9       that have nothing to do with gambling.

        10                  One of them has to do with

        11       purchasing direct prescription drugs from

        12       Canada, saving 40 percent to the state.  And

        13       the City of Schenectady is already doing it,

        14       and the state will save $800 million there.

        15       No one cares.  No one cares.

        16                  That's a good bill.  That brings

        17       money to the state.  That's an easy bill.

        18       Schenectady is already doing it.  The same

        19       prescription drugs that is manufactured here

        20       in the state, or from the same company,

        21       Pfizer, the same prescription drugs, the same

        22       brand that is purchased here is purchased in

        23       Canada for 40 percent less.  So why are we

        24       submitting our senior citizens, subjecting our

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         1       senior citizens -- they have to decide, they

         2       have to buy food, they have to pay their rent,

         3       they have to pay their other bills or buy

         4       their prescription drugs when we could help

         5       them and we could help the state's fiscal

         6       crisis.  But no one cares.

         7                  So to me, it's better, that bill,

         8       than a bill that brings gambling.  And because

         9       I'm opposed to gambling -- it has nothing to

        10       do with the sponsor, it has nothing to do with

        11       anything, any other reason.  I oppose

        12       gambling.

        13                  Another bill that I have proposed

        14       that will bring money to the state and will

        15       help the situation in the state is to allow or

        16       submit the credit card companies to send the

        17       taxes back to the state, not to the merchants.

        18       When you purchase, the credit card companies

        19       take the taxes and they send the taxes back to

        20       the merchants and not to the state.  And the

        21       state is losing $500 million there.  Easy

        22       money.  Easy money.  Let's force them to send

        23       the money straight to the state.

        24                  $800 million in prescription drugs

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         1       from Canada, $500 million from forcing the

         2       credit cards -- more than $1 billion there.

         3       Nobody cares.

         4                  So it would be better for some

         5       people stop gambling where people are going to

         6       have to go and play and sometimes play their

         7       children's tuition, their children's food,

         8       their children's clothes, their rent, and get

         9       the habit of gambling to produce money than to

        10       do this thing.

        11                  That's why I am not supporting this

        12       bill.  That's why I'm opposing this bill,

        13       because I oppose gambling in any shape or

        14       form.

        15                  Thank you.

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

        17       you, Senator Diaz.

        18                  Senator Saland.

        19                  SENATOR SALAND:    Thank you,

        20       Mr. President.

        21                  Mr. President, I've always viewed

        22       gambling, whether it be casinos, racinos,

        23       really as zero-sum game.  There's only so many

        24       of those dollars that are available.  And

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         1       whether New Yorkers are gambling in New Jersey

         2       or New Yorkers are gambling in Pennsylvania,

         3       the pie is just going to move.  It's not going

         4       to expand greatly; it's going to be primarily

         5       the same pie.

         6                  There are no windfalls that are

         7       going to be found by resort to gambling or

         8       expanding gambling as somehow or other curing

         9       our fiscal ills.  And in fact, if anything,

        10       it's going to burden with us yet additional

        11       ills, the kinds of problems I believe that

        12       were either alluded to earlier by Senator

        13       Padavan or certainly have been alluded to in

        14       more than one instance here on this floor.

        15                  I can well recall the initiation of

        16       the video game which I think in large part

        17       thanks to Senator Padavan has become known as

        18       video crack.  I can recall the discussions at

        19       the time -- I believe it was during the Pataki

        20       administration -- and those discussions were

        21       to the effect, well, it's going to be limited,

        22       we'll only allow certain hours, we'll require

        23       certain square footage, we'll require that

        24       they can't be merely in a bar, there has to be

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         1       food service.

         2                  Well, one by one, the limitations

         3       went by the wayside.  One by one, they just

         4       slipped away and evaporated.  And the time

         5       that was permitted between games was narrowed

         6       so that the games could be played more

         7       frequently -- all of this in our lust for

         8       revenue.

         9                  What we see here today is pretty

        10       much a replication of what we've seen with

        11       video crack.  The simple fact of the matter is

        12       is we are hoping to secure more revenue by

        13       inducing people to gamble more.  That's the

        14       bottom line.  That's really, I would think

        15       from a policy perspective, not exactly a

        16       desirable way to balance your books, not

        17       exactly a desirable way to support whatever

        18       spending you might have in mind.

        19                  I know we're not particularly big

        20       on reducing spending; certainly haven't been

        21       this year.  But to somehow or other look to

        22       support additional spending by, in effect,

        23       relying upon frailties of people, relying upon

        24       the compulsiveness of people, I think is just

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         1       a God-awful signal for us to be sending.

         2       However desperate we may be, we should not be

         3       that desperate.

         4                  Thank you, Mr. President.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

         6       you, Senator Saland.

         7                  Are there any other Senators who

         8       wish to be heard on the bill?

         9                  Seeing none, the debate is closed,

        10       and the Secretary will ring the bells.

        11                  The Secretary will read the last

        12       section.

        13                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        14       act shall take effect on the 30th day.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Call

        16       the roll.

        17                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        19       Senator LaValle, to explain his vote.

        20                  SENATOR LaVALLE:    Thank you,

        21       Mr. President.

        22                  For a number of years I have

        23       followed the lead -- I think we share a

        24       similar philosophy with Senator Padavan, who

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         1       articulated, I think, a position on this bill.

         2       I think, and I hope the members -- I'm going

         3       to make an analogy here, that when your

         4       children tell you, Oh, it's okay because

         5       Johnny or Mary did it, you should remember

         6       your vote on this bill.  Because Connecticut

         7       does it, or New Jersey, or anyone else,

         8       doesn't make it right.

         9                  And I think this state really needs

        10       to begin to come to grips with this issue and

        11       either amend the Constitution to allow gaming

        12       or stop going through the lottery because it

        13       yields money for education.

        14                  It's not the right thing to do, and

        15       I vote in the negative.

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        17       Senator LaValle to be recorded in the

        18       negative.

        19                  Senator Marcellino, to explain his

        20       vote.

        21                  SENATOR MARCELLINO:    Thank you,

        22       Mr. President.

        23                  I could not agree more with my

        24       colleague Senator LaValle.  The point he makes

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         1       is well-taken.  What we are doing is little

         2       bitty nibbles.  We're nibbling at the whole

         3       thing, we're skirting around the edges, and

         4       we're not really helping the situation.

         5                  Senator Padavan points out the

         6       problems with the gambling as a whole.  If

         7       we're going to do it, let's bite the bullet

         8       and do the thing the correct way and the

         9       proper way, not this nickel-and-dime approach,

        10       not this half piece now, a quarter piece

        11       there, a little bit there, and hope we get it

        12       right.

        13                  This is not a good way to approach

        14       this situation.  It's much too serious.  The

        15       social impacts and the economic impacts are

        16       much too serious for the state and our people.

        17                  Mr. President, I vote no.

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        19       Senator Marcellino to be recorded in the

        20       negative.

        21                  Senator Adams, to explain his vote.

        22                  SENATOR ADAMS:    Thank you,

        23       Mr. President.

        24                  As the chair of the committee that

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         1       deals with many gaming issues, I'm in full

         2       support of this.  I respect the view of my

         3       colleagues, and I agree that we should move

         4       forward to look at gaming.

         5                  Gaming is legal in many states.  I

         6       think that we need to have responsible gaming,

         7       and I think that this is one way of doing

         8       that.  The law allows us to do that via video

         9       lottery and as well as any other way that's

        10       within the law.

        11                  And as the chair of the committee,

        12       I am going to put my energies to moving

        13       towards having legalized gaming in New York

        14       State.  There's no reason, the entertainment

        15       capital of the globe, that we are eating the

        16       crumbs off the floor of Las Vegas and other

        17       states.

        18                  Gaming is legal.  We should do it

        19       responsible.  We should make sure that those

        20       that are using the Internet for sports betting

        21       and other methods to siphon millions and

        22       billions of dollars out of New York State

        23       taxpayers, we should not permit that to

        24       happen.

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         1                  I think this is a step in the right

         2       direction, and I fully support it and I hope

         3       my colleagues do so also.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

         5       Senator Adams to be recorded in the

         6       affirmative.

         7                  Senator Stewart-Cousins, to explain

         8       her vote.

         9                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:    Thank

        10       you, Mr. President.

        11                  I rise to support this legislation,

        12       and I also want to thank Senator Klein for

        13       looking at ways to expand revenues especially

        14       for education.

        15                  I would be remiss in not stating

        16       again that I am terribly sorry that we very

        17       often have to depend on gambling dollars to

        18       educate our children.  I think that certainly

        19       sends a message that should not be sent.

        20                  However, I will say that the City

        21       of Yonkers has been able to fill educational

        22       gaps and financial problems with the use of

        23       these revenues.

        24                  And so as we look to correct what

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         1       is wrong with funding education -- and I think

         2       we are going a far way to make those

         3       corrections -- I am pleased that we are able

         4       to continue to get dollars through the VLTs --

         5       and certainly Yonkers Raceway is an example of

         6       one that's doing very, very well -- and hope

         7       as we increase those revenues we will be able

         8       to increase those dollars that go to the city

         9       to be able to support education and the other

        10       things that are required.

        11                  So I will be supporting the bill.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        13       Senator Stewart-Cousins to be recorded in the

        14       affirmative.

        15                  The Secretary will announce the

        16       results.

        17                  THE SECRETARY:    Those recorded in

        18       the negative on Calendar Number 292 are

        19       Senators Hannon, LaValle, Marcellino, Padavan,

        20       Saland, Volker.  Also Senator O. Johnson.

        21       Also Senator Monserrate.

        22                  Ayes, 54.  Nays, 8.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

        24       bill is passed.

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         1                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         2       472, substituted earlier today by Member of

         3       the Assembly Silver, Assembly Print Number

         4       8501, an act to amend the General Municipal

         5       Law and others.

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

         7       Senator Libous.

         8                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Mr. President,

         9       there's an amendment at the desk.  I would

        10       waive its reading, please.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        12       Senator Libous, there is an amendment at the

        13       desk.  Without objection, the reading of the

        14       amendment is waived and you are recognized to

        15       speak on your amendment.

        16                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Thank you,

        17       Mr. President.

        18                  This amendment would deal with the

        19       fire districts that are going to be affected

        20       in this consolidation bill.  There are a

        21       number of factors when it comes to pure

        22       consolidation, but something that I think

        23       would be detrimental to moving this bill

        24       forward would be to include fire districts.

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         1       I'd like to explain why.

         2                  If you look at the number of

         3       volunteer firefighters in those fire companies

         4       across the state, the key word in many of them

         5       is "volunteer."  And as we all know, there is

         6       a problem in finding volunteers in our

         7       communities all over New York.  It's not just

         8       an upstate or downstate thing, it's a problem

         9       everywhere.  We had at one time 140,000

        10       volunteer firefighters in this state; we're

        11       now down to 90,000.

        12                  By giving an opportunity to

        13       consolidate fire districts, it would be, I

        14       think, detrimental to the system of volunteer

        15       firefighters throughout the state.  Because

        16       what it would do if those districts were

        17       consolidated, it would eliminate those

        18       volunteers.

        19                  Let me give you an example.

        20       Volunteers join a fire company -- or, for that

        21       matter those who are involved in emergency

        22       management services, same thing -- because

        23       they care about their town, village, their

        24       community.  If a district was to be

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         1       consolidated, it is probably unlikely that the

         2       volunteers would then go to volunteer in a

         3       consolidated district, because it's something

         4       they care about in the particular small town

         5       that they live in.

         6                  To put something together that

         7       would be a detriment to volunteers I think

         8       makes no sense.

         9                  And the other point is that the key

        10       word here is "volunteer."  There's not a lot

        11       of cost here.  They volunteer their time to

        12       help save lives and work for the community.

        13       And their cost is usually a cost that is very

        14       minimal.  They receive their funds in many

        15       cases through voluntary efforts, through

        16       fundraising.  And a very, very small

        17       percentage, if any in some cases, comes from

        18       tax dollars.

        19                  So for that reason, while I

        20       certainly personally am not against the

        21       concept of consolidation, I do fear that we

        22       have a system of volunteers that is declining

        23       in this state.  And to keep fire districts in

        24       this piece of legislation I think would be

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         1       detrimental to every community that we serve

         2       across this state.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

         4       you, Senator Libous.

         5                  Are there any other Senators who

         6       wish to be heard on the amendment?

         7                  Seeing none, the question then is

         8       on the nonsponsor motion to amend Calendar

         9       Number 472.  Those Senators voting in support

        10       of the nonsponsor amendment please indicate so

        11       by raising your hand.

        12                  The Secretary will announce the

        13       results.

        14                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 30.  Nays,

        15       32.

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

        17       motion fails.

        18                  Senator Libous.

        19                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Mr. President, I

        20       believe there is another amendment at the

        21       desk.  I would ask that you waive its reading

        22       and call on Senator Farley.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        24       Senator Libous, Senator Farley does have an

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         1       amendment at the desk.  Without objection, the

         2       reading is waived and Senator Farley is

         3       recognized to speak on the amendment.

         4                  Senator Farley, before you speak,

         5       may we have some quiet in the chamber, please.

         6                  SENATOR FARLEY:    Thank you very

         7       much, Mr. President.

         8                  This is not a hostile amendment,

         9       this is a friendly amendment.

        10                  The New York Library Association

        11       opposes this situation and this bill.  You

        12       know, consolidation is fine and it's great.

        13       And like everything, libraries are governed by

        14       the Education Law.

        15                  And I want to applaud my

        16       colleagues.  Everybody on both sides of the

        17       aisle in this house has been so supportive of

        18       libraries.  And libraries in New York State

        19       are our crown jewel, as far as the rest of the

        20       nation is concerned.  They're chartered,

        21       they're covered by the Education Law, they're

        22       chartered by the Board of Regents, like all

        23       educational institutions.

        24                  You know, schools and the education

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         1       institutions are exempted from this

         2       consolidation, as should be libraries.

         3       Traditionally, we haven't had any great

         4       problem with overtaxation or anything else

         5       like that.

         6                  I just want to bring up one other

         7       example.  And I don't want to use Albany

         8       County as an example, but let's say that a

         9       library district in Bethlehem, which is right

        10       near here, and Guilderland and so forth, if

        11       you start consolidating this thing and

        12       bringing in one library, the poor, the elderly

        13       that do not have access to information will be

        14       shut out because of not being able to get to

        15       that particular institution.  This

        16       consolidation would certainly limit access.

        17                  And, you know, libraries, generally

        18       speaking, when you're talking about local

        19       government, they generally speaking are the

        20       last to be funded and the first to be cut.

        21       And they think if they can save some money by

        22       not funding libraries, by consolidating them

        23       and so forth, I think it would be a very, very

        24       bad thing.

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         1                  Now, none of us really want to do

         2       anything to hurt libraries.  And consequently,

         3       I think this is a very important amendment and

         4       one that should be supported.  Because as I

         5       say, the libraries have been a friend of this

         6       Legislature, and they do oppose being included

         7       in this bill.  And they think they should be

         8       treated like the schools, because they

         9       certainly are part of the education system.

        10                  I move this amendment.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

        12       you, Senator Farley.

        13                  Are there any other Senators who

        14       wish to be heard?

        15                  Seeing none, the question is on the

        16       nonsponsor motion to amend Calendar Number

        17       472.  Those Senators voting in support of the

        18       nonsponsor amendment should signify by raising

        19       your hand.

        20                  Announce the results.

        21                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 30.  Nays,

        22       32.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

        24       motion fails.

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         1                  Senator Libous.

         2                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Thank you,

         3       Mr. President.

         4                  I believe there's another amendment

         5       at the desk.  I would ask that you would waive

         6       its reading and call on Senator DeFrancisco,

         7       please.

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    There

         9       is another amendment at the desk.  However, I

        10       have reviewed Senator DeFrancisco's amendment

        11       with counsel and am ruling it out of order as

        12       not germane to the bill.

        13                  It relates to a different subject

        14       matter than the bill at hand, which relates to

        15       the issue of consolidation, a process to

        16       consolidate or dissolve local governments.

        17       Senator DeFrancisco's amendment relates to the

        18       issue of the New York State budget process

        19       and, in particular, levels of state spending.

        20                  Senator Libous.

        21                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Mr. President,

        22       point of order.  I believe Senator DeFrancisco

        23       would like to debate the germaneness of this

        24       particular amendment.

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         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

         2       Senator DeFrancisco is recognized to appeal

         3       the ruling of the chair.

         4                  SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:    I believe

         5       you're mistaken on your ruling.  As you know,

         6       the amendment would deal with adding the

         7       Governor's -- not our previously introduced

         8       and announced spending cap, but the Governor's

         9       Program Bill 16 that would cap spending by the

        10       growth of -- only by the growth for the last

        11       three years of inflation, the average rate of

        12       inflation for the last previous calendar

        13       years.  And it would increase the reserve fund

        14       from 3 to 10 percent, thereby making a cushion

        15       for future years.

        16                  And the reason it's relevant and

        17       germane is simply this, that the whole purpose

        18       of this consolidation effort and the purpose

        19       of the bill -- and I believe the sponsor will

        20       admit it -- the purpose of it is to save money

        21       so that we can in the future be able to save

        22       the amount of dollars that has to be spent by

        23       the state government on various things to

        24       localities.  In other words, save money.  It's

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         1       the same concept.

         2                  I'm a cosponsor of the bill.  This

         3       would make the bill of Senator Stewart-Cousins

         4       even better.  And I as a cosponsor will state

         5       on the record that this is germane to my bill

         6       that I'm cosponsoring, insofar as it's a

         7       question of trying to save money.

         8                  And therefore, I would appeal the

         9       ruling of the chair.  Thank you.

        10                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

        11       you, Senator DeFrancisco.

        12                  The question before the house,

        13       then, is whether the decision of the chair

        14       shall stand as judgment of the Senate.  All in

        15       favor of overruling the decision of the chair

        16       please signify by raising your hands.

        17                  The Secretary will announce the

        18       results.

        19                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 30.  Nays,

        20       32.

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Having

        22       failed to obtained the necessary votes, the

        23       ruling is sustained and the appeal is denied.

        24                  Senator DeFrancisco.

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         1                  SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:    I just

         2       wondered if I could ask for a recount.

         3                  (Laughter.)

         4                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Explanation of

         5       the bill, please.

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

         7       Senator Stewart-Cousins, an explanation of the

         8       bill has been requested by Senator Libous.

         9                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:    Thank

        10       you, Mr. President.

        11                  As chair of the Local Government

        12       Committee, at the request of Attorney General

        13       Cuomo I introduced Legislative Program Bill

        14       Number 1, the "New New York Government

        15       Reorganization and Citizen Empowerment Act."

        16                  Reform is something we've talked

        17       about.  We never stop talking about it.  And

        18       every once in a while, when we all put our

        19       minds to it, we actually do reform.  This is

        20       one step, and it's a very big step in that

        21       process.

        22                  The bill, first of all, was

        23       cosponsored by the ranking member of the Local

        24       Government Committee, my colleague Senator

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         1       Betty Little, who's also worked very, very

         2       hard on these issues for many, many years.

         3                  We passed this piece of legislation

         4       out of our committee last week, and we feel

         5       that it's very important.  Important because

         6       it gives a very solid road map, a blueprint

         7       for not only local officials who might want to

         8       consolidate entities of government but also

         9       the electorate who might want to consolidate

        10       levels of government.

        11                  If there was a question about how

        12       one could do that, this particular piece of

        13       legislation shows you clearly that you can and

        14       shows you clearly how it can be done.  It does

        15       not compel anyone to do anything.  There are

        16       no mandates here.  It does not threaten anyone

        17       or anything.

        18                  What it simply does is establishes

        19       a uniform and user-friendly process by which

        20       you can consolidate or dissolve entities

        21       should you desire to do so.

        22                  The act reforms existing law -- and

        23       when I saw existing law, I should probably say

        24       it in the plural, because there are so many.

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         1       It repeals and amends and supersedes outdated

         2       laws and establishes, in a single article of

         3       the General Municipal Law, uniform procedures.

         4                  The bill will help, again, local

         5       governments or the voters themselves to

         6       facilitate consolidation or dissolutions.  It

         7       gives citizens power.  It gives all of us a

         8       clear direction.  And hopefully we will

         9       support, again, this very first but very

        10       important step towards reform and towards

        11       easing a tax burden should communities wish to

        12       consolidate or dissolve entities.

        13                  Thank you.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

        15       you, Senator Stewart-Cousins.

        16                  Senator Saland.

        17                  SENATOR SALAND:    Mr. President,

        18       would Senator Stewart-Cousins please yield.

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        20       Senator Stewart-Cousins, do you yield?

        21                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:    I do.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

        23       sponsor yields.

        24                  SENATOR SALAND:    Through you,

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         1       Mr. President, I have some questions for

         2       Senator Stewart-Cousins.

         3                  Senator Stewart-Cousins, I'm

         4       looking at page 2 of the bill, Section 13,

         5       beginning at line 47.  And the language of the

         6       bill excludes certain local entities from the

         7       provisions of this legislation.  Could you

         8       tell us which those entities might be?

         9                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:    I mean,

        10       I guess I could tell you which they are, but

        11       is there some entity that you are particularly

        12       concerned about?

        13                  SENATOR SALAND:    I just want, for

        14       the purposes of the record that we're going to

        15       establish here, to have from the sponsor the

        16       entities.  Or if you'd like, I'll identify

        17       them and you can tell me --

        18                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:    Well, I

        19       mean, you know, cities, counties, school

        20       districts?

        21                  SENATOR SALAND:    Now, Title 2 is

        22       "Consolidation of local government entities."

        23       And you provide that "two or more local

        24       government entities, whether within the same

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         1       county or different counties."

         2                  Now, I know the County Law provides

         3       for the ability to articulate boundaries to

         4       accommodate these type of changes.  But could

         5       you tell me, if there were two local entities

         6       that wished to consolidate, what would

         7       determine which county they would be in at the

         8       conclusion of the consolidation?  And what

         9       would that do to the tax base of both of the

        10       counties?

        11                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:    Senator

        12       Saland, the county boundary lines would not

        13       change.  So I guess what you're asking is

        14       should this consolidation happen, where would

        15       the various entities be within either of those

        16       counties?  Is that what you're asking?

        17                  SENATOR SALAND:    I'm asking the

        18       question because I simply don't know the

        19       answer.  If you have to consolidate --

        20                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:    I'm

        21       not -- I was asking you was that the question

        22       you were asking.

        23                  SENATOR SALAND:    Okay.  There's

        24       Town A and Town B on different sides of the

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         1       county border between County 1 and County 2.

         2       Town A and Town B decide that they're going to

         3       consolidate and become Town AB.  For purposes

         4       of governance, for purposes of, for example,

         5       representation in a county board of

         6       supervisors or in a county legislature, the

         7       area that currently was a municipality in

         8       County 2 is now a municipality in County 1.

         9                  How does the governing structure

        10       work, and what impact if any does that have on

        11       the healthcare of services?  And if there's a

        12       snowstorm and the county is responsible for

        13       providing plowing services on a county road,

        14       is County 1 responsible or is County 2

        15       responsible?

        16                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:    Well, I

        17       could only say -- without being able to

        18       predict the outcomes of your question

        19       definitively, I can say that before any of

        20       that happened, there would have to have been a

        21       plan.  And within the construct of that plan,

        22       those types of details are worked out.

        23                  So again, I want to continue to

        24       emphasize -- and I know that you clearly

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         1       understand that this is a blueprint to begin

         2       the process if one wished to consolidate.  But

         3       there are many, many steps beyond just

         4       suggesting it might be time to consolidate.

         5                  And before any of those things

         6       arose, there would have had to have been a

         7       plan in place that would take care of all of

         8       the jurisdictional issues.

         9                  SENATOR SALAND:    Well, if in fact

        10       there were jurisdictional issues -- and I'm

        11       only talking about the instances in which

        12       there are contiguous municipalities on either

        13       side of a county line -- would the counties

        14       have to be party to whatever that agreement

        15       was?  Or could the town -- or town or village,

        16       as the case may be -- bind the county by its

        17       actions?

        18                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:    Would

        19       the county be bound by the town's or village's

        20       action, you're asking?

        21                  SENATOR SALAND:    In the absence

        22       of being a party to whatever this agreement

        23       is --

        24                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:    Yes.

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         1                  SENATOR SALAND:    -- could the

         2       town and/or --

         3                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:    Yes.

         4                  SENATOR SALAND:    They could bind

         5       the county?

         6                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:    Yes.

         7                  SENATOR SALAND:    If you'd permit

         8       me an observation, I'm not sure if that might

         9       not necessarily be the case, absent the

        10       willingness of the county to be bound.  But

        11       I'll let that be for the lawyers to resolve.

        12                  There are several references in the

        13       bill to --

        14                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:    Do you

        15       want me to continue to yield?

        16                  SENATOR SALAND:    If you would,

        17       please.  Thank you.

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

        19       senator continues to yield.

        20                  SENATOR SALAND:    Thank you.

        21                  There are several references in the

        22       bill, as part of the either the consolidation

        23       plan or the dissolution plan, to providing

        24       estimates of fiscal savings.  Who or what

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         1       entity would be the entity responsible for

         2       providing that information?

         3                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:    Well,

         4       it would depend on who initiated the process.

         5       Should the process be initiated by the

         6       governing bodies, then it would be the

         7       governing bodies that would have to provide

         8       what the impact would be, including the

         9       proposed savings.

        10                  When it comes to the

        11       electorate-initiated process, they would go

        12       through the petition-gathering process and

        13       then, once there were enough signatures

        14       gathered to pose the question, the question

        15       would be posed.  And should the majority of

        16       the electorate decide that this might be a

        17       good idea, then the process of putting the

        18       plans together begins.

        19                  SENATOR SALAND:    Excuse me.

        20       Thank you.  Thank you.

        21                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:    So it

        22       would depend.

        23                  SENATOR SALAND:    Would it be done

        24       by some type of fiscal officer?  Would it be

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         1       done by some type of an --

         2                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:    The

         3       local board would be responsible and would of

         4       course do -- the local governing board would

         5       draw on the resources that boards would

         6       normally draw upon to give that type of

         7       information.

         8                  SENATOR SALAND:    So basically it

         9       would be a board decision.

        10                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:    Yeah,

        11       it would be information.

        12                  SENATOR SALAND:    Thank you.

        13                  If the Senator would continue to

        14       yield.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        16       Senator Stewart-Cousins, do you continue to

        17       yield?

        18                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:    I do.

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

        20       sponsor continues.

        21                  SENATOR SALAND:    Over on page 16,

        22       "Dissolution of Local Government Entities,"

        23       you provide that -- when I say "you," I

        24       realize it's an Attorney General's bill -- the

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         1       proposed dissolution plan shall specify, and

         2       you enumerate a number of things.  And one of

         3       the things you enumerate is a fiscal estimate

         4       of the cost of dissolution.

         5                  And yet in a number of the other

         6       provisions of this legislation, you provide

         7       for a fiscal estimate of the savings that's,

         8       for example, used in the consolidation.

         9                  Is there a reason why you only want

        10       a fiscal estimate of the cost of the

        11       dissolution as distinguished from the savings

        12       when it comes to a dissolution?

        13                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:    Well, I

        14       think that the reference that you're making

        15       include those things that are the minimum

        16       level of information that must be provided.

        17                  As we all know, sometimes there are

        18       unexpected costs.  And so the minimum is to

        19       let people know what it might cost actually to

        20       dissolve a government, which could, in many

        21       ways, begin to tell the story of what could be

        22       saved.

        23                  But this is a minimum requirement.

        24       It is by no means the maximum.  And it's part

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         1       of the process that must be complied with.

         2                  SENATOR SALAND:    If the Senator

         3       will continue to yield.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

         5       Senator Stewart-Cousins.

         6                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:    And I

         7       think also, just if I might, I think it's also

         8       hard -- I mean, one could -- and I think we've

         9       had this discussion on both sides of the

        10       aisle.  You know, it's very hard to qualify

        11       what precisely will be saved.  And I think we

        12       can, and I would hope all these governments

        13       would strive in their best possible way to

        14       make sure that the facts about what it would

        15       cost to dissolve is there.

        16                  SENATOR SALAND:    Thank you,

        17       Senator.

        18                  I would merely suggest that the

        19       distinct differences between the language

        20       either constitutes a drafting error or, in

        21       fact, somebody is looking for different

        22       information.  Because what I would think would

        23       be of relevance to an elector, as is referred

        24       to in this bill, would be is there a savings

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         1       and what is it.  That would seem to be what's

         2       relevant.

         3                  And in two or three other places in

         4       this bill, that is the language that is used.

         5       Only in this place in this bill do we talk

         6       about the fiscal estimate of the cost of

         7       dissolution.  Perhaps someone in the Attorney

         8       General's office could tell us why there's a

         9       difference.

        10                  Senator, someplace in this bill,

        11       and it may have been at the beginning of the

        12       bill, there's provision --

        13                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:    Do you

        14       want me to continue to yield?

        15                  SENATOR SALAND:    If you will.

        16                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:    Thank

        17       you.

        18                  SENATOR SALAND:    Thank you.

        19                  Someplace in this bill, and I

        20       believe at the beginning of the bill, there's

        21       a provision that certain districts do not have

        22       to be contiguous in order to be consolidated.

        23                  And I'm wondering what districts

        24       might be in mind for that type of

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         1       consolidation, and why would it be beneficial

         2       that they not be contiguous?

         3                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:    Maybe

         4       sewer districts.

         5                  SENATOR SALAND:    Ah, page 4.


         7                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:    Sewer

         8       districts.  Did you hear my answer?

         9                  SENATOR SALAND:    But the

        10       language, if I may, does not limit itself to

        11       sewer districts.

        12                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:    No, you

        13       asked me a question, so I gave you a

        14       possibility.

        15                  SENATOR SALAND:    I'm looking

        16       at -- if you'll continue to yield, I'm looking

        17       at lines 2 through 4 on page 4.  "The

        18       requirement that local government entities be

        19       contiguous to consolidate does not apply to

        20       entities other than towns and villages."

        21                  So I would assume -- and please

        22       correct me if I'm wrong -- that if you're not

        23       a town or village, if you're a water district,

        24       if you're a fire district --

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         1                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:    Right.

         2       The special districts.

         3                  SENATOR SALAND:    Oh, the special

         4       districts.

         5                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:    Special

         6       districts don't have to be contiguous, whereas

         7       the towns and villages do.

         8                  SENATOR SALAND:    And could you --

         9       if you'll continue to yield --

        10                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:

        11       Absolutely.

        12                  SENATOR SALAND:    -- explain to me

        13       what the value would be in merging

        14       noncontiguous fire districts.  Given that one

        15       has to respond to a fire rather rapidly, or an

        16       emergency situation, I don't know --

        17                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:    Senator

        18       Saland, I don't know either.  And the beauty

        19       of this is that I don't have to know, and

        20       neither do you.

        21                  The reality is that this is a

        22       blueprint and a road map.  And should people

        23       make the decision to go down that path, they

        24       would have their reasons, and this would be an

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         1       opportunity for them to be able to do it

         2       without the hurdles that existed before.

         3                  SENATOR SALAND:    Thank you.

         4                  Thank you, Senator.

         5                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:    Thank

         6       you, Senator.

         7                  SENATOR SALAND:    On the bill.

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

         9       Senator Saland, on the bill.

        10                  SENATOR SALAND:    I must confess I

        11       am genuinely interested in trying to be

        12       supportive of this bill and quite literally

        13       haven't made up my mind.  And I'm assuming

        14       there's going to be further comment on the

        15       bill before this is over.

        16                  One of the things that I heard

        17       Senator Stewart-Cousins say in the course of

        18       her introductory remarks was she referred to

        19       this as a very big step.  I'm not quite sure

        20       that that might not be overamplifying to a

        21       considerable degree the value of this

        22       legislation.  I would more or less have to

        23       define it as being a rather small if not

        24       minute step that's truly playing at the edges.

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         1                  Because once you eliminate school

         2       districts, once you eliminate cities, once you

         3       eliminate counties, you are talking about a

         4       modest amount that's left on the table.  For

         5       most of us -- certainly people in my area --

         6       the school tax bill will run you close to

         7       two-thirds of your overall tax bill.  So I

         8       think it's realistic to use a 65 percent

         9       number.

        10                  If you live in a city and you also

        11       are -- I'm sorry, if you're living in a

        12       county, if the county tax is also not part of

        13       this equation, I have to assume that you've

        14       probably taken, before batting an eye,

        15       70 percent of your overall property tax burden

        16       easily out of the equation.

        17                  Now, when I see estimates -- and I

        18       have a couple of memos, and I'll read from --

        19       and you'll excuse me for laughing -- a

        20       Citizen's Action memo in support.  It says:

        21       "Published reports from various state agencies

        22       have stated that consolidating special taxing

        23       districts can actually save statewide

        24       homeowners up to 22 percent on their property

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         1       taxes."

         2                  Well, if the rest of the universe

         3       is 32 percent, 22 percent would amount to the

         4       majority of that 30 percent.  It just isn't

         5       going to happen.  It's not going to happen.

         6       There's no way in the world.  I mean.  This is

         7       so ludicrous as to be laughable.

         8                  I mean, if you want to be realistic

         9       about it, it's nice to talk about this as

        10       being a step -- and it is a step.  And

        11       consolidation is important.  But when you use

        12       numbers like 22 percent, my God, that borders

        13       on lunacy, idiocy.  There can't be anybody

        14       with half a brain who could believe this.

        15       Whoever made this up should go back and use

        16       their Ouija board and come up with another

        17       number.

        18                  And then I've got a NYPIRG memo

        19       saying it can reduce your town tax bill by

        20       20 percent.  Well, that's every bit as much of

        21       a stretch, although not as ludicrous as

        22       22 percent of your total tax bill.

        23                  If you turn back the pages of time,

        24       when Willie Sutton, probably back in the '50s,

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         1       was asked why he robbed banks, he said,

         2       "That's where the money is."  Well, where the

         3       money is is where the school tax is.  The

         4       money is not in consolidation; you're truly

         5       playing on the edges.  The money is where the

         6       school tax is.

         7                  The bottom line is without dealing

         8       meaningfully with the issue of your school

         9       property tax, there is no reform that's going

        10       to be accomplished.  Can this be helpful?  I

        11       would certainly hope so.  And I would hope

        12       that I would be able to support this bill.

        13       But the simple fact of the matter is to call

        14       this a major step, a big step, is a result

        15       only of using magnifying glasses and

        16       amplification.

        17                  The bottom line, basically, is we

        18       are truly here, at most, just playing on the

        19       periphery of an issue that has plagued this

        20       institution, has plagued this state for years,

        21       certainly more than a decade.

        22                  To advance this as somehow or other

        23       a major reform or making any significant

        24       difference in anybody's property tax bill is

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         1       truly an enormous reach and an injustice to a

         2       problem that still cries out, cries out every

         3       single day in every one of our constituencies,

         4       particularly where you have so-called

         5       independent school districts, and begs for

         6       reform that this doesn't come close to even

         7       touching.

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

         9       you, Senator Saland.

        10                  Senator Marcellino.

        11                  SENATOR MARCELLINO:    Thank you,

        12       Mr. President.  On the bill.

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        14       Senator Marcellino, on the bill.

        15                  SENATOR MARCELLINO:    Would you

        16       buy a car without looking under the hood?

        17       Would you buy a car without test driving,

        18       kicking the tires, turning on the engine to

        19       see if the motor works?  Would you buy a car

        20       without knowing the mileage, the gas mileage,

        21       especially today?

        22                  What this bill is asking us to do

        23       is to buy, literally, a pig in a poke.  We

        24       don't know what this bill will achieve.  There

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         1       is no -- as has been explained by Senator

         2       Saland's questioning, there is no real savings

         3       to be pointed to here that we can identify

         4       that makes any difference.

         5                  The savings is in the state.  We

         6       tax too much and we spend too much.  We should

         7       be consolidating state agencies.  We should be

         8       consolidating state workforce, state business.

         9       We should be consolidating what we do here in

        10       Albany and eliminating waste and duplication.

        11       That's our problem.

        12                  We shouldn't be meddling around in

        13       water districts, in local communities, which

        14       are run usually very efficiently and very

        15       effectively and deliver a quality product.

        16                  I live on Long Island.  We drink

        17       the water beneath our feet.  We're very

        18       concerned about its quality.  The people in

        19       the districts that handle that stuff handle it

        20       carefully and under great scrutiny, because

        21       the people of Long Island care about their

        22       water and they understand its important and

        23       significance.

        24                  I live in the Jericho Water

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         1       District.  It is a water district that has

         2       never issued a bond to pay any bills.  It is

         3       the best-run water district on Long Island, in

         4       my mind.  It is one of the most effective, and

         5       amongst all of them -- they're all very

         6       effective.  But the commissioners of that

         7       district have never sought to raise money by

         8       issuing bonds.  It's been pay as you go.  And

         9       they do it well, they have excess water, and

        10       they deliver a good product.

        11                  Why would we want to lose that?

        12       Why would we want to put that at risk?  We

        13       talked about fire districts before.  The key

        14       element in fire districts is response time.

        15       If you consolidate Fire District A with Fire

        16       District B, you still have to get to where the

        17       fire is.  What house are you going to close?

        18       What equipment are you going to sell off?

        19       Because that's where the savings is going to

        20       be.

        21                  And if we start reducing the number

        22       of firehouses within your community, within

        23       our areas, we now run the risk of extending

        24       response time.  Response time, as everybody

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         1       knows, is life and death.  If you can't get

         2       there on time when the fire is going to rescue

         3       the people in the home or to protect and save

         4       the home, you have a problem.  No amount of

         5       consolidation is worth putting someone's life

         6       at risk.

         7                  And when you're doing that, you're

         8       putting someone's life at risk for a savings

         9       which, as was pointed out so eloquently by

        10       Senator Saland, is extremely minimal at best.

        11                  The process belies, you know,

        12       explanation.  The public is asked to vote on

        13       the concept of consolidation.  No plan, just

        14       the concept.  After the vote is taken, should

        15       it be successful, then a plan will be formed.

        16       By whom?

        17                  The only way the voters who

        18       supported the concept, according to this bill,

        19       can get a look at the plan is by doing another

        20       referendum with another petition with even

        21       more signatures required.  It's not automatic.

        22       It doesn't go back to those voters.

        23                  I'm reminded of the Wizard of Oz

        24       movie where we saw the Emerald City, where you

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         1       heard the loud voice of the wizard, but when

         2       you got in there you saw the little old man

         3       throwing the levers and pulling the strings

         4       admonishing everybody, "Don't look at the man

         5       behind the curtain."  Don't worry about the

         6       facts, don't worry about the details, just

         7       remember the wizard.  Just believe in the

         8       wizard.

         9                  Well, I don't think we should be

        10       doing that to our taxpayers.  I think it's

        11       dangerous.  I think it's selling a bill of

        12       goods that isn't there.

        13                  We have to be very careful.

        14       Consolidation is important.  Everybody wants

        15       to save money.  I believe the Attorney General

        16       is working hard.  I believe he wants to do the

        17       right thing, I really do.  I don't believe

        18       this bill is crafted well enough.  I believe

        19       it needs a lot more work before it should be

        20       put out there and before it should be passed

        21       to become law.

        22                  It's dangerous to put this sort of

        23       thing forward without a proper vetting,

        24       without the proper really hard look and full

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         1       explanation.  When are we going to vote on

         2       this bill?  Consolidation, according to this,

         3       will be done in a special election.  Well,

         4       special elections are notoriously low-turnout

         5       elections.  We've all experienced it.  We've

         6       all run, in some cases -- I know I did.  The

         7       turnout in that special that got me elected

         8       the first time in 1995 was about 20 percent of

         9       what turned out in the general election.  I

        10       got the same percentage, by the way.

        11                  But the point being, the point

        12       being something like this should not be -- and

        13       as serious as this, as important as this,

        14       should not be the subject of a minority of

        15       votes and a very small amount of signatures.

        16       It should be done, in my mind, in the general.

        17                  It should be put up for a vote in a

        18       general election, where a majority of the

        19       voters are going to come out and a large

        20       number will turn out.  Hopefully educated.

        21       Hopefully a full debate in the public, in the

        22       light of day, will be done by people running,

        23       where this issue can be fully vetted by the

        24       taxpayers.  Who are the ones who are going to

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         1       have to pay the price for this.

         2                  Because once you've done it, once

         3       you've done this consolidation or the

         4       dissolution of these districts, you're not

         5       going to go back.  You're not going to go back

         6       and put them back.  Once the damage is done,

         7       it's over.  And you have to live with that

         8       problem for years and years to come.

         9                  So, ladies and gentlemen, I

        10       strongly suggest that we look behind the

        11       curtain here, that we lift the hood up on that

        12       car and see what is actually there and make

        13       sure that it truly works and does what it's

        14       going to do.

        15                  And if we're going to ask our

        16       people and say that we're doing this in the

        17       guise of voter empowerment, I want to truly

        18       empower the voter.  I want to make sure that

        19       voter knows what they're voting for.  Not some

        20       mythical savings which isn't real.  They

        21       should understand what the reality is before

        22       this thing is done.  It's much too important,

        23       the issue is much too important for us to do

        24       this like this.

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         1                  I suggest this bill go back for

         2       revision.  And I'm not talking about chapter

         3       amendments, I'm talking about revision

         4       beforehand, before it's done.  I think this

         5       bill should be recalled.  And I think it

         6       should be redone so that we can have all of

         7       the problems that have been pointed out here

         8       fixed to everybody's satisfaction before it

         9       comes to a vote on this floor.

        10                  If comes in this form, if it stays

        11       in this form, I will be voting no because I

        12       don't think this is the -- I don't think this

        13       is the true thing that it's pretending to be.

        14       As I said earlier, this isn't the real issue.

        15       This isn't the real thing.  This is a wish.

        16       And I don't think we should be voting on a

        17       wish.

        18                  I'm going to vote no on this bill

        19       if it stays the way it is, Mr. President.  And

        20       I urge everyone else to do the same.  Thank

        21       you for your patience.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

        23       you, Senator Marcellino.

        24                  Senator Little.

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         1                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Thank you,

         2       Mr. President.  On the bill.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

         4       Senator Little, on the bill.

         5                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Thank you.

         6                  I would like to begin by thanking

         7       Senator Stewart-Cousins for asking me to be a

         8       cosponsor on a bill and for recognizing the

         9       fact that this is an issue that I have talked

        10       about and worked on and suggested legislation

        11       for for a number of years -- actually, since

        12       I've been in the Senate.

        13                  I believe that we have to look at

        14       ways of being more efficient, as was spoken,

        15       at the state level as well as at the local

        16       level.  I believe there are many local

        17       governments that would like to look at how

        18       they can be more efficient and that they also

        19       need help in making the process easier and

        20       having the state be a partner with local

        21       government in getting to the end result.

        22                  I appreciate this legislation.  I

        23       think that as we go forward we will see that

        24       much of this legislation can already be done

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         1       at the local level.  But what it actually is

         2       trying to do is to streamline the process.

         3                  For every different entity that you

         4       want to do a consolidation or a merger for and

         5       have a vote on, you need a different

         6       percentage of signatures.  So what this does

         7       is say that not 5 percent of those who voted

         8       in the last election but 10 percent of the

         9       eligible voters in a district would be allowed

        10       to petition that particular government.

        11                  There are two ways that you can

        12       reach this consolidation in this, and it's

        13       laid out step-by-step with what has to be

        14       included, hearings and the whole works.

        15                  The one is that an elected body

        16       would put forth a consolidation proposal or a

        17       dissolution of a village.  And I have two sets

        18       of village-towns who are looking at this type

        19       of thing.

        20                  When they put it forth, if it's

        21       from the elected body, they have to have a

        22       consolidation plan with a fiscal note as to

        23       what the savings are, what the process is,

        24       what happens to the property, how everything

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         1       is going to work.  And then it would go --

         2       have hearings as well, publications, and then

         3       it would go a vote.

         4                  The other one is when a percentage,

         5       10 percent of the eligible voters would come

         6       forward with a petition.  Now, when that

         7       petition is brought, the elected body then

         8       sets a time to go to a vote.  Certainly there

         9       will be a lot of discussion between then.

        10                  But as to having to come up with a

        11       full-scale plan, you might want to do that,

        12       but you might not want to do that if you know

        13       that this consolidation and this petition is

        14       from a real minority and is not going to pass

        15       anyway.  So why do the plan and then put it to

        16       the voters.

        17                  Once those voters have decided that

        18       they want to pursue a consolidation, then a

        19       plan has to be devised that you have to have

        20       hearings, you have to have publications, you

        21       have to meet with all kinds of people and come

        22       up with how you would do it.  That elected

        23       body can -- there can be another petition to

        24       go to a second vote, or that elected body can

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         1       call for a referendum and have that.

         2                  There are many opportunities here

         3       that could be taken by local governments.

         4       They may; they may not.  This is a very

         5       emotional issue.  It's an issue that affects a

         6       lot of people in a district.  Some want it,

         7       some won't want it.  But it gives an

         8       opportunity to bring this to a vote, and it

         9       really clarifies the process in a step-by-step

        10       way.

        11                  I have seen in my own district a

        12       lot of duplication.  We talked about the

        13       counties.  I have one village, the Village of

        14       Saranac Lake, which is in three towns and two

        15       counties.  Now, there are layers upon layers

        16       of government in that area.

        17                  And as to trying to work together,

        18       we now have the village looking at becoming

        19       one unit with the town, the town that it is --

        20       has the greatest part of the village.

        21                  So whether that happens or not, I

        22       don't know.  But throughout my district I've

        23       had two village police departments combine.  I

        24       have, as I said, two villages and two towns

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         1       that are looking at how they can avoid the

         2       duplication and have a more efficient

         3       government.

         4                  Are there savings?  There are

         5       savings in many of these districts, sewer

         6       districts, water districts, all kinds of

         7       districts, just in the administration.  The

         8       people want the service.  You're still going

         9       to have all the service.  But you might be

        10       able to save in the administration of the

        11       operation that goes on.  I have towns that

        12       have three and four water districts.  You

        13       could have all those water districts being

        14       administered by one group.

        15                  So there are savings that can be

        16       generated by this.  In the long run, you may

        17       be able to, through attrition, reduce the

        18       number of people that are employed by the

        19       village or the town.  And especially if you

        20       dissolve a village, you're going to see some

        21       savings in that.

        22                  It is an emotional issue.  But I

        23       really commend the Attorney General for

        24       putting forth this piece of legislation.  I

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         1       served on the Lundine Commission, called the

         2       Commission on Government Efficiency.  And

         3       many, many, many issues were discussed.  And

         4       trying to move a couple of those issues

         5       forward is what's happening in this piece of

         6       legislation.

         7                  As I said, much of this can be done

         8       anyway by those local governments who choose

         9       to do it.  We talk about initiative and

        10       referendum.  We're giving people the

        11       opportunity, making it a little easier for

        12       them to petition government, to look at some

        13       consolidation.

        14                  And I believe that this is a good

        15       bill.  I think that there are probably some

        16       things in it that need to be tweaked and will

        17       be, going forward.  But I think that we as

        18       elected representatives owe it to our

        19       communities to be a partner in helping them in

        20       becoming more efficient if they choose to.

        21       And there is no mandate, as Senator

        22       Stewart-Cousins said, in this bill, absolutely

        23       no mandate anyplace that would require anyone

        24       to do anything.  But if there is a petition or

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         1       there is a decision made, the steps are all

         2       laid out.

         3                  So thank you.  And I will be voting

         4       in the affirmative on this bill.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

         6       you, Senator Little.

         7                  Senator Libous.

         8                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Thank you,

         9       Mr. President.

        10                  I put an amendment on the floor

        11       earlier that I believed in.  And it is my hope

        12       that when this bill passes that Senator

        13       Stewart-Cousins and the Attorney General will

        14       work with me to protect those fire districts,

        15       because I care very deeply about them and I

        16       will continue to pursue that issue.

        17                  I would like now talk about the

        18       main bill and consolidation.  You've heard a

        19       number of points for and against the bill, and

        20       I certainly have great respect for all of my

        21       colleagues and their positions.

        22       Mr. President, I stand here to support the

        23       bill, and I want to share why.

        24                  Consolidation is an issue that's

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         1       always talked about, but then when it comes to

         2       implementing, people get nervous because there

         3       may be a loss of a job or two or a merging of

         4       various departments.  But yet everybody talks

         5       about consolidation.  Even the local officials

         6       who run for office talk about consolidation.

         7                  In my district the people have

         8       spoken in the Village of Johnson City.

         9       They've actually petitioned -- as Senator

        10       Little said, you can do it now.  They've

        11       petitioned, and they are moving forward.  And

        12       I can tell you that not only are they moving

        13       forward with great speed, but they got the

        14       local governments to begin to talk about

        15       various mergers of departments, whether it be

        16       the water treatment facility or the police

        17       department or the fire department.  They're

        18       now talking about two village fire departments

        19       merging together.  But it was because the

        20       people spoke.

        21                  And, Mr. President, I support and

        22       have supported initiative and referendum.  And

        23       I sometimes wonder why people get nervous when

        24       the voters want to have a say.  They're the

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         1       same people who put us here, every one of us

         2       here in the Senate.  The same people who made

         3       wise choices in electing us to the positions

         4       we hold.  Why not allow them to make decisions

         5       in their own towns and villages as it pertains

         6       to their local governments?

         7                  As Senator Little said, and I think

         8       Senator Stewart-Cousins said, this legislation

         9       isn't mandating a thing.  As a matter of fact,

        10       most of it is in law anyway.

        11                  I think the people need to have

        12       more opportunities to speak.  They are the

        13       taxpayers.  They are the men and women who not

        14       only provide the money that pay our salaries,

        15       but they pay the salaries of the local

        16       officials.  And they certainly have a right to

        17       an honest say into how those dollars spent

        18       locally.

        19                  I applaud the Attorney General for

        20       taking a leadership move.  I hope that he will

        21       be open to amendments, because many of my

        22       colleagues have brought up some very valid

        23       points.  And I think that there needs to be

        24       some chapter amendments to this legislation.

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         1                  But I stand here to support the

         2       effort.  I think consolidation is an important

         3       issue.  And at least this will begin and has

         4       begun the discussion.  Everyone at the local

         5       level is talking about the issue, and that's

         6       positive.  So if the Attorney General has done

         7       anything, at least he's brought a new

         8       awareness to the issue of consolidation.  And

         9       hopefully we can amend the bill so that we can

        10       take care of some of the issues that were

        11       brought up today.

        12                  But we need to look at

        13       consolidation seriously in New York State.

        14       Many of our governments are overbloated.  And

        15       as we need to continue to trim state

        16       government, we need give the locals an

        17       opportunity -- not force them, but give them

        18       their own opportunity to reduce and

        19       consolidate governments.

        20                  I vote aye.

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

        22       you, Senator Libous.

        23                  Senator Craig Johnson.

        24                  SENATOR CRAIG JOHNSON:    Thank you

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         1       very much, Mr. President.  On the bill.

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

         3       Senator Johnson, on the bill.

         4                  SENATOR CRAIG JOHNSON:    I first

         5       want to thank my neighbor and colleague and

         6       the chairwoman of the Local Governments

         7       Committee, Andrea Stewart-Cousins, for

         8       sponsoring this initiative.

         9                  I would be remiss if I did not

        10       thank the Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo, and

        11       in particular his staff, Hank Greenberg and

        12       Jim Malatras, who throughout the process have

        13       had constant open lines of communications with

        14       respect to this issue.

        15                  And I think we can all say in this

        16       body that we all agree of the need to lower

        17       the cost of government here in New York State.

        18       The way I look at it, reasonable people are

        19       going to differ on reasonable positions.  And

        20       notwithstanding the fact of hearing the

        21       proponents of the bill on the bill today, I

        22       believe that this piece of legislation

        23       contains some potential flaws and pitfalls

        24       that I don't see as being reconcilable at this

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         1       juncture.

         2                  Before I get into that, I think

         3       it's important just to quickly discuss the

         4       amendments that failed earlier today.  And I

         5       commend you, Senator Libous, on the amendment

         6       that you brought up with respect to the fire

         7       districts.  But it fell a little bit short

         8       because the bill, your amendment didn't exempt

         9       fire protection districts or village fire

        10       departments.

        11                  I've got village protection

        12       districts in my district.  I've got village

        13       fire departments in my district.  Many of us

        14       do.  And notwithstanding the good intention of

        15       the amendment, we didn't include those.  And

        16       so it's kind of hard to split the baby

        17       Solomon-like.

        18                  But I think, as you said, I am

        19       hopeful that you will work with us, and

        20       hopefully the Attorney General's office, on

        21       chapter amendments to address the issue of the

        22       volunteer firefighters.  And whether it's

        23       through an exemption or creating a process

        24       where we give a full and fair opportunity --

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         1       through an arbitrator, a mediator,

         2       something -- to let the people understand

         3       what's going on, I'm hopeful we can get to

         4       that process.

         5                  And there's no doubt, Senator

         6       Farley, your issue on library districts and

         7       the important role that they play.  But like

         8       my good friend Senator Marcellino talked

         9       about, water districts play a very important

        10       role in Long Island and in other places.

        11       Police districts.  There are other special

        12       districts that impact the lives of our

        13       residents.

        14                  And so my concern on the library

        15       district is maybe look at other exemptions.

        16       And again, a positive piece of this

        17       legislation is that the effective date is not

        18       for 270 days after it's been signed into law.

        19       That gives us nine months to work together, to

        20       work together on addressing those particular

        21       issues.

        22                  And so it was hard, obviously, and

        23       you addressed great points.  But the need to

        24       address them going forward is just as

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         1       compelling.

         2                  A lot of the discussion both inside

         3       this chamber and the halls of the Capitol, all

         4       across the state, is the need to reduce the

         5       size of government.  The concern is that we

         6       all represent different areas of the state.

         7       And my concern is what this bill could start

         8       is creating big government.

         9                  And I'll give you an example.  And

        10       it's on example I picked up on in reading the

        11       various editorials in support of this

        12       legislation.  They discussed a particular

        13       village.  I think the village was by the name

        14       of Tully -- coincidentally, my predecessor's

        15       predecessor in the 7th Senatorial District.

        16       And the editorial page took issue with the

        17       mayor of the Village of Tully for claiming of

        18       thwarting a consolidation into the Town of

        19       Tully.  The population of Tully was in the

        20       hundreds; the Town of Tully was in the

        21       thousands, the low thousands.  Interesting

        22       point.

        23                  My concern is take a village in my

        24       district -- and I rent 33 of them, ladies and

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         1       gentlemen, 33 villages.  They range in size

         2       from the high hundreds to the tens of

         3       thousands.  Consolidating a village in my

         4       district into one of the three towns I

         5       represent -- I represent towns with population

         6       over 200,000, over 700,000, over 300,000.

         7       Talk about big government.  Talk about big

         8       government.

         9                  I think what we need to do is take

        10       some time.  I think what we need to do is take

        11       some time.  I think that the well-intentioned

        12       provisions of this law unfortunately

        13       potentially create some mischief.  There's no

        14       doubt there have been instances and examples

        15       of villages, under the current threshold of

        16       the law, 33 percent of the owners of real

        17       property have had efforts to consolidate under

        18       the law.  And they've tried.  And there have

        19       been instances, and I think there are members

        20       in the Senate body who have been involved in

        21       some of those efforts in the past in other

        22       roles.

        23                  Now what we're doing is we're

        24       dropping the initiative to 10 percent, one out

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         1       of 10 individuals who live in the district,

         2       who are electorates in the district, live in

         3       the district.  One out of 10.  I don't know if

         4       that's really indicating something.  One out

         5       of three, one out of three persons, maybe, to

         6       bring a referendum.  But one out of 10, I

         7       don't know.

         8                  But the other concern I have is

         9       that these referendums, these referendums can

        10       become special elections, which have

        11       notoriously low turnout.  It doesn't

        12       necessarily accurately reflect whether the

        13       electorate wants to undertake something.

        14                  I don't know what the efforts will

        15       be to address the issue of if somebody is

        16       angry at village hall, to have them undertake

        17       paid canvassers to go around and collect

        18       signatures and start the process.  I don't

        19       know.

        20                  I know that Senator Little

        21       discussed the issue of the plan first versus

        22       the referendum.  I also know that all of us

        23       here are experienced in campaigns, and things

        24       many times are said in campaigns.

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         1                  But I think it's important that

         2       regardless if you took the plan first or the

         3       plan second, you have to be allowed to vote on

         4       the plan.  And it shouldn't be triggered by a

         5       permissive referendum.  Right now the

         6       legislation says that if a referendum passes

         7       and you now start the process of a

         8       consolidation or dissolution, start it by

         9       voter electorates, that at the end of the day

        10       that plan takes place unless you have another

        11       petition drive.

        12                  Never mind the fact that the

        13       original petition drive has no cutoff date on

        14       signatures -- you can collect them for

        15       months -- and the vote on a plan has a short

        16       cutoff date, you have to rush out and get

        17       signatures after 45 days.  Put that aside, and

        18       put aside the fact that you have different

        19       higher thresholds.  Why wouldn't the

        20       proponents of a consolidation or dissolution

        21       want to put their plan immediately up for a

        22       vote?

        23                  And by the way, ladies and

        24       gentlemen, we talk about nothing is mandated.

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         1       Well, what this actually does is create a

         2       little bit of an unfunded mandate that we talk

         3       about that we want to prevent.  The unfunded

         4       mandate is, if you read it, the villages or

         5       the entities that are being consolidated or

         6       dissolved have to pay for the plan.  There's

         7       no incentive.

         8                  When I served on the Lundine

         9       Commission and when we talked about these

        10       issues, one of the things talked about quite a

        11       bit was if people want to consolidate or

        12       dissolve, you've got to offer incentives.  So

        13       one of the things that has to be taken into

        14       account in any kind of fiscal impact has to be

        15       what's the cost going to be for actually

        16       putting this plan together.  And it's going to

        17       take a lengthy process.

        18                  And then we have to look at the

        19       result.  And then we have to look at the

        20       issues.  What about labor costs?  What about

        21       union contracts?  What happens to them?  A lot

        22       of it's open-ended, and I understand that.

        23       It's a process, we're starting a process.  But

        24       there are a lot of questions, ladies and

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         1       gentlemen.  A lot of questions.

         2                  And so my concern as I'm here today

         3       is I agree, Senator Libous, it's about the

         4       people, letting the people decide.  But we

         5       need to do it in a way that we correct the

         6       pitfalls.

         7                  When we are involved in a petition

         8       process to get on the ballot, there is a right

         9       to challenge the signatures.  I think we've

        10       even had debates here this session on changes

        11       to the Election Law that people brought up

        12       that very point.

        13                  Is there a way to challenge those

        14       signatures in here?  I don't know.  I don't

        15       think so.  I think the village clerk or the

        16       clerk in the town who takes the petitions

        17       takes and checks them off.  Is there a way for

        18       people to challenge those signatures other

        19       than to look at it?

        20                  So there are questions, ladies and

        21       gentlemen, there are questions.  I had hoped

        22       and I had wished to do hearings on this.  We

        23       spent a year on the Lundine Commission going

        24       around and talking about this and listening to

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         1       both sides, to both sides.  And obviously

         2       there can and should be ways to address these

         3       issues, because they are important.  Because

         4       we do want to reduce the cost of government

         5       and give relief to our constituents.

         6                  But my concern is today, as we vote

         7       on this bill, there are just too many

         8       unanswered questions.  And so as much as I

         9       regret, I am going to have to break ranks with

        10       my friend Andrea Stewart-Cousins and I am

        11       going to have to oppose this legislation for

        12       the reasons I've set forth.

        13                  Thank you, Mr. President.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

        15       you, Senator Johnson.

        16                  Senator Morahan.

        17                  SENATOR MORAHAN:    Thank you,

        18       Mr. President.

        19                  Much has been said about this bill,

        20       pro and con, which clearly indicates it's not

        21       a perfect bill.  But in all the years I'm

        22       here, I never had the opportunity to vote for

        23       a perfect bill.

        24                  We hear these questions and these

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         1       specters looming up in front of us like

         2       they're insurmountable.  I believe over the

         3       next nine months we will continue to get input

         4       from local villages, from constituents, on and

         5       on, to indicate what we may have to do to

         6       tweak this bill.  Because there are some

         7       concerns.

         8                  But overall what we're doing is

         9       we're giving people, the taxpayers, something

        10       to say about their own destiny.  And what I

        11       hear from those who are not supporting the

        12       bill today is that we know best, we know of

        13       all the foibles, and we have to protect the

        14       people from themselves because they may not be

        15       as smart or as wise as we are, that they won't

        16       see these same pitfalls that some point out in

        17       this chamber.

        18                  I believe this is the start of

        19       something good.  I have concerns, I had

        20       concerns, and I spoke for the Attorney

        21       General's office as well.  And I believe that

        22       after the commissions -- the Suozzi

        23       Commission, Governor Spitzer, now the Attorney

        24       General all coming out with this thrust of

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         1       what we can do to deal with the magnitude of

         2       the sheer numbers of local districts and local

         3       municipalities -- that maybe it is time for

         4       that in-depth review.

         5                  And I think people in the villages

         6       know what they want, know what they will pay

         7       for, know what is excessive.  We have seen

         8       already mergers.  We've seen villages pass off

         9       to towns the police departments because of

        10       economic drivers.  So I give them full credit

        11       on how to deal with this particular bill.

        12                  What we've done, in essence --

        13       because all of the things that we propose in

        14       this bill are doable under current law -- what

        15       we're doing here is just making this a little

        16       bit less onerous and burdensome.  Some of the

        17       original law was driven so people would be

        18       discouraged.  Villages were a creation of

        19       votes, they were a creation of the people, not

        20       by any constitution.  And therefore, the same

        21       people have the right to dissolve, they have

        22       the right to merge, they have the right to

        23       dictate their own destiny.

        24                  And while all of us have some

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         1       reservations, I have trust in the people,

         2       certainly in my district, and the people in

         3       the State of New York that they're just as

         4       smart as we are, they're just as knowledgeable

         5       and will become more knowledgeable, and they

         6       will move this process where it is appropriate

         7       and it won't move where it would be

         8       inappropriate.

         9                  I will cast my vote in the

        10       affirmative, Mr. President.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

        12       you, Senator Morahan.

        13                  Senator Larkin.

        14                  SENATOR LARKIN:    Thank you,

        15       Mr. President.

        16                  I've read this bill twice.  I've

        17       read parts of it three or four times.  And I

        18       haven't been a local government official.  I

        19       have some serious questions.

        20                  The intent is perfect.  Some

        21       members in this chamber remember Senator

        22       Charlie Cook, late Senator Cook.  I was in the

        23       Assembly, he was in the Senate, and we tried

        24       to put this package together.  And we found

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         1       stumbling blocks all over.  Most of it came

         2       from turf.  Some of it came from strong-armed

         3       outside agencies.

         4                  But one of the things that we

         5       included in our proposal was the financing.

         6       Because if two units are going to merge -- and

         7       this goes back to when we used to talk of

         8       revenue-sharing, not AIM -- we provided a

         9       structure in there so that AIM money would go

        10       into the two or more prospective units to be

        11       consolidated for a period of five years.

        12                  Now, we don't talk about that in

        13       here.  We don't talk about that.  And we don't

        14       talk enough about the indebtedness.

        15                  I've seen water districts that went

        16       to the comptroller in 1976 and the comptroller

        17       said you can't dissolve them, what you need to

        18       do is to take Water District 11 and make part

        19       of it Water District 11A and Water District

        20       11B.  The same thing with the Attorney

        21       General.

        22                  So I don't see this in here.  If

        23       it's in here, I'm blind, because I'm not

        24       reading it.  And I think these are some of the

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         1       things that the public should know before any

         2       of this is done.

         3                  The original concept we had 20,

         4       25 years ago is still good today.  The intent

         5       of this bill, I give Senator Stewart-Cousins a

         6       lot of credit and Betty Little and John

         7       Bonacic and DeFrancisco and a lot of others.

         8       And Tom Libous too.  But the point that I'm

         9       making is that we're losing some factors here

        10       that the public should know about.

        11                  I couldn't in good conscience tell

        12       my people to vote for this when there's

        13       something left out of it, something that

        14       affects their pocketbook.  I hear people say

        15       this will save us 22 to 24 percent.  I say,

        16       sit down and show me.  Well, we'll do this,

        17       we'll do this, we'll do -- no, you're not.

        18       That's not in here.

        19                  The plan to dissolve it as it was

        20       projected years ago was laid out so

        21       everybody -- and while we're talking about it,

        22       why are we saying, well, we'll eliminate this,

        23       we'll eliminate that, we'll eliminate this,

        24       we'll eliminate?  That goes back to the

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         1       problem that some of us in the MTA area had

         2       when we said we'll excuse you, we'll excuse

         3       you, but we'll tighten it up on someone else.

         4                  Now, to the people New York City,

         5       why don't we consolidate boroughs?  I read in

         6       the papers where they say the borough

         7       president is strictly a ceremonial position.

         8       And he does this, that and the other, but he

         9       has no effective management of the City of

        10       New York.  That's the mayor.  You want to save

        11       some money?  Start right there.

        12                  Why are we just sticking to towns

        13       and villages?  What's the matter with cities?

        14                  There was a plan here about 15

        15       years ago to make elements of government

        16       within so many years continuous.  Look at some

        17       of our school districts upstate in the small

        18       areas.  We have school districts with less

        19       than a thousand students.  Yet we keep them.

        20       I think it's a mistake to not take a good hard

        21       look at these.

        22                  This is serious business.  And I

        23       appreciate the effort that's been put forth.

        24       But I'm saying we are not doing enough to

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         1       ensure that we're providing the people of this

         2       state with specific information on what you're

         3       buying.

         4                  You read this book, you read it,

         5       and it tells you we'll do this, we'll do that,

         6       we'll do this, we'll do that, we'll do this.

         7       But what are we doing to ensure that the

         8       public has the knowledge?

         9                  The original concept was

        10       Municipality A and B want to get together.

        11       Each one of them have a separate hearing.

        12       Then they have the board decision.  Then they

        13       have a consolidated.  And then the agreement

        14       was signed as to what was going to be done.

        15                  That's not in here.  When you talk

        16       about the fire districts -- I have a fire

        17       district that serves five municipalities.  How

        18       do you take them out and separate them and let

        19       them see what's going on?  You can't.  No

        20       matter what we want to say here, politically

        21       or not, if you don't think there's ego and

        22       there's turf you've got to be worried about in

        23       here, you're foolish.  If you think CSEA is

        24       going to stand by, PEF and a lot of others,

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         1       because they do not feel they're getting a

         2       fair shake -- anybody can tell me, I have a

         3       thousand emails from Long Island alone that

         4       says this is not in the best interests of the

         5       taxpaying public.

         6                  We keep talking about what we're

         7       going to save, but I don't see it here.  Do I

         8       agree we need to do some consolidation?  Five

         9       hundred percent I do.  But we're going at it

        10       ass backwards.  Excuse my language, ladies.

        11                  I think what we need to do is start

        12       to say we want to have a consolidation, and

        13       here's the elements of consolidation.  Now,

        14       John Flanagan can tell you this, because when

        15       he was a young boy they wanted to consolidate

        16       his school district, and his father said to

        17       him:  John, you'll never play for that school

        18       and wear pink and gray.  And somebody else

        19       will say:  And you'll never wear black and

        20       blue.  They bruised up a little bit.

        21                  But if you don't think that those

        22       are real issues, you're fooling yourself.  You

        23       go to a firehouse, and Senator Johnson just

        24       mentioned it very clearly.  These firehouses,

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         1       we're talking about volunteers.  We're not

         2       talking about someone who's getting a check.

         3       We're talking about someone who gives their

         4       whole life to protecting their fellow

         5       citizens -- winter, summer, sleet, storm,

         6       whatnot.  They don't get -- the pride they get

         7       is what what's it.  There's no paycheck there.

         8                  But then we're going to say to

         9       them:  Well, we're going to take care of you.

        10       Take care of you how?  Why are we so damn

        11       closed eyes, closed ears, to sit down -- why

        12       don't we have the Attorney General and the

        13       people in this house and the other sit down,

        14       sit down with the Association of Counties,

        15       Association of Towns, the Conference of

        16       Mayors, some of our chambers of commerce.

        17       They would all want to be partners in this.

        18                  This is a rush job.  Do I

        19       appreciate what the Attorney General is trying

        20       to do?  Most certainly.  I don't know if the

        21       Governor will even sign it if we pass it,

        22       because you have to realize the Governor has

        23       his proposal.  This is the Attorney General's

        24       proposal.

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         1                  And what are we really doing?

         2       We're making a big political show because we

         3       haven't produced this year for the people of

         4       the State of New York.  And they know it.  I

         5       have not one, not one piece of correspondence

         6       from the 31 municipalities in my district or

         7       my 18 school districts that says to me:

         8       Support this consolidation.  They have

         9       constantly said to me, This is a shame.

        10                  Start from ground zero.  If you

        11       don't start from ground zero, you're not going

        12       to accomplish anything.  It's nice to say

        13       we're going to save money.  But if you were

        14       buying an estate plan, wouldn't you go in and

        15       want to find out what the plan is going to do

        16       for you?  You wouldn't walk in and say, here's

        17       a hundred thousand dollars and throw it on the

        18       table.  You want to know what it's going to

        19       give you.

        20                  We don't know here.  And we're

        21       blind-eyed because we say, you know, this is

        22       consolidation, this is what the public wants.

        23       They want -- they may want consolidation, but

        24       they want it done in a manner which will

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         1       reflect on something positive for the State of

         2       New York.

         3                  How does it help our remaining

         4       municipalities?  What will they be doing?

         5       What will be the jurisdiction?  Where will our

         6       law enforcement come from?

         7                  We have plenty of things today if

         8       you want to dissolve a unit.  It's in the

         9       books.  You can do it.  But we don't want to

        10       do it, we're looking for a quick fix.  And a

        11       quick fix, that's what drug dealers do, quick

        12       fixes.  We're legislators.  We were sent here

        13       to do a job, not to play politics.  We were

        14       sent here to do something that will increase

        15       the quality of life of the people of this

        16       state.

        17                  Mr. President, I would love to

        18       support this bill because I think it's got

        19       some good avenues of approach.  But until we

        20       correct that and let the public know what

        21       they're buying, I cannot vote for this bill.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

        23       you, Senator Larkin.

        24                  Before recognizing Senator

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         1       Stewart-Cousins to close the debate, are there

         2       any other Senators who wish to be heard?

         3                  Senator Owen Johnson.

         4                  SENATOR OWEN JOHNSON:    Yes, thank

         5       you, Mr. President.

         6                  Well, we've heard a lot, but we

         7       don't know a lot.  And the reason is because

         8       we haven't had too much discussion about this

         9       bill.  It's been rushed to the floor for a

        10       vote.

        11                  You know, it's not always good to

        12       hear something you think is a great idea and

        13       rush in and do it.  My mother said to me once,

        14       act in haste, repent at leisure.  That's what

        15       you're going to be doing if you vote for this

        16       bill.  Because the simple fact is that we

        17       don't know all the mischief that could be

        18       created by this bill.

        19                  We don't know what the cost is

        20       going to be.  And some lawyers here will be

        21       smiling, I'm sure.  They'll have a lot of work

        22       in their communities because it's going to

        23       create a lot of legal action, activity.  And

        24       whether there's any profit, nobody knows.

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         1                  Ten percent of the people can

         2       decide that some consolidation measure,

         3       whatever it might be -- and if the people vote

         4       for the idea, good.  But they don't have any

         5       particulars.  They won't find out till later,

         6       until after you adopt the thing, that they can

         7       create something that maybe they haven't even

         8       anticipated taking place.

         9                  There's no security about voting.

        10       What are the regulations about voting?  When

        11       and how are you going to vote?  Who's going to

        12       do it?  Who's going to check the petitions and

        13       all that business, the board of elections or

        14       some other group that we set up to count the

        15       votes and know who came in to vote and who

        16       didn't come in to vote?

        17                  So a small minority of people could

        18       really create a chaotic situation in many of

        19       our communities.  And it's been suggested that

        20       this change should take place and that change

        21       should take place.  In fact, we already said

        22       that we want to change it for the fire

        23       districts, change it for the libraries.  Maybe

        24       we're going to make other changes.  But once

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         1       this becomes law, you might not ever get a

         2       chance to make those changes.  Think about

         3       that.

         4                  This is not a perfect thing.

         5       Everybody knows it's imperfect.  We're going

         6       to adopt it because somebody said we're in a

         7       hurry to save money.  We don't know what the

         8       costs are going to be, we don't know what the

         9       benefits are going to be.  This is really

        10       blindsiding everybody.

        11                  And the media may think it's a

        12       wonderful thing, but don't let them buffalo

        13       you and push you around.  Tell them when this

        14       bill is perfected, we'll bring it up again and

        15       then we'll vote on it.  Till then, we're not

        16       going to do it.

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

        18       you, Senator Johnson.

        19                  Senator Stewart-Cousins, to close.

        20                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:    Thank

        21       you, Mr. President.

        22                  I really appreciated the debate and

        23       certainly appreciate the commitment that all

        24       of my colleagues have on both sides of the

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         1       aisle to tackle the things that we all know

         2       that the people sent us here to tackle.  And

         3       we know, whether or not it's a big step or a

         4       little step or whatever, that it is an

         5       important step, because today is the step that

         6       we take where we actually stop studying an

         7       issue and start really doing something about

         8       it.

         9                  I looked at how long we've been

        10       talking about this issue.  It seems that in

        11       1935, the Commission for Revision of Tax

        12       Laws -- because even in 1935, they were a

        13       mess -- we studied.  And then in 1970 we had a

        14       Temporary State Commission on Powers of Local

        15       Government to study how to do what we are

        16       beginning to do today.  That was in 1973.

        17                  In 1990 through 1992, we had a

        18       Local Government Restructuring Project that

        19       was convened by the Rockefeller Institute.

        20       And from 1990 to 1993, the Commission on

        21       Merging Local Governments, by Governor Cuomo,

        22       was convened.

        23                  2002 to 2004, the Commission on

        24       Local Government Reform, Governor Pataki.  And

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         1       then the Commission on Local Government

         2       Efficiency and Competitiveness, chaired by

         3       former Lieutenant Governor Stan Lundine,

         4       brought us from 2007 to 2008.  Clearly, we

         5       have done a lot of studying on this issue.

         6                  So today, ladies and gentlemen, we

         7       are closing the book on those studies and

         8       walking forward in terms of actually creating

         9       an environment that allows people, the

        10       electorate, those people that we trusted

        11       enough -- yes, even during special

        12       elections -- to vote for the right person and

        13       send them here, these people can also look at

        14       their governments, look at their special

        15       districts, and make decisions.

        16                  And we are in a position where

        17       through our legislation, through this

        18       initiative, we are able to help people walk

        19       through the process and, yes, do the things

        20       that they think are necessary.

        21                  I think that before we close I need

        22       to thank a lot of people.  And the first

        23       person I do want to thank is our Majority

        24       Leader, Senator Smith, for his leadership on

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         1       the issue.  I also want to thank my colleagues

         2       on both sides of the aisle for their support.

         3       My staff members, who worked so hard on this.

         4       My legislative director, Kate Glazer; counsel

         5       to my committee, Susan Grelick; the Senate

         6       Policy Committee staff members:  Tonya Cantlo,

         7       Dave Marcus, Dave Krakauer; our counsel to the

         8       Majority, Shelley Mayer.

         9                  I want to thank the Attorney

        10       General for the work that he's done and his

        11       staff, who I think many of you have heard have

        12       always had a listening ear.  And I want to

        13       thank Hank Greenberg and Jim Malatras for

        14       their support.  I also want to thank the

        15       Attorney General for working alongside of

        16       Governor Paterson.

        17                  And of course I want to thank the

        18       other house of this Legislature for passing

        19       this bill.

        20                  I thanked my ranker, Betty Little,

        21       already, but I will thank her again for being

        22       steadfast and supportive.

        23                  And more than that, I really want

        24       to thank the people of New York State, because

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         1       we are all hire through their good graces and

         2       we are making these initiatives and these

         3       steps because of their will to see us act in

         4       ways that will help them.  Their demand for

         5       change and reform helped us get to this place.

         6       And I'm confident that, again, these initial

         7       steps will be the beginning of real reform,

         8       real relief in property taxes, and real

         9       empowerment for the citizens of our

        10       government.

        11                  So I thank you, Mr. President.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

        13       you, Senator Stewart-Cousins.

        14                  The debate is closed.

        15                  The Secretary will ring the bells.

        16                  The Secretary will read the last

        17       section.

        18                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 19.  This

        19       act shall take effect on the 270th day.

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Call

        21       the roll.

        22                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        24       Senator DeFrancisco, to explain his vote.

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         1                  SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:    Yes,

         2       there's been a lot of debate on this bill to

         3       consolidate or at least give the people of our

         4       respective Senate districts the right to vote

         5       on whether to consolidate various governmental

         6       and other entities.

         7                  And this bill is certainly not

         8       perfect.  I don't know of any bill that's ever

         9       been passed here that's been perfect.  But on

        10       the other hand, whenever you can give the

        11       localities and the taxpayers the right to make

        12       a decision when there's stagnation by

        13       government, I think it's a good thing.  That's

        14       why I've always supported the initiative and

        15       referendum bill.

        16                  I think those who are opposed or

        17       some of the arguments that I heard of those

        18       that were opposed I don't think give the

        19       taxpayers and the voters enough credit to make

        20       a decision in a right way whether it's a good

        21       thing or not a good thing to consolidate.

        22                  For those reasons, I'm going to

        23       support this bill and I do support this bill.

        24       And I'll give you one example of how important

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         1       it is.  We had a police department in Onondaga

         2       County, the Clay Police Department, and their

         3       supervisor decided to bring that to the

         4       voters.  Well, there was a big debate, just as

         5       much argument on both sides as there were in

         6       the chambers today.  The people decided to

         7       consolidate.  And now the Town of Clay is

         8       saving about a million dollars as a result of

         9       the Clay Police Department now merging with

        10       the sheriff's department.

        11                  If that's what people want, we

        12       should allow them to have that choice.

        13                  Lastly, we should take the example

        14       of this bill, of what we're giving the people

        15       locally, to pass initiative and referendum

        16       here so people can put bills on the agenda

        17       dealing with state issues.  And also we should

        18       provide more savings to the people of our

        19       communities by way of consolidating areas in

        20       state government as well.

        21                  Thank you, Mr. President.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        23       Senator DeFrancisco to be recorded in the

        24       affirmative.

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         1                  Senator LaValle, to explain his

         2       vote.

         3                  SENATOR LaVALLE:    Thank you,

         4       Mr. President.

         5                  Certainly real property taxes are

         6       important to all of our constituents.  The

         7       Attorney General deserves a lot of credit for

         8       going out and trying to put forth a proposal

         9       to address that problem, as he has done, you

        10       know, in saving students money through the

        11       SLATE bill that he put forth, and again on

        12       proposals to deal with superintendents

        13       double-dipping and independent contractors who

        14       were full-time individuals.

        15                  If you had asked me yesterday

        16       morning how I would vote on this bill, I would

        17       have told you yes.  But I began to look at the

        18       bill and listen to some of the individuals.

        19       My colleague Owen Johnson really raised a

        20       consciousness about we represent communities.

        21       And you start to think about the communities

        22       that we represent and what people are saying

        23       in those communities about the government that

        24       they want.

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         1                  I remember being out in the

         2       Mattituck School District, 200 people.  And

         3       Matt Crossen, who is the president of the LIA,

         4       made a presentation, basically on this bill,

         5       how we needed to consolidate.  When I followed

         6       Matt Crossen, I asked the 200 people, "How

         7       many people in this room want to consolidate

         8       any district or special district?"  Not one

         9       hand went up.

        10                  I'm concerned about the village

        11       provision that has counties playing a key

        12       role, even though there are safeguards that

        13       the village can override what the county

        14       wants.  And the volunteer firefighters, who

        15       volunteer, are not paid, and have said to me

        16       that this is not a good bill.

        17                  In my own district we are doing a

        18       dissolution process of a fire district, Gordon

        19       Heights Fire District.  So there is a process

        20       for dissolution.  There is a process for

        21       villages to combine.

        22                  And so I wish we had more time and

        23       resolved some of these problems, and I am

        24       going to vote in the negative.

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         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

         2       Senator LaValle to be recorded in the

         3       negative.

         4                  Senator Foley, to explain his vote.

         5                  SENATOR FOLEY:    Thank you,

         6       Mr. President.

         7                  Certainly this issue has captured

         8       the imagination of many in our state,

         9       particularly in the area of how we can work

        10       together in order to consolidate services.

        11                  When we read the math on this

        12       particular measure, no doubt it will be

        13       approved today.  I will be supporting this

        14       particular measure, and I want to commend the

        15       Attorney General for the outstanding service

        16       that he's done to our state and on this

        17       particular issue.

        18                  But I think it's important to note

        19       that over the next nine months there will be a

        20       number of us within the Senate who will be

        21       working very closely with our Attorney General

        22       in order to put forward chapter amendments

        23       that will particularly address the concerns

        24       raised by our volunteer fire services, whether

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         1       it's volunteer fire departments or fire

         2       protection districts.  We know that there have

         3       been a number of issues that they have raised,

         4       and that many of us have expressed today in a

         5       bipartisan fashion that we intend to address

         6       those concerns over the next number of months

         7       through chapter amendments.

         8                  So with that particular

         9       understanding, I will be supporting the

        10       measure today.  I look forward to making

        11       improvements.  It's been said earlier,

        12       particularly by Senator Morahan, there's been

        13       no in the history of either our state or of

        14       our country that is absolutely perfect.  But

        15       we will, moving forward, make it less

        16       imperfect by adopting chapter amendments that

        17       will address concerns that were raised today,

        18       raised by men and women who have volunteered

        19       their time and effort in order to protect the

        20       lives and property of our different

        21       constituencies.

        22                  I will vote in the affirmative.

        23       Thank you, Mr. President.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

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         1       Senator Foley to be recorded in the

         2       affirmative.

         3                  Senator Stachowski, to explain his

         4       vote.

         5                  SENATOR STACHOWSKI:    Yes,

         6       Mr. President, I too would like to

         7       congratulate Senator Stewart-Cousins.  Also

         8       the Attorney General, for not only putting the

         9       bill together but also traveling across the

        10       state making presentations on the bill and

        11       showing us that, yes, I know a lot of these

        12       things are already in law, but it's a mishmash

        13       and a mess the way they all are constructed.

        14                  And as someone said earlier, and

        15       I'm going to give him credit but not mention

        16       his name -- he'll know who he was -- that all

        17       these localities then say, Well, it's the

        18       state's fault we can't do this.  We'd be happy

        19       to look into the consolidation, but the state

        20       won't let us.

        21                  So although there might be some

        22       problems in this bill -- and I've heard from

        23       my fire districts also, and we're looking

        24       forward to working with them and see if it's

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         1       necessary to work on some kind of chapter in

         2       the future -- I think it's very important that

         3       we pass this bill now.  And then if we need to

         4       do a chapter, we can do it, to clean up

         5       anything that we think needs to be cleaned up.

         6                  And I think that in the case of the

         7       volunteer fireman that may come true, because

         8       a lot of us have heard from our firemen and

         9       we've listened to them and we've already been

        10       talking.  So with that in mind, and the fact

        11       that the Attorney General did so much work on

        12       this, I'm glad to stand here today and vote in

        13       the affirmative.

        14                  Thank you, Mr. President.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        16       Senator Stachowski to be recorded in the

        17       affirmative.

        18                  Senator Schneiderman, to explain

        19       his vote.

        20                  SENATOR SCHNEIDERMAN:    Thank you,

        21       Mr. President.  I rise in support of this

        22       legislation.  And I guess listening to this

        23       debate today, it makes me appreciate all the

        24       more Senator Stewart-Cousins, Senator Little,

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         1       and the others who have led us in this effort.

         2       And our Attorney General, who has provided

         3       terrific leadership.

         4                  Boy, is it hard to get something

         5       done in this state.  That's my reaction to

         6       this debate.  Ladies and gentlemen, we have to

         7       do something.  We cannot sit here in Albany

         8       and say we can't cut this agency, we can't cut

         9       that agency, we can't do anything about taxes,

        10       we can't do anything about local governments.

        11                  The people of the state want us to

        12       take action in all of these areas.  And this

        13       bill is a modest, prudent step towards

        14       reducing one aspect of the burden on the

        15       people of the State of New York, which is that

        16       we have over 10,000 taxing jurisdictions.  So

        17       thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for your

        18       leadership.

        19                  And to all my colleagues who are

        20       concerned about this, we all have concerns

        21       about everything.  But the gridlock of Albany

        22       has to stop.  And with this bill, in one small

        23       way we put an end to it.

        24                  I vote yes, Mr. President, and urge

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         1       everyone to support Senator Stewart-Cousins in

         2       her ongoing work to streamline government, to

         3       make it more efficient and effective.  And I

         4       think we need more legislation like this, not

         5       less.

         6                  Thank you.

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

         8       Senator Schneiderman to be recorded in the

         9       affirmative.

        10                  Senator Winner, to explain his

        11       vote.

        12                  SENATOR WINNER:    Thank you,

        13       Mr. President.

        14                  You know, in areas such as mine

        15       that I represent, which is a large part of

        16       rural New York, there's nothing more than

        17       important than the provision and the

        18       maintenance of our volunteer firefighter

        19       services and our EMS responders.  Those

        20       individuals perform the types of services that

        21       cannot be replaced without the expenditure of

        22       billions of dollars.

        23                  And let's not be mistaken.  The

        24       circumstances surrounding the existence of

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         1       volunteer firefighter services and EMS

         2       providers in this state is at a crisis level.

         3       The level of volunteers are shrinking.  The

         4       protection that is out there for communities

         5       such as mine are in peril because of the lack

         6       of volunteers.

         7                  And while I am, you know, and

         8       everyone in this room -- I don't know how

         9       anybody can say that they're opposed to

        10       consolidation and saving the real property

        11       taxpayer money -- I think that first and

        12       foremost you have to make sure that you're

        13       providing for the public safety of the

        14       citizens that we serve.

        15                  And I feel that this measure is

        16       imperiling and potentially imperils the public

        17       service that is occurring, particularly in

        18       rural New York.  And as such, I am disposed to

        19       oppose it.

        20                  You know, I think it's unfortunate

        21       that I've heard that, well, you know, this is

        22       not great, and we'll fix it later.  You know,

        23       I think rather than taking a step forward that

        24       is potentially going to place our volunteer

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         1       firefighter services and our EMS provider

         2       services at peril with an acknowledgment that

         3       it needs to be fixed, why would anyone ever go

         4       down that road?  Why aren't we fixing it

         5       before we go down that road and imperil the

         6       continuing delivery of those vital services to

         7       rural New York in particular?

         8                  So for those reasons, my

         9       colleagues, I just think that this measure

        10       should now be revised to take care of those

        11       concerns, rather than hoping down the road

        12       that we're going to take care of it later.

        13                  So I vote in the negative,

        14       Mr. President.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        16       Senator Winner to be recorded in the negative.

        17                  Senator Klein, to explain his vote.

        18                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Thank you,

        19       Mr. President.

        20                  I rise in support of this

        21       legislation today.  And I want to thank my

        22       colleague Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins and

        23       our Attorney General for putting forth this

        24       program bill.

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         1                  You know, everyone, I think by now

         2       knows, of course, about the Suozzi Commission

         3       report, which talked about ways to save on

         4       property taxes.  But one of the things we

         5       don't always know about is the Lundine report,

         6       which was released before the Suozzi report,

         7       which talked about ways we can consolidate

         8       government.

         9                  When our constituents look at their

        10       property tax bill, it's very important to

        11       point out that 60 percent, on average, may be

        12       the school tax, but 40 percent is the local

        13       government tax.  So anything we can do to save

        14       our taxpayers money as far as property tax is

        15       concerned is something we should be looking

        16       at.

        17                  The thing I don't understand -- and

        18       I listened to the entire debate here, of

        19       course, today -- is if our local governments

        20       are performing efficiently, our water

        21       districts, our fire districts, what do they

        22       have to hide?  There is no chance that the

        23       local voters would want to petition for

        24       consolidation.

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         1                  So I think one of the things of the

         2       importance of this bill, I believe, is sort of

         3       keeping local governments, school districts,

         4       special districts honest, so to speak, where

         5       they have to be efficient, they have to make

         6       sure they what they're supposed to be doing in

         7       a cost-effective manner.

         8                  So I think this is allowing, I

         9       believe, the voters in our districts to play a

        10       greater role in keeping local governments and

        11       special districts much more efficient.  And I

        12       think the result will certainly be, at the end

        13       of the day, a reduction in property taxes,

        14       which I know we all want.

        15                  I vote yes.

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        17       Senator Klein to be recorded in the

        18       affirmative.

        19                  Senator Seward, to explain his

        20       vote.

        21                  SENATOR SEWARD:    Thank you,

        22       Mr. President.

        23                  I rise to congratulate the Attorney

        24       General as well as the sponsors on both sides

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         1       of the aisle of this legislation before us,

         2       because it does bring to the forefront the

         3       whole issue of consolidation, and that's very,

         4       very important to do that.

         5                  There are many very positive

         6       aspects to this legislation.  As a supporter

         7       of initiative and referendum, I find the

         8       provisions in terms of giving the public and

         9       the voters more of a say in this whole matter

        10       of consolidation, that's very positive in this

        11       bill.

        12                  And I certainly believe that

        13       consolidation should take place in terms of

        14       our local governments when there is local

        15       support for the consolidation, when it

        16       actually saves money, lowers local taxes and

        17       still maintains vital services.

        18                  However, the legislation before us,

        19       in my estimation, misses the mark in a number

        20       of ways which I feel need to be corrected

        21       before supporting this legislation.  For

        22       example, the inclusion of the fire districts

        23       and library districts in this legislation.

        24                  I think particularly in the rural

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         1       areas where we have large districts, it could

         2       very well interrupt the important vital

         3       services that are provided by our fire

         4       departments, emergency squads, and our local

         5       libraries.

         6                  And I have concerns that when a

         7       petition is filed to trigger a vote for

         8       consolidation that there's no plan or

         9       cost-benefit analysis required under the bill

        10       before that vote is taken so that everyone

        11       will have full knowledge of the finances and

        12       what the plan would look like before they take

        13       that initial vote.

        14                  So for these and other reasons, I

        15       find, Mr. President, I shall vote no, but

        16       doing so with the hope that eventually we will

        17       be able to pass a better bill in the best

        18       interests of all concerned in the State of

        19       New York.

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        21       Senator Seward to be recorded in the negative.

        22                  Senator Saland, to explain his

        23       vote.

        24                  SENATOR SALAND:    Thank you,

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         1       Mr. President.

         2                  Mr. President, this bill, as has

         3       been alluded to by others, is anything but

         4       perfect.  And certainly I think we all

         5       recognize that its benefit is modest at best.

         6                  It does, however -- it doesn't

         7       reinvent the wheel, it perhaps creates a

         8       different sort of wheel, in that it affords a

         9       mechanism whereby people will have the

        10       opportunity, where they deem it appropriate,

        11       to seek consolidation of districts.  I think

        12       that, in essence, has the potential to work

        13       some modest savings in certain instances.

        14                  I'm as troubled as anybody is about

        15       this being somehow or other viewed as a major

        16       reform.  I think it certainly doesn't rise to

        17       anything even approaching that level.  We are

        18       all playing at the margins.  There can be no

        19       real reform, as I mentioned in my earlier

        20       remarks, without dealing with certainly the

        21       issues surrounding school taxes.

        22                  I would certainly like to believe

        23       that with all the expressions that have been

        24       made here today -- we had 30 votes for an

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         1       amendment that would have omitted fire

         2       districts.  I've heard some of my colleagues

         3       from the other side of the aisle talk about

         4       the importance of including or omitting fire

         5       districts in a chapter amendment.  I would

         6       hope that these expressions are more than

         7       platitudes, that they are expressions of

         8       reality, and that in fact we will revisit this

         9       and accomplish just that.

        10                  I commend the Attorney General for

        11       being the catalyst to bring this before us.

        12       But please let us not think that by any

        13       stretch of imagination we have accomplished

        14       real property tax reform.  We have tinkered at

        15       the margins, we have made it easier for people

        16       to in effect exercise something akin to

        17       initiative and referendum where they deem it

        18       appropriate.  There are some provisos in here

        19       that provide safeguards to a threatened entity

        20       such as a village.

        21                  Mr. President, I on balance find

        22       myself supporting this bill and vote in the

        23       affirmative.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

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         1       Senator Saland to be recorded in the

         2       affirmative.

         3                  Senator Bonacic, to explain his

         4       vote.

         5                  SENATOR BONACIC:    Thank you,

         6       Mr. President.

         7                  I cosponsored the legislation with

         8       Senator Stewart-Cousins, so obviously I

         9       support the legislation.

        10                  And the reason I support the

        11       legislation is that it preserved home rule.  I

        12       trust the wisdom of the people to know their

        13       communities.  I think this is the start of

        14       something good, and I want to thank the

        15       Attorney General for putting it out there.  I

        16       think this is a building block to look for

        17       bigger and better things.

        18                  Now, will the savings happen at

        19       what the -- everybody has different

        20       projections?  Maybe not.  But so what?  If

        21       there's any savings and there's a momentum for

        22       efficiency and cost savings, why wouldn't we

        23       support the legislation?

        24                  So I wholeheartedly support the

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         1       legislation.  And if we have little bumps in

         2       the road that we have to correct, we'll so do

         3       it.

         4                  I want to talk a little bit about

         5       the firefighters, because that has always been

         6       a concern with me.

         7                  We have about a thousand fire

         8       districts.  The value that they give to their

         9       communities is between $7 billion and

        10       $9 billion.  As a practical matter, do you see

        11       anybody, any of the towns in the rural areas

        12       voting to eliminate fire districts and

        13       diminishing volunteer firefighters?  I don't

        14       think that's realistic.

        15                  I'll tell you what will happen as a

        16       result of the acts of this Legislature.

        17       You're going to see shared services.  They're

        18       going to get ahead of the curve, the villages,

        19       the towns.  They're going to say, you know, I

        20       like being the head of my domain.  I don't

        21       really maybe want consolidation, I don't want

        22       to tempt my constituents to put up a petition,

        23       so I'm going to get more efficient.  I'm going

        24       to share services with other municipalities.

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         1                  So as I said before, this is the

         2       start of something good, and I think we can do

         3       better and build on this.  I vote yes.

         4                  Thank you, Mr. President.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

         6       Senator Bonacic to be recorded in the

         7       affirmative.

         8                  Senator Farley, to explain his

         9       vote.

        10                  SENATOR FARLEY:    Thank you,

        11       Mr. President.

        12                  I rise on this issue because it has

        13       been a very wrenching decision.  I think

        14       Senator LaValle and I spoke, we were like

        15       Ping-Pong balls whether we'll vote for it,

        16       vote against it, and so forth.

        17                  I, like so many, applaud the

        18       Attorney General for addressing this very

        19       thorny issue and, incidentally, going around

        20       the state, coming to Schenectady and so forth

        21       and talking about this issue.  Consolidation

        22       has to be addressed.  It's a good thing.

        23                  But let me just say this.  I'm

        24       gravely concerned -- and I don't want to keep

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         1       beating this issue -- about the fire

         2       districts.  You have no idea -- in my

         3       judgment, this could be a mortal blow to

         4       volunteerism.  It just sends a message out

         5       there that we don't want to deliver.  And, of

         6       course, libraries that have spoken to me about

         7       please, to exempt them.

         8                  I think that really my negative

         9       vote is to send a message that we've got to

        10       have these chapter amendments for the fire

        11       districts, for the libraries, and make it a

        12       piece of legislation that can really make a

        13       difference to encourage consolidation and cost

        14       savings.

        15                  When you're talking about real

        16       savings, it's going to be modest.  But it's

        17       the idea that we have to do things not only at

        18       the local level but at the state level we've

        19       got to do some consolidating if government is

        20       going to become more efficient.

        21                  Unfortunately, I'm going to send a

        22       message and vote no on this one.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        24       Senator Farley to be recorded in the negative.

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         1                  Senator Marcellino, to explain his

         2       vote.

         3                  SENATOR MARCELLINO:    Yes.

         4       Mr. President, thank you.  I rise to

         5       explaining my vote.

         6                  In listening to the debate, we

         7       heard some very good points, both pro and con.

         8       And I think if there's anything good that

         9       comes out of this, it has been the debate, it

        10       has been the exposure of the issue, and it has

        11       been discussed.

        12                  What I'm hearing in the explaining

        13       of the votes is how we're going to fix the

        14       bill.  How we're going to fix the bill.  We

        15       have a bill which, if you pass it in its

        16       current form, and I believe you will, you have

        17       very minimal savings.  And all the explaining

        18       of the votes is we're going to take the fire

        19       districts out, which will reduce the savings;

        20       we're going to take the libraries out, which

        21       will reduce the savings.  Why not the

        22       villages?  Want to take the villages out,

        23       we'll have even less savings.

        24                  Where are the savings?  They were

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         1       minimal to begin with in this bill.  And from

         2       what I'm hearing, what's going to come in nine

         3       month is a whole bunch of chapter amendments,

         4       If they materialize, that will make this bill

         5       even less effective than it is now.

         6                  So, Mr. President, this bill should

         7       have come forward with all of these

         8       considerations.  If it was so important, if

         9       it's so important now, they should have been

        10       put in the bill in the beginning, before we

        11       vote on this thing.

        12                  I vote nay, and I urge my

        13       colleagues to consider and vote no until we

        14       get the right bill.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        16       Senator Marcellino to be recorded in the

        17       negative.

        18                  Senator Nozzolio, to explain his

        19       vote.

        20                  SENATOR NOZZOLIO:    Thank you,

        21       Mr. President.  To explain my vote.

        22                  When Alex de Tocqueville came to a

        23       new America, he was impressed with the fact

        24       that America, unlike European areas, as he

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         1       traveled through New York State the difference

         2       was that in New York, in America, we had

         3       strong units of local government and people

         4       made the decisions closest to the government.

         5                  I trust the people.  We all trust

         6       the wisdom of the citizenry, of the

         7       electorate.  That citizenry is going to be

         8       more empowered by this legislation because

         9       they will, in effect, make the decisions most

        10       important to them.

        11                  It's the people's government, not

        12       the Senate's government, not the Governor's

        13       government, not New York State government.

        14       It's the people's government.  And that's what

        15       separates this issue apart, in that it

        16       provides citizens with the opportunity to make

        17       decisions close to their home.

        18                  That's why I support the

        19       legislation, Mr. President.

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        21       Senator Nozzolio to be recorded in the

        22       affirmative.

        23                  Senator Alesi, to explain his vote.

        24                  SENATOR ALESI:    Thank you,

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         1       Mr. President and my colleagues.

         2                  I respect the views of both sides

         3       of this issue.  But the thing that I am forced

         4       to respect the most is the view of the vast

         5       majority of my constituents who, over the last

         6       several years, have been crying out for some

         7       kind of tax relief, property tax relief, even

         8       just the opportunity for them to find a way to

         9       lower their property taxes.

        10                  And for those people that say that

        11       perhaps the fire departments or the libraries

        12       might be imperiled by this, I would simply say

        13       this.  There were 30 votes here that would

        14       have helped those entities.  But having failed

        15       that amendment, there's nothing that should

        16       prevent us from moving forward to help the

        17       overall population to try to do something at

        18       their own will, something akin to initiative

        19       and referendum without having to change the

        20       Constitution of this state, to help lower

        21       their own property taxes if they so choose.

        22                  And I would also say to my

        23       colleagues what I asked myself when it came to

        24       the fire department volunteers and the

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         1       libraries and others:  Who is a better friend

         2       to the local fire departments than me, or to

         3       my libraries than me?  And I'll bet every one

         4       of us could say the same thing.  We have all

         5       helped those entities because we appreciate

         6       the things they do for us on a day-to-day

         7       basis.

         8                  I don't see us imperiling them, the

         9       volunteers, the people that work in the

        10       libraries, the others that supposedly would be

        11       impacted by this.  And I agree with Senator

        12       Bonacic, I don't see any of those towns or

        13       villages closing down their fire departments.

        14                  The people that volunteer and work

        15       on our libraries are property taxpayers too.

        16       They are the 90 percent or so of the people

        17       that I hear from on a regular basis that say

        18       please help us do something about property

        19       taxes.

        20                  The bill could do more.  But we

        21       have to start somewhere.  And this is the

        22       starting point.  Because if we don't support

        23       this bill and pass this bill, then this is the

        24       failing point.

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         1                  I vote aye.

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

         3       Senator Alesi to be recorded in the

         4       affirmative.

         5                  Senator Leibell, to explain his

         6       vote.

         7                  SENATOR LEIBELL:    Thank you,

         8       Mr. President.

         9                  I doubt there's anyone in this

        10       chamber who hasn't at one time or another

        11       argued in favor of some degree of

        12       consolidation.

        13                  It is somewhat surprising, as I've

        14       listened to this debate, to think back that

        15       only a period of a few short weeks ago, during

        16       the state budget, we had the opportunity in

        17       this house and the other house to do some

        18       consolidation in state government, state

        19       programs, and this Legislature chose not to do

        20       it in this year's state budget.  So there may

        21       be just a touch of hypocrisy with this

        22       legislation.

        23                  But beyond that, we send out a very

        24       bad signal to our constituents who are

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         1       interested in tax reduction, are interested in

         2       efficiency in government, by indicating to

         3       them that in some way this legislation will

         4       lead to that.

         5                  It's true that there's probably

         6       never been a piece of legislation that's gone

         7       through this Legislature that's perfect.  But

         8       this really stretches that saying.  This is a

         9       very imperfect piece of legislation.

        10                  And as we talk here today about all

        11       the chapter amendments, all the changes that

        12       need to be made, it seems to me that we have

        13       sufficient time left in this legislative

        14       session to make those changes and to do it

        15       with integrity and to present a more finished

        16       and more polished piece of legislation, a

        17       better bill than we have before us here today.

        18       We can still do that.

        19                  In addition to which, we should

        20       give our constituents more of an opportunity

        21       to take a closer look at this.  I'll tell you,

        22       I've received a tremendous amount of mail only

        23       in the last 10 days or so on this proposal,

        24       and it's overwhelmingly against it.  So we

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         1       should possibly get ourselves in the habit of

         2       listening to our constituents out there.  And

         3       that's exactly what I intend to do.

         4                  I'm more than prepared to listen to

         5       this legislation when it's been revised, when

         6       we have the necessary amendments.  I don't

         7       want to take it on faith that there will be

         8       chapter amendments.  This is more than

         9       imperfect.  We need a finished bill before we

        10       vote on it.  I vote in the negative.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        12       Senator Leibell to be recorded in the

        13       negative.

        14                  The Secretary will announce the

        15       results.

        16                  THE SECRETARY:    Those recorded in

        17       the negative on Calendar Number 472 are

        18       Senators Farley, Fuschillo, Hannon,

        19       C. Johnson, O. Johnson, Larkin, LaValle,

        20       Leibell, Marcellino, Maziarz, McDonald,

        21       Seward, Skelos, Volker and Winner.

        22                  Ayes, 47.  Nays, 15.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

        24       bill is passed.

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         1                  THE SECRETARY:    In relation to

         2       Calendar Number 472, voting in the negative,

         3       Senator Young.

         4                  Ayes, 46.  Nays, 16.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

         6       bill is passed.

         7                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         8       487, by Senator Stachowski, Senate Print

         9       2020C, an act to amend the Education Law and

        10       others.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        12       Senator Libous.

        13                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Thank you,

        14       Mr. President.

        15                  I believe there's an amendment at

        16       the desk.  I would ask that you waive its

        17       reading and call on Senator LaValle.

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        19       Senator LaValle has an amendment at the desk.

        20       Without objection, the reading is waived.

        21                  Senator LaValle, you are recognized

        22       to be heard on the amendment.

        23                  SENATOR LaVALLE:    Thank you,

        24       Mr. President.

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         1                  Just very briefly, this legislation

         2       would amend Senator Stachowski's legislation

         3       to include all four University Centers and the

         4       Downstate and Upstate Medical Centers.

         5                  It is called the SUNY Innovation

         6       and Economic Growth Act, and it will allow

         7       those institutions that I mentioned to seek a

         8       more rational tuition policy with regular

         9       increases and an acknowledgment that it costs

        10       more to educate students at research

        11       universities and medical colleges.

        12                  The ability to retain the revenue

        13       generated by tuition, spending and contracting

        14       flexibility, as recommended by the New York

        15       State Commission on Higher Education, that I

        16       had the privilege to serve on, and to better

        17       serve students, faculty, researchers and staff

        18       in a timely manner.

        19                  Access to capital markets, to

        20       enable campuses to build the infrastructure

        21       necessary to support the state's economic

        22       development mission.

        23                  It will also build on the

        24       flexibility legislation that we passed in the

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         1       mid-1980s and to allow the institutions

         2       greater flexibility to end micromanagement and

         3       to allow the system, hopefully, to achieve

         4       excellence in the competitive marketplace.

         5                  And we have to remember, and I'll

         6       probably say this many times, that each of

         7       these institutions compete with peer

         8       institutions not only throughout this country

         9       but throughout the world.

        10                  And lastly -- key provision -- that

        11       this legislation allows the trustees who

        12       manage the entire system to deal with tuition

        13       rates.

        14                  That's the amendment,

        15       Mr. President.

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

        17       you, Senator LaValle.

        18                  Senator Breslin, on the amendment.

        19                  SENATOR BRESLIN:    Thank you,

        20       Mr. President.

        21                  On the amendment, which would

        22       include one of the universities in my

        23       district, the University at Albany.  You would

        24       expect that I would give this full

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         1       consideration, as it would assist Albany.  And

         2       I do.

         3                  However, Senator Stachowski and the

         4       other western Senators have worked a great

         5       deal on this bill, and we've heard 2020 over

         6       and over and over and over again.  It's an

         7       economic development engine for Western

         8       New York.  It's changing the way we look at

         9       the university system.  And I believe that

        10       this should be, at this point in time, a

        11       stand-alone.

        12                  However, I believe that this house,

        13       this Senate in the coming weeks, in a very

        14       collegial way, with Democrats and Republicans,

        15       looking at Binghamton University, looking at

        16       Stony Brook, looking at the University at

        17       Albany, will come to a resolution that will

        18       make this a very, very comprehensive

        19       educational plan for all of New York.

        20                  So on this occasion, and trusting

        21       that in a collegial way we will do that, I

        22       vote no on the amendment.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

        24       you, Senator Breslin.

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         1                  Are there any other Senators who

         2       wish to be heard on the amendment?

         3                  Senator Farley, on the amendment.

         4                  SENATOR FARLEY:    I rise in

         5       support of this amendment.

         6                  As somebody who lives in the

         7       Capital District and has spent my adult life

         8       working for the University at Albany, I'm very

         9       concerned that these four institutions have

        10       been considered University Centers and always

        11       treated equally.

        12                  I don't think there's any reason to

        13       make Stony Brook or the University at Albany

        14       or the University at Binghamton second-class

        15       citizens.  And basically, that's what you're

        16       doing, there's no doubt about it.

        17                  I want to do everything we can to

        18       support the University at Buffalo, because it

        19       is so important for economic development in

        20       Western New York, but not at the expense of

        21       the other University Centers.  They are all

        22       great institutions, and they should be treated

        23       equally.  And as long as I've been here, in

        24       the 33 years, the four units, the four

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         1       University Centers have always been treated

         2       equally.  And this breaks that bond.

         3                  I'm going to vote for the

         4       amendment.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

         6       you, Senator Farley.

         7                  Senator Libous, on the amendment.

         8                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Thank you,

         9       Mr. President.

        10                  I rise to support Senator LaValle's

        11       amendment, and for all the reasons that

        12       Senator Farley just mentioned.  I support it

        13       because of Binghamton University.  I think

        14       that all of the University Centers should be

        15       included in one bill, and will certainly have

        16       more to say about to it on the main bill.

        17                  But I just think it's absurd not to

        18       have all of the University Centers included

        19       along with the Upstate and Downstate Medical

        20       Centers.  Because we are a state university

        21       system, they should work together, and

        22       particularly its centers and its medical

        23       facilities.

        24                  So I want to stand in support of

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         1       this amendment.

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

         3       you, Senator Libous.

         4                  Senator Ranzenhofer, on the

         5       amendment.

         6                  SENATOR RANZENHOFER:    Yes,

         7       Mr. President, very briefly.  Thank you.

         8                  I do support the concept of all the

         9       Universities being treated equally and

        10       certainly would be willing to support that

        11       type of legislation.

        12                  But I do agree with the comments

        13       that were made before, is that 2020 has been a

        14       program which has been around for some time.

        15       The University of Buffalo is in my district.

        16       I've seen it grown where they had four

        17       buildings on the academic spine to what it is

        18       today.  So I don't believe we should do

        19       anything to stop that progress which has been

        20       made.  This has been a great, great effort for

        21       Western New York.

        22                  And again, I'm supportive of

        23       legislation that will give other University

        24       Centers the same opportunities that 2020 is

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         1       being afforded, but I think that should be a

         2       stand-alone proposition for today.

         3                  Thank you, Mr. President.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    Thank

         5       you, Senator Ranzenhofer.

         6                  Are there any other Senators who

         7       wish to be heard on the amendment?

         8                  Seeing none, the question is on the

         9       nonsponsor motion to amend Calendar Number

        10       487.  Those Senators voting in support of the

        11       nonsponsor amendment please raise your hand.

        12                  The Secretary will announce the

        13       results.

        14                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 27.  Nays,

        15       35.

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:    The

        17       motion fails.

        18                  Senator Libous.

        19                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Mr. President,

        20       would the sponsor please explain the bill?

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT VALESKY:

        22       Senator Stachowski, an explanation has been

        23       requested by Senator Libous.

        24                  SENATOR STACHOWSKI:    Yes,

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         1       Senator.

         2                  This bill is a bill that the

         3       University at Buffalo has worked on for five

         4       years, ever since the report came out.  And we

         5       had a bill in Albany, and they started working

         6       on their own bill just in case, because

         7       nothing was moving as a combination bill for

         8       all the research universities.

         9                  So the university in the last two

        10       years has picked up its pace, worked on

        11       getting the whole community involved, and has

        12       spent the last two years putting the bill

        13       together and building community support.  They

        14       have Friends of 2020 that includes people from

        15       all walks of life in Western New York.

        16                  This is considered by the people in

        17       Western New York the single biggest economic

        18       development piece possible for the Western

        19       New York area.

        20                  They feel if this bill passes both

        21       houses and is signed, it has the capability of

        22       creating 25,000 construction and

        23       infrastructure jobs, 10,000 net long-term

        24       jobs, $650 million in new funding for academic

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         1       research, and establishment of a 1300-person

         2       world-class medical research treatment

         3       facility.

         4                  Now, in the budget, had we been in

         5       a position to pass the amendment, those

         6       provisions were all in the budget.  They were

         7       taken out during the negotiations because

         8       there wasn't enough support for everything to

         9       move at once.

        10                  UB, anticipating that -- and the

        11       reason they started working on their own was

        12       that if they could build consensus and be put

        13       out there as more or less a pilot to test the

        14       waters and single-handedly move forward, not

        15       with any lack of respect for their colleagues

        16       or to get an advantage over their colleagues,

        17       just to move forward and hopefully use the

        18       fact that this is the economic engine that may

        19       turn Western New York around -- put this bill

        20       together and has been working on it.  And, in

        21       the process, working on various sections of it

        22       with various parties that had problems with

        23       it.

        24                  So what this bill does, in the

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         1       tuition part, it amends a lot of sections --

         2       and if you want me to do that, I can do that

         3       for you -- amending the Education Law, the

         4       State Finance Law, the Tax Law, the Public

         5       Authorities Law, and the General Municipal Law

         6       to grant greater regulatory flexibility and

         7       autonomy to the State University of New York

         8       at Buffalo in the areas of procurement,

         9       contracting for services, leasing, purchasing

        10       and the selling of real property and capital

        11       construction.

        12                  In addition, the bill would

        13       authorize the president of the University at

        14       Buffalo to implement differing tuition rates

        15       by class year and degree program annually,

        16       based on the rates charged by peer

        17       institutions, but not to exceed 1 1/2 times

        18       the percentage increase of the most recently

        19       published HEPI index.

        20                  In the tuition area, the president

        21       has the capability of raising the tuition

        22       based on what courses you're taking.  It would

        23       be a much more rational way of doing it.  It

        24       would be small increases.  The president has

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         1       to announce by September 15th of the preceding

         2       year whenever he's going to do an increase so

         3       that the people can get ready for it the

         4       following year.  It would be according to what

         5       courses you're in.

         6                  And besides the money that would

         7       come back to the university and stay in the

         8       fund, they would also establish a fund to help

         9       students.  Ten percent to 20 percent of that

        10       money would be put in a program that would

        11       help students that couldn't afford to be in

        12       those programs be in those programs.

        13                  In the area of capital

        14       construction, that reform would take this

        15       capital construction program and let the

        16       university use -- in that construction on

        17       their three campuses, they could have their

        18       campus-related not-for-profit organizations

        19       doing the construction, which would procure

        20       financing through the Dormitory Authority of

        21       the State of New York.

        22                  In another section, Section 6, the

        23       bill would then put into existence

        24       requirements that would provide that wages

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         1       paid to contractors employed in conjunction

         2       with such construction and renovations shall

         3       be at prevailing wage rates, in accordance

         4       with the Labor Law, and that such construction

         5       or renovation complies with certain safety

         6       precautions set forth in the Labor Law, and

         7       that a competitive process is employed in

         8       selecting contractors to perform such

         9       construction or renovation.

        10                  In Section 7, the bill provides for

        11       certain construction or renovation projects at

        12       the University at Buffalo to be undertaken

        13       pursuant to project labor agreements, provided

        14       a study determines that a project labor

        15       agreement will benefit such construction or

        16       renovation.

        17                  In Section 8, the bill provides for

        18       the creation and implementation of a diversity

        19       plan for the University at Buffalo at UB, UB's

        20       2020 initiative, and periodic responding

        21       regarding such diversity plan.

        22                  In Section 9 and 10 of Part A, the

        23       bill amends the General Municipal Law to allow

        24       future capital projects on the three campuses

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         1       at the University at Buffalo to proceed

         2       through campus-related nonprofit

         3       organizations, through local industrial

         4       development agencies.

         5                  In Section 11, it provides that the

         6       university can have future projects by

         7       allowing the university to utilize alternative

         8       modes, more cost-advantage construction

         9       delivery models, including design and build

        10       construction manager at risk, which are

        11       presently not allowed under existing state

        12       law.

        13                  In section 14, Part A, which is an

        14       important part for everybody here, the

        15       proposed legislation requires the president of

        16       the University of Buffalo to report annually

        17       to the Governor and the Legislature on the

        18       effectiveness of these reforms.

        19                  In leasing, acquisition and

        20       disposition of real property, Part B, the bill

        21       would amend the Education Law to provide the

        22       University at Buffalo with more flexibility to

        23       lease, acquire and dispose of land under the

        24       auspices of the SUNY trustees, so as to

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         1       maximize the educational and commercial

         2       development opportunities associated with the

         3       UB's 2020 initiative.

         4                  Section 3, Part B amends the

         5       Education Law to permit participation by the

         6       University at Buffalo in public/private

         7       partnerships, arrangements with public

         8       not-for-profit and business entities to

         9       further the objectives of the University of

        10       Buffalo, including UB 2020 initiative.

        11                  Procurement and flexibility.  Part

        12       C of the Education Law permits the university

        13       to purchase goods and services without prior

        14       state agency approval.  Part 1 through 4 and 8

        15       of Part C are designed to provide greater

        16       autonomy to the University at Buffalo in

        17       procuring goods and services by replacing the

        18       State Comptroller's procurement guidelines

        19       with the guidelines put forth by the SUNY

        20       trustees and by exempting University at

        21       Buffalo contracts from prior State Comptroller

        22       approval.  Such transactions would remain

        23       subject to post-audit review by the

        24       Comptroller.

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         1                  Sections 5 and 6 of Part C are

         2       designed to allow SUNY-affiliated nonprofit

         3       corporations to take advantage of centralized

         4       state purchasing.

         5                  Section 7 permits SUNY to establish

         6       rules for sole-source procurements of goods

         7       and services in lieu of state-mandated

         8       sole-source procurement policies in

         9       recognition of the unique nature of goods and

        10       services procured by SUNY educational

        11       institutions.

        12                  Revenue retention is the part that

        13       talks about UB retaining the money that they

        14       save and raise through these various sections.

        15       There's also a section on alumni leases, which

        16       means the alumni association can lease

        17       property from the University at Buffalo.

        18                  The fiscal implications.  There's a

        19       minor increase in the amount of TAP that may

        20       be drawn because of tuition increases, but

        21       when matched up against the money that will be

        22       saved by these other reforms, it's a net gain

        23       for the state.

        24                  The impact on Western New York, as

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         1       I said previously, is vast.  It's supported by

         2       the whole community.  And that's pretty much

         3       the general outline of the legislation,

         4       Senator.

         5                  SENATOR PADAVAN:    Would Senator

         6       Stavisky yield to a question?  I'm sorry.

         7       Stachowski, sorry.

         8                  SENATOR STACHOWSKI:    She's

         9       Stavisky.

        10                  SENATOR PADAVAN:    My S got

        11       slipped.  Freudian.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT STEWART-COUSINS:

        13       Senator Stachowski, do you yield?

        14                  SENATOR STACHOWSKI:    Yes, I would

        15       yield.

        16                  SENATOR PADAVAN:    Senator, you

        17       mentioned several times the selling of

        18       property would be authorized by this bill.  To

        19       whom would the property be sold, and for what

        20       purpose?

        21                  SENATOR STACHOWSKI:    In this

        22       bill, the buying and selling of property --

        23       it's the buying of property, too, and leasing

        24       of property.  Sometimes you might buy

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         1       properties in the city where they're going to

         2       do some development.  There's also some

         3       properties on either south or north campus

         4       that may be sold.  Most of it will probably be

         5       leased.

         6                  But the selling of it would be in

         7       the intentions of advancing the university and

         8       the buildings that they would put there.

         9                  SENATOR PADAVAN:    If the Senator

        10       would yield.  I heard that part earlier.  But

        11       my question is, to whom would the property be

        12       sold?

        13                  SENATOR STACHOWSKI:    I imagine,

        14       Senator, the provision is in there to allow

        15       the university to sell a piece of property to

        16       a developer who would then develop something

        17       that would be used in the good of the

        18       university.  For example, a new conference

        19       center or maybe dormitories built by a private

        20       agency.

        21                  SENATOR PADAVAN:    Thank you.

        22       Would the Senator yield?

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT STEWART-COUSINS:

        24       Senator Stachowski, do you continue to yield?

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         1                  SENATOR STACHOWSKI:    Yes, I

         2       continue to yield.

         3                  SENATOR PADAVAN:    Are there any

         4       particular developers currently involved in

         5       this process?

         6                  SENATOR STACHOWSKI:    I don't

         7       believe there's any chosen developers.  And

         8       this process is available to any developers.

         9       I think the university will do a selection

        10       just like everybody else.  And as you saw,

        11       competitive bids are involved in a lot of

        12       these things, and everybody will have an

        13       opportunity to work with the university.

        14                  I know that it's important to be

        15       able to buy property also, because that's part

        16       of the part necessary to expand it to the City

        17       of Buffalo section near the AOC Building that

        18       they want to expand the university.

        19                  SENATOR PADAVAN:    Will the

        20       Senator yield?

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT STEWART-COUSINS:

        22       Senator, do you continue to yield?

        23                  SENATOR STACHOWSKI:    Yes, I

        24       continue to yield.

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         1                  SENATOR PADAVAN:    You mentioned,

         2       I think in passing, construction of a sort not

         3       currently permitted by state building code or

         4       law.  Could you explain what that really is?

         5                  SENATOR STACHOWSKI:    Well, for

         6       example, Senator, there's a part where it's

         7       designed to develop and build at the same

         8       time.  And as you know now, in the SUNY

         9       system, to do a project, you have to have an

        10       18-month advance audit and review, which eats

        11       up money, and you have to do all the design up

        12       front.

        13                  This would let you design and build

        14       at the same time.  You, being a -- I think you

        15       have an engineering background, would

        16       understand it's time saving.  You would also

        17       eliminate that up-front audit.

        18                  But the Comptroller still has full

        19       auditing at the end of the project.  And

        20       obviously, if anything was not done properly,

        21       it would still be discovered by the

        22       Comptroller and dealt with accordingly.

        23                  SENATOR PADAVAN:    Will the

        24       Senator yield?

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         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT STEWART-COUSINS:

         2       Senator, do you yield?

         3                  SENATOR STACHOWSKI:    Yes, I

         4       continue to yield.

         5                  SENATOR PADAVAN:    So it would be

         6       after the construction is done, then they

         7       would determine that it was not either done by

         8       code or properly or appropriately; is that

         9       right?

        10                  SENATOR STACHOWSKI:    Well,

        11       Senator, the way I'm going to answer that

        12       question -- through you, Madam President -- is

        13       with all the negotiations that put this bill

        14       together, and most of those negotiations took

        15       place in the building part of this, with the

        16       building trade unions in Western New York, who

        17       were very active in these negotiations and

        18       with the fact that everything is going to be

        19       done by prevailing wage.

        20                  SENATOR PADAVAN:    That I

        21       understand.

        22                  SENATOR STACHOWSKI:    Everything's

        23       going to be -- a lot of other projects are

        24       going to be done with a PLA.  There's MWBE

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         1       provisions in this.  They still will be doing

         2       standard -- there will be no substandard

         3       construction.  There won't be below-standard

         4       building materials.

         5                  This is trying to make this

         6       university a first-class research university

         7       in -- compared to not just people in the State

         8       of New York but compared with the people in

         9       the United States.  With that in mind, I don't

        10       believe they have any intention of allowing

        11       things to be built substandard or out of code.

        12                  SENATOR PADAVAN:    Will the

        13       Senator yield?

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT STEWART-COUSINS:

        15       Senator Stachowski?

        16                  SENATOR STACHOWSKI:    I continue

        17       to yield, Madam President.

        18                  SENATOR PADAVAN:    I think I heard

        19       you say, also in passing, that there would be

        20       the purchase of goods and services without

        21       prior state approval.  Now, can you explain

        22       what that means?

        23                  SENATOR STACHOWSKI:    I think

        24       that -- I think, I know that means in the one

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         1       section, if it's a thing that's specific for

         2       the university -- for example, some sort of

         3       microscope, some sort of piece of equipment --

         4       that they currently have to put in and sit

         5       18 months waiting to buy it.  They won't have

         6       to wait 18 months to buy anymore.

         7                  I know that in the procedure that

         8       they have to follow now, the best example I

         9       can give you of something that happened that

        10       really highlights the problem with the way

        11       procedure is done now is when the university

        12       was going to have Al Gore speak in a speaker

        13       series, they had to put out to bid and find

        14       out if there were more than one Al Gore and

        15       reach out to contact them to see if they were

        16       the Al Gore that wanted to speak at the

        17       University of Buffalo.  Because that's what

        18       the rules currently say.

        19                  SENATOR PADAVAN:    One final

        20       question, if the Senator would yield.

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT STEWART-COUSINS:

        22       Senator, do you continue to yield?

        23                  SENATOR STACHOWSKI:    Yes, Madam

        24       President.

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         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT STEWART-COUSINS:

         2       Before your question, can I please ask those

         3       who would want to continue talking to go

         4       outside the chamber.

         5                  Thank you.

         6                  SENATOR PADAVAN:    You mentioned

         7       also, I believe, if I heard you correctly, the

         8       development of public-private partnerships in

         9       this whole venture.  Can you give us an idea

        10       of who the private components of this

        11       partnership might be?

        12                  SENATOR STACHOWSKI:    Actually, I

        13       can I give you a perfect example of what a

        14       private-public partnership would be for the

        15       University at Buffalo.

        16                  In our budget there was a piece in

        17       there that allowed them to start moving

        18       forward on one of their first buildings, which

        19       is a vascular unit to be built in downtown

        20       Buffalo in a medical corridor.  Their partner

        21       in that is Kaleida Health System.

        22                  And so that that is being built

        23       through -- and what this lets them do is put

        24       their money together.

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         1                  SENATOR PADAVAN:    What's the

         2       system?  I'm sorry, I didn't hear.

         3                  SENATOR STACHOWSKI:    Kaleida.

         4                  SENATOR PADAVAN:    Would you spell

         5       that?

         6                  SENATOR STACHOWSKI:    It's

         7       K-A-L-E-I-D-A.

         8                  The Kaleida system is actually a

         9       combination of hospitals that used to be

        10       Buffalo General, Buffalo Gates Circle, ECMC,

        11       and Children's Hospital.  And DeGraff --

        12       DeGraff --

        13                  SENATOR MAZIARZ:    DeGraff Number

        14       One.

        15                  SENATOR STACHOWSKI:    Yeah.

        16       That's Kaleida.

        17                  SENATOR PADAVAN:    Thank you very

        18       much, Senator.

        19                  SENATOR STACHOWSKI:    You're

        20       welcome, Senator.

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT STEWART-COUSINS:

        22       Senator LaValle.

        23                  SENATOR LaVALLE:    Yes.  On the

        24       bill, Madam President.

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         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT STEWART-COUSINS:

         2       Senator LaValle, on the bill.

         3                  SENATOR LaVALLE:    I was going to

         4       ask Senator Stachowski a lot of questions, but

         5       he went through the bill in great detail.

         6                  I was heartened by the remarks made

         7       by Senator Breslin that we'll be working

         8       together to have a four-center solution along

         9       with the Upstate and Downstate Medical Center.

        10       That is a "One New York" approach.

        11                  The approach that we are taking

        12       today is not in the best interest of all of

        13       the campuses, all of the people of the state.

        14                  We are -- and Senator Stachowski in

        15       his legislation and the legislative intent

        16       talks about the economy of Western New York.

        17       And every one of us in this room have been

        18       focused and understand that a part of our

        19       state is not doing as well as other parts of

        20       the state and we need to do whatever we can to

        21       remediate that.

        22                  UB is certainly a major part of

        23       whatever happens in the Western New York

        24       economy.  It generates $1.5 billion.  That's

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         1       the effect of UB in the Western New York

         2       economy.

         3                  And certainly Senator Stachowski --

         4       and all the people who have worked on that,

         5       Senator Volker, Senator Maziarz, Senator

         6       Ranzenhofer, and the Assembly members -- he

         7       has articulated what has taken place in the

         8       Western New York area with the business

         9       community, et cetera.  And that is very good

        10       and the way things should happen.  And he

        11       talked about and described five years that

        12       they have been working on this.

        13                  But I want to tell you, Madam

        14       President, that the other four institutions

        15       and the medical centers have not been sitting

        16       idly during that period of time.  They have

        17       developed Centers of Advanced Technology,

        18       Centers of Excellence.  They have developed,

        19       as at Binghamton and at Stony Brook, research

        20       development parks as part of the campus and as

        21       part of the strategy to use their research

        22       capabilities.

        23                  Here at Albany, Senator Breslin has

        24       worked very hard, and Senator McDonald,

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         1       Senator Farley, and certainly Senator Bruno,

         2       when he was here, to ensure that the nanotech

         3       facility has generated lots of jobs, research

         4       capability.  And they have moved, certainly,

         5       in trying to help themselves.

         6                  So UB has not been the only campus

         7       in the State of New York that has been working

         8       towards an economic development strategy.

         9                  What is important is this week we

        10       have had, for the first time in 24 months, a

        11       chancellor, a new chancellor, Chancellor

        12       Zimpher.  And we have to try and help her

        13       develop the system.  And all of its components

        14       are part of a system.

        15                  And so I think that ultimately a

        16       four-center solution is proper, and also

        17       dealing with the components at Downstate and

        18       Upstate Medical, critically important because

        19       of their teaching facilities and the cost.

        20       And all of this will fit in.

        21                  In my years here, I have not seen a

        22       bill in higher education move through the

        23       committee process and out onto the floor with

        24       memos in opposition from UUP, NYSUT, PEF,

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         1       CSEA.  And I never thought I would see a

         2       NYPIRG memo in opposition.  And so there are

         3       concerns in the constituencies there, in the

         4       stakeholders.  And certainly those

         5       stakeholders, in any piece of legislation,

         6       their concerns need to be addressed.

         7                  I know, Senator Stachowski, that in

         8       the amendments to your bill you put in PLAs

         9       and other things to deal with that segment of

        10       the labor community.  And you should be

        11       complimented on that, because I think that

        12       that was a good provision.

        13                  I mention that -- and you went

        14       through in great detail about the flexibility

        15       pieces.  And I believe that State University,

        16       through the Governor, advanced in the budget

        17       process many of the identical provisions that

        18       are in your bill.  Those were rejected in the

        19       budget process.

        20                  Now, it doesn't mean -- and

        21       actually in the amendments that I handed up,

        22       there are many of those that are incorporated

        23       in that.  And we will ultimately have to go

        24       through and see what -- you mentioned

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         1       purchasing.  That is like a no-brainer.  But

         2       there are other things there of concern.

         3                  In the bill that I filed, which was

         4       the Stony Brook 2020, unfortunately a

         5       provision got into my bill that I did not

         6       want, and that's the leasing provision.

         7       Leasing of land, Senator Padavan went through,

         8       asked questions.

         9                  Senator Marcellino learned

        10       firsthand by going around a process at Old

        11       Westbury.  It's now that's the cry across the

        12       state on that particular issue.  If we remove

        13       ourselves from that process, the only thing

        14       that can happen is not good things.  So that's

        15       a piece of flexibility that I think we need to

        16       listen to a lot of the people that say that's

        17       very, very dangerous.  And I know because I

        18       worked with Senator Marcellino to remediate

        19       that disaster that happened at Old Westbury.

        20                  There are other things in the

        21       legislation that certainly need to be

        22       resolved.  But I know that Senator Stavisky

        23       will be calling roundtables and involving

        24       people and getting people involved, and we

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         1       need that.

         2                  But my last point here is this.  We

         3       need, as a system, to stay strong.  We have

         4       made, over the years, incremental investments

         5       in the State University of New York.  The

         6       strength is the system, to have the components

         7       working with one another.

         8                  And it's a shame that we kind of

         9       got off a track, and I believe because we

        10       didn't have a chancellor in these 24 months.

        11       We should all be partners.  We should all be

        12       part of one New York State and one SUNY system

        13       and strengthen the whole thing.  And I know

        14       you, through your sports background and your

        15       personality, are a team player.  And

        16       ultimately, as a team, we will benefit.

        17                  I wish I could support this

        18       legislation.  But because we have partners

        19       left behind -- and it doesn't resonate.  It's

        20       not a good message.  We will repair it, you

        21       know, when we get back home and we will talk

        22       about the positive things, things that Senator

        23       Breslin talked about, the things I know

        24       Senator Stavisky will be doing.

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         1                  But certainly this is a good

         2       message for Western New York.  People have

         3       worked hard.  And so at least it's a good

         4       beginning for the people of Western New York.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT STEWART-COUSINS:

         6       Thank you, Senator.

         7                  Senator Ranzenhofer.

         8                  SENATOR RANZENHOFER:    Thank you,

         9       Madam President.  I rise in support of this

        10       legislation, as I said earlier.

        11                  This university, where it's

        12       currently constituted, is in the heart of my

        13       district and has grown enormously during the

        14       last 30 years.  As a graduate of the State

        15       University, and actually with connections to

        16       all the universities in the State of New York,

        17       I don't see anything wrong with conducting a

        18       pilot program, which this really is, to see

        19       how this is going to work.

        20                  I know that all the university

        21       centers, as Senator LaValle indicated, have

        22       been working very hard on their particular

        23       projects.  And this project is ready to move

        24       today, and I rise in support of the project.

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         1                  One of the things which I think is

         2       important is the private-public partnership

         3       between trying to do things a little bit

         4       differently than have been done for the last

         5       20, 40, 50 years.  Sometimes you have to do

         6       things differently if you're going to be

         7       successful.  And I think the University of

         8       Buffalo, with the leadership of John Simpson,

         9       has done that.

        10                  They have spent an awful lot of

        11       time, as have the other communities and the

        12       other universities and the other university

        13       presidents, and done their due diligence, but

        14       the University of Buffalo has also done that.

        15       They have reached out extensively to the

        16       community, to all segments to the community,

        17       and this project is ready to move forward.

        18                  On the point that was raised by

        19       Senator LaValle, I mean, there's one important

        20       difference between what happened down on Long

        21       Island and what happened in Buffalo.  This is

        22       in the heart of the city, where they are

        23       starving for development.  People in the

        24       communities that surround this particular

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         1       university can't wait to have this type of

         2       development.

         3                  This is going to mean jobs for

         4       Western New York, all sorts of jobs, whether

         5       they're construction jobs, technology jobs,

         6       people that will be working at the university

         7       to maintain the building.  This is really a

         8       way to grow the community and to provide jobs

         9       for the community for the people that are

        10       already living there and don't have jobs.

        11                  One of the things that I learned

        12       before I actually came to the Senate, and I

        13       was talking to some of the people that worked

        14       at the university, is they themselves are very

        15       frustrated by the bureaucracy that they have

        16       to go through.  And one of the things that

        17       this legislation does is tear away some of

        18       those impediments to actually getting things

        19       done.

        20                  Again, this is a model project,

        21       this is a pilot program.  There are going to

        22       be some steps and some bumps along the way.

        23       But I think this is a good indicator of let's

        24       see how the other universities will do as well

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         1       once this project moves forward.

         2                  As I said, Western New York is a

         3       little bit different than the other parts of

         4       the state.  Our unemployment rate is higher.

         5       Our economic malaise has been longer than

         6       other parts of the state.  And the infusion of

         7       jobs and capital into the region, into

         8       Buffalo, into Amherst, into Western New York I

         9       think is just going to be so important.

        10                  So I stand here to support the bill

        11       wholeheartedly, as I indicated earlier.  I'll

        12       be fully supportive of initiatives for other

        13       universities.  But I think the day has

        14       arrived.  I think the people at the university

        15       and the community are to be commended for

        16       their efforts today.  And I will be voting yes

        17       on this legislation.

        18                  Thank you.

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT STEWART-COUSINS:

        20       Thank you, Senator.

        21                  Senator Volker.

        22                  SENATOR VOLKER:    Madam President,

        23       let me first of all say that -- to Senator

        24       LaValle, as he knows very well, I have always

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         1       tried to lead the Western New York delegation

         2       in collaboration with the rest of the state.

         3       And in fact, Senator LaValle and I have worked

         4       together on many, many projects.

         5                  What happened here is that the

         6       business community, the SUNY Buffalo

         7       community, both campuses -- I say both

         8       campuses because you must remember there's one

         9       of the campuses in Amherst and one part of it

        10       in Buffalo, the city of Buffalo -- even the

        11       media got together.  And as some of us said,

        12       you must understand that some people call

        13       Buffalo "Beirut by the Lake."

        14                  It is rare, in my time, that an

        15       entire community in Buffalo was able to get

        16       together on a single project or in a single

        17       thrust.  We were called together -- we meaning

        18       the legislators, Democrats and Republicans.

        19       And admittedly at the time there was a

        20       different governor who was pushing for

        21       movement in several campuses.  SUNY Buffalo

        22       took up the cudgel and, with the help of

        23       people in the business community and with the

        24       help of all sorts of experts, put together

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         1       this bill.

         2                  Now, let me say to my colleagues, I

         3       am more than willing to collaborate with the

         4       rest of the SUNY system.  Although I will say

         5       this.  The SUNY system itself did not seem to

         6       react well to collaborating with 2020 or in

         7       fact many times, it seems to me, has not been

         8       readily willing to do innovation.  Of course,

         9       as Senator LaValle said, there was a problem

        10       because of the gap in the leadership at SUNY.

        11       And that was absolutely true.

        12                  Nobody in this Capitol has worked

        13       harder for the SUNY system than Senator Ken

        14       LaValle.  No one has to tell me about that.

        15       But I must say that this legislation is

        16       extremely critical, not just to the

        17       development of SUNY Buffalo but to the entire

        18       Western New York region.

        19                  This bill, which is supported

        20       bipartisan-wise in Western New York -- and

        21       that's hard to do too, by the way, in many

        22       cases.  And I don't just mean in the

        23       Legislature, I mean in the city, in the

        24       county, and everybody -- is an attempt to put

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         1       together a plan not just for this year and

         2       next year but, obviously, for the next

         3       20 years.

         4                  This is, we hope the beginning of

         5       an entire renaissance for Western New York.

         6       We already have a beginning of a renaissance

         7       with the biomedical campus.  Which, by the

         8       way, this house was primarily responsible for

         9       over the last five to ten years.  Sometimes no

        10       one paid too much attention to that, because

        11       the credit was taken by other people.  But it

        12       was really this house, people in this house

        13       who really developed the process for the

        14       biomedical corridor.

        15                  But what this bill does -- and I

        16       understand the concern that it is not done

        17       along with other areas of the state that would

        18       like something similar.  My suggestion is that

        19       we pass this bill, get this done, and then

        20       work together.  And I personally -- and I

        21       think the entire delegation -- is ready, ready

        22       and willing to work together with all the rest

        23       of -- with the major campuses and with the

        24       health facilities and try to make sure that we

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         1       do have one SUNY that is for the best

         2       interests of all the students of this state.

         3                  I ask my colleagues, despite the

         4       unusual nature of this, to please support us.

         5       Because we need this legislation.  We need it

         6       for Western New York, we need it for SUNY

         7       Buffalo.  At the same time, I promise that I

         8       will do whatever I can to assist the other

         9       campuses, the other parts of the state in

        10       putting this whole thing together and coming

        11       up with a total plan.

        12                  Thank you.

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT STEWART-COUSINS:

        14       Thank you, Senator.

        15                  Senator Maziarz.

        16                  SENATOR MAZIARZ:    Thank you very

        17       much, Madam President and my colleagues.

        18                  And I just want to, like Senator

        19       Volker, note the great respect that I have for

        20       the knowledge of Senator LaValle.  I think one

        21       of the foremost experts in the country on

        22       higher education.

        23                  But, you know, support for this

        24       particular piece of legislation for the

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         1       University at Buffalo doesn't necessarily mean

         2       that we are opposed to similar legislation for

         3       Binghamton, Albany, or for Stony Brook.

         4                  The new chancellor on her first day

         5       on the job, which was Monday, wrote an op-ed

         6       piece where she call the SUNY the engine of

         7       the Empire State.  And she said that Albany

         8       can help with resources for the SUNY system

         9       but also giving our campuses flexibility so

        10       that they can become more entrepreneurial and

        11       better compete in the workplace.

        12                  That's exactly what this

        13       legislation today does for the University at

        14       Buffalo.  We had the good fortune, we were

        15       very fortunate to have a visionary, Dr. John

        16       Simpson, become president of the University of

        17       Buffalo a few years ago and started down the

        18       road and on this process of changing the

        19       University at Buffalo.  And he did that --

        20       again, not to leave out any of the other

        21       universities, but he got the community

        22       together, he got a planning process together.

        23       He got, as Senator Volker aptly pointed out,

        24       very, very different parts of the community to

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         1       come on board and support this particular plan

         2       for changing all of Western New York.

         3                  So again, I look forward to future

         4       legislation involving Binghamton and Stony

         5       Brook and Albany and doing some similar

         6       things.  But I don't think it should be

         7       done -- I don't think Buffalo should have to

         8       stop its process or interrupt its process in

         9       going forward.  Because, you know, time is of

        10       the essence in Western New York for the

        11       economy of Western New York.

        12                  So I wholeheartedly support this

        13       particular piece of legislation.  And, Madam

        14       President, I do want to note for the record

        15       that I promised Senator Marty Dilan -- Senator

        16       Dilan -- for the record, I wanted you to note,

        17       Madam President, that I promised Senator Marty

        18       Dilan that I would speak on this bill about

        19       Western New York and I would not mention the

        20       Power Authority.  So my promise was kept.

        21                  (Laughter.)

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT STEWART-COUSINS:

        23       I'm not sure about that promise being kept.

        24                  (Laughter.)

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         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT STEWART-COUSINS:

         2       Senator Libous.

         3                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Thank you, Madam

         4       President.  I want to speak on the bill.

         5                  Senator Stachowski certainly did a

         6       good job of outlining what is in it.  I do

         7       disagree with the direction he and my

         8       colleagues Senator Maziarz and Senator Volker

         9       and Senator Ranzenhofer are going.  Because if

        10       you listen to what Senator LaValle said, I

        11       think it makes an awful lot of sense that we

        12       are beating up the integrity of the SUNY

        13       system.

        14                  The system has been built by men

        15       and women who are serving here now and have

        16       served here before.  It is one of the finest

        17       university systems in the country and rivals

        18       those across the world.  And we have been very

        19       proud of the flagships, the four University

        20       Centers, of which I am very proud to have one

        21       in my district, Binghamton University.

        22                  And as my colleague Senator

        23       Ranzenhofer said, he said that Western

        24       New York is hungry for jobs.  I understand

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         1       that.  And I understand why each of you are

         2       defending the areas that you live in.  I would

         3       expect you to do no less.  But New York State

         4       is starving for jobs, Senator, starving.

         5       They're starving in Binghamton and in Syracuse

         6       and in Long Island.  And even New York City is

         7       starting to have its problems.  So the state

         8       is starving for jobs.

         9                  And I applaud the men and women

        10       from Western New York who came up with this

        11       concept.  I think that's outstanding that they

        12       put a plan together.  But if the plan is good

        13       for Western New York -- and as many of you

        14       said from time to time that we are one

        15       New York -- then it should be good for the

        16       other university centers, it should be good

        17       for the medical centers and then help this

        18       state.

        19                  Because believe me, and I'll speak

        20       for Binghamton, we're starving for jobs.

        21       Unfortunately, just recently Secretary of

        22       Defense Gates announced that the presidential

        23       helicopter program that Lockheed Martin in

        24       Owego is doing is going to end.

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         1                  Puzzling to me, because as

         2       President Obama talks about stimulus and

         3       invests trillions, billions of dollars, a

         4       program that has created some 800 jobs at

         5       lucrative salaries to build the defense and

         6       quite frankly to improve upon the

         7       transportation system of the President of the

         8       United States, the program has stopped and we

         9       will lose 800 jobs.  And the effect of that

        10       will trickle down to the many small

        11       manufacturers in our area and throughout the

        12       state who are part of that $10 billion

        13       program.

        14                  Binghamton University is now

        15       stepping in and working with Lockheed Martin

        16       and trying to come up with ways to keep those

        17       800 people in the Southern Tier, to keep them

        18       in New York State.

        19                  Obviously, to be partners in this

        20       program throughout the university system would

        21       be wonderful.  It would be a great

        22       opportunity.  I would hope that, as Senator

        23       Stachowski and Senator Stavisky have said,

        24       that we could come to a compromise plan that

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         1       is good for Western New York, good for the

         2       Southern Tier, good for the two medical

         3       centers, good for Stony Brook and Long Island,

         4       good for the Capital District, good for

         5       everybody.

         6                  Because when we start drifting away

         7       from the concept of what made the State

         8       University system great, it's going to be a

         9       real problem, because it's going to have an

        10       effect on the quality of education.

        11                  Now, one of the items in this

        12       particular proposal talks about UB setting

        13       their own tuition policy.  That's a horrible

        14       idea, to have them set their own tuition

        15       policy different from the other centers, the

        16       other colleges.  We have fought on this floor

        17       time in and time out about tuition, trying to

        18       keep tuition in the State University

        19       affordable so that all individuals at all ages

        20       could afford to go to college in the state.

        21                  And I'm puzzled that now Senator

        22       Stachowski is proposing a bill that would

        23       allow BU to set -- UB.  BU, UB.  I'm BU, he's

        24       UB -- to set their own tuition standard.  But

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         1       yet earlier this year, he and his colleagues

         2       on that side of the aisle voted to sweep the

         3       tuition paid by SUNY students and put it in

         4       the General Fund.  That didn't help UB.

         5                  I think this is a very, very

         6       dangerous path that we're on.  I understand

         7       that Western New York needs help.  Central New

         8       York needs help.  The Southern Tier is in dire

         9       need of help, and so are all parts of the

        10       state.  We need to put legislation together

        11       that helps everywhere, that helps every part

        12       of the state but yet keeps the university

        13       system intact.

        14                  To start breaking off and giving

        15       special consideration to one of the centers

        16       over the others is bad public policy.  I hope

        17       that in the coming weeks before the end of

        18       session, that level heads will prevail, that

        19       we can sit down and come up with a plan for

        20       all of the university centers and the medical

        21       centers, upstate and down, so that we can

        22       create the same opportunity for the rest of

        23       the state that you want to create for Western

        24       New York.

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         1                  I respect what you're trying to do

         2       here.  I ask for your help.  I ask you to help

         3       the rest of us put this plan together.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT STEWART-COUSINS:

         5       Thank you, Senator.

         6                  Senator Flanagan.

         7                  SENATOR FLANAGAN:    Thank you,

         8       Madam President.  On the bill.

         9                  I want to join in the comments of a

        10       number of my colleagues, but I want to start

        11       off by just mentioning something about Senator

        12       LaValle.

        13                  I've had the good fortune of being

        14       a member of this house now for seven years,

        15       and in that time I have had the privilege of

        16       representing Stony Brook, the core of which is

        17       right in the heart of the 2nd Senate District.

        18       And it's been great working with them on a lot

        19       of different things.

        20                  But it's like a one, two punch.

        21       When you have the chair of the Higher Ed

        22       Committee, and now the ranker on that

        23       committee, someone who's been a champion, it's

        24       like a tag team.  So there have been a lot of

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         1       very good things that have happened.

         2                  And I raise that point in two

         3       contexts.  One is to reiterate part of the

         4       comments that were made that I think could be

         5       said about Binghamton, it could be said about

         6       Albany.  I know dealing with Dr. Kenny and the

         7       administration at Stony Brook, they've been

         8       talking about this stuff for a long time and

         9       in very positive ways.  So that's a good

        10       thing.

        11                  And when we talk about UB, I don't

        12       really care which university system it is.

        13       Part of this, I just don't like a little bit

        14       of the tone, because I want to start from a

        15       different premise, and the premise is that

        16       they're all darn good.  And we shouldn't

        17       apologize for anything.  What we're trying to

        18       do is to take something that works, that's a

        19       jewel right here in this state and across the

        20       country, and we're trying to make it better.

        21                  So I think when we talk about this,

        22       no matter what the university center may be,

        23       or the medical center, let's start with all

        24       the positive stuff and just see how we can

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         1       move forward in a positive light.

         2                  Having said that, I do believe that

         3       when we do separate, we are going to create

         4       potential problems.  And I'll say this to my

         5       colleagues in Western New York in particular.

         6       The upshot of this whole thing may be that

         7       this bill may get accomplished what a lot of

         8       people have been trying to do all along, and

         9       that may be to have real changes for all of

        10       our university centers.

        11                  But I will close on this point.  I

        12       have had the opportunity to work closely with

        13       Senator LaValle.  And I think all of you who

        14       know him, he's like a nurturer.  And

        15       periodically, it will drive some people crazy,

        16       because he takes a very keen and strong

        17       interest in things.  Right?  Okay?

        18                  But, you know, he looks at the

        19       university system like a family, like we're

        20       all either brothers or sisters or children

        21       that's part of a larger group, and everybody

        22       needs to be taken care of.  And in so doing, I

        23       think he has avoided splitting things off.

        24                  So no one should mistake the fact

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         1       that we haven't seen a major bill that's been

         2       signed into law for a lack of effort or lack

         3       of trying.  I personally believe that our

         4       greatest obstacle is not on this side of the

         5       aisle, and it's not on this side of the aisle.

         6       Because I think cooler heads will prevail and

         7       that we will make the progress we need.

         8                  Our greatest obstacle is across the

         9       hall.  We'll come up with something that will

        10       work for everybody in this house, but if we

        11       don't have a true partner in the New York

        12       State Assembly, it doesn't mean anything.

        13                  So where we really need the

        14       leadership, it's not from SUNY, because we

        15       have a new chancellor, and I think she's a

        16       bright light and will do a wonderful job.  And

        17       it's not going to be here.  We're going to

        18       need help in the New York State Assembly,

        19       because they have to change their mindset on a

        20       lot of very basic things if we're going to be

        21       able to accomplish all the positive goals of

        22       this legislation.

        23                  Thank you.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT STEWART-COUSINS:

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         1       Thank you, Senator.

         2                  Senator Marcellino.

         3                  SENATOR MARCELLINO:    Thank you,

         4       Madam President.

         5                  I had not intended to rise on this

         6       particular piece of legislation, but since

         7       Senator LaValle pointed out some of the

         8       experiences that I had with the College at Old

         9       Westbury -- which is part of the SUNY system

        10       in my district, and in need of help, as is

        11       Farmingdale, which I abut, which is in Senator

        12       Fuschillo's district, also in need of help.

        13                  And since we took money out of the

        14       system in the budget, since we limited the

        15       kind of construction that these colleges can

        16       do in the budget, there doesn't seem to be

        17       anything in this bill or even in the proposed

        18       compromise bill that Senator LaValle talked

        19       about that would help Old Westbury in any way,

        20       shape or form.

        21                  I have a problem with giving the

        22       universities the ability to raise their own

        23       tuitions without checking with this

        24       Legislature.  These colleges are a trust.

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         1       They were paid for by the taxpayers of the

         2       state for the purpose of educating those who

         3       could not afford to going to the higher-priced

         4       private schools.  These were colleges for the

         5       people, all the people.

         6                  Now we're going to price some of

         7       these people out of these colleges, and I

         8       don't think that's a good thing.  I personally

         9       don't think that's a good thing.  I want to

        10       keep it affordable.  I understand the need for

        11       the development of Western New York.  I

        12       understand SUNY Stony Brook wanting to be in

        13       development; it's a great university.  I

        14       understand the medical schools want to do

        15       their thing; they're great schools.

        16                  But they're made great schools and

        17       have been supported and been subsidized by the

        18       taxpayers of this state in order to allow the

        19       students and the families that couldn't afford

        20       the higher-priced institutions with the

        21       fancy-schmancy names so that they could go to

        22       quality educational institutions.  We possibly

        23       could see that ending right here, right now,

        24       and I don't think that's a good idea.

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         1                  I also don't think it's a good idea

         2       without checks, without careful checks and

         3       balances.  I'm not happy with a report coming

         4       from the president of a college to the state.

         5       When you get the greedy hand of developers

         6       into something, it can get out of hand.  Their

         7       interest is making money, let's make no bones

         8       about that.

         9                  And I have no problem with problem

        10       with that.  I have absolutely no problem with

        11       people making money.  But I want to be careful

        12       because they're going to make money using the

        13       land, using the facilities that were bought

        14       and paid for by the taxpayers of this state.

        15       And if a private developer is going to make a

        16       living on that, that's wrong.  That's wrong.

        17                  I want to see the check and

        18       balance.  I want to see that every college in

        19       the system benefits.  Senator Libous said it

        20       right.  If we're going to move ahead, let's

        21       move ahead as a group.  Let's protect, as

        22       Senator Flanagan called it, the jewel that we

        23       have, and that is the State University of the

        24       State of New York.  It is well recognized

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         1       wherever you go as the creme de la creme of

         2       the university systems in this country.

         3                  And I would hate to see anything

         4       happen that would put that at risk.  That

         5       would be a problem.  This former schoolteacher

         6       is not about to support anything that's going

         7       to put that at risk.

         8                  Thank you, Madam President.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT STEWART-COUSINS:

        10       Thank you, Senator.

        11                  Are there any other Senators

        12       wishing to be heard on the bill?

        13                  Senator Stachowski, to close for

        14       the majority.

        15                  SENATOR STACHOWSKI:    Yes, Madam

        16       President, thank you.  I Just wanted to make a

        17       few remarks, some of them in response to some

        18       of the things that were said.

        19                  And believe me, this legislation

        20       was never put forward to leave anybody behind.

        21       We had -- UB had waited, along with everybody

        22       else, for some movement on the four centers to

        23       move.  When the community got activated by the

        24       new president to start moving this idea

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         1       forward, especially in a time when the state

         2       was not going to be in a position to give them

         3       financial assistance that they would need,

         4       because they knew the state were going to be

         5       in difficult economic times.  So they started

         6       on UB 2020 as a way to business the university

         7       through mandate relief and relief from some

         8       other processes that maybe are somewhat

         9       outdated.

        10                  I think it's important to

        11       mention -- and I mentioned it when I talked

        12       about the bill, but I think I have to repeat

        13       it, because two people have talked about the

        14       fact that there's no oversight on leasing or

        15       selling of land.  But that is done under the

        16       auspice of the SUNY trustees.

        17                  So that the University at Buffalo

        18       still can't just say "We're going to do this";

        19       the SUNY trustees have to take a look at it

        20       first before they can do it.  That says that

        21       right there, and I mentioned it.

        22                  The tuition increases, the maximum

        23       in an average course is $270, much less than

        24       the SUNY board just did on their own.  Without

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         1       anything coming from the Legislature whether

         2       they could raise it or not, they raised it.

         3       So that argument is a little bit off.

         4                  And as Senator Volker said, and I

         5       will also repeat, that we feel it's necessary

         6       to pass this legislation.  We think we would

         7       be letting our community down not to do it.

         8       We think it's good for the university.  We

         9       think that because of the difficulty we've

        10       always had in moving the whole package

        11       together, to mention what Senator Ranzenhofer

        12       said, this is kind of like a pilot project.

        13       But it doesn't have to be a long-term ahead of

        14       everybody else.

        15                  As Senator Volker said, we'll also

        16       be happy to work with everybody else to move

        17       along the other university system

        18       institutions, that we're not shortchanging

        19       them, we're just pushing this one ahead to get

        20       it out there as an example because they did

        21       the work in the background to get us in the

        22       position.

        23                  And when Senator LaValle mentioned

        24       a lot of those memos against -- with the

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         1       exception of NYPIRG's, because I find it

         2       interesting that NYPIRG has a memo against it

         3       when the student body voted in favor of that

         4       tuition policy.  And they voted pretty

         5       substantially in favor of that tuition policy.

         6                  But the fact is we're willing to

         7       still continue to work even after we pass this

         8       bill to alleviate any concerns that CSEA or

         9       PEF or UUP would have with this kind of

        10       legislation and the possible ramifications.

        11                  As far as we can see, and in

        12       talking with the people that I worked with at

        13       the university to put this together, this is a

        14       win-win for UUP, and for some reason they

        15       don't want to see it.  And I was sitting in a

        16       meeting once, and the person from Buffalo kept

        17       saying, "If it's going to create more jobs for

        18       you and it's going to create more UUP

        19       full-time professors, why are you still

        20       against it?"  And it was a question that we

        21       really didn't get a good answer for.

        22                  Even that being said, we're still

        23       going to continue to work with everybody to

        24       try to alleviate any concerns they have, try

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         1       to clear up any problems they have.  But we

         2       feel it's necessary to move forward with this

         3       and to pass this bill today.

         4                  I thank everybody that rose to

         5       speak for it.  I appreciate everything

         6       everybody said that stated their interests in

         7       their area, and understandably so.

         8                  I think that the tone of Senator

         9       Breslin's remarks was especially appropriate,

        10       because he talked about the fact that we're

        11       going to still get together and try to do

        12       something to move all the other institutions

        13       together.

        14                  And I know, under Senator

        15       Stavisky's leadership, she has a real

        16       interest, as did Senator LaValle, and Senator

        17       LaValle still does have, in the whole SUNY

        18       system.  But she also realizes the importance

        19       of this bill, and I thank her for her help in

        20       moving this bill along.

        21                  And I am especially thank Senator

        22       Breslin and Senator Foley and Senator Johnson

        23       nor their understanding that this bill has

        24       advanced because they did so much work on it,

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         1       but we won't be leaving them behind.

         2                  I also -- the only member from

         3       Western New York that wasn't thanked on this

         4       was Senator Thompson.  And he has been very

         5       active in this, and obviously is one of the

         6       main reasons that the minority business and

         7       women business piece is in there and it's in

         8       there so strong.

         9                  So the fact is that everybody has

        10       participated from Western New York, the whole

        11       community.  I know that everybody weighed in.

        12       We will continue to work to try to move the

        13       whole system forward, because we do believe in

        14       one New York.

        15                  But I thank everybody for the work

        16       they did on this bill.  I congratulate John

        17       Simpson for being the visionary that saw that

        18       this was a good way to go and the state was in

        19       poor financial condition, that this would make

        20       his university stronger and could make up for

        21       a funding that maybe we couldn't provide

        22       because of the situation we find ourselves in.

        23                  And I thank him and his team for

        24       all the work they did on this and working

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         1       together with everybody to get this bill to

         2       the point it's at and continue to hope to work

         3       with them as we move this bill out of this

         4       house and along to the Assembly, where we may

         5       have been see this again because to get it

         6       through the Assembly, it may require some

         7       other changes and it may be back here.

         8                  But we're in a position, I think,

         9       to keep continuing to work with everybody as

        10       we have.  And I thank everybody for all the

        11       help.

        12                  And, Madam President, I hope that

        13       everyone will see fit to vote for this bill.

        14       Thank you.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT STEWART-COUSINS:

        16       Thank you, Senator Stachowski, for those

        17       closing remarks.

        18                  The debate is closed.

        19                  I'd ask the Secretary to please

        20       ring the bells.

        21                  Read the last section.

        22                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 5.  This

        23       act shall take effect immediately.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT STEWART-COUSINS:

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         1       Call the roll.

         2                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT STEWART-COUSINS:

         4       Senator Thompson, to explain his vote.

         5                  SENATOR THOMPSON:    Yes.  First, I

         6       want to thank you, Madam Chairwoman, for

         7       recognizing me.

         8                  I also want to thank Senator

         9       Stachowski for his leadership on this bill, in

        10       addition to Chairwoman Stavisky for her

        11       leadership as well in bringing people

        12       together.

        13                  We still have more work to do, but

        14       I think that this is a great step in the right

        15       direction for Western New York.  We still have

        16       to recognize that Western New York needs

        17       strong leadership, and today the Senate is

        18       providing leadership in a bipartisan way to

        19       move Western New York forward to make UB an

        20       even greater flagship university, not only in

        21       the state but in the nation as well.

        22                  We've worked out a number of

        23       details to provide project labor agreements to

        24       increase diversity.  There are still some

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         1       remaining issues as relates to concerns

         2       related to organized labor that work within

         3       the State University system.  I am confident

         4       and cautiously optimistic that we will push to

         5       get some of those other considerations

         6       addressed.

         7                  I strongly support this bill.  This

         8       is great for Western New York.  And too often

         9       it's said that Albany fails Western New York;

        10       that is not true.  And today we are providing

        11       good and strong leadership.

        12                  And I strongly vote aye on this

        13       bill.  Thank you.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT STEWART-COUSINS:

        15       Thank you, Senator.

        16                  Senator Thompson will be recorded

        17       in the affirmative.

        18                  Senator Foley.

        19                  SENATOR FOLEY:    Thank you, Madam

        20       President.

        21                  Certainly the great work that's

        22       been put together on this resolution is to be

        23       noted, particularly of Senator Stachowski.

        24                  I think it should also be mentioned

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         1       for the record that this bill, while a pilot

         2       in nature, is also turning out to be a

         3       catalyst.  It's a catalyst wherein we will be

         4       forging, over the next several weeks, from the

         5       testimony, if you will, by members of both

         6       conferences, a more, let's say, comprehensive

         7       and holistic approach to the four major

         8       research facilities in our state.

         9                  So it's my hope and expectation

        10       that in the remaining time of this session

        11       that we will see forged, through hard work, a

        12       follow-up resolution that addresses the needs

        13       and issues of the other research centers so

        14       that we can then, at the end of session, say

        15       that this is one New York.  That, yes, the

        16       first resolution is the University at Buffalo,

        17       but that as we move forward, we will be

        18       addressing the other universities, and in so

        19       doing bringing all the research centers to new

        20       levels of excellence, which is what this state

        21       is all about.

        22                  I'll be voting in the affirmative,

        23       Madam President.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT STEWART-COUSINS:

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         1       Senator Foley to be recorded in the

         2       affirmative.

         3                  Senator Craig Johnson, to explain

         4       his vote.

         5                  SENATOR CRAIG JOHNSON:    Thank you

         6       very much, Madam President.

         7                  I wish to congratulate Senator

         8       Stachowski.  I know how hard he has worked in

         9       this process for the past couple of years, as

        10       well as some of the Senators from the other

        11       side of the aisle.

        12                  I think we need to take the benefit

        13       of their hard work and labor as we move

        14       forward.  And echoing my friend and colleague

        15       Brian Foley, we just can't leave the other

        16       research centers behind, be it in Albany,

        17       Binghamton, or, for us, Stony Brook.

        18                  But we also have to recognize that

        19       we need to move forward, that efforts in the

        20       past that have been stalled when dealing with

        21       this, we just can't simply rest on that.  We

        22       need to move forward.  And this way we begin

        23       the process.

        24                  But as so eloquently stated by my

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         1       colleague Brian Foley, something good has come

         2       out of this.  And hopefully by the end of

         3       session we'll be able to address the other

         4       three, using the fruits of Senator

         5       Stachowski's labors.

         6                  Congratulations, Senator

         7       Stachowski.  I'll be voting yes.

         8                  Thank you very much.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT STEWART-COUSINS:

        10       Senator Craig Johnson will be recorded in the

        11       affirmative.

        12                  Is there any other Senator who

        13       wishes to explain his or her vote?

        14                  Announce the results.

        15                  THE SECRETARY:    Those recorded in

        16       the negative on Calendar Number 487 are

        17       Senators DeFrancisco, Farley, Flanagan,

        18       Fuschillo, Griffo, Hannon, O. Johnson, Lanza,

        19       Larkin, LaValle, Libous, Marcellino, McDonald,

        20       Padavan, Robach, Seward and Winner.

        21                  Absent from voting:  Senator

        22       Little.

        23                  Ayes, 44.  Nays, 17.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT STEWART-COUSINS:

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         1       The bill is passed.

         2                  Senator Klein.

         3                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Madam President,

         4       can we just recognize Senator Ruth

         5       Hassell-Thompson for a brief announcement.

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT STEWART-COUSINS:

         7       Senator Ruth Hassell-Thompson.

         8                  SENATOR HASSELL-THOMPSON:    Thank

         9       you, Madam President.  I just want to announce

        10       that at 10 a.m. in the morning there will be a

        11       conference of the Majority in Room 332.  There

        12       will be no conference tonight.

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT STEWART-COUSINS:

        14       Thank you.

        15                  There will be a conference of the

        16       Majority, 10:00 a.m., Room 332.  No conference

        17       this evening.

        18                  Senator Klein.

        19                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Madam President,

        20       is there any further business at the desk?

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT STEWART-COUSINS:

        22       Senator Klein, the desk is clear.

        23                  SENATOR KLEIN:    There being none,

        24       I move we adjourn until Tuesday, June 4th, at

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         1       11:00 a.m.

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT STEWART-COUSINS:

         3       On motion, the Senate stands adjourned until

         4       Thursday, June 4th, at 11:00 a.m.

         5                  (Whereupon, at 8:13 p.m., the

         6       Senate adjourned.)



















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