Regular Session - June 4, 2009


         1                 NEW YORK STATE SENATE



         4                THE STENOGRAPHIC RECORD





         9                   ALBANY, NEW YORK

        10                     June 4, 2009

        11                      12:33 p.m.



        14                    REGULAR SESSION




        18  SENATOR NEIL D. BRESLIN, Acting President

        19  ANGELO J. APONTE, Secretary






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                                (518) 371-8910

         1                 P R O C E E D I N G S

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

         3       Senate will come to order.

         4                  I ask all to rise and repeat the

         5       Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

         6                  (Whereupon, the assemblage recited

         7       the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.)

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

         9       invocation will be by Father Peter Young, of

        10       Mother Teresa Church in Albany.

        11                  REVEREND YOUNG:    Many years ago,

        12       we listened to a Disney song:  "It's A Small

        13       World."  And today's visit by our President to

        14       the Mideast states that same concept of a

        15       needed global understanding.

        16                  Today we gather here in this

        17       chamber with a need to bring together all of

        18       our New Yorkers.

        19                  God, by Your love, You made a world

        20       where we have become neighbors to each other

        21       and we are enabled to love one another.  Grant

        22       that we too may use the Senate to strive

        23       toward a way of life in keeping with Your

        24       plan, O God.

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         1                  Amen.

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Thank

         3       you, Father Young.

         4                  The reading of the Journal.

         5                  The Secretary will read.

         6                  THE SECRETARY:    In Senate,

         7       Wednesday, June 3, the Senate met pursuant to

         8       adjournment.  The Journal of Tuesday, June 2,

         9       was read and approved.  On motion, Senate

        10       adjourned.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        12       Without objection, the Journal stands approved

        13       as read.

        14                  Presentation of petitions.

        15                  Messages from the Assembly.

        16                  Messages from the Governor.

        17                  Reports of standing committees.

        18                  Reports of select committees.

        19                  Communications and reports from

        20       state officers.

        21                  Motions and resolutions.

        22                  Senator Klein.

        23                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Mr. President,

        24       are there any substitutions at the desk?

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         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Yes,

         2       Senator Klein, there are.

         3                  The Secretary will read.

         4                  THE SECRETARY:    On page 31,

         5       Senator Bonacic moves to discharge, from the

         6       Committee on Investigations and Government

         7       Operations, Assembly Bill Number 3988 and

         8       substitute it for the identical Senate Bill

         9       Number 4848, Third Reading Calendar 321.

        10                  On page 40, Senator Breslin moves

        11       to discharge, from the Committee on

        12       Investigations and Government Operations,

        13       Assembly Bill Number 6372 and substitute it

        14       for the identical Senate Bill Number 2793,

        15       Third Reading Calendar 432.

        16                  On page 47, Senator Breslin moves

        17       to discharge, from the Committee on Insurance,

        18       Assembly Bill Number 6843 and substitute it

        19       for the identical Senate Bill Number 3554,

        20       Third Reading Calendar 508.

        21                  On page 48, Senator Squadron moves

        22       to discharge, from the Committee on Housing,

        23       Construction and Community Development,

        24       Assembly Bill Number 620 and substitute it for

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         1       the identical Senate Bill Number 4403, Third

         2       Reading Calendar 515.

         3                  On page 48, Senator Huntley moves

         4       to discharge, from the Committee on Crime

         5       Victims, Crime and Correction, Assembly Bill

         6       Number 606A and substitute it for the

         7       identical Senate Bill Number 2072A, Third

         8       Reading Calendar 517.

         9                  On page 48, Senator Montgomery

        10       moves to discharge, from the Committee on

        11       Crime Victims, Crime and Correction, Assembly

        12       Bill Number 3766 and substitute it for the

        13       identical Senate Bill Number 4793, Third

        14       Reading Calendar 521.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        16       Substitutions ordered.

        17                  Senator Klein.

        18                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Mr. President, I

        19       have some motions.

        20                  The first, on behalf of myself, on

        21       page 45 I offer the following amendments to

        22       Calendar Number 490, Senate Print 2484A, and

        23       ask that said bill retain its place on Third

        24       Reading Calendar.

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         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    So

         2       ordered.

         3                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Mr. President, on

         4       behalf of Senator Parker, on page 30 I offer

         5       the following amendments to Calendar Number

         6       296, Senate Print 3715, and ask that said bill

         7       retain its place on Third Reading Calendar.

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    So

         9       ordered.

        10                  SENATOR KLEIN:    On behalf of

        11       Senator Breslin, on page number 23 I offer the

        12       following amendments to Calendar Number 178,

        13       Senate Print 3635A, and ask that said bill

        14       retain its place on Third Reading Calendar.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    So

        16       ordered.

        17                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Mr. President, I

        18       now move that we adopt the Resolution Calendar

        19       in its entirety.

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    All in

        21       favor of adopting the Resolution Calendar in

        22       its entirety please signify by saying aye.

        23                  (Response of "Aye.")

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

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         1       Opposed, nay.

         2                  (No response.)

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

         4       Resolution Calendar is adopted.

         5                  Senator Klein.

         6                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Mr. President,

         7       can we please move to a reading of the

         8       calendar.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

        10       Secretary will read.

        11                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        12       119, by Senator Klein, Senate Print 1866, an

        13       act to amend the Vehicle and Traffic Law, in

        14       relation to residential parking.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Read

        16       the last section.

        17                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        18       act shall take effect immediately.

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Call

        20       the roll.

        21                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    There

        23       is a home-rule message at the desk.

        24                  Announce the results.

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         1                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 60.

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

         3       bill is passed.

         4                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         5       325, by Member of the Assembly Peralta,

         6       Assembly Print Number 306 --

         7                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Lay the bill

         8       aside for the day, please.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

        10       bill is laid aside for the day.

        11                  THE SECRETARY:     Calendar Number

        12       330, by Member of the Assembly Brodsky,

        13       Assembly Print Number 5025, an act to amend

        14       the Executive Law, in relation to consistency.

        15                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Lay the bill

        16       aside for the day.

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

        18       bill is laid aside for the day.

        19                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        20       370, by Senator Adams, Senate Print 3022, an

        21       act to amend the Racing, Pari-Mutuel Wagering

        22       and Breeding Law, in relation to authorizing.

        23                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Could we lay the

        24       bill aside for the day.

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         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

         2       bill is laid aside for the day.

         3                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         4       380, by Senator Savino, Senate Print 4223, an

         5       act to amend the Executive Law, in relation to

         6       designating.

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Read

         8       the last section.

         9                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        10       act shall take effect on the 30th day.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Call

        12       the roll.

        13                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        15       Senator Maziarz, to explain his vote.

        16                  SENATOR MAZIARZ:    Thank you very

        17       much, Mr. President.  To explain my vote.

        18                  I know today is getaway day and

        19       everybody is in a hurry, and I would never lay

        20       this bill aside.  It just shows you, though,

        21       what my social life in Albany was like, I

        22       actually read this stuff yesterday, last

        23       night.

        24                  And I don't know what August the

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         1       20th is.  I couldn't figure out why it was

         2       August the 20th.  I'm hoping against all hope

         3       that it's Senator Marchi's birthday or

         4       something like that, August the 20th.

         5                  But there is a very serious error

         6       in your bill memo, Senator Savino.  It says:

         7       "Staten Island is also home to the most famous

         8       boat ride in the world."  Now, had it said one

         9       of the most famous boat rides in the world, it

        10       would not be an error.  But everyone knows

        11       that the most famous boat ride in the world is

        12       the "Maid of the Mist" in Niagara Falls.

        13                  So with that correction on the

        14       record, Mr. President, I will be voting in the

        15       affirmative.  Thank you.

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Then

        17       you will voting in the negative?

        18                  (Laughter.)

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    You

        20       will be recorded as voting in the affirmative.

        21                  Announce the results.

        22                  SENATOR MAZIARZ:    Excuse me,

        23       Mr. President, before you do that.

        24                  And I would certainly invite both

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         1       Senator Lanza and Senator Savino to Niagara

         2       Falls to take a ride on the "Maid of the Mist"

         3       so that then they will know where the most

         4       famous boat ride is in the world.

         5                  Thank you, Mr. President.

         6                  (Laughter.)

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         8       Senator Savino to counteract and explain her

         9       vote.

        10                  SENATOR SAVINO:    Thank you,

        11       Mr. President.

        12                  And on behalf of Senator Lanza, we

        13       accept your invitation to come and ride the

        14       "Maid of the Mist."  I in fact have ridden on

        15       the "Maid of the Mist," and it is quite

        16       beautiful.  But we still think our ferry boat

        17       is a little bit more famous.

        18                  However, we will agree to disagree

        19       on that.  Thank you.

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        21       Announce the results.

        22                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 60.  Nays,

        23       0.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

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         1       bill is passed.

         2                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         3       396, by Senator L. Krueger, Senate Print 4960,

         4       an act to amend the Election Law --

         5                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Lay it aside for

         6       the day, please.

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

         8       bill is laid aside for the day.

         9                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        10       402, by Senator Dilan, Senate Print 5174, an

        11       act to amend the Vehicle and Traffic Law, in

        12       relation to emergency rule.

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Read

        14       the last section.

        15                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        16       act shall take effect immediately.

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Call

        18       the roll.

        19                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        21       Announce the results.

        22                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 60.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

        24       bill is passed.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.
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         1                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         2       403, by Senator Seward, Senate Print 2445, an

         3       act to amend Chapter 443 of the Laws of 2007

         4       amending the Tax Law.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    There

         6       is a home-rule message at the desk.

         7                  Read the last section.

         8                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

         9       act shall take effect immediately.

        10                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Call

        11       the roll.

        12                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        14       Announce the results.

        15                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 60.

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

        17       bill is passed.

        18                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        19       404, by Senator Libous, Senate Print 2803, an

        20       act to amend the Tax Law, in relation to

        21       extending.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    There

        23       is a home-rule message at the desk.

        24                  Read the last section.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.
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         1                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

         2       act shall take effect immediately.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Call

         4       the roll.

         5                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         7       Announce the results.

         8                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 60.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

        10       bill is passed.

        11                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        12       406, by Member of the Assembly Destito,

        13       Assembly Print Number 1203 --

        14                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Lay the bill

        15       aside for the day.

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

        17       bill is laid aside for the day.

        18                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        19       407, by Member of the Assembly Rosenthal,

        20       Assembly Print Number 4544, an act to amend

        21       the Arts and Cultural Affairs Law, in relation

        22       to participation.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Read

        24       the last section.

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         1                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

         2       act shall take effect immediately.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Call

         4       the roll.

         5                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         7       Announce the results.

         8                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 60.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

        10       bill is passed.

        11                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        12       412, by Senator C. Johnson, Senate Print

        13       4235A, an act to amend the Tax Law, in

        14       relation to extending the authorization.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    There

        16       is a home-rule message at the desk.

        17                  Read the last section.

        18                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 3.  This

        19       act shall take effect immediately.

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Call

        21       the roll.

        22                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        24       Announce the results.

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         1                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 60.

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

         3       bill is passed.

         4                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         5       413, by Senator C. Johnson --

         6                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Please lay the

         7       bill aside for the day.

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

         9       bill is laid aside for the day.

        10                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        11       415, by the Senate Committee on Rules, Senate

        12       Print Number 5476, an act to --

        13                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Lay the bill

        14       aside for the day.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

        16       bill is laid aside for the day.

        17                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        18       417, by Member of the Assembly John, Assembly

        19       Print Number 7736, an act to --

        20                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Lay the bill

        21       aside for the day.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

        23       bill is laid aside for the day.

        24                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

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         1       418, by Senator Parker, Senate Print 3713, an

         2       act to amend the Public Service Law, in

         3       relation to powers of municipalities.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Read

         5       the last section.

         6                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

         7       act shall take effect immediately.

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Call

         9       the roll.

        10                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        12       Announce the results.

        13                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 60.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

        15       bill is passed.

        16                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        17       419, by Member of the Assembly --

        18                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Lay the bill

        19       aside for the day.

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

        21       bill is laid aside for the day.

        22                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        23       431, by Member of the Assembly Abbate,

        24       Assembly Print Number 2782, an act to amend

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         1       Chapter 929 of the Laws of 1986 amending the

         2       Tax Law and others.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Read

         4       the last section.

         5                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

         6       act shall take effect immediately.

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Call

         8       the roll.

         9                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        10                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Lay it aside.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

        12       bill is laid aside.

        13                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        14       432, substituted earlier today by Member of

        15       the Assembly McEneny, Assembly Print Number

        16       6372, an act to amend the Tax Law, in relation

        17       to imposition.

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    There

        19       is a home-rule message at the desk.

        20                  Read the last section.

        21                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        22       act shall take effect immediately.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Call

        24       the roll.

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         1                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         3       Announce the results.

         4                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 60.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

         6       bill is passed.

         7                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         8       439, by Senator Duane --

         9                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Lay the bill

        10       aside for the day.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

        12       bill is laid aside for the day.

        13                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        14       441, by Member of the Assembly Sweeney,

        15       Assembly Print Number 7894, an act to amend

        16       Chapter 613 of the Laws of 2007, relating to

        17       creating the New York State Sea Level Rise

        18       Task Force.

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Read

        20       the last section.

        21                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        22       act shall take effect immediately.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Call

        24       the roll.

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         1                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         3       Announce the results.

         4                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 60.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

         6       bill is passed.

         7                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         8       443, by Member of the Assembly Bacalles,

         9       Assembly Print Number 7864, an act authorizing

        10       the Chemung County/City of Elmira Regional

        11       Civil Service Commission.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Read

        13       the last section.

        14                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        15       act shall take effect immediately.

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Call

        17       the roll.

        18                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        20       Announce the results.

        21                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 60.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

        23       bill is passed.

        24                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

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         1       444, by Senator Savino, Senate Print 3511, an

         2       act to amend the Retirement and Social

         3       Security Law, in relation to increasing.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Read

         5       the last section.

         6                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 3.  This

         7       act shall take effect June 30, 2009.

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Call

         9       the roll.

        10                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        12       Announce the results.

        13                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 60.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

        15       bill is passed.

        16                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        17       451, by Member of the Assembly Wright --

        18                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Lay the bill

        19       aside for the day.

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

        21       bill is laid aside for the day.

        22                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        23       477, by Member of the Assembly Schimel,

        24       Assembly Print Number 1356A, an act in

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         1       relation to legalizing, validating, ratifying

         2       and confirming actions of the Port Washington

         3       Union Free School District.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Read

         5       the last section.

         6                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

         7       act shall take effect immediately.

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    Call

         9       the roll.

        10                  Senator Klein.

        11                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Mr. President,

        12       just one more correction.  Can we lay Calendar

        13       Number 431, Senator Savino's bill, aside for

        14       the day.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    We'll

        16       get to it in just a second.

        17                  The Secretary will call the roll on

        18       Calendar Number 477.

        19                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        21       Announce the results.

        22                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 60.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    The

        24       bill is passed.

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         1                  Calendar Number 431 will be laid

         2       aside for the day.

         3                  Senator Klein, that completes the

         4       reading of the noncontroversial calendar.

         5                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Mr. President,

         6       does Senator Ruth Hassell-Thompson have an

         7       announcement to make?

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

         9       Senator Hassell-Thompson.

        10                  SENATOR HASSELL-THOMPSON:    Thank

        11       you, Mr. President.

        12                  Just to announce that immediately

        13       following session there will be a Majority

        14       conference in Room 332.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    There

        16       will be a meeting of the Majority Conference

        17       in the Majority Conference Room immediately

        18       following session today in Room 332.

        19                  Senator Klein.

        20                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Mr. President, is

        21       there any further business at the desk?

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:

        23       Senator Klein, the desk is clear.

        24                  SENATOR KLEIN:    There being none,

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         1       I move that we adjourn until Monday, June 8th,

         2       at 3:00 p.m., intervening days to be

         3       legislative days.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT BRESLIN:    There

         5       being no further business to come before the

         6       Senate, on motion, the Senate stands adjourned

         7       until Monday, June 8th, at 3:00 p.m.,

         8       intervening days being legislative days.

         9                  (Whereupon, at 12:49 p.m., the

        10       Senate adjourned.)















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                                (518) 371-8910