Regular Session - June 18, 2010


         1                 NEW YORK STATE SENATE



         4                THE STENOGRAPHIC RECORD





         9                   ALBANY, NEW YORK

        10                     June 18, 2010

        11                      10:59 a.m.



        14                    REGULAR SESSION





        19  SENATOR DIANE SAVINO, Acting President

        20  ANGELO J. APONTE, Secretary






                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                 P R O C E E D I N G S

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

         3       Senate will please come to order.

         4                  I ask everyone present to rise and

         5       recite with me the Pledge of Allegiance.

         6                  (Whereupon, the assemblage recited

         7       the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.)

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Today's

         9       invocation will be provided by the Reverend

        10       Peter G. Young, of Mother Teresa Community,

        11       Albany.

        12                  REVEREND YOUNG:    Thank you,

        13       Senator.

        14                  Let us pray.

        15                  As we approach Father's Day, may we

        16       recall the early leaders that did so many

        17       outstanding things for our New York State

        18       citizens.  We are proud of our elected

        19       leaders, as we were then and now -- Van Buren,

        20       Fillmore, Arthur, Cleveland, Theodore and

        21       Franklin Roosevelt.  May we continue in the

        22       greatness of their dedicated public service to

        23       all of our citizens in New York State.

        24                  May we follow in the rich tradition

        25       of the Senators that first met here in the

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       chamber and in Kingston five days after our

         2       Declaration of Independence.

         3                  May we also, O God, realize that

         4       You, ever living God, will gather here in this

         5       chamber with these men and women as members

         6       representing our constituents to provide

         7       leadership for all of our New York State

         8       citizens.  Let Your spirit enlighten our minds

         9       and guide our actions, that we may be united

        10       in love and bring to fulfillment the work of

        11       government for the greater honor and glory of

        12       our state citizens.

        13                  Amen.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        15       reading of the Journal.

        16                  The Secretary will read.

        17                  THE SECRETARY:    In Senate,

        18       Thursday, June 17, the Senate met pursuant to

        19       adjournment.  The Journal of Wednesday,

        20       June 16, was read and approved.  On motion,

        21       Senate adjourned.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Without

        23       objection, the Journal stands approved as

        24       read.

        25                  Presentation of petitions.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  Messages from the Assembly.

         2                  Messages from the Governor.

         3                  Reports of standing committees.

         4                  Reports of select committees.

         5                  Communications and reports from

         6       state officers.

         7                  Motions and resolutions.

         8                  Senator Klein.

         9                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Madam President,

        10       on behalf of Senator Craig Johnson, on page

        11       number 10 I offer the following amendments to

        12       Calendar Number 215, Senate Print Number

        13       6444B, and ask that said bill retain its place

        14       on Third Reading Calendar.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    So

        16       ordered.

        17                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Madam President,

        18       on behalf of Senator Adams, on page 36 I offer

        19       the following amendments to Calendar Number

        20       861, Senate Print Number 7945, and ask that

        21       said bill retain its place on Third Reading

        22       Calendar.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    So

        24       ordered.

        25                  SENATOR KLEIN:    On behalf of

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       Senator Aubertine, on page 15 I offer the

         2       following amendments to Calendar Number 371,

         3       Senate Print Number 7181A, and ask that said

         4       bill retain its place on Third Reading

         5       Calendar.

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    So

         7       ordered.

         8                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Madam President,

         9       I believe there are substitutions at the desk.

        10       I ask that we make the substitutions at this

        11       time.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        13       Secretary will read.

        14                  THE SECRETARY:    On page 4,

        15       Senator Hassell-Thompson moves to discharge,

        16       from the Committee on Rules, Assembly Bill

        17       Number 3103A and substitute it for the

        18       identical Senate Bill Number 4018A, Third

        19       Reading Calendar 11.

        20                  On page 6, Senator Aubertine moves

        21       to discharge, from the Committee on Rules,

        22       Assembly Bill Number 9252A and substitute it

        23       for the identical Senate Bill Number 6303A,

        24       Third Reading Calendar 104.

        25                  On page 26, Senator Breslin moves

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       to discharge, from the Committee on Rules,

         2       Assembly Bill Number 11131 and substitute it

         3       for the identical Senate Bill Number 7772,

         4       Third Reading Calendar 685.

         5                  On page 38, Senator Foley moves to

         6       discharge, from the Committee on Rules,

         7       Assembly Bill Number 10973A and substitute it

         8       for the identical Senate Bill Number 8026A,

         9       Third Reading Calendar 880.

        10                  And on page 44, Senator Peralta

        11       moves to discharge, from the Committee on

        12       Rules, Assembly Bill Number 10000A and

        13       substitute it for the identical Senate Bill

        14       Number 7300A, Third Reading Calendar 951.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        16       Substitutions ordered.

        17                  Senator Klein.

        18                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Madam President,

        19       I believe there's a resolution at the desk by

        20       Senator Parker.  I ask that the resolution be

        21       read in its entirety and move for its

        22       immediate adoption.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Senator

        24       Klein, has this resolution been deemed

        25       privileged and submitted by the office of the

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       Temporary President?

         2                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Yes, it has,

         3       Madam President.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

         5       Secretary will read.

         6                  THE SECRETARY:    By Senator

         7       Parker, legislative resolution expressing

         8       heartfelt condolences to the victims of the

         9       Gulf of Mexico oil spill which began in April

        10       of 2010.

        11                  "WHEREAS, The ecological, economic

        12       and cataclysmic events in the Gulf of Mexico

        13       due to the explosion of an oil platform

        14       resulting in the deaths of 11 employees and

        15       the repercussions to family and friends and

        16       the yet unhalted massive releases of oil and

        17       natural gases into the waters of the Gulf will

        18       require the efforts and support of the

        19       citizens of this state and nation to ensure

        20       the restoration of the ecology and economy of

        21       all the regions affected by the unprecedented

        22       ecological disaster; and

        23                  "WHEREAS, This Legislative Body is

        24       moved to extend its heartfelt condolences to

        25       the families of the men killed and injured on

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       the offshore oil drill platform and expresses

         2       its solidarity with all the volunteers,

         3       organizations and individuals involved in the

         4       cleanup and recovery efforts in the Gulf Coast

         5       of the United States and Mexico; and

         6                  "WHEREAS, It is the sense of this

         7       Legislative Body to express sincerest

         8       heartfelt condolences to the small and large

         9       businesses, visitors and other parties injured

        10       economically and personally by the massive

        11       Gulf of Mexico oil and natural gas spill which

        12       began in April of 2010; and

        13                  "WHEREAS, The coordinated efforts

        14       of state and federal governments and

        15       volunteers in recovering wildlife and ensuring

        16       the safety of the waters are recognized by

        17       this Legislative Body.  The generosity and

        18       humanitarianism of those who have given of

        19       their time and commitment to attempt to

        20       mitigate an environmental disaster cannot be

        21       sufficiently extolled; and

        22                  "WHEREAS, In addition to the human

        23       toll, the Gulf of Mexico oil and natural gas

        24       spill has resulted in extensive economic

        25       destruction of fishing, shrimping and oyster

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       fields, unknown damage to the environment and

         2       creatures dependent upon the sustaining

         3       presence of the waters, the catastrophic loss

         4       of employment and effect on the well-being of

         5       countless citizens and businesses along the

         6       Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean whose

         7       habitats may be compromised for some time; and

         8                  "WHEREAS, This Legislative Body is

         9       shocked and dismayed by the magnitude of this

        10       ongoing disaster and expresses to all the

        11       victims of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill that

        12       the people of this Empire State relate to the

        13       suffering that others endure in times of such

        14       devastation and remain hopeful there will be

        15       an environmentally safe and comprehensive

        16       resolution to this catastrophe; now,

        17       therefore, be it

        18                  "RESOLVED, That this Legislative

        19       Body pause in its deliberations to express

        20       sincerest heartfelt condolences to the victims

        21       of the Gulf of Mexico oil and gas spill and

        22       express solidarity with all the individuals

        23       and organizations involved in the ongoing

        24       recovery efforts in the Gulf of Mexico; and be

        25       it further

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  "RESOLVED, That copies of this

         2       resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted

         3       to the Governors of Alabama, Florida, Georgia,

         4       Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas and to the

         5       President of Mexico."

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Senator

         7       Parker.

         8                  SENATOR PARKER:    Madam President,

         9       on the resolution.

        10                  In April, the Deepwater Horizon, a

        11       British Petroleum oil well, exploded and

        12       caught fire, killing 11 workers, devastating

        13       their families and friends and beginning the

        14       ongoing release of millions of gallons of oil

        15       and natural gas into the waters of the Gulf of

        16       Mexico.  The human cost of this disaster and

        17       ongoing oil and natural gas spill of

        18       unprecedented size and severity cannot be

        19       calculated.

        20                  Looking beyond the devastation to

        21       families of the deceased and injured, to the

        22       thousands who depend upon the Gulf waters for

        23       fishing, shrimping and oystering, as well as

        24       tourism, countless thousands of small business

        25       people, entrepreneurs, and hardworking

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       employees have been thrown into the ranks of

         2       the unemployed and may never again have access

         3       to the ecological bounty of the waters of the

         4       Gulf of Mexico which have provided livelihoods

         5       for people for centuries.

         6                  The full and lasting effects of

         7       this catastrophe and seemingly endless oil

         8       spill will not be known for decades.  The

         9       immediate effects are known to all who join us

        10       in mourning the dead oil service workers and

        11       the mammals, the birds, the fish, the coral

        12       reefs, the unspoiled beaches, shrimp beds and

        13       other unrecoverable resources.

        14                  While it's not the task of this

        15       legislative body to set policy for the Gulf or

        16       for the United States, we have often led the

        17       nation in proposing new bold solutions, and we

        18       have always rallied together to snatch new

        19       victories out of defeats that we have

        20       suffered.

        21                  That is why I call upon the

        22       Governor and the members of this legislative

        23       body and to all New Yorkers to mourn this

        24       tragedy and promote a prompt resolution to

        25       this cataclysmic event by volunteering aid and

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       contributing in some other way to what we have

         2       all prayed will be a speedy resolution to this

         3       ongoing tragedy.

         4                  It is why I think we should all, as

         5       New Yorkers and as Americans, take this moment

         6       to rededicate ourselves to the goal of

         7       reducing our addiction to foreign sources of

         8       energy, reducing our great state's dependence

         9       upon fossil fuels and reducing our carbon

        10       footprint, and rethinking innovative solutions

        11       to meet New York's energy needs while

        12       protecting our natural environment -- our

        13       water, our air, each other -- as strongly as

        14       possible.

        15                  I do not want to spend time on

        16       these thoughts today while we all take a

        17       moment to reflect upon this misfortune and to

        18       offer our heartfelt condolences to our fellow

        19       Americans in the Gulf and to offer our prayers

        20       that the President is able to mitigate the

        21       unfolding tragedy that is the Gulf's oil spill

        22       today.  However, I want to promise you today

        23       that over the coming year I will take the

        24       opportunity to engage with you, my colleagues,

        25       our colleagues in the Assembly, and the

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       Executive in looking for energy solutions in

         2       New York that will lower our exposure to the

         3       potential catastrophe similar to that which

         4       has befallen the people of the Gulf Coast

         5       states, while continuing to create and retain

         6       well-paying jobs for all New Yorkers.

         7                  Thank you.

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Are

         9       there any other Senators wishing to be heard

        10       on the resolution?

        11                  Seeing none, the question is on the

        12       resolution.  All those in favor please signify

        13       by saying aye.

        14                  (Response of "Aye.")

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        16       Opposed, nay.

        17                  (No response.)

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        19       resolution is adopted.

        20                  Senator Parker has indicated that

        21       he would like to open the resolution up for

        22       cosponsorship by the entire house.  Any

        23       Senator not wishing to be on the resolution

        24       please notify the desk.

        25                  Senator Klein.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Madam President,

         2       at this time can we please go to a reading of

         3       the calendar.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

         5       Secretary will read.

         6                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         7       11, substituted earlier today by Member of the

         8       Assembly Koon, Assembly Print Number 3103A, an

         9       act to amend the Penal Law.

        10                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        11       the last section.

        12                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 3.  This

        13       act shall take effect on the first of

        14       November.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        16       the roll.

        17                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        19       Announce the results.

        20                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 50.

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        22       bill is passed.

        23                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        24       79, by Senator Valesky, Senate Print 5440C, an

        25       act to amend the Alcoholic Beverage Control

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       Law.

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

         3       the last section.

         4                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

         5       act shall take effect immediately.

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

         7       the roll.

         8                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        10       Announce the results.

        11                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 50.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        13       bill is passed.

        14                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        15       134, by Senator Fuschillo, Senate Print 46B,

        16       an act to amend the Vehicle and Traffic Law.

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        18       the last section.

        19                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        20       act shall take effect immediately.

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        22       the roll.

        23                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Senator

        25       Fuschillo, to explain his vote.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  SENATOR FUSCHILLO:    Thank you

         2       very much, Madam President.

         3                  Just briefly, I want to thank the

         4       Senate once again for supporting this

         5       legislation.  We finally, after many, many

         6       years of passing this bill in this house, have

         7       an agreement with the Assembly that would

         8       close a loophole to ensure that when somebody

         9       is arrested for DWI, whether they kill

        10       somebody or not, who draws blood and under

        11       what supervision will not be the determining

        12       factor of it being thrown out in the courts.

        13                  This bill, this piece of

        14       legislation is named after Jack Shea, who is a

        15       former Olympic Gold Medalist from Betty

        16       Little's district.  And I want to thank her

        17       for her support, and Jack Shea's son Jim Shea.

        18                  Jack Shea was killed by a drunk

        19       driver in 2002, but, because the individual

        20       who drew blood was not under a physician's

        21       supervision, it was thrown out and the

        22       murderer got away.  This closes that loophole

        23       in New York State's law.  It's another tool

        24       for us to combat drinking and driving here.

        25                  I vote yes, and I thank my

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       colleagues for their support.

         2                  Thank you, Madam President.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Senator

         4       Fuschillo to be recorded in the affirmative.

         5                  Senator Little, to explain her

         6       vote.

         7                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Thank you, Madam

         8       President.

         9                  I would like to begin by thanking

        10       Senator Fuschillo for his persistence and for

        11       his advocacy on behalf of this piece of

        12       legislation.

        13                  Certainly what happened in the

        14       instance where Jack Shea died was a bad thing

        15       to happen to anybody, and this corrects that

        16       loophole that kept that alcohol test from

        17       being used to convict the person who was

        18       guilty of hitting him and causing his death.

        19                  But it was such a sad thing for the

        20       people of the Lake Placid Olympic area and the

        21       people that knew Jack Shea.  Jack Shea was an

        22       Olympian, a speed skater in the 1932 Olympics,

        23       which were held in Lake Placid.  He actually

        24       won two Gold Medals.  He won the first Gold

        25       Medal that was awarded at that 1932 Olympics.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  His son, Jim Shea, appeared in

         2       another Olympics in the 1960s, was an

         3       Olympian.  And when Jack Shea, while driving

         4       his car on a Saturday afternoon in Lake

         5       Placid, right in the village, was hit, he was

         6       preparing to go to the Olympics where his

         7       grandson, Jim Shea, was going to compete in

         8       the skeleton.  And in that Olympics Jim Shea,

         9       young Jim, had his grandfather's Olympic card

        10       in his helmet, and he won a Gold Medal.

        11                  So it's a really spectacular story

        12       of a family who has had this Olympic spirit

        13       and has been able to achieve so much.

        14                  But this achievement is going to

        15       help in all cases, and especially in rural

        16       hospitals, where you don't always have the

        17       protocol that was necessary to have the test

        18       done by someone who is on the list.

        19                  And what happened here is that the

        20       doctors were trying to save Jack Shea and tend

        21       to him, and someone else, an EMT, did the

        22       test.  Therefore the test, even though it

        23       showed that the driver was well over the legal

        24       limit in the middle of the afternoon, on a

        25       Saturday afternoon, and was driving drunk,

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       they were not able to use that evidence.

         2                  So thank you to everyone, the

         3       district attorney's office, and especially to

         4       Senator Fuschillo, and all of those who really

         5       worked hard to help get this passed.

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Senator

         7       Little to be recorded in the affirmative.

         8                  Are there any other Senators

         9       wishing to explain their vote?

        10                  Seeing none, announce the results.

        11                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 52.  Nays,

        12       0.

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        14       bill is passed.

        15                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        16       219, by Senator Foley, Senate Print 6041A, an

        17       act to amend the Real Property Tax Law.

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        19       the last section.

        20                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 3.  This

        21       act shall take effect immediately.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        23       the roll.

        24                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        25                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       Announce the results.

         2                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 52.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

         4       bill is passed.

         5                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         6       349, by Member of the Assembly Parment,

         7       Assembly Print Number 10233, an act to amend

         8       the Correction Law.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        10       the last section.

        11                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        12       act shall take effect immediately.

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        14       the roll.

        15                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        17       Announce the results.

        18                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 52.

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        20       bill is passed.

        21                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        22       506, by Senator Squadron, Senate Print 7365A,

        23       an act to amend the Public Authorities Law.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        25       the last section.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

         2       act shall take effect immediately.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

         4       the roll.

         5                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

         7       Announce the results.

         8                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 52.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        10       bill is passed.

        11                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        12       660, by Member of the Assembly Ortiz, Assembly

        13       Print Number 10790, an act to amend Chapter

        14       408 of the Laws of 1999.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        16       the last section.

        17                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        18       act shall take effect immediately.

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Senator

        20       Young, to explain her vote.

        21                  SENATOR YOUNG:    Thank you, Madam

        22       President.

        23                  You know, it's with mixed emotions

        24       that we pass this bill today, because this is

        25       named in honor of Kendra Webdale, who was from

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       my district.  She grew up in Fredonia,

         2       New York, and 11 years ago she was actually

         3       pushed in front of a subway train in New York

         4       City.  She was killed.  The person who pushed

         5       her was Andrew Goldstein, who was a

         6       schizophrenic.

         7                  And as a result, 10 years ago we

         8       passed Kendra's Law, that has been greatly

         9       important public policy where people who have

        10       serious mental illness who have a history of

        11       violence can get the treatment they so

        12       desperately need and allow them to be live in

        13       the community so that they can be productive

        14       and have a better quality of life.

        15                  We've had Kendra's Law in place, as

        16       I said, for the last 10 years.  It expired

        17       five years ago; we renewed it again.  And we

        18       should make Kendra's Law permanent.  There

        19       actually is legislation that has been

        20       introduced that would allow for that to

        21       happen.  And Kendra's parents, Ralph and Pat

        22       Webdale, have fought tirelessly to try to get

        23       Kendra's Law permanent.

        24                  So I'm glad that we are renewing

        25       Kendra's Law today.  But I have to tell you,

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       it's very disappointing to the family, it's

         2       disappointing to a lot of the advocates that

         3       we are not making it permanent.

         4                  So, Madam President, I will be

         5       voting in the affirmative, but I think that we

         6       need to take another look at this and have

         7       some permanency brought to bear.  So thank you

         8       very much.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        10       Secretary will start by calling the roll on

        11       Calendar Number 660.

        12                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Senator

        14       Hannon, to explain his vote.

        15                  SENATOR HANNON:    Thank you, Madam

        16       President.

        17                  I too rise to support this bill,

        18       but I would rather be supporting a

        19       permanentization of Kendra's Law.

        20                  When we last renewed this statute,

        21       we called for an in-depth study.  That study

        22       has been conducted.  It was done by a

        23       respected academic entity, not connected with

        24       New York.  It really showed that the care

        25       under Kendra's Law is superior in the

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       community than otherwise, that people who need

         2       to be treated are not so much confined as

         3       cared for so we don't have to worry about the

         4       safety of the population in general.

         5                  I think it should be permanentized.

         6       I don't understand why we can't go in that

         7       direction.  But in any event, we do need to

         8       continue it, and I vote in favor.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Senator

        10       Hannon will be recorded in the affirmative.

        11                  Are there any other Senators who

        12       wishing to explain their vote?

        13                  Seeing none, announce the results.

        14                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 55.  Nays,

        15       0.

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        17       bill is passed.

        18                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        19       682, by Senator Breslin, Senate Print 6949A,

        20       an act to amend the Insurance Law.

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        22       the last section.

        23                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        24       act shall take effect immediately.

        25                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       the roll.

         2                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

         4       Announce the results.

         5                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 55.

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

         7       bill is passed.

         8                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         9       685, substituted earlier today by Member of

        10       the Assembly Silver, Assembly Print Number

        11       11131, an act to amend the Insurance Law.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        13       the last section.

        14                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        15       act shall take effect immediately.

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        17       the roll.

        18                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        20       Announce the results.

        21                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 55.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        23       bill is passed.

        24                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        25       700, by Senator Foley, Senate Print 5746, an

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       act to validate, ratify and confirm the

         2       expenditure.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

         4       the last section.

         5                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 4.  This

         6       act shall take effect immediately.

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

         8       the roll.

         9                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        10                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        11       Announce the results.

        12                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 55.

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        14       bill is passed.

        15                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        16       733, by Senator Valesky, Senate Print 2769A,

        17       an act to amend Chapter 668 of the Laws of

        18       1977, amending the Volunteer Firefighters

        19       Benefit Law.

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        21       the last section.

        22                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        23       act shall take effect immediately.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        25       the roll.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

         3       Announce the results.

         4                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 55.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

         6       bill is passed.

         7                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         8       744, by Member of the Assembly Latimer,

         9       Assembly Print Number 10126, an act to amend

        10       Chapter 831 of the Laws of 1981, amending the

        11       Labor Law.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        13       the last section.

        14                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        15       act shall take effect immediately.

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        17       the roll.

        18                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        20       Announce the results.

        21                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 55.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        23       bill is passed.

        24                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        25       751, by Senator Breslin, Senate Print 6014B,

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       an act to amend the Insurance Law.

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

         3       the last section.

         4                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 3.  This

         5       act shall take effect immediately.

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

         7       the roll.

         8                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        10       Announce the results.

        11                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 55.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        13       bill is passed.

        14                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        15       753, by Senator Klein, Senate Print 7196A, an

        16       act to amend the Insurance Law.

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        18       the last section.

        19                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 4.  This

        20       act shall take effect on the first of January.

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        22       the roll.

        23                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Senator

        25       Klein, to explain his vote.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Thank you, Madam

         2       President.

         3                  One of the problems that faces

         4       elderly New Yorkers is the need for long-term

         5       care and how to pay for it.  Presently,

         6       unfortunately, long-term care policies are

         7       very expensive in New York State, anywhere

         8       from $5,000 to $10,000, depending on how old

         9       an individual is.  That's why only about

        10       330,000 New Yorkers have long-term-care

        11       policies.

        12                  However, close to 9 million

        13       New Yorkers have life insurance policies.  So

        14       this legislation would amend the Insurance Law

        15       to expand the definition of the term "life

        16       insurance" so that the life insurance policies

        17       can cover persons who live in nursing homes

        18       for three months or more.

        19                  What we're doing is allowing people

        20       to accelerate the death benefit, which

        21       presently 49 other states do, to allow

        22       individuals to use their insurance policies

        23       for long-term care.  This is a way, I think,

        24       to give seniors and families peace of mind

        25       that individuals will be able to live their

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       golden years in comfort and dignity in a

         2       long-term-care facility and the state wouldn't

         3       have to pay for it.

         4                  One of the things that this

         5       legislation also would do would, I think,

         6       greatly save Medicaid costs.  Because

         7       presently in New York and across the country

         8       we have a three-year lookback period.  This

         9       would allow individuals at least to use their

        10       monies from a life insurance policy before

        11       they would have to go on Medicaid, thus saving

        12       the state millions and potentially billions of

        13       dollars.

        14                  So I vote yes, Madam President.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Senator

        16       Klein to be recorded in the affirmative.

        17                  Are there any other Senators who

        18       wishing to explain their vote?

        19                  Seeing none, announce the results.

        20                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 55.  Nays,

        21       0.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        23       bill is passed.

        24                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        25       756, by Senator Breslin, Senate Print 7794A,

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       an act to amend the Insurance Law.

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

         3       the last section.

         4                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

         5       act shall take effect immediately.

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

         7       the roll.

         8                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        10       Announce the results.

        11                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 55.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        13       bill is passed.

        14                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        15       791, by Senator Hassell-Thompson, Senate Print

        16       7315, an act to authorize the city school

        17       district of the city of Mount Vernon.

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        19       the last section.

        20                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 7.  This

        21       act shall take effect immediately.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        23       the roll.

        24                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        25                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       Announce the results.

         2                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 55.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

         4       bill is passed.

         5                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         6       795, by Senator Perkins, Senate Print 7582, an

         7       act to amend Chapter 915 of the Laws of 1982

         8       amending the Public Authorities Law.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        10       the last section.

        11                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 3.  This

        12       act shall take effect immediately.

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        14       the roll.

        15                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        17       Announce the results.

        18                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 55.

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        20       bill is passed.

        21                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        22       796, by the Assembly Committee on Rules,

        23       Assembly Print Number 11322, an act to amend

        24       Chapter 172 of the Laws of 2002 amending the

        25       Public Authorities Law.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

         2       the last section.

         3                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

         4       act shall take effect immediately.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

         6       the roll.

         7                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

         9       Announce the results.

        10                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 55.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        12       bill is passed.

        13                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        14       798, by Senator C. Kruger, Senate Print 7696,

        15       an act to amend the Local Finance Law.

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        17       the last section.

        18                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 10.  This

        19       act shall take effect immediately.

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        21       the roll.

        22                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        24       Announce the results.

        25                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 55.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

         2       bill is passed.

         3                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         4       847, by Member of the Assembly M. Miller,

         5       Assembly Print Number 9898, an act to amend

         6       Chapter 491 of the Laws of 1995 amending the

         7       Workers' Compensation Law.

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

         9       the last section.

        10                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        11       act shall take effect immediately.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        13       the roll.

        14                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        16       Announce the results.

        17                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 55.

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        19       bill is passed.

        20                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        21       877, by Senator Aubertine --

        22                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Lay the bill

        23       aside for the day, please.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        25       bill is laid aside for the day.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         2       879, by the Assembly Committee on Rules --

         3                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Lay the bill

         4       aside for the day, please.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

         6       bill is laid aside for the day.

         7                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         8       920, by Senator Seward, Senate Print 7717, an

         9       act to amend Chapter 549 of the Laws of 2005

        10       amending the Tax Law.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    There

        12       is a home-rule message at the desk.

        13                  Read the last section.

        14                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        15       act shall take effect immediately.

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        17       the roll.

        18                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        20       Announce the results.

        21                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 55.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        23       bill is passed.

        24                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        25       988, by Senator LaValle, Senate Print 4538A,

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       an act to amend the Education Law.

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

         3       the last section.

         4                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 3.  This

         5       act shall take effect on the 180th day.

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

         7       the roll.

         8                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        10       Announce the results.

        11                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 56.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        13       bill is passed.

        14                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        15       1033, by Senator Bonacic, Senate Print 8148,

        16       an act to amend Chapter 196 of the Laws of

        17       2008, relating to authorizing the Commissioner

        18       of General Services.

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        20       the last section.

        21                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        22       act shall take effect immediately.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        24       the roll.

        25                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

         2       Announce the results.

         3                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 56.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

         5       bill is passed.

         6                  Senator Klein, that completes the

         7       reading of the noncontroversial calendar.

         8                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Madam President,

         9       there will be an immediate meeting of the

        10       Rules Committee in the Majority Conference

        11       Room.

        12                  Pending the return of the Rules

        13       Committee, may we please stand at ease.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    There

        15       will be an immediate meeting of the Rules

        16       Committee in the Majority Conference Room.

        17                  Pending the return of the Rules

        18       Committee, the Senate will stand at ease.

        19                  (Whereupon, the Senate stood at

        20       ease at 11:28 a.m.)

        21                  (Whereupon, the Senate reconvened

        22       at 12:31 a.m.)

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        24       Senate will please return to order.

        25                  Senator Klein.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Madam President,

         2       I believe there's a Rules report at the desk.

         3       I move that we adopt the report at this time.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    There

         5       is a Rules report at the desk, Senator Klein.

         6                  The Secretary will read.

         7                  THE SECRETARY:    Senator Smith,

         8       from the Committee on Rules, reports the

         9       following bills:

        10                  Senate Print 264A, by Senator

        11       Little, an act to direct;

        12                  766, by Senator C. Johnson, an act

        13       to amend the Racing, Pari-Mutuel Wagering and

        14       Breeding Law;

        15                  946A, by Senator Farley, an act to

        16       authorize;

        17                  1079, by Senator Dilan, an act to

        18       amend the General Business Law;

        19                  1104, by Senator Dilan, an act to

        20       amend the Public Housing Law;

        21                  1880A, by Senator Klein, an act to

        22       amend the Penal Law;

        23                  2059, by Senator Huntley, an act to

        24       amend the Executive Law;

        25                  2485A, by Senator Klein, an act to

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       amend the Education Law;

         2                  2937, by Senator Klein, an act to

         3       amend the Education Law;

         4                  3194, by Senator Klein, an act to

         5       amend the Public Health Law;

         6                  3359, by Senator Onorato, an act to

         7       amend the Labor Law;

         8                  3726B, by Senator Foley, an act to

         9       amend the Banking Law;

        10                  4658B, by Senator Foley, an act to

        11       amend the Education Law;

        12                  4661B, by Senator Foley, an act in

        13       relation to granting;

        14                  4812A, by Senator C. Johnson, an

        15       act to amend the Public Officers Law;

        16                  5114A, by Senator Foley, an act to

        17       amend Chapter 606 of the Laws of 2006;

        18                  5454A, by Senator Aubertine, an act

        19       directing the president;

        20                  5560B, by Senator Oppenheimer, an

        21       act to amend the Environmental Conservation

        22       Law;

        23                  5743B, by Senator Nozzolio, an act

        24       to amend the Highway Law;

        25                  5805, by Senator Aubertine, an act

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       to amend the Education Law;

         2                  6259, by Senator Breslin, an act to

         3       amend the Election Law;

         4                  6453, by Senator Libous, an act to

         5       amend the Environmental Conservation Law;

         6                  6616A, by Senator Montgomery, an

         7       act to amend the Public Health Law;

         8                  6941, by Senator Bonacic, an act to

         9       amend the County Law;

        10                  6986, by Senator Griffo, an act to

        11       authorize;

        12                  7323, by Senator Foley, an act to

        13       amend the Education Law;

        14                  7427, by Senator Foley, an act to

        15       authorize;

        16                  7445, by Senator Foley, an act to

        17       amend the Banking Law;

        18                  7458, by Senator Foley, an act to

        19       amend the Public Authorities Law;

        20                  7461, by Senator Thompson, an act

        21       to amend the Criminal Procedure Law;

        22                  7603, by Senator Breslin, an act to

        23       amend the Public Health Law;

        24                  7698, by Senator C. Johnson, an act

        25       to amend the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law;

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  7845, by Senator Breslin, an act to

         2       amend the Insurance Law;

         3                  7889, by Senator Huntley, an act to

         4       amend the Mental Hygiene Law;

         5                  7936, by Senator Aubertine, an act

         6       to amend Chapter 106 of the Laws of 2003;

         7                  8030, by Senator Addabbo, an act to

         8       amend the Election Law;

         9                  8082, by Senator Klein, an act to

        10       amend the Real Property Actions and

        11       Proceedings Law;

        12                  8106, by Senator Foley, an act to

        13       amend the Executive Law;

        14                  8110, by Senator Klein, an act to

        15       amend Chapter 42 of the Laws of 1996;

        16                  And Senate Print 8150, by Senator

        17       L. Krueger, an act to amend the Real Property

        18       Law.

        19                  All bills ordered direct to third

        20       reading.

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    All

        22       those in favor of adopting the Rules Committee

        23       report please signify by saying aye.

        24                  (Response of "Aye.")

        25                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       Opposed, nay.

         2                  (No response.)

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

         4       Rules Committee report is adopted.

         5                  Senator Klein.

         6                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Madam President,

         7       at this time can we please go to a reading of

         8       Senate Supplemental Calendar 66A.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        10       Secretary will read.

        11                  THE SECRETARY:    In relation to

        12       Calendar Number 969, Senator Little moves to

        13       discharge, from the Committee on Local

        14       Government, Assembly Bill Number 699A and

        15       substitute it for the identical Senate Bill

        16       Number 264A, Third Reading Calendar 969.

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        18       Substitution ordered.

        19                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        20       969, by Member of the Assembly Hoyt, Assembly

        21       Print Number 699A, an act to direct the Law

        22       Revision Commission.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        24       the last section.

        25                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 4.  This

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       act shall take effect on the 30th day.

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

         3       the roll.

         4                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

         6       Announce the results.

         7                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 56.

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

         9       bill is passed.

        10                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        11       987, by Senator C. Johnson, Senate Print --

        12                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Lay the bill

        13       aside for the day, please.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        15       bill is laid aside for the day.

        16                  THE SECRETARY:    In relation to

        17       Calendar Number 989, Senator Farley moves to

        18       discharge, from the Committee on Rules,

        19       Assembly Bill Number 2900A and substitute it

        20       for the identical Senate Bill Number 946A,

        21       Third Reading Calendar 989.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        23       Substitution ordered.

        24                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        25       989, by Member of the Assembly Tedisco,

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       Assembly Print Number 2900A, an act to

         2       authorize.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

         4       the last section.

         5                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

         6       act shall take effect immediately.

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

         8       the roll.

         9                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        10                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        11       Announce the results.

        12                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 56.

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        14       bill is passed.

        15                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        16       991, by Senator Dilan, Senate Print 1079, an

        17       act to amend the General Business Law.

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        19       the last section.

        20                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        21       act shall take effect immediately.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        23       the roll.

        24                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        25                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 54.  Nays,

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       2.  Senators DeFrancisco and Skelos -- excuse

         2       me.  Also Senator Ranzenhofer.  Also Senator

         3       Libous.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    I

         5       remind the members, those Senators who want to

         6       be recorded in the negative on Calendar Number

         7       991, please raise your hand so the Secretary

         8       can record your vote accordingly.

         9                  Senator DeFrancisco, to explain his

        10       vote.

        11                  SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:    Yes, this

        12       legislation would prohibit cellphone companies

        13       from requiring an extension of the time that

        14       you have a cellphone contract in return for

        15       your request to add another line.

        16                  There are enough cellphone options

        17       with various companies that we shouldn't be

        18       dictating what cellphone companies require for

        19       different options.  If you don't like or don't

        20       want to extend your cellphone coverage for

        21       another few years, then don't sign the

        22       contract.  Don't ask for the additional line.

        23                  When you sign a contract, it means

        24       something, and it means that you're in

        25       agreement with whatever you sign to.  And if

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       you change your mind later on, you have to

         2       wait until the contract is over and maybe get

         3       a contract with a company that is more in tune

         4       with your needs.

         5                  We shouldn't be interfering with

         6       contracts in midstream.  I vote no.

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Senator

         8       DeFrancisco to be recorded in the negative.

         9                  Senator Libous, to explain his

        10       vote.

        11                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    I vote aye.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Are

        13       there any other Senators wishing to explain

        14       their vote?

        15                  Announce the results.

        16                  THE SECRETARY:    In relation to

        17       Calendar Number 991, those recorded in the

        18       negative are Senators DeFrancisco, O. Johnson,

        19       Marcellino, Ranzenhofer and Skelos.

        20                  Ayes, 51.  Nays, 5.

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        22       bill is passed.

        23                  THE SECRETARY:    In relation to

        24       Calendar Number 993, Senator Dilan moves to

        25       discharge, from the Committee on Rules,

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       Assembly Bill Number 4687 and substitute it

         2       for the identical Senate Bill Number 1104,

         3       Third Reading Calendar 993.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

         5       Substitution ordered.

         6                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         7       993, by Member of the Assembly V. Lopez,

         8       Assembly Print Number 4687, an act to amend

         9       the Public Housing Law.

        10                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        11       the last section.

        12                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        13       act shall take effect immediately.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        15       the roll.

        16                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        18       Announce the results.

        19                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 56.

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        21       bill is passed.

        22                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        23       997, by Senator Klein, Senate Print 1880A, an

        24       act to amend the Penal Law.

        25                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       the last section.

         2                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 3.  This

         3       act shall take effect on the first of

         4       November.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

         6       the roll.

         7                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

         9       Announce the results.

        10                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 56.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        12       bill is passed.

        13                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        14       998, by Senator Huntley, Senate Print 2059, an

        15       act to amend the Executive Law.

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        17       the last section.

        18                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        19       act shall take effect on the 90th day.

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        21       the roll.

        22                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        23                  SENATOR PADAVAN:    Lay it aside.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        25       bill is laid aside.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Lay the bill

         2       aside for the day, please.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

         4       bill is laid aside for the day.

         5                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         6       1010, by Senator Klein, Senate Print 2485A, an

         7       act to amend the Education Law.

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

         9       the last section.

        10                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 3.  This

        11       act shall take effect immediately.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        13       the roll.

        14                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        16       Announce the results.

        17                  THE SECRETARY:    Those recorded in

        18       the negative on Calendar Number 1010 are

        19       Senators DeFrancisco, Farley, Larkin, LaValle,

        20       Libous, Little, Marcellino, Ranzenhofer,

        21       Saland and Young.

        22                  Ayes, 46.  Nays, 10.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        24       bill is passed.

        25                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       1011, by Senator Klein --

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    In

         3       relation to Calendar Number 1010, Senators

         4       Bonacic and Nozzolio to be recorded in the

         5       negative.

         6                  Announce the results on Calendar

         7       Number 1010.

         8                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 44.  Nays,

         9       12.

        10                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        11       bill is still passed.

        12                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        13       1011, by Senator Klein, Senate Print 2937, an

        14       act to amend the Education Law.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        16       the last section.

        17                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        18       act shall take effect immediately.

        19                  SENATOR HANNON:    Lay it aside.

        20                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Lay the bill

        21       aside for the day, please.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        23       bill is laid aside for the day.

        24                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        25       1013, by Senator Klein, Senate Print 3194, an

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       act to amend the Public Health Law.

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

         3       the last section.

         4                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

         5       act shall take effect immediately.

         6                  SENATOR HANNON:    Lay it aside.

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

         8       bill is laid aside.

         9                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Lay the bill

        10       aside for the day, please.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        12       bill is laid aside for the day.

        13                  THE SECRETARY:    In relation to

        14       Calendar Number 1017, Senator Onorato moves to

        15       discharge, from the Committee on Labor,

        16       Assembly Print Number 6964 and substitute it

        17       for the identical Senate Bill Number 3359,

        18       Third Reading Calendar 1017.

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        20       Substitution ordered.

        21                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        22       1017, by Member of the Assembly John, Assembly

        23       Print Number 6964, an act to amend the Labor

        24       Law.

        25                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       the last section.

         2                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

         3       act shall take effect immediately.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

         5       the roll.

         6                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         7                  SENATOR SALAND:    Lay it aside,

         8       please.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        10       bill is laid aside.

        11                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        12       1018, by Senator Foley, Senate Print 3726B, an

        13       act to amend the Banking Law.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        15       the last section.

        16                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 45.  This

        17       act shall take effect immediately.

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        19       the roll.

        20                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        22       Announce the results.

        23                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 56.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        25       bill is passed.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         2       1023, by Senator Foley, Senate Print 4658B, an

         3       act to amend the Education Law.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

         5       the last section.

         6                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

         7       act shall take effect immediately.

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

         9       the roll.

        10                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        11                  SENATOR SALAND:    To explain my

        12       vote.

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Senator

        14       Saland, to explain his vote.

        15                  SENATOR SALAND:    Thank you, Madam

        16       President.

        17                  This bill is an unfunded mandate on

        18       school boards.  And interestingly enough, I

        19       would normally expect the New York State

        20       School Boards Association to be opposed to

        21       something like this.  But as fate would have

        22       it, they're I believe the only entity that can

        23       provide this training, which for them is a

        24       source of income.  So I think they're somewhat

        25       conflicted.  I have no idea if they've put in

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       a memo in support or not.

         2                  But this is a unfunded mandate.

         3       When we did the accountability piece in the

         4       aftermath of the scandals associated with

         5       events in Long Island several years ago, we

         6       did impose a training requirement.  This, I

         7       believe, is truly in excess of what that

         8       training requirement is.

         9                  And again, it is an unfunded

        10       mandate on local school districts, and I will

        11       be voting in the negative.  Thank you.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Senator

        13       Saland will be recorded in the negative.

        14                  Are there any other Senators

        15       wishing to explain their vote?

        16                  Senator Robach, to explain his

        17       vote.

        18                  SENATOR ROBACH:    Madam President,

        19       just very briefly.

        20                  There's certainly nothing wrong

        21       with the idea of training.  No one thinks

        22       that, but I don't think we need to pass a bill

        23       to mandate it.  Any school district can

        24       already do this; many in my district already

        25       do.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  So out of no need or necessity, I'm

         2       going to vote in the negative.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Senator

         4       Robach to be recorded in the negative.

         5                  Announce the results.

         6                  THE SECRETARY:    Those recorded in

         7       the negative on Calendar Number 1023 are

         8       Senators Bonacic, DeFrancisco, Farley,

         9       Flanagan, Griffo, Lanza, Larkin, LaValle,

        10       Libous, Maziarz, Nozzolio, Ranzenhofer,

        11       Robach, Saland, Seward, Skelos, Volker and

        12       Young.  Also Senators Little and O. Johnson.

        13                  Ayes, 36.  Nays, 20.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        15       bill is passed.

        16                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        17       1025, by Senator Foley, Senate Print 4661B, an

        18       act in relation to granting.

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        20       the last section.

        21                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 3.  This

        22       act shall take effect immediately.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        24       the roll.

        25                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

         2       Announce the results.

         3                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 56.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

         5       bill is passed.

         6                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         7       1037, by Senator C. Johnson, Senate Print

         8       4812A, an act to amend the Public Officers

         9       Law.

        10                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        11       the last section.

        12                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        13       act shall take effect immediately.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        15       the roll.

        16                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        18       Announce the results.

        19                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 56.

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        21       bill is passed.

        22                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        23       1035, by Senator Foley, Senate Print 5114A, an

        24       act to amend Chapter 606 of the Laws of 2006

        25       amending the Volunteer Firefighters Benefit

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       Law.

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

         3       the last section.

         4                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

         5       act shall take effect immediately.

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

         7       the roll.

         8                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        10       Announce the results.

        11                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 56.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        13       bill is passed.

        14                  THE SECRETARY:    In relation to

        15       Calendar Number 1036, Senator Aubertine moves

        16       to discharge, from the Committee on Rules,

        17       Assembly Bill Number 8173A and substitute it

        18       for the identical Senate Bill Number 5454A,

        19       Third Reading Calendar 1036.

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        21       Substitution ordered.

        22                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        23       1036, by Member of the Assembly Destito,

        24       Assembly Print Number 8173A, an act directing

        25       the president of the State University of

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       New York Upstate Medical University.

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

         3       the last section.

         4                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

         5       act shall take effect immediately.

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

         7       the roll.

         8                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        10       Announce the results.

        11                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 56.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        13       bill is passed.

        14                  THE SECRETARY:    In relation to

        15       Calendar Number 1038, Senator Oppenheimer

        16       moves to discharge, from the Committee on

        17       Rules, Assembly Bill Number 8011B and

        18       substitute it for the identical Senate Bill

        19       Number 5560B, Third Reading Calendar 1038.

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        21       Substitution ordered.

        22                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        23       1038, by Member of the Assembly Hoyt, Assembly

        24       Print Number 8011B, an act to amend the

        25       Environmental Conservation Law.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

         2       the last section.

         3                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

         4       act shall take effect on the 30th day.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Senator

         6       LaValle, to explain his vote.

         7                  SENATOR LaVALLE:    Yes, I want to

         8       rise to support this legislation.

         9                  It's legislation that I've

        10       sponsored for many years with Assemblyman

        11       Hoyt, and I'm glad to see that this bill is

        12       finally passing today.  It's a good bill, good

        13       concept.  I vote in the affirmative.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Senator

        15       LaValle to be recorded in the affirmative.

        16                  The Secretary will call the roll on

        17       Calendar Number 1038.

        18                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Senator

        20       Marcellino, to explain his vote.

        21                  SENATOR MARCELLINO:    Thank you,

        22       Madam President.

        23                  I also rise to support this bill.

        24       I think it's a good bill.  Its time is long

        25       overdue, and it sets right tone, sends the

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       right message for growth in the future

         2       throughout the state.  I strongly support it.

         3       Thank you.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Senator

         5       Marcellino will be recorded in the

         6       affirmative.

         7                  Are there any other Senators

         8       wishing to explain their vote?

         9                  Seeing none, announce the results.

        10                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 54.  Nays,

        11       2.  Senators Aubertine and O. Johnson recorded

        12       in the negative.

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        14       bill is passed.

        15                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        16       1039, by Senator Nozzolio, Senate Print 5743B,

        17       an act to amend the Highway Law.

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        19       the last section.

        20                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 3.  This

        21       act shall take effect immediately.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        23       the roll.

        24                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        25                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       Announce the results.

         2                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 56.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

         4       bill is passed.

         5                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         6       1040, by Senator Aubertine, Senate Print 5805,

         7       an act to amend the Education Law.

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

         9       the last section.

        10                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        11       act shall take effect immediately.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        13       the roll.

        14                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        16       Announce the results.

        17                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 56.

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        19       bill is passed.

        20                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        21       1042, by Senator Breslin --

        22                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Lay the bill

        23       aside for the day, please.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        25       bill is laid aside for the day.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         2       1043, by Senator Libous, Senate Print 6453, an

         3       act to amend the Environmental Conservation

         4       Law.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

         6       the last section.

         7                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

         8       act shall take effect immediately.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        10       the roll.

        11                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        13       Announce the results.

        14                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 56.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        16       bill is passed.

        17                  THE SECRETARY:    In relation to

        18       Calendar Number 1044, Senator Montgomery moves

        19       to discharge, from the Committee on Finance,

        20       Assembly Bill Number 9717A and substitute it

        21       for the identical Senate Bill Number 6616A,

        22       Third Reading Calendar 1044.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        24       Substitution ordered.

        25                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       1044, by Member of the Assembly Gottfried,

         2       Assembly Print Number 9717A, an act to amend

         3       the Public Health Law.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

         5       the last section.

         6                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 4.  This

         7       act shall take effect on the 90th day.

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

         9       the roll.

        10                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        12       Announce the results.

        13                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 56.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        15       bill is passed.

        16                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        17       1045, by Senator Bonacic, Senate Print 6941,

        18       an act to amend the County Law and the

        19       Correction Law.

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        21       the last section.

        22                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 3.  This

        23       act shall take effect immediately.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        25       the roll.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

         3       Announce the results.

         4                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 56.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

         6       bill is passed.

         7                  THE SECRETARY:    In relation to

         8       Calendar Number 1046, Senator Griffo moves to

         9       discharge, from the Committee on Rules,

        10       Assembly Bill Number 10268 and substitute it

        11       for the identical Senate Bill Number 6986,

        12       Third Reading Calendar 1046.

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        14       Substitution ordered.

        15                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        16       1046, by Member of the Assembly Townsend,

        17       Assembly Print Number 10268, an act to

        18       authorize the Town of Kirkland.

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    There

        20       is a home-rule message at the desk.

        21                  Read the last section.

        22                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        23       act shall take effect immediately.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        25       the roll.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

         3       Announce the results.

         4                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 56.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

         6       bill is passed.

         7                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         8       1047, by Senator Foley, Senate Print 7323, an

         9       act to amend the Education Law.

        10                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        11       the last section.

        12                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 3.  This

        13       act shall take effect immediately.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        15       the roll.

        16                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        18       Announce the results.

        19                  THE SECRETARY:    Those recorded in

        20       the negative on Calendar Number 1047 are

        21       Senators DeFrancisco, Flanagan, Hannon,

        22       Larkin, Libous, Marcellino, Maziarz, Nozzolio,

        23       Ranzenhofer, Seward, Skelos, Volker and Young.

        24                  Ayes, 43.  Nays, 13.

        25                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       bill is passed.

         2                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         3       1048, by Senator Foley --

         4                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Lay the bill

         5       aside for the day, please.

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

         7       bill is laid aside for the day.

         8                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         9       1049, by Senator Foley, Senate Print 7445, an

        10       act to amend the Banking Law and the General

        11       Business Law.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        13       the last section.

        14                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 20.  This

        15       act shall take effect immediately.

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        17       the roll.

        18                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        20       Announce the results.

        21                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 56.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        23       bill is passed.

        24                  THE SECRETARY:    In relation to

        25       Calendar Number 1050, Senator Foley moves to

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       discharge, from the Committee on

         2       Transportation, Assembly Bill Number 10303A

         3       and substitute it for the identical Senate

         4       Bill Number 7458, Third Reading Calendar 1050.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

         6       Substitution ordered.

         7                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         8       1050, by Member of the Assembly Rosenthal,

         9       Assembly Print Number 10303A, an act to amend

        10       the Public Authorities Law.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        12       the last section.

        13                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        14       act shall take effect immediately.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        16       the roll.

        17                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        19       Announce the results.

        20                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 56.

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        22       bill is passed.

        23                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        24       1051, by Senator Thompson, Senate Print 7461,

        25       an act to amend the Criminal Procedure Law.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

         2       the last section.

         3                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

         4       act shall take effect on the 180th day.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

         6       the roll.

         7                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

         9       Announce the results.

        10                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 55.  Nays,

        11       1.  Senator Duane recorded in the negative.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        13       bill is passed.

        14                  THE SECRETARY:    In relation to

        15       Calendar Number 1052, Senator Breslin moves to

        16       discharge, from the Committee on Rules,

        17       Assembly Bill Number 8741C and substitute it

        18       for the identical Senate Bill Number 7603,

        19       Third Reading Calendar 1052.

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        21       Substitution ordered.

        22                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        23       1052, by Member of the Assembly Paulin,

        24       Assembly Print Number 8741C, an act to amend

        25       the Public Health Law.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

         2       the last section.

         3                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

         4       act shall take effect immediately.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

         6       the roll.

         7                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

         9       Announce the results.

        10                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 56.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        12       bill is passed.

        13                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        14       1053, by Senator C. Johnson, Senate Print

        15       7698, an act to amend the Alcoholic Beverage

        16       Control Law.

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        18       the last section.

        19                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 4.  This

        20       act shall take effect September 15, 2010.

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        22       the roll.

        23                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        25       Announce the results.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 55.  Nays,

         2       1.  Senator Larkin to be recorded in the

         3       negative.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

         5       bill is passed.

         6                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         7       1054, by Senator Breslin, Senate Print 7845,

         8       an act to amend the Insurance Law.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        10       the last section.

        11                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        12       act shall take effect on the 180th day.

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        14       the roll.

        15                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        17       Announce the results.

        18                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 56.

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        20       bill is passed.

        21                  THE SECRETARY:    In relation to

        22       Calendar Number 1055, Senator Huntley moves to

        23       discharge, from the Committee on Rules,

        24       Assembly Bill Number 11197 and substitute it

        25       for the identical Senate Bill Number 7889,

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       Third Reading Calendar 1055.

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

         3       Substitution ordered.

         4                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         5       1055, by Member of the Assembly Ortiz,

         6       Assembly Print Number 11197, an act to amend

         7       the Mental Hygiene Law.

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

         9       the last section.

        10                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        11       act shall take effect immediately.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        13       the roll.

        14                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        16       Announce the results.

        17                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 56.

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        19       bill is passed.

        20                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        21       1056, by Senator Aubertine, Senate Print 7936,

        22       an act to amend Chapter 106 of the Laws of

        23       2003, constituting the Patriot Plan.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        25       the last section.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

         2       act shall take effect immediately.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

         4       the roll.

         5                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

         7       Announce the results.

         8                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 56.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        10       bill is passed.

        11                  THE SECRETARY:    In relation to

        12       Calendar Number 1057 --

        13                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Lay the bill

        14       aside for the day, please.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        16       bill is laid aside for the day.

        17                  Senator Klein, the Secretary will

        18       first read the title of the bill for the

        19       purposes of making a substitution.

        20                  THE SECRETARY:    In relation to

        21       Calendar Number 1057, Senator Addabbo moves to

        22       discharge, from the Committee on Elections,

        23       Assembly Bill Number 7850 and substitute it

        24       for the identical Senate Bill Number 8030,

        25       Third Reading Calendar 1057.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

         2       Substitution ordered.

         3                  The bill is laid aside for the day.

         4                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         5       1058, by Senator Klein, Senate Print 8082, an

         6       act to amend the Real Property Actions and

         7       Proceedings Law.

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

         9       the last section.

        10                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        11       act shall take effect immediately.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        13       the roll.

        14                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        16       Announce the results.

        17                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 56.

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        19       bill is passed.

        20                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        21       1059, by Senator Foley, Senate Print 8106, an

        22       act to amend the Executive Law.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        24       the last section.

        25                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       act shall take effect immediately.

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

         3       the roll.

         4                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

         6       Announce the results.

         7                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 56.

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

         9       bill is passed.

        10                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        11       1060, by Senator Klein, Senate Print 8110, an

        12       act to amend Chapter 42 of the Laws of 1996

        13       amending the Insurance Law.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

        15       the last section.

        16                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 3.  This

        17       act shall take effect immediately.

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

        19       the roll.

        20                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        22       Announce the results.

        23                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 56.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        25       bill is passed.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         2       1061, by Senator L. Krueger, Senate Print

         3       8150, an act to amend the Real Property Law.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Read

         5       the last section.

         6                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

         7       act shall take effect on the 180th day.

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    Call

         9       the roll.

        10                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

        12       Announce the results.

        13                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 54.  Nays,

        14       2.  Senators Little and Ranzenhofer recorded

        15       in the negative.

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    The

        17       bill is passed.

        18                  Senator Klein, that completes the

        19       reading of the noncontroversial supplemental

        20       calendar.

        21                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Madam President,

        22       can we return to Calendar Number 1017, Print

        23       Number 3359, Senator Onorato's bill, and

        24       please lay it aside for the day.

        25                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:

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         1       Calendar Number 1017 will be laid aside for

         2       the day.

         3                  Senator Klein.

         4                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Madam President,

         5       is there any further business at the desk?

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    There

         7       is no further business at the desk, Senator

         8       Klein.

         9                  SENATOR KLEIN:    Madam President,

        10       there being no further business, I move that

        11       we adjourn at the call of the Temporary

        12       President, intervening days to be legislative

        13       days.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT SAVINO:    There

        15       being no further business to come before the

        16       Senate, on motion, the Senate stands adjourned

        17       at the call of the Temporary President,

        18       intervening days being legislative days.

        19                  Happy Father's Day to all of the

        20       fathers in the chamber.  And happy birthday to

        21       Senator Serrano, who will be turning

        22       30-something tomorrow.

        23                  (Whereupon, at 1:00 p.m., the

        24       Senate adjourned.)


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