Regular Session - May 11, 2015


 1               NEW YORK STATE SENATE








 9                  ALBANY, NEW YORK

10                    May 11, 2015

11                     3:54 p.m.



14                  REGULAR SESSION




18  SENATOR JOSEPH GRIFFO, Acting President

19  FRANCIS W. PATIENCE, Secretary








 1               P R O C E E D I N G S

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

 3   Senate will come to order.  

 4                I ask all present to please rise 

 5   and join with me as we recite the Pledge of 

 6   Allegiance to our Flag.

 7                (Whereupon, the assemblage recited 

 8   the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.)

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Today's 

10   invocation will be offered by the Reverend 

11   Nathaniel Demosthene, senior pastor at 

12   First Timothy Christian Church in Spring Valley.  

13                Reverend.

14                REVEREND DEMOSTHENE:   Thank you 

15   for this opportunity.  Let's bow our heads.

16                {In English and French}  Father 

17   God, we thank You for the fact that we are here 

18   gathered today on this momentous occasion.  

19                We want to thank You, first and 

20   foremost, for our men and women in service 

21   defending our freedom right now.  We want to 

22   thank You also for our police officers.  

23                And we ask, Father God, that You 

24   bring unity and healing to our communities, so 

25   that we can work together with our law 


 1   enforcement and so there can be harmony in our 

 2   communities.  

 3                Father God, we pray for, right now, 

 4   all the decisions that have to be made in this 

 5   chamber.  We thank You for the opportunity to 

 6   come and commemorate Haitian Unity Day.

 7                We know that Haitian Unity Day is 

 8   not just about Haitians, but it's about how 

 9   New York embraces its very diverse heritage and 

10   how so many different ethnic groups come 

11   together under one umbrella.  And under this 

12   umbrella, Father God, we learn to work with each 

13   other, love each other, and help each other.  

14                We pray for the families of the 

15   representatives here today, the Senators.  As 

16   they do their job, we ask that You protect their 

17   homes, protect their loved ones, and guide them 

18   so they can have the support in the home that 

19   they need to do the job here well.

20                We pray today, although it is 

21   Haitian Unity Day, we pray for our momentous 

22   leadership change, and we ask that this be a new 

23   day and a new dawning for our Senate.  We ask 

24   that we can move forward from the corruption and 

25   the problems of the past, and let bygones be 


 1   bygones, but work to work hand-in-hand across 

 2   the aisle and so we can work as one for this 

 3   great state, the Empire State, and for this 

 4   great country, our country, the United States of 

 5   America.  

 6                And every single Haitian that is 

 7   here present, let us all be proud that we have 

 8   come to this land and found opportunity, and 

 9   that we have found love and we have found a 

10   calling.  

11                We pray in the name of our Savior, 

12   amen.  Amen.

13                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

14   reading of the Journal.

15                THE SECRETARY:   In Senate, Friday, 

16   May 8th, the Senate met pursuant to adjournment.  

17   The Journal of Thursday, May 7th, was read and 

18   approved.  On motion, Senate adjourned.

19                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Without 

20   objection, the Journal will stand approved as 

21   read.

22                Presentation of petitions.

23                Messages from the Assembly.

24                Messages from the Governor.

25                Reports of standing committees.


 1                Reports of select committees.

 2                Communications and reports of state 

 3   officers.

 4                Motions and resolutions.

 5                Senator DeFrancisco.

 6                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Mr.  

 7   President, there is a resolution by Senator -- me 

 8   at the desk, and I ask that the resolution be 

 9   read and move for its immediate adoption.

10                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

11   Gianaris, why do you rise?

12                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Mr. President, I 

13   believe there's a substitute resolution at the 

14   desk.  I ask that the title be read, and I move 

15   for its immediate adoption and ask for the 

16   opportunity to be heard.

17                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

18   Secretary will read.

19                THE SECRETARY:   Senate Resolution 

20   by Senator Gianaris, providing for the election 

21   of Andrea Stewart-Cousins as Temporary President 

22   and Majority Leader of the Senate for 2015-2016.

23                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

24   Gianaris.

25                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Thank you, 


 1   Mr. President.

 2                I offer the substitute resolution 

 3   for the purposes of electing Andrea 

 4   Stewart-Cousins the Temporary President of the 

 5   Senate for the remainder of our 2015-2016 

 6   session.  

 7                And normally the election of a new 

 8   leader in this body is cause for celebration and 

 9   congratulations.  But today is not that day.  And 

10   while we certainly wish well to our expected new 

11   leader and commit ourselves from this side of the 

12   aisle to working across the aisle for the 

13   betterment of the state, it's also important to 

14   note that this is a sad occasion today, where 

15   this body is taking a necessary step, but only a 

16   step.  

17                We should not forget what brought us 

18   here, and we should not forget what we need to do 

19   in the remaining weeks -- indeed, in the 

20   remaining year and a half before this session is 

21   out.

22                Everybody knows why we're standing 

23   here today.  And we have much to do to restore 

24   the reputation of this body.  What we should be 

25   electing as leader is someone who supports real 


 1   ethics reform, real campaign finance reform, 

 2   closure of the LLC loophole.  Someone who stands 

 3   for our public schools and for the children who 

 4   attend those schools.  Someone who stands for the 

 5   tenants in our state and not only for the monied 

 6   interests.  

 7                I am proud to stand here and 

 8   nominate Andrea Stewart-Cousins because I know 

 9   her to be that person, someone who in her 

10   personal life has unquestioned integrity, someone 

11   who as a leader has taken our conference to 

12   heights that it has not seen before.  

13                And I think members on both sides of 

14   the aisle can agree that she would be a very 

15   capable and able leader for all of us, regardless 

16   of our party, our race, our gender, or any of the 

17   various differences we may have in this state.

18                And so I thank my colleagues for the 

19   opportunity to substitute the resolution and 

20   encourage everyone to support Andrea 

21   Stewart-Cousins to be the Temporary President.

22                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   On the 

23   substitution of the resolution offered by 

24   Senator Gianaris, all those in favor signify by 

25   saying aye.


 1                (Response of "Aye.")

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Opposed, 

 3   nay.

 4                (Response of "Nay.")

 5                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The nays 

 6   have it, and the resolution is defeated.

 7                Senator Valesky.

 8                SENATOR VALESKY:   Thank you, 

 9   Mr. President.  

10                I believe there's another substitute 

11   resolution at the desk.  I ask that the title of 

12   the resolution be read and move for its immediate 

13   adoption.

14                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

15   Secretary will read.

16                THE SECRETARY:   Senate Resolution 

17   by Senator Valesky, providing for the election of 

18   Jeffrey D. Klein as Temporary President and 

19   Majority Leader of the Senate for 2015-2016.

20                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   You may 

21   be heard.

22                SENATOR VALESKY:   Thank you, 

23   Mr. President.

24                It was not so many years ago that 

25   the Senate of the State of New York became known 


 1   across the nation for dysfunction, for chaos, for 

 2   an inability to get the business of the people 

 3   done.  

 4                And very shortly after that 

 5   tumultuous period in our state's history, 

 6   Senator Klein and myself and a handful of other 

 7   Democratic Senators came together in a new way, 

 8   in a way that had never been done before in this 

 9   State Capitol, to change the status quo, to break 

10   with tradition, to say that there can be a better 

11   way for the 20 million people of New York State 

12   and for their government to get their business 

13   done.  

14                And in January of 2011, we elected 

15   as our leader of the Independent Democratic 

16   Conference Senator Jeff Klein.  

17                Senator Klein and I had been friends 

18   and colleagues for many years before that, and I 

19   had come to know Jeff as one of the most 

20   hardworking, dedicated public servants that I had 

21   ever met, whether it be for his constituents in 

22   his own Senate district or well beyond the 

23   district boundaries.  

24                And in the four-plus years that we 

25   have had an opportunity to work together, 


 1   Senator Klein, myself, and three other members of 

 2   the Independent Democratic Conference, we have 

 3   played a critical and significant role in 

 4   bringing about stability to a Senate that had 

 5   been known for instability, bringing about order 

 6   to a Senate that had become known for chaos.  

 7                And so as I proudly stand here today 

 8   and offer this substitute resolution, it has been 

 9   Senator Klein and it will continue to be 

10   Senator Klein, through his leadership of the 

11   Independent Democratic Conference, that stands 

12   for sensible government, a government that works 

13   for the people.  

14                And for that reason, I encourage an 

15   aye vote for Senator Jeff Klein as Temporary 

16   President.  

17                Thank you, Mr. President.

18                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   On the 

19   substitute resolution offered by Senator Valesky, 

20   all those in favor signify by saying aye.

21                (Response of "Aye.")

22                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Opposed?

23                (Response of "Nay.")

24                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The nays 

25   have it.  The resolution is defeated.


 1                On the original resolution as 

 2   proposed, the Secretary will read.

 3                THE SECRETARY:   Senate Resolution 

 4   by Senator DeFrancisco, providing for the 

 5   election of John J. Flanagan as Temporary 

 6   President of the Senate for the remainder of the 

 7   2015-2016 session.

 8                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

 9   DeFrancisco.

10                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   I move the 

11   nomination of Senator John Flanagan.  

12                I just want to say a few things.  

13                There's no doubt that I had sought 

14   support from the Senators to try to become the 

15   next leader.  And I said from day one, as long as 

16   Dean Skelos is leader, I'm not in any way going 

17   to indicate what is going to happen thereafter.  

18   And I didn't, because I didn't know.

19                And we had an open discussion.  

20   There was no indication of any hard feelings by 

21   one against the other or among the Senators.  And 

22   I can tell you, although we may have had 

23   different followers when we started this process, 

24   we don't have different followers thereafter.  We 

25   all follow John Flanagan.  


 1                And we'll do it as a unit, because 

 2   we in our conference are doing the right thing in 

 3   making government affordable and trying to bring 

 4   jobs to our communities.  And to make sure the 

 5   right decisions are made, not the ones that 

 6   necessarily are the most popular.

 7                I also want to just add, while all 

 8   of you are sleeping in your beds, John Flanagan 

 9   and I have been for many years working out at the 

10   gym.  And to some of you, I believe it would be a 

11   good idea that you do the same thing.

12                (Laughter.)

13                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   So I know 

14   he's not only a great Senator, he's a great man, 

15   and I'm proud to move his nomination.

16                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Thank 

17   you, Senator DeFrancisco.

18                Senator Lanza.

19                SENATOR LANZA:   Thank you, 

20   Mr. President.

21                It is my distinct privilege to 

22   second Senator DeFrancisco's motion to elect 

23   Senator John Flanagan Temporary President of the 

24   Senate.  

25                There's no one smarter, more 


 1   dedicated, more hardworking in public office in 

 2   the State of New York.  His wisdom is really well 

 3   beyond his years, although he's not as young as 

 4   he looks.

 5                He has a firm grasp, as we all know, 

 6   of the very complex and important issues that 

 7   matter most to the people of our great state.  

 8   And because of the work he's done both here in 

 9   this house and in the Assembly over the years, he 

10   really has earned the admiration and respect from 

11   both Republicans and Democrats here and from one 

12   end of the state to the other.

13                I can assure you he cares deeply 

14   about the institution of the New York State 

15   Senate.  He cares deeply about this legislative 

16   body and the checks and balances that are so 

17   important for us to govern and deliver results 

18   for the people we represent.  With Senator 

19   Flanagan as Temporary President of this state, I 

20   can assure you that this Senate and our state is 

21   in good hands.

22                And so it is my honor to second the 

23   nomination of Senator John Flanagan as Temporary 

24   President of the New York State Senate.

25                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Thank 


 1   you, Senator Lanza.

 2                Senator LaValle.

 3                SENATOR LaVALLE:   Thank you, 

 4   Mr. President.

 5                It gives me great joy, great pride 

 6   to second the nomination of John Flanagan as our 

 7   Temporary President.  

 8                John Flanagan has great intellect, 

 9   great energy, and he has a wonderful, wonderful 

10   demeanor that brings people together -- not only 

11   within our conference, but he probably has 

12   traveled this state more than any of our 

13   colleagues here, wanting to lend a helping hand, 

14   particularly in the area of education.

15                John, your children are very proud 

16   of you.  Your mother, Barbara, very proud of you.  

17   Your dad, John Flanagan, who served in the 

18   Assembly, his buttons are popping today because 

19   he could not be more proud of you to not only 

20   have followed his footsteps but also to have 

21   become the Temporary President of the Senate.

22                So, Mr. President, it gives me great 

23   honor to second this motion.

24                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Thank 

25   you, Senator LaValle.


 1                Senator Robach.

 2                SENATOR ROBACH:   Yes, 

 3   Mr. President, let me too rise to second this 

 4   nomination.  

 5                And I would agree with what my 

 6   colleagues said.  Senator Flanagan has always 

 7   gone a little bit of an extra step, in my 

 8   opinion, above and beyond his core constituency.  

 9                And I can tell you, leading on 

10   education issues -- you know, you can't make this 

11   up -- people from Rochester and where I live come 

12   here and tell me how impressed they are with the 

13   scope and breadth of knowledge, whether it's 

14   school board people, whether education people, 

15   because Senator Flanagan not only meets with his 

16   own constituency, but everyone's.

17                And I won't say -- I know some 

18   members don't even meet with their own 

19   constituents.  This one goes above and beyond and 

20   really goes above that.  

21                So I think it does uniquely qualify 

22   him for this job, because we are a diverse state, 

23   and there's a lot of issues.  And you need 

24   someone who has a lot of knowledge, energy, and 

25   willingness to listen to a lot of people.  


 1                And I really feel that we have made 

 2   a good choice here with Senator Flanagan to be 

 3   that leader and that person, not only because of 

 4   who he is but what he's proven he's willing to do 

 5   through past performance.  

 6                So I'm happy to second that 

 7   nomination, Mr. President.

 8                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Thank 

 9   you, Senator Robach.

10                The question is on the resolution.  

11   All in favor signify by saying aye.

12                (Response of "Aye.")

13                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Show of hands, 

14   please.

15                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   A show of 

16   hands has been requested and so ordered.  

17                All those in the affirmative please 

18   raise your hand.  

19                (Show of hands.}

20                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Results?

21                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 32.

22                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

23   resolution is passed.

24                Congratulations, Senator John 

25   Flanagan.  


 1                (Extended standing ovation.)

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

 3   Flanagan, I would now ask that you step forward 

 4   to receive the oath of office as Temporary 

 5   President of the Senate, to be administered by 

 6   the Secretary of the Senate, Mr. Frank Patience.  

 7                Please come to the center of the 

 8   chamber.

 9                THE SECRETARY:   I, John J. 

10   Flanagan --

11                SENATOR FLANAGAN:   I, John J. 

12   Flanagan --

13                THE SECRETARY:   -- do solemnly 

14   swear --

15                SENATOR FLANAGAN:   -- do solemnly 

16   swear --

17                THE SECRETARY:   -- that I will 

18   uphold the Constitution of the United States of 

19   America --

20                SENATOR FLANAGAN:   -- that I will 

21   uphold the Constitution of the United States of 

22   America --

23                THE SECRETARY:   -- and the 

24   Constitution of the State of New York -- 

25                SENATOR FLANAGAN:   -- and the 


 1   Constitution of the State of New York --

 2                THE SECRETARY:   -- and that I will 

 3   faithfully discharge the duties --

 4                SENATOR FLANAGAN:   -- and I will 

 5   faithfully discharge the duties --

 6                THE SECRETARY:   -- of the office of 

 7   Temporary President of the New York State 

 8   Senate --

 9                SENATOR FLANAGAN:   -- of the office 

10   of Temporary President of the New York State 

11   Senate --

12                THE SECRETARY:   -- to the best of 

13   my ability --

14                SENATOR FLANAGAN:   -- to the best 

15   of my ability --

16                THE SECRETARY:   -- so help me God.

17                SENATOR FLANAGAN:   -- so help me 

18   God.

19                THE SECRETARY:   Congratulations.

20                (Standing ovation.)

21                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   I present 

22   to you now the Temporary President and Majority 

23   Leader of the New York State Senate, Senator John 

24   Flanagan.  

25                SENATOR FLANAGAN:   Thank you very 


 1   much, Mr. President.  

 2                And you know, as much as I'm used to 

 3   speaking in public, you don't always plan for a 

 4   day like this, you certainly don't expect it, 

 5   given certain circumstances.  But my point is I 

 6   don't have a lot of things written down, but I do 

 7   have things that I would like to say.

 8                First, I want to thank Frank 

 9   Patience, the Secretary of the Senate, who I 

10   consider to be a very dear friend.  He was kind 

11   enough to swear me in, as opposed to swearing at 

12   me, which I deeply appreciate.

13                (Laughter.)

14                SENATOR FLANAGAN:   But he's 

15   characteristic of many of the good people that we 

16   have working here in the Senate.  We're very 

17   fortunate in that regard.

18                I want to thank Tom Libous.  I hope 

19   everyone continues to pray for his good health.  

20   He joined us in conference today via telephone, 

21   but he is convalescing in the beautiful sunny 

22   atmosphere of Florida, and I know he would like 

23   to be here.  But please continue to keep him in 

24   your prayers.  He's a leader in the State of 

25   New York, and we miss him.


 1                I want to thank Senator Skelos for 

 2   decades of public service.  This gentleman has 

 3   devoted his entire adult life to the service of 

 4   the people of the State of New York.  He's done a 

 5   fantastic job.  He's had many, many, many, many 

 6   legislative accomplishments.  

 7                And I'm going to only highlight one, 

 8   which I happened to mention earlier.  Many of our 

 9   colleagues take credit for the enactment of 

10   Megan's Law a number of years ago.  The real 

11   architect, the real author is this gentleman 

12   sitting right here.

13                (Applause.)

14                SENATOR FLANAGAN:   And for any of 

15   you who have been here for the last couple of 

16   years, you see a transition.  Dean's life came 

17   full circle by having grandchildren.  He's got 

18   that iPad, and for anyone who hangs out with him, 

19   he'll talk to you, he'll send you emails and 

20   stuff like that, but he'll be like "Look at this, 

21   look at this, take a look at these pictures." 

22   It's all about his family, and rightfully so.  

23   And that's something I respect and admire.  

24                So, Senator Skelos, thank you.

25                I also want to mention some of our 


 1   legislative leaders who are here and outside of 

 2   this chamber.  

 3                Senator Klein, you've done a great 

 4   job on behalf of the IDC, working with our 

 5   conference and certainly Senator Skelos.  I look 

 6   forward to that continued good, solid working 

 7   relationship, because Lord knows we have plenty 

 8   of business to take care of.  

 9                Senator Stewart-Cousins, who I have 

10   adored really for a long time.  She's a lady in 

11   every sense of the word.  She's an assertive 

12   leader on behalf of her conference, advances 

13   strong ideas.  There are days where we agree, and 

14   hopefully there will be a lot more of those than 

15   not.  But she does a fantastic job on behalf of 

16   her conference.  

17                So, Senator Stewart-Cousins, I have 

18   already had the pleasure of working closely with 

19   you, and I look forward to that in more detail.

20                Outside of here there is the 

21   New York State Assembly.  And as Carl Heastie 

22   ascended to become the Speaker of the Assembly, I 

23   thought, boy, this is a real challenge.  

24                And he's a gentleman.  He's 

25   well-liked, he's studious, he's being a lot more 


 1   inclusive in terms of things going on in the 

 2   Assembly.  And I think he's doing well.  And that 

 3   bodes well for the Assembly, and by extension 

 4   that bodes well for the people of the great State 

 5   of New York.

 6                So when we look at this, it may be 

 7   about us individually in our districts, it may be 

 8   about our individual chambers, but at the end of 

 9   the day it's about the people of the State of 

10   New York and how we treat them.  

11                So Assemblyman Heastie, among many 

12   texts -- you can imagine, I got a bunch of 

13   texts -- I got a very nice text from him before 

14   we came in here today.

15                I have also had the good fortune and 

16   pleasure of working with the Governor, who has 

17   worked very, very closely with our conference and 

18   Senator Skelos.  Governor Cuomo has done many, 

19   many, many good things in the State of New York, 

20   and I wish him continued success.  

21                And I always say where we are in 

22   agreement, we should all stand up and embrace him 

23   and applaud his efforts.  Where we're not, we 

24   have a corresponding ability to say -- and 

25   obligation, in my estimation -- to speak to our 


 1   differences.  Diplomatically, cordially, 

 2   professionally, but with the people's business 

 3   always in mind.  

 4                So that I think is important.  I 

 5   look forward to working with him and have worked 

 6   on a wide variety of issues that I'm sure now 

 7   will get even more expansive.  

 8                For those who are perhaps outside 

 9   looking in, I think it's important to take more a 

10   panoramic view and not necessarily look at the 

11   members who serve here but all the people who 

12   happen to be in the back.  These are some of the 

13   finest people that I have met in my life.  These 

14   are some of the most dedicated people that you 

15   could possibly imagine.  

16                So while there are many times and 

17   opportunities where people will denigrate public 

18   service and the work that gets done in 

19   government, I don't do that.  Do we have our 

20   problems and our challenges?  Yes, we do.  But we 

21   have an obligation to speak highly and speak well 

22   of people who are doing a good job.  

23                So some of the finest people I've 

24   met in my entire life serve in government.  We 

25   need to bring more people in, attract them in, 


 1   keep them, because that's good for the State of 

 2   New York.  

 3                So to all the staff who work here, 

 4   on both sides of the aisle, and many people who I 

 5   know very closely, I want to thank you for the 

 6   work that you do, what you've done, and where 

 7   we're going to go thereafter.

 8                Just a couple of things about the 

 9   state.  You know, it's interesting, the 

10   Republican Conference gets accused of being sort 

11   of monolithic, no diversity, we don't -- you 

12   know, we all think alike, we're all cut from a 

13   cookie cutter.  Just come to one of our 

14   conferences and you can see that that is not the 

15   way it goes, just as people make suppositions and 

16   guesses about what happens in various 

17   conferences.  

18                Our conference is diverse, and I'm 

19   very happy to say that we have some 

20   extraordinarily talented people who are serving 

21   in our conference, just as I know it happens in 

22   the Democratic Conference.  We have seven new 

23   members of diverse backgrounds who have added 

24   greatly to the skill set and talent pool that we 

25   have in our conference, and I'm grateful for all 


 1   their input and activity.  

 2                So we have disparate interests and 

 3   we have unity of interest.  You know, in 

 4   education, what do people want?  Full public 

 5   funding of education, we want the same 

 6   opportunities for every kid across the State of 

 7   New York.  And yet we have our differences.  

 8   There are regional differences that need to be 

 9   respected.  

10                And I've had conversations with a 

11   number of my colleagues upstate, and I want to 

12   make it clear to them that I will do everything 

13   conceivable to respect our geographic 

14   distinctions and recognize that we are one state 

15   no matter where the venue may be.  

16                I've been to -- I've been to 

17   Chautauqua, Jamestown, Plattsburgh, basically all 

18   over, visiting colleagues.  Heck, I've even been 

19   up in Senator Stewart-Cousins' district, hanging 

20   out with her and Senator Latimer, talking about 

21   education issues.  

22                So I know what it means to travel.  

23   But one of the coolest things about traveling in 

24   the State of New York is you get a chance to see 

25   how unbelievably great the State of New York is.


 1                Now, I know Senator Gallivan can 

 2   attest to this.  One of my favorite places in the 

 3   world is Letchworth State Park.  It's a hidden 

 4   jewel.  It's called "the Grand Canyon of the 

 5   East" in upstate New York.  Check it out, go 

 6   there and visit.  It's just one small example of 

 7   the offerings that we have here in the State of 

 8   New York.  

 9                And I think of basic things.  The 

10   Empire State.  I think of our state motto, 

11   "Excelsior," "ever upward."  Those are things 

12   that we should be striving for.  And I know 

13   that's what we want to do in our conference every 

14   day.

15                So I have listened to a number of my 

16   colleagues, and I'm not going to belabor any of 

17   these points now.  I know what it is to travel, I 

18   know what it is to be around.  

19                And I have had the good fortune of 

20   now being in the Legislature 29 years, and I'm 

21   proud to be in public service.  I'm going to make 

22   it very clear, I'm proud to be in public service.  

23   I still think it is a noble endeavor and we 

24   should all be proud of the work that we do.  

25                I spent 16 years in the Assembly, in 


 1   the minority.  I'm now in my 13th year in the 

 2   Senate, two of which were in the minority.  And I 

 3   learned a lot being in both venues.  So I had a 

 4   chance to serve in a number of different 

 5   capacities over there.  

 6                But we talk about things in 

 7   conference.  You talk about the people of the 

 8   State of New York.  It's about jobs, it's about 

 9   taxes, it's about economic development, it's 

10   about quality of life.  And after that, I think 

11   everything can fall into place.  

12                What kind of structure are we 

13   creating to make sure that people have an 

14   entrepreneurial spirit and they can grow a 

15   business and make it thrive and survive and 

16   prosper in the State of New York?  What's our 

17   regulatory framework like?  What are we doing to 

18   create jobs in every part of the state?  How are 

19   we investing in public infrastructure?  Because 

20   that's a real investment.  

21                So those are things that we should 

22   be concentrating on.  And yet I know that we have 

23   some very vexing issues to deal with before the 

24   end of the session.  I believe people of good 

25   spirit and goodwill and faith who are willing to 


 1   compromise, we can come to an accord on a lot of 

 2   the things that are very important to people in 

 3   every community across the State of New York.

 4                I'm going to close on two things.  

 5   One, I want to greatly, greatly, greatly thank my 

 6   colleagues for their support.  It is humbling.  

 7   It's making me a little nervous.  But it is 

 8   definitely something that I am so proud to be 

 9   able to stand here before you and say that I have 

10   the opportunity to serve in this new position.  

11                Senators Addabbo and Avella, I don't 

12   know what we're going to do about the 

13   Education Committee, but we're going to have to 

14   figure something out.

15                The last thing I want to mention is 

16   family.  You know, when we're sitting in the 

17   members' lounge -- and other people, no matter 

18   what the venue -- when you get right down to it, 

19   people care about their families.  And I think 

20   most of us look at that and say, if I'm going to 

21   do this for my family, how do I make things 

22   better for other people's families?  

23                And we have a wide diversity of 

24   people here:  people who are grandparents, people 

25   who are not parents, people who are young 


 1   parents.  And that's part of the great melting 

 2   pot of the State of New York.  

 3                In my own life, I have been very 

 4   blessed and very fortunate to have grown up in a 

 5   very solid, stable family, which I recognize not 

 6   a lot of people have the opportunity to do.  In 

 7   my own life I've had a great life as someone who 

 8   is married, I have three beautiful children, my 

 9   mother is still alive, thank God.  She was here 

10   last week, 77, still working full-time, still 

11   full of vim and vigor, energy.  

12                And for all of you -- some of you 

13   have no idea who my father was.  But for those 

14   who are still here, when I got elected in 1986, I 

15   came in at a tragic time, but I had a proverbial 

16   leg up.  My father was highly respected for his 

17   intellect, for his collegiality, and for his 

18   ability to get things done.  So I've always used 

19   that as a benchmark.  

20                And, you know, when I think about 

21   this, I'll just close and say I am so 

22   extraordinarily grateful.  And if I can try to 

23   continue to be half the man that my father was, 

24   I'll be able to say I've done a darn good job in 

25   this position.  


 1                So for all my colleagues, thank you 

 2   from the bottom of my heart.  We have real work 

 3   to do, so let's get to the people's business.  

 4                Thank you very much.

 5                (Lengthy standing ovation.)

 6                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

 7   DeFrancisco.

 8                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Could we go 

 9   back to motions and resolutions.

10                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   We will 

11   return to motions and resolutions.

12                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   On page 22, I 

13   offer the following amendments to Calendar Number 

14   303, Senate Print 4298, and ask that said bill 

15   retain its place on the Third Reading Calendar.

16                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

17   amendments are received, and the bill shall 

18   retain its place on third reading.

19                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   On page 28, I 

20   offer the following amendments to Calendar Number 

21   401, Senate Print 1479, and ask that said bill 

22   retain its place on the Third Reading Calendar.

23                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

24   amendments are received, and the bill shall 

25   retain its place on third reading.


 1                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   On page 16, I 

 2   offer the following amendments to Calendar Number 

 3   209, Senate Print Number 3353A, and ask that said 

 4   bill retain its place on the Third Reading 

 5   Calendar.

 6                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

 7   amendments are also received, and the bill shall 

 8   also retain its place on third reading.

 9                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   And lastly, 

10   on page 15 I offer the following amendments to 

11   Calendar Number 183, Senate Print 3472, and ask 

12   that said bill retain its place on the Third 

13   Reading Calendar.

14                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

15   amendments are received, and the bill shall 

16   retain its place on third reading.

17                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   You have the 

18   calendar and the active list dated Monday, 

19   May 11, 2015.  Please lay that all aside for the 

20   day.  If you would do that, that would be nice.

21                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

22   active-list calendar before the desk is laid 

23   aside for the day.

24                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Is there any 

25   further business at the desk?  


 1                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   There is 

 2   no further business before the desk, Senator 

 3   DeFrancisco.

 4                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   In that case, 

 5   on motion, the Senate stands adjourned until 

 6   Tuesday, May 12th, at 3:00 p.m.

 7                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   We 

 8   congratulate Senator John Flanagan and wish him 

 9   Godspeed.  

10                On motion, the Senate will stand 

11   adjourned until Tuesday, May 12th, at 3:00 p.m. 

12                The Senate will stand adjourned.

13                (Whereupon, at 4:28 p.m., the Senate 

14   adjourned.)